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    1. Doctor, I Have Flaming Lips!

      by , 07-06-2010 at 10:30 PM

      I walk into a large, open doctor's office with my mother, dressed in a heavy green dress which makes it almost impossible to walk normally. I'm dressed as and acting like a woman, though I know I am a man. I can feel people's eyes or me, but I'm used to it. I have arrived for some sort of surgery that will make me feel more "normal" than I do right now.

      The female doctor walks off with a shopping cart and my mother walks off in another direction. I follow the doctor, who is now walking down a grocery store style aisle collecting the items she will need to perform the procedure. As I follow, I pass a woman who deliberately brushes against my stomach with her hand. This confuses me somewhat. I then part ways with the doctor walk to a tunnel-like structure where I notice my youngest brother of about ten perched. He is being reprimanded by a teacher figure for refusing to behave. I continue to walk on where I notice my mother going up and extremely steep escalator, waving casually to me like we will see each other again in ten minutes or so.

      I continue to walk around the now high school-sized doctor's office where I come across and large line of soon-to-be students waiting in line for something. There must be five hundred of them. However, I know why I am here and it is not to wait in line for whatever it is they're waiting for. I move on.

      I am now in the same doctor's office, though at an extension that reminds me of The Museum of Science I've visited as a child several times before. I notice there is are multiple groups of children from different elementary/middle schools touring like I had some years before. I recognize one of the teachers as a lively, older man with crazy white hair and glasses. Still, I continue on noticing a friend of mine walking away from a booth where Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips is handing out free t-shirts and CDs with several other people I don't recognize.

      I walk over to notice he as aged much more than I expected. Another volunteer asks me about my favorite movie. I explain to him that I've been asked this question before by my father, thought about it, but simply cannot remember which one I chose. There are just too many to choose just one. He decides to give me what I came there for anyways. I thank him and go on my way.
