Graphic warning I was at the grass field of my old primary school with my friends, hanging around and observing the sky. We all appeared to be students again, either at our own age or as teenagers, but we we having a break outside.There were more people outside as well as teachers supervising. My friends and I observe the planes in the sky when I notice one plane in particular moving around oddly in the sky as if it was a stunt plane of some sort, except it was a legitimate airplane of which the captain seemed have to lost control over the yoke. The plane then seems to curve to the right and fly closely over the grass field before flipping forwards into the forest into the distance, crashing and leaving an enormous explosion coming out of the trees in the distance! This causes everyone, including my friends and I, to run away as far as possible while screaming, seeking shelter in the building as we fear getting hit by debris and airplane parts. This all went by so fast that I didn't even have a moment to grasp what was going on. Things finally cool down and we are going outside. A teacher is speaking to the students to calm them down. For some reason my journals, stored in a fancy looking folder, were lying on the table as if I foreshadowed something scary in my notes. However, the teacher does not address this, or me. While this was taking place, I wonder where my phone is. I walk into the classroom and notice my phone in the closet, charging. I check my phone and discover that, to my surprise, I had filmed the entire plane crash and accidentally posted it to Snapchat. I check the story and it has over 400 views, my first thought was if some news reporter has come across my footage and used it for the news. I try checking my WhatsApp or anything for messages, but there's no signal. The interface of my WhatsApp is the 2000s / early 2010s Mac OS X Aqua style and there's even an option to change how much "water" the scrollbars can contain. A middle-aged grumpy looking Dutch woman messes around with these settings in the metro asking "Well, who wants some more water?" to which a dog jumps up and excitedly walks up to her. I then get home, my mom and a friend of her who owns a big dog looking like Scooby Doo for some reason are watching the news about the the crash featuring a clip of the crash in slow motion as seen from the city. The shockwave causes a climbing frame from the McDonald's to fall over with people still hanging on it to lie underneath it. To my relief the people survived that fall as they're showing crawling out of the climbing frame. We then go to a spa where the big dog from my mom's friend gets a comically cartoonesque massage. At this point it finally hit me that I was dreaming and woke up automatically. Dream was in Dutch.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some kind of seminar, tables are set around the room forming a square and people are sitting against the wall. I spot a spider the size of my hand going under the chair of a lady nearby and then climbing up the wall behing her. I warn her, she sees it and screams her lungs out. Then some practical joker on her side grabs the spider and threathens to throw it her at any of us. I freak out and try to run away, but all the people sitting block my passage. He is on other side of the table (inside the square) so he approaches me with the spider on his hand and throws it at me. He misses me, but the spider clings to the wall beside me. Then the dresam shifts and I am in my bed, supposedly in my room at my mom's house, but the spider is also in here. It got cozy in a corner of the wall near the ceiling and made a web there. I watch in horror as some really big animal gets stuck in it and she is about to kill it. The animal is a rat and right away another rat comes into the web and together they kill the spider. Then I freak out that I have two rats in my room. They look at me and they don't seem afraid. Actually, one of them seems to like me. They come down and jump into my bed. I am not afraid of them either since they seem to be nice, only of the flees and ticks they might have. They seem to be some kind of hybrid between a ferret and a rat, they are huge and have dark stripes over a brown fur and the female has a red fluffly tail. She just lays down purring and asking for pets, so I pet her. She is a sweet, but her partner is more shy. I let him know it is okay to come over, but the female rat actually keeps him at bay, showing who's the boss. Then a dog comes in the room, it feels like he is my dog Hachi, but he looks like a white fluffy samoiedo instead. I am afraid that he'll want to kill my new friends, but instead he lays by the side of the female rat and she jumps on his back and all is well. I am amazed. I get up and try to turn the ceiling lights on but there is something wrong with the switch and I can't figure out what it is (dream sign missed). Anyway, I go to the kitchen and put some stuff in the oven to cook. Meamwhile Riverstone and Nighthawk arrive and I say I am cooking pizzas and other stuff but I take a break to join them sitting to talk. I notice Nighthawk is feeling really awkward and doesn't even look at me, but after a while we get cozy under a blanket on the sofa and somehow I end up half naked hugging him. We have more people coming over and I suppose Riverstone is entertaining them in some other room, because we only hear their voices, but we don't want them storming in, so I grab Nighthawk and drag him to an empty room, push him against the wall and we kiss. We slowly slide down to the floor, we make out, but then people come in. I quickly sneak out through another door, hiding, since I am kinda naked, but he is not and he welcomes them as if nothing happened. I magically get clothed again and recall that I left stuff in the oven. The house is now some big place like a central train station. I have to walk a long walk to get to the kitchen. When I get there, it exploded and I feel despaired that it was my fault as I left the stuff in the oven burn and somehow caused a fire which caused the explosion. Then from the blaze comes a guy that I know in the dream has a crush on me - he looks like Raita for some reason. Due to the explosion he mutated and is now is 10 mt tall and has a belt with living people attached all around, from whom he sucks their vital force. When he sees me he says "now you'll be mine!" and he chases me down as I run through other people in the large main hall of this building. I try to head to some elevators but they are all busy, so then I go up a spiral staircase that is full of women going up. They all start to run up the stairs with me when they see the monster chasing me. They help me by letting me pass to the front and reach the top first. At the top there is a door with a bunch of locks and knobs and for a second we panic but some ladies come to the front saying they have the one key that unlocks it all. It is a race against time as the monster approaches, but they manage to open it. Behind the door is a platform looking over what seems like a zoo enclosure with lots of different animal species coexisting. Unfortunately not all of them are safe and peaceful. We close the door behind us and we get rid of the monster, but now we spot some wild boars and when we try to come down, they charge, not letting us go across the enclosure. There is an access to a lake which gives access to an area of empty land with a door to some other building. We plan to go that way but I fear there might be dangerous animals in the water too. Some of the ladies take a chance and jump, but soon enough there is a huge crocodile coming their way. I spot the sillhouette under the water and warn them to get out. They get out really at the last second. Then we are hopelessly stuck. Then I remember to call Superman. Nobody knows, but I know him and we've had an affair. It's guaranteed that he'll come if I call for him, so I start yelling "Superman, I am in danger, please come!" I expect to see him right away but he doesn't come. I call two times, three times and he is not coming. Then someone points to the skyline and nearby behind some skyscrapers, there is a battle of titans going on, but it's not Superman, it's a giant Spiderman fighting my giant stalker from before. As I call Superman one last time, Spiderman removes his mask and throws it at me. It's enormous so it covers me like a blanket. Everybody is asking why did he do it and I am worried people will see his face and get to know his identity. I see his face and I am confused as the guy under the mask is Axman. Sure, he is also in love with me, but I didn't know he was also a superhero.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At the apartment I used to live in front of my mom, but it is my two vets who live there together (not as a gay couple, just roommates). I am staying as a guest in the office room, which is totally empty, except for a tent where I sleep. I bake them a cake for some reason but have to throw it away. They want to know why and I find it hard to explain. Later on inside the tent, it starts tumbling like pushed by a strong wind and I accidentaly find myself getting out in my old dojo. I recognize my Kenpo colleagues, but I don't see our sensei. I try to go away before he arrives, but instead some other sensei appears. He doesn't know me and is not happy to see me there. I sneak out and on the next room people are practicing yoga. Alicja is with them as well and a couple of her friends and some funny Eastern European lady who tries to do a headstand and hits me with ther feet on my face. I end up helping her and others follow my example and help each other. They invivite me to stay and practice with them, but I say I gotta go. Next room is a pavillion with some IT expo and it is so packed with people, I need to cut through stands and step over people totry to get somewhere. I get kinda stuck at a booth where some couple puts some half dozen boxes in my hands saying it's gift merchandise. I say it's inconvenient for me to carry it and they get offended, so they take it back and put it all in the trash. I beg them not to do it and that I'll take it gladly, but only when it becomes possible to talk away through the crowd with it. There is some kind of end of the world event and I am stuck in some cult that rejects sheltering from it and forces me to be part of some ritual where we wait for the shockwave (from a comet, maybe) tp hit us. The vibe is very surreal, it is circus like, or like a Terry Gillian movie. Everybody else is running for their lives and we are standing on top of a cargo train, in the middle of the night. But when the shockwave is coming, turns out they also start running in panic. But there is no escape so I stay in place and just repeat mantras, trying to clam my mind. Miraculously, the wave doesn't affect me. All of a sudden it is gone and all the crazies are also gone, just a couple friendly people around and everything in chaos. As if the world was purged. Then I start walking down towards where the others ran and I start finding only belongings that everybody left behind. There is furniture and smaller belongings. I find someone's jewelry collecttion and there is lots of gold and silver. I fill a bag. A friend points out that maybe that is now worth nothing, but I still treasure it. Ahead is an entire library and I pick my favorite books as I dance and sing happily Björk songs.
5th August 2021 Fragment: (mostly the second half of a dream) I'm arriving at an airport, supposedly in L. I'm with H. We walk in through a tunnel I think, like from a subway. We're approaching a check-in queue area. It's packed and it doesn't seem to be moving at all. There's a covid context but with relaxed rules, making me feel generally apprehensive. This is on one of those upper tiers, though this dream location doesn't quite relate to any specific bit from waking life. There's sunlight at an angle, brightness and colour that makes it feel as implied early morning, just after sunrise. Seems like it would be hot but in the dream I have no recall/sensation of temperature. Mom and dad are here at the queue. Mom is impatient and suggests to dad that he might use his airport credentials to hurry them through this. Dad doesn't want to, but he does start a conversation with the woman at the desk. She says that the airport suffered a virus attack a while ago and all the flight schedules are therefore inaccessible (among other problems?). Dad says something about how she could use pen and paper? I think to myself that they really should have an on-site IT crew to deal with this sort of thing and that they should restore a physical backup to the system. (gap and recall is fuzzy) A few things happen while waiting around. At some point H isn't with me anymore. Then I'm outside, it's night time now and I'm walking along some hangars, on a typical road that has a stone wall and forested area to the left. I feel I am going away from the airport. Three 1950s-ish cars, all black and kind of sportsy, go past. I make note of their headlights as they go past, with a pretty circular shape. The ground is wet? I end up walking through a residential area of sorts. It's more like overcast daytime now. After a short climb of cobble stairs or something, in a parking/loading area in front of a warehouse, I see three police officers and a police vehicle of some kind (a van?). They are fighting, two against on. Those two aren't real police officers, I feel, but I am not certain. They're restraining the third officer, a woman with black hair and pony tail. All their outfits are completely blue apart from a bit on the back with POLICE written in English, in white letters. Uncertain that I'm doing the right thing, I spot a serrated knife with a wooden handle (like one from our WL kitchen) and I pick it up and sneak up to the officer restraining the woman. I stab the restrainer in the back, with a lot of force to be sure I can get through the body vest. He falls over forwards and the woman gets away to the right, taking cover behind the police vehicle. The other fake policeman draws a gun and I hide/take cover behind the body. He shoots at me but hits the body a couple of times. On the ground is a Beretta, which I pick up. I wait for a moment and then come out of hiding from behind the body and shoot the fake police officer in the head, he looks surprised as he dies. The woman urges me to get in the car with her. I do and we drive a short distance back to the residential bit. We talk and I tell her about the dodgy cars I saw earlier. I tell her the drivers had white racing helmets and seemed to be up to no good. We drive over two oncoming cars on a descending ramp bit. It was accidental but it all seemed fine actually. In the car, I'm trying to find more ammo, because I think that I only have eight bullets left. She can't manage to tell me where more ammo might be, but I get the impression there is none. At a certain point we need to get out of the car. It's still wet, and raining now. There's a lot of water flowing through some cobbled part of the path and it looks like there's a bit that's in disrepair where the water is flowing into. Eventually I start running, toward the airport area I'd originally come from. I pass the hangars. I see SWAT police reinforcements ahead of me. I get to a more open area and there are implied signs of a massive explosion (but not really) under a huge commercial jet. Some music like "New York" plays but New is replaced with Zoo. I look for survivors and am told by someone (a narrator?) that these two people on a corner, a mother and daughter are the only survivors, supposedly because they were under a blanket together at the time of the explosion. The mother and daughter were implied to have been victims of incredibly horrible burns but when the blanket is removed they just look like those wooden mannequins artists use for reference, but they have stylised (and real somehow) eyes that move. The spherical and cubical wooden blocks that make up their bodies seem pristine. I realise something about barrels and explosive atmosphere mixture and how nobody should have used firearms. I fall to my knees crying (and wake up shortly after, with leftover emotion). Notes: - In the dream I did not realise how odd it was that the mother and daughter looked like wooden mannequins but still felt like real people. After waking and recalling the dream, I think about how this could have something to do with how trauma is processed, but I find myself unable to relate to this specific experience in that sense. -- This is one of several dreams recently where hard and pure geometric shapes have made an apperance. I am not certain why this is, though a week or two ago I returned to practising basic shape drawing, something I'd been lacking in and on the other hand, I recently read up on Platonic solids and something else related to that subject. - Essentially there were two viruses in the dream context, Covid, and the computer virus.
I’m in a car with Mom and Makayla, I think with Mom driving. We are in or near downtown. I am in the backseat and currently looking behind us as what looks like a large flame bursts through a window in the GSR. I can’t believe it, and I take my phone out so I can get it on video. I think there is another fiery burst towards the top, and then the building appears to slowly collapse. We are a ways away and driving straight away from it, but the dust cloud slowly engulfs the street and everything else not too far from us. I tell Makayla (maybe she was driving the whole time) she might want to step on it a bit. It almost seems like no one else knows what’s going on. Now, I’m in the GSR and I don’t think there’s any damage. I don’t get how this could be.
I am outside with some people from work. From where we are, we can see downtown. It is fairly far away, but close enough to make out one building from another. There is a sense of something happening or about to happen. I say ‘I want some action’ and then start to regret my words as what looks and sounds like fireworks starts going off among all the buildings. I realize they are not fireworks, but explosions, their thick grey clouds lingering. I think we’ll be safe out here, until I hear and see mini explosions approaching rapidly in a straight line. I see they are actually shots fired from a helicopter. They pass close enough that were the line of them a few feet closer they easily would’ve taken us out. Kyle from work casually says not to go downtown for a while. She says that the people there have guns and will be fighting back. I think Mom is downtown and I am flooded with worry, imagining all the carnage. I am at what I think is Disneyland with Melissa and her mom. There is a tiny parking lot, an ‘L’ shape with maybe 12 spaces, where at least one person has parked between two spaces. I think I comment on this. Now I am parking a small motorized something that I stand upon. I reverse and nose back in a few times, trying to get it perfectly straight. Her mom tells me ‘that’s probably good.’ There is some dense green foliage around the lot and I think around a small body of water.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Caught on a time loop with some people who are also aware of it. We are at school, the afternoon class was canceled and I am not sure if I stay and eat at the canteen or if I go lunch at home. Out of nowhere there is an explosion and we all die and go back to half an hour before and relive the moment. It seems we can't get out of it or change it and I watch each and every one of the others losing it, going insane. But I also start noticing small changes in the history every time we relive it. I start exploring the moment from other angles. Until I finally find the bomb and the guys who set it up. It won't be easy to disable it but now there is hope, so I go back to my friends and tell them the news just before the explosion happens again.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Going with friends to a museum. It's some inauguration night. As soon as I arrive there I go look for a toilet and I separate from them. I see a sign indicating toilet on the 2nd floor. Some black kid is also going that direction but he keeps going up the stairs into the next floor, which is pitch dark. Even the area of the toilet entrance is very dark and I can barely see. I don't get to pee because the kid comes running and screaming that he is being chased by three African warriors with spears. I think it's probably actors hired to enact for the event, but when I hear their footsteps and see the shapes of these men, I also get scared and run after the kid. Back to the ground floor where there is light and other people we feel safe and the truth is they stopped chasing us, but the kid is still in absolute panic and holds on to me crying. I ask for his parents but he can't reply, he froze and says nothing. I go around with him on my arms, trying to spot someone looking for him. I think about going to the reception so they announce a lost kid through the speakers, but then spot my friends and my dad. They help look around. I then spot a group of black girls a bit older, but for some reason I feel that they might know him and ask them if they know the kid. They kinda know him and tell me he is with a white lady that runs a charity for orphan kids. They are from another similar group, both came together to this event. They lead me to her and she knows him but seems a bit spaced out, not worried at all about the kid. She wants to show me a scrap book she made all about herself, totally boring. I leave the kid with her, but I bonded with him so much I am thinking about looking how to adopt him. Meanwhile my dad finds another toilet where I could go, but there is a puma on the lose on that area, according to him. I don't see a puma but I see 3 or 4 lionesses running down the corridor and I jump on a balcony to escape them. They were not after me. They seem domesticated and I see them interacting with visitors and not even attacking their dogs, but I still prefer to keep my distance. So I go outside with my friends and there is an aquarium like the Sea World, with a series of tanks with whales. The whales are somewhat entertained playing a new game with balls with their trainer, but the tank is ridiculously small for so many whales. It has a canal that possibly connects to other tanks so we follow to see if they have better conditions on the next tank just to find a dying whale in a very shallow water area. We look around for help, but nobody is there, so we shout at people at a distance that a whale is dying. My dad mocks me because I say in English that the whale is thirsty, instead of saying she has no water. Anyway, the tank is emptying because something cracked it and the water got out. Soon after we hear a big explosion and behind us there is this iconic Wall Street tall building with with columns. A cloud of dust and smoke explodes to outside and debris are being projected in our direction. I say sorry to the whale that we can't save her and suggest we take the emptied canal as a shortcut to run away from the explosion. It is a good idea until we hear what seems the other tank uphill cracking and putting us in danger of being washed away. We run faster and get out of it. We reach some streets where everyone in panic dropped everything. I see a bunch of jewelry on the ground and pick it up. But then I realize it slows me down and say to myself that this greed will kill me. I still don't toss it out. I evaluate my safety, realize I am out of harms way and keep the jewels. Then we reach Central Park and it is all burned down to the ground and covered in ashes.
Updated 10-09-2019 at 10:21 PM by 34880
I am with Dad at his house. I think it looks mostly the same, but the view out of the front window is different. Instead, there is a view of a slight desert ravine or at least some fairly steep desert hills. There is nothing but sand, rock, and sagebrush until a very tiny patch of what looks like buildings on the very far horizon. In a corner of the house opposite the window there is some machine, no bigger than a small couch, that apparently launches missiles/bombs. I think there is an atom bomb, a hydrogen bomb, and a magnet bomb? The last is the smallest, but still a very serious bomb. One of the larger bombs, still a long, thin cylindrical shape that fits on the device, is loaded and ready to be sent to Russia. I think this must have been Dad’s idea, and it is all very nonchalant. It has been launched out through the open front window now, and I am waiting. After a while, I see dark clouds forming on the horizon. They aren’t really black, but look more like storm clouds. After these clouds form, I see dense, white smoke. It is coming this way, slowly, from my vantage point. The sunlight seems to dim here now, and I look again at the approaching white smoke. The mass is travelling up the hills, and I know it won’t stop for us. The ravine’s length is quickly becoming consumed; it is moving a bit faster than I thought possible at this distance. I fear it might break the window, so I turn away and move towards the kitchen. In an instant, the light is drained, looking like there is an eclipse or total, dark cloud cover. It is only the smoke though, as I hear it pass over the house with an airy impact, like a plane passing through clouds. I see it cover the far windows and pass seemingly slower than it came. I wonder what Russia looks right now, what city had the most impact, what history has been completely erased or rewritten. I then wonder who will retaliate and send a bomb to the US, thinking it inevitable. I think about dying like that, and it is not something I want. It all feels too real.
I am in what seems like a large, dim room. The building seems industrial and empty/abandoned. There are only a few others here. They are doing some sort of bomb test. I think I ask someone if it’s a hydrogen or atomic bomb. I think they say it’s a big bomb, but not that big. Now, the bomb (that looks more like a grenade) is being throw from the other side of the room to over here. There are actually two of them, and they land in a corner/inlet to my right. There is a wall between them and me, but still I panic a little. They then detonate with a much smaller explosion than I had expected. The explosion looks like mostly black smoke in a sort of mushroom head. After a moment it sort of goes off again, sending a powerful wave of aftershock. There are people against a fence on the far side of the room; I watch as they are violently thrown up and against the fence. I go look at the location of impact, finding two small craters. The bottom is bright yellow orange, like it has turned the ground molten. I think about sending a Snapchat of it.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening My attic turns into an underground lab where a large team of crazy people are doing experiments with different gases. I have a little room in there, don't know why, but I leave when I start to see that their gas containers are not containing the gases and many different ones are escaping. A few are affecting the scientists and technicians minds, they laugh and make even more mistakes. I get as far away as possible, but there is a huge underground explosion that affects the entire city nearby. The gas spreads though the subway tunnels and the hole city implodes. The floor underneath me also sinks, but I am fine. I am hostage and being exploited for prostitution, but an elite ring of prostitution. We are drugged with a blue liquid and mentally enslaved. There's a new virgin girl of only 16 years old being sold for a million. I get a nice girl as a client, we talk a lot, she tells me all she knows about the whole scheme and how she is trying to rescue us, buy she paid for me and has to keep the cover, so we have some kisses and cuddles. Meanwhile, a black girl has some kind of small explosives and tries to kill her client. She is punished in front of me and maybe killed when they take her away. My dog Hachi is lose and fighting a wolf on the neighbor's land. A couple of men get in the scene before I do, he runs away and the wolf disappears. I look for him, the men tell me he is hurt. I find him kind of lost in the nearest town, I call his name and he sees me but keeps wandering around for a while. Then he becomes a man, a pretty sexy guy with long hair, a bit scruffy. He finally lets me approach him. I see he has blood in his arms and a couple of horrible bites. I tell him he has to go to the hospital or some clinic and we look for it. I hold him tight, very protective of this big man and feeling very attracted to him, but he is my dog and very innocently he calls me mom and I feel awkward.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At some big mall. I meet my aunt Lisa, Carlos and their kids. She looks embarrassed to see me. Says she has been going to a doctor, has some health problems, potentially bad. That's why she is with her ex-husband and kids. I see some people making a fuss at the door of a restroom. Some health inspector comes take note of the situation, I go see what it is. The bathroom has half a dozen toilets but all side by side without divisions and only a sliding curtain separating those waiting in line. Even more weird is that the toilets are high tech, with screens and wifi and conference calls and games, but no privacy. I meet Ana Sofia and some friends at a cafeteria and I decide to join them. I try to eat something, but grab an egg sandwich to go. We go outside and I realize we're in Paris. It is crowded and at some point people are organizing a protest with very lights and the police is starting to get in position to crack down on them. We decide to get the hell out of there but we get separated in the confusion. I am with some girl who has a map of the city and we try to think where the others were going. I see amazing monuments and buildings I had never seen and look for my camera. We get to a terrace with view to a magnificent area of the river, where we go on some boat with historical meaning and which takes us to see a wall on the other side of the river with amazing reliefs and paintings. There is some renowned stylist directing a photo shoot and his dog comes to the border of the boat to sniff people and befriends me. Then we hear a huge boom and the boat his hit by a big wave full of debris. I see people in the water in the middle of the debris. Our boat makes a very quick u-turn and leaves us back at the dock. They tell us another boat exploded, maybe a terrorist attack. Some people are crying because their family was in it. Everybody is scared and dispersing. My friend hands me my stuff and asks what we should do next.
Updated 03-18-2019 at 08:55 PM by 34880
Morning of October 30, 2018. Tuesday. Dream #: 18,943-05. Reading time (optimized): 2 min. Readability score: 71. I become aware of being on the Loomis Street house’s porch (liminal space) where I have a galvanized metal washtub full of gray powder with silvery properties. It is supposed to be nitroglycerin. I had supposedly ordered it via mail-order. My brother-in-law Bob (appearing as he was in the 1980s) cautions me that the authorities might find it. I keep the washtub near the northeast corner, not that far from the porch door. I am aware of Zsuzsanna and our children at times. Our youngest son went with our oldest daughter east down Gillette Street (where there were no stores in real life, though my dream implies there were). I read a brochure (that seems foreign, possibly from the Philippines) that claims its appearance is like that of soil to anyone who does not look at it closely. (There is no distortion in the text I read, though I do not attempt to read it the second time.) The detail is very realistic and precise, including the silver grains. I make it into tiny “snowballs” that I throw to the porch step outside. It makes a loud sound like a big firecracker. I claim that a golf-ball-sized amount would be like a nuclear bomb, though there is no evidence of that and I make no attempt to prove it. I have fun with it, and my tangibility is enhanced. At one point, I see what first seems like a detached arm, with a hand, crawling on the branch of a tree, grasping at a small teddy bear. It turns out to be a Halloween toy for a dog (and is mechanical, not organic). An unknown woman is looking for her dog. Later, even though I am still on the porch, it also seems I am in an outside area. Flowering plants are present to my left. I toss some of the powder onto the sidewalk, directly in front of me, without pressing it into a small ball. A fire soon covers the area, but I stomp it out with my foot. This dream stemmed from an earlier one of watching Dean Norris (as the vestibular system simulacrum) and two unknown people work with nitroglycerin. There was a scene where they were climbing what looked like monkey bars (from my elementary school’s playground) or scaffolding coated in nitroglycerin. It was on a stage (like the one from my high school). A quick small fire moves over all of the structure, immediately going out, and Dean appears to be worried for a short time (as he remains vertically holding onto the bars about halfway up and to the right), but no harm comes to anyone. He talks about how dangerous it is. I am puzzled as to why an actor would seemingly risk his safety for a public service video. I believe that the mechanical detached horizontally-oriented arm crawling on a branch to the teddy bear is a literal bed space strand, though seems to be the only first-level one in this dream.
Alright I have had enough of these dreams where I almost get molested by creepy dudes. Is it a subconscious fear I have now? I wonder where the hell it came from because I want it gone. I was on a lake/ocean in a boat/vehicle. A family member was with me, but then they left for some reason. They said they'd be back soon, but as I was waiting I heard a very disturbing sound beneath me. It sounded like the growl of a large and ancient beast. It sounded similar to this one, with the reverberating breathing. It was loud and made me scared to my core. Anyway, just after I heard the sound the car bumped up a bit. And again it happened. Suddenly the vehicle capsizes. I had opened the window a bit earlier to try to see what had made that noise, but now that I was capsizing I tried to roll the window up but I didn't have enough time. I saw the water coming closer and I took a deep breath. I then fell into the water and dove as far as I could to try to avoid the beast from below. I was not fast enough, and it bit off my leg at the knee. It then circled back and swallowed the rest of me whole. I tried to grab hold of it's mouth just before it swallowed me just so I could know what it was that killed me. It had a long pointed snout and reminded me of a shark. I woke up likely in sleep paralysis. My whole body felt constricted and I thought I was actually dead for a second. There was more to this one, but basically me and brother were in the middle of nowhere with a semitruck. There was just desert all around. While he wasn't looking I threw gas on everything and then lit the truck and ran for my life. The thing went off like a nuclear bomb. I expected the mushroom cloud and the heat and stuff, but didn't anticipate the flying debris. I just kept running to avoid being chunked down by the flying pieces. It was truly a sight to behold. My brother driving me through a town I didn't recognize. It was a large city and reminded me of Vegas. It was at night and I saw several fireworks displays going off. As we drove down some winding highways at a decent speed I took in the sights of the various light shows and suddenly my brother tells me to hold on to something. I look forward at the road and it has a large gap with the street continuing after a few feet. We keep our speed and fall right through the hole and find ourselves doing some weird roller coaster of a track designed just for this. It takes the speed and weight of the vehicle and as long as you keep the pedal to the metal, then you will complete the track without injury. This thing was wild. It had loop-de-loops, jumps, falls, the works. I saw a smaller car that failed the loop and ended upside down and crashing to the ground. I felt very scared that our car may end up the same. I got mad at Kris for taking me here, and he said he brings many people here and that it is one of the best attractions in town. I was playing a battle royal sort of game, with gameplay like fistful of frags (Played the game for hours yesterday). Each game was 100 players. There were several weapons you could use and they were all pretty good. It was so satisfying getting 6+ kills in a row. I was able to escape large groups of people by floating above. I remembered this technique from my past as I could hold my breath and it allows me to fly higher. The group of 5 said I was cheating because they only had melee weapons and couldn't reach me. I said they were cheating for being in such a large group, and that there was no way I could beat all of them when they're grouped like that. I played a few rounds of this. Out of maybe 4 rounds I came in first twice. I recall the last time I played it the remaining 2 enemies besides me were Conan O'Brian and Stephen Colbert. Conan was weaponless and wasn't actually playing. I managed to get Stephen Colbert, but it wasn't easy. I had to attack his head and he kept using a hood to conceal where I could attack. I eventually pinned him to the ground and sliced open his neck. Brutal. I was at a hotel trying to mind my own business but the people behind and in front of me pressed so close against me they forced me to follow them. I wanted to just leave them alone, but it seemed they were doing this on purpose. I noted the guy behind me was wearing skin tight latex. Not the black kind, but it was red and white. They got me to a floor with nobody around and a guy tried to pull a gun on me while the latex guy advanced toward me and tried to sexually assault me. I fended them off and ran up the stairs as fast as I could. As I rounded a clearing the guy was rounding the clearing in the stairs just below. This continued for 2-3 floors until I stopped and waited for him to catch up. Just as he was about to come into view I swung around the corner and knocked him down the stairs and kept running until the dream ended.
Morning of July 20, 2018. Friday. Reading time: 2 min 14 sec. Readability score: 66 (8th-grade education and above). In my dream, I am at the south end of the hall of the Cubitis house. The time is unknown. I am facing the doorway to the southwest bedroom. There is a plastic box of items to the left of the doorway. Another is near the middle of it. Although I cannot discern all of the contents, I see more than a dozen empty toilet paper rolls atop other items in the leftmost box. I vaguely recall that Zsuzsanna’s younger sister Judy lives in the room, but I do not see her at any time. (In reality, the bathroom was on the opposite side of the hallway as this room.) There is an absentminded transition to a more vivid setting. The implication is that I had walked north to the Cubitis house’s living room from the hallway, yet I am now in what seems like a simultaneous presence of the Loomis Street house’s living room and the lounge room of our present home. There is a recall that I had been making small rockets. It is likely that I might have used some of the empty toilet paper rolls in my project. I must have done it during what seems like a missing stage in my dream’s sequence. It now seems to be late evening. Mentally, from perhaps outside the house, I launch a small rocket as my experiment as I stand in the middle of the living room, facing the front door. I do not expect much to happen at first, but I begin to feel wary. I am aware of its trajectory in rising up and to the right. I am aware of it, though I do not see it. I hear a slight sizzling. I might have made the small rocket too powerful, as I had quickly put it together without any measurements. There are a few moments of silence when I consider what might occur. Suddenly, there is an extraordinarily loud explosion that vividly echoes from everywhere outside the house. It shakes the whole world. I wonder if I will have time to tell Zsuzsanna before our planet disintegrates. I wait for the light and consuming fire. Instead, I awake. Dream content and explanatory notes: The incorrect representation of our bedroom is a common dream feature occurring a few times through every sleep cycle, typically rendered in the beginning or end of a dream. It is usually only a subliminal factor of being in bed. As they are primarily composed of anticipatory and reactive representation, in subliminal, liminal, and lucid states, dreams neither have symbolism in the conventional sense nor are they a result of memory processing. As I was near a doorway into a bedroom, it implies a reactive representation of being near the waking process. The empty toilet paper rolls were a biological prompt, though my need to wake was not intense. The association with cylindrical forms, from the empty toilet paper rolls to launching the small rocket, was intriguingly unique. Typical temporal errors are present as is the integration error of the Loomis Street house with the Cubitis house (where I have not lived since June 1978). My dream simultaneously combines our lounge room with the Loomis Street house’s living room (where I have not been since February 1994). The representation of the cessation of my dream was more magnificent than usual.