I had a meeting with someone that messaged me underneath a bridge, we had a meeting under the bridge before heading to the terrace of a campsite where we met up with an old acting teacher from mine late at night to pitch her app for money. I was browsing the app's website and read its about page as I had no idea what exactly the app was myself. I'm now in the grey backrooms of a classroom at what was implied to be my old school, I had finished my assignment and was reading a binder as I waited for the class to end. Two teachers resembling my community college teacher as well as my primary school teacher walked up to my table and told us to reconsider our PDFs and continue working instead of reading as we wouldn't leave earlier than 1 am. The teachers kept us in the room until 1 am. It was currently 11 PM and I was getting tired and had to go to the bathroom. The bathroom was in the hallway and I asked if I could go leave and the teacher refuses. Mind you I didn't even have my stuff to escape, I just needed to pee. I told her and she pulled out some big transparent vase like sculpture filled with urine. Looking at how unethical all of this is, I call out the teacher to remind her that this is supposed to be a VET major, absolutely ridiculous that we weren't even allowed to go to the bathroom. As I walk back to the backrooms of the classroom, I remembered it resembles the back of my old elementary school where they had two toilets up the stairs in the back. But they were out of order and the toilets became rubble. It was then that I heard a student mention taking the elevator in the room that worked, so I grabbed my stuff, entered the elevator, then got on my bike as soon as I left the building and rode to the train station. As I rode my bike to the train station I notice that a motorcyclist has been following me for a while, I speculated that it might be a spy, as they take off their helmet, it is indeed the teacher from the classroom who's following me! I taunt her as I grab my phone, about to film her and expose her unethical practices to the world. I then wake up. Dream was in Dutch.
I was at primary school when we went to gymclass where we were all strapped onto some chair like those swing carousels had, I was at the front and was the first to leave, it was some sort of underground rollercoaster. When I was done, I didn't bother waiting for the rest of the class and snuck off to the classroom, grabbed my stuff and saw this kid from my primary/middle school who used to be a class clown back in the day and now does nothing but smoke weed all day, he suggested we ditch the class and he snuck out, I was about to follow him but my high school sociology teacher stopped me, he sent me back to the classroom and I was waiting for him to leave so I could sneak out but woke up instead
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With my mom on some type of underground shelters. Looks like subways tunnels, a maze of concrete chambers, but with beds here and there and lots of people taking shelter in each room or hallway. We are going around, as if looking for something and I become lucid, so I decide I want to do something with my lucidity, but I don't wanna hurt my dream mom, so I tell her I need to go to the bathroom and I move away. She yells that I am going in the wrong direction and starts following me, trying to catch me, but I speed up and lose her. The scenario becomes more and more dystopic and futuristic. I come across loads of people going to and from all directions on this underground, but I think about my teacher DK and call out his name, looking around for his face to maybe show up. It never does, but I am always hopeful. Instead, dream agents start popping up and bumping into me, agressively. I decide to fly up as the place became bigger and no ceiling can be seen. Looks more like a factory now, with a strange maze infrastructure beneath me and a big black screen ocupying the whole right wall. One agent also starts levitating and grabs my ankle, we fight a bit and I get rid of it. I decide to leave this dream by jumping through the black screen to my right, while thinking of my teacher. I come out on the other side and it is still a dark dystopic landscape, like a Blade Runner scene mixed with Stalker. I still don't see any signs of my teacher, or anyone else actually, so I decide to call for my secondary teacher instead, JK. I see some light illuminating a path into what seems a calm relaxing place. I pass a little reception booth and to my right I see a jacuzzi like pond or pool with a big black stone Buddha statue half submerged, sitting in a relaxed position. There are tealight candles giving just enough clarity to the space. I pass by the pool and fold my hands towards the statue. I swear the statue turns its face towards me. But I look again and it's still in the same position. I keep going and see a small building ahead, but before I go in, the Buddha statue appears standing in front of me, moving and breathing like a person. It is smaller in size, the size of a human, when in the pond it was the double or tiple that size. I immediately know that it is my teacher I just called. I say hi and he replies with another hello. He smiles and says he had been waiting for me to finally call for him. He asks if I see his face or some other face. His face changed a little, no longer the face of the original statue, but it still doesn't look like him. I chuckle and say no and ask if he sees my face and he also says not really. But that doesn't really matter because we are both sure of whom we are. I say I don't know what to do, that I needed to talk to him, that I am confused and lost and don't know what he expects from me. He comes closer, enough to feel his breath in my skin and hair. I wasn't feeling anything romantic or sensual towards him, but now I feel a tingling sensation in my body. I also get closer to him, close enough that our legs intertwine. He says something about how much he desires me and I tell myself I don't feel this way about him. But he keeps going, saying how rock hard he is and he is so close to me I can feel his erection against my legs and I feel strangely aroused by it. I can't resist to touch it and then I put my hand inside his clothes and grab it. The sensation is incredibly specific. He is average lenght but a bit thick and I like it. We kiss and make out and we kick everything in our way up to the building I saw before. Funny enough, it is some kind of gift shop, not a private setting and there is a lady behind the counter, but at this point we just don't care. It's just a dream. I am half undressed and he slides his penis inside me. Half standing up and half laying down, we f*ck and I can't believe how horny I actually am. In the end, he is embracing me from behind, both facing a small mirror on a table. We get to see our faces in it. I vaguely see myself in it but I tell him he appears as some tibetan man mixed with my mom's face, which could be weird, but we laugh. Then I lose consciousness for a while, everything gets black and I fear that I may be exiting the dream and waking up. But I manage to wake up exactly on the same place, this zen spa whatever, now with daylight shining. I get up from the ground. A lady, maybe the one that was behind the counter before, comes to offer me some gifts, namely some beautiful hair ornaments. I don't recognize what it is at first glance so she shows me how they are applied to the hair, very lovingly, as if she knows me and cares for me. She then says that guru-ji asked me to join the tsok later on.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I was having some kind of revelatory dream, something that was making me feel amazing and then I felt a strong burning and radiating pain on my left side of my stomach, as if stabbed by a knife. I woke up in agony with a pain I couldn't identify. I feared my spleen may have burst or something, but I grabbed a cold water bottle I had on my nightstand to put against my skin and it eased the pain after a couple minutes. I still don't know what happened. I am outside my house, combing my hair after having had a shower, observing someone on the other hill. The person looks like my teacher but it is a woman. I feel sad and wish that he actually comes, then I look at the road leading to my house and I see him walking down the road followed by an Indian band playing music behind him. I smile and wait to see what will happen. My teacher goes sit on a chair that's at the end of the path close to me without saying a word and just looks at the landscape. I ask him how did he find me and he says it was hard because my address leads nowhere. I explain my address is correct but does not yet appear on the maps. I realize the cardigan I am wearing is wide open and exposing my breasts, so I cover myself up embarassed, but he is totally unfazed. I say I knew he would find me anyway and that I had been waiting anxiously. Then we stretch our arms to hold each other's hands and as we touch hands I wake up feeling blissful.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some place that looks like Monchique, where I am attending teachings. I meet some old friends, like Berna. One of these acquaintances sees me on a street when we're in the town centre and decides to be playful, so she invites me for a dance down the street. People find it funny and artistic. Then we all head to the tent where we have the teachings, and it is on top of the hill where the city ends and the forest starts. For some reason the tent is also very steep and people have to hold on to poles and other structures to stay in place. At some point people are grabbing each other and packed as sardines in a can, to be able to stay inside the tent. Amidst the chaos, my teacher emerges in the middle of the crowd to be right by my side. He holds my hand and kisses my cheek and whispers something to my ear, like he is so happy to see me again.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At my mom's neighborhood, behind her apartment building. I watch as a bunch of big rats climb each tree at the hill behind the building and destroy them in seconds. I make noise trying to disperse them, but I just delay the process. Someone starts screaming and I see rats trying climbing all over her. These rats are really dangerous. I get inside my car worrried about it, but I leave as I am heading to my old univeristy. My former colleagues are all there studying math for an exam and they wonder why I left the university. I wonder to. I go talk to a former teacher and bring some papers with me. I try to explain what I have been working on and that I left university in part due to my autism diagnostic. I expect some understanding but instead I get some some ugly remarks from her. and so I decide to leave. But she trigerred my stims and I am feeling uncomfortable that others might notice it. A friend joins me and we get in the car together. We notice more situations with rats out of control. We get home, which is a kind of loft with an attic that we share with a bunch of people. From the window we see absolute madness of rats everywhere attacking people and invading houses. I remember that the windows in the attic are open, I go close them. We all stay really quiet and silent, waiting for something to happen. One of the girls comes in with a bite in her arm. She later becomes rabid and attacks another girl. Meanwhile, outside people are starting to bit other people. I realize we have a zombie attack going on and we must leave the city now. But I am really concerned that it might be too late.
Strange magic dragon dream I am at building C of my school, on the second floor (entering from the yard, you basically have 4 important doors on the bottom floor. Two on either side, which lead to a staircase leading up all the way to the third floor, with every second platform, occurring after every second unit of stairs, leading to the corresponding floor. In front and behind you, you have exits, the former leading directly to the street and the latter to the school yard. To your left, you have a freestanding stairway, leading up to a platform, whose shape can be imagined as a rectangle without the bottom edge showing the path you can walk along, the path fitting to the wall. From there, multiple rooms can be accessed and also two doors leading to the left and right staircases to the other floors). There, I apparently have a kind of private lesson with a teacher I actually do not particularly like, but, apparently he wants to teach me, and a small group of other people who want this, how to become a dragon and I guess to harness that kind of magic(? not sure about the magic part. might have had to do with fire). Thus, I enter the class. I was excited, but had a kind of feeling in me that this would be too good to be true. Though, then, after a while, it did kind of work and I guess I transformed into some kind of humanoid dragon form. I felt a great amount of the feeling of freedom and also a kind of wildness along with this. I remember knowing that this would just be a small taste and that there was more potential in this ability. At this point, I guess I had remembered others and also myself couldn't see this happen (despite us having seen it before; it was kind of contradictory, even the moment this came up) and I thought that this would just be too good to be true and that I was stuck in wishful thinking again. The teacher wanted us to try flying, but I thought that was kind of stupid, considering the fact that apparently the bell had rung and everyone was moving to their other classes, so everyone would just think we're crazy and other teachers would get angry at us, so I just waited, despite my anxiety, as I knew the teacher was impatient, but that was just way too stupid of an idea to me. So, eventually, everyone had seemingly moved and I felt like nobody was going to see this, so, after watching some of the others in my group managing to lift off and fly around, I tried flapping my arms (despite me knowing that we were doing this because apparently we had learned to develop our wings enough), and, as I failed to lift off, I felt like my worries were confirmed and was discouraged, but did not have the plan to give up. I subsequently woke up. Finally started journaling again. There has just been a lot of stressful stuff going on in my life, which has prevented me from continuing this for quite a while. I actually only remembered this because I saw a cloaked person outside, which reminded me of harry potter, which reminded me of this for some reason. Weird. Legend: Dream Notes Awake
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some buddhist teachings but the scenario also feels like school. I am gathered with other people at a room, listening to some teacher when we are visited by a yogini, an old tibetan lady. She pays her respects to the teacher. but then also hands me a katak or something with similar purpose, bows before me and then adresses the teacher briefly. We don't understand what they say. When she leaves, I notice some girl is angry or jealous that I got special attention. I am puzzled, but at the same time I suspect what it might be about. In the end, the teacher approaches me and hands me some paperwork, a planner and some login info. He says the yogini agreed that I have the marks and has starting a procedure that I have to follow, if I wish to accept the role I am supposed to fulfill. I need to study some texts and know them by heart. And I suppose this will change my life completely, as I'll probably need to travel and be away from home for many years or even forever. I start looking at the documents and filling the planner with my data. Then Riverstone comes by, and I start trying to tell him, but he is not paying attention. Then my mom is also around and I know she will freak out if I tell her I may need to go away. I am not sure how to tell her. I ask a rhetorical question or make some innuendo just to see her reaction. She suspects I might have something to say and I confess I have some important announcement to make, but will only tell them when we get home.
I don't remember any Feb dreams. So I will go into the very memorable nightmare I had last night I dreamed I was back in my high school. I was in a science classroom. But I wasn't in a science class I was in a math class. Well anyway the teacher put the math on the blackboard at the front of the classroom (something like 0.3x0.3) and for some reason the classroom was dark-like no lights were on? I had turn my laptop on to write the said math and the EA (Educational Assistant) I had in the dream was insisting I "turned the laptop off" and I kept repeating over and over, that "I had an exception and I needed the laptop to write my notes including math." I tried to get the teacher's help (EA was male, which is weird, I never had a male EA and I believe the teacher was a woman) and the teacher refused to listen either and I kept telling her to "Call the Educational Room" to learn I had an expectation. And then somehow it turned into a something like a bar fight from out of a movie but at a school- but I was still sitting in my seat, and it was one student maybe? fighting with the teacher and I think I *might* have heard another student fighting behind me, but I never got a chance to look behind me since I look up after being shocked by the "school bar fight"
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With Riverstone and Nighthawk at what I think is his place. There is a table with a feast and we are chillin. He is laying down on the couch. We have some weird interaction and I feel like he wants to speak with Riverstone alone, so I leave. He says he has some IT issues and hints that I might help out, so I offer to do so and he instructs me to go to an office room down the hallway. Outside on the hallway it feels like a hostel or guest house, not a private house. And indeed the office looks more like a cyber café, with dozens of computers and printers and people on many desks. I sneak peak into someone's work and seems like he is writting a thesis. I spot a pc that is the only one without someone working on it. By its side there are also some papers, of someone clearly working with it and maybe on a break, and I almost decide to steal the pc and leave with it, but then I don't. Instead I need to pee and go look for a bathroom. Weirdly, I have to go out on the street and walk back and forth some stone stairway at the top of some avenue, because the toilet stalls are all lined up on the sides of the street and stairway. I finally find one free, but despite my efforts, can't pee. (Wake up and really need to pee) I am in some weird surreal place, at first can't really characterize it, but looks kinda hellish, a barren land with a lake of lava or black oil on fire. I notice there is a big fuss and some dudes are fighting with some weird kind of weapons, and I try to walk away discreetly, but then all eyes turn to me because I have on my hands a bigger and more spectacular weapon than theirs. The weapons are hard to describe, but are sort of an eliptical light saber which we grab in the middle (which is void, maybe some kind of force field, but my hands can hold it). Everyone feels like I am challlenging them, so they stop fighting and start attacking me instead. I fight them off easily. I think I start becoming lucid and just drop the dream. Find myself in a dark empty space and decide to rip apart the dream fabric, quite literally, like a paper scenario. Behind it is total void and I plunge into it. The fall is short and I land with my back onto what appears to be the lower bed on a bunkbed. To my right is a wall, to the left is another bunkbed. People are sleeping in those. I get up and when walking to the door I have this clear feeling I should look up to whomever is on the top bunkbed. He just raised his head. It is my teacher. He smiles and extends his hand. I grab his hand and kiss it. I smile back and say "I am finally here" and we just smile at each other for a while. He comes down. A male attendant also gets up from another bed. I am surprised he can also see me. My teacher walks outside with me, and we are followed by his attendant, who is acting like a body guard, but not against me, against anyone else we might come across. We enter some kitchen or canteen and my teacher sits on a chair. I am holding his hand still and I lay my head on his lap and wrap my arms around his waist. He suggests I get a chair to and sit, but I hesitate, because I don't want to move. Eventually I agree to get a chair, but then wake up.
Updated 12-08-2021 at 10:28 PM by 34880
5th September 2021 Fragment: (micro dream/daydream after having woken, slightly more aware than during regular dreaming but not lucid) Driving around in a learner car. Daytime, clear weather. I'm with a (white?) male driving instructor. Going around a countryside bit with some awareness of a river of sorts running alongside the curvy road I'm on, the view of the river is blocked by typical reeds. The driving instructor throws some litter out the window, looks like some kind of metal foil. I think this is so wasteful, so I make us stop off the road in the middle of a floodplain farm field, having cleared the more dangerous part of the road first. I get out and tell him to get out too (aggressively?) and I start heading for where the litter was thrown. Notes: - Though the instructor has a "teacher" role, he has bad habits and in fact ends up being the one who's bossed around by me. -- My attitude overall through the segment is one of confidence, not overly so, just enough to feel like I am doing the right things and not doubt myself too much. -- Notably I also wait to express my anger by first clearing any traffic and driving off a spot that's least dangerous despite doing so in a reckless/angry manner. This is some sign of self-control, something that I feel could be doing better, at the time of writing this entry now. - The dream location was very much like areas of my native home but with some mix of certain lakes near where I live now.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In a chemistry class. I start feeling bad and with pain, so I just get up to leave. Teacher asks where am I going and I say I need to go. She then starts mocking me, saying "oh, so what's streaming on the web that you so much need to go watch?" And I reply, not amused "I am sick, I am very sick and maybe if you actually cared, I might tell you what my problem is and how much I need to leave right now. But I am going anyway." And as I said this to her, my voice started to fade until I no longer could talk. She said nothing else as I packed my bag and picked stuff from over a couple tables and left. Outside, I meet a couple ladies, one of which is a blond girl I detested from my former office and they are trying to sell me some hair products based on coconut oil. They are super expensive and I wonder why. Seems like they just mix the oil with some other shit that turns it pink and then put it in oversized jars to overcharge. I tell them I use a much cheaper version of simple oil and I have a small package with me and put it in my hair to prove my point. They want me to give them a ride and I really don't want to, but they keep following me outside, not taking a no. When crossing a street, I take advantage of some truck passing and sneak out to the next street to lose them.
Updated 09-16-2021 at 08:31 PM by 34880
11th January 2021 Dream: At a school. For whatever reason, it has headstones on its gardens like a church yard would. I'm in a classroom initially, banal stuff happens. Not sure what the class/lecture is. Feels like school from when I was between age 10-15. Eventually, a second teacher comes in. A black woman, she smiles a lot and seems friendly. She sits next to me on my left at my desk. I notice she has extremely short hair, not unlike my own haircut in waking life right now but her hair is curly. Her skin tone itself is very dark but not the darkest I've ever seen. She smiles and we talk about some forms I was supposed to have filled. It was some kind of evaluation or assessment, I remember doing bits of it beforehand. There's this page with a table layout and she asks if we should go from there. She's sort of... half on a phone line with someone at the same time? That other person can hear our conversation but I don't remember hearing them. At some point, I notice we're outside, still sitting at the same desk. As we're going through the page, because of the way she explains some things, it becomes obvious to me that what little I'd done was not fully correct and my assumptions about the column headers were erroneous. I have some vague recall that it was an assessment about my physical symptoms. It's kind of a perfect day; sunny outside with a very light amount of distant clouds. I feel or notice the tufty grass under where we're sitting. She gets another call, or someone comes? and tells her that she's going to be suspended from work. Apparently, she forgot (and I didn't know) that we were violating the rights of the dead, by blocking the space between them and the sky. She's not phased by this and smiles politely but genuinely. This other party berates me and tells me I'll be failing this class. I feel sad and start sobbing. The black lady leads and accompanies me into one of the school halls. Dark and unlit, except for a reflecting glow from outside. I ask her, in my native language and in anger and crying, "why is there such a stupid rule?". I feel frustrated and say whatever else comes to mind, and I say "it's a pointless rule!" as I walk toward a window. From a first-floor (we were on a ground floor a moment ago but I didn't notice this) window I see the tightly packed headstones and ask "why the hell does a school even have graves on its grounds?!" and I think I walk back to her and we walk together a little bit. She's about to say something and I try to stop sobbing and I say "I'm sorry, I know it's not your fault" and I feel that the suspension she's getting is completely unfair. She smiles again and tells me something, also talking about her suspension though before she can manage to comfort me I feel myself running away, still angry and confused at everything that had just happened. I'm not on the school grounds anymore and I'm running angrily and aimlessly through a city street wide enough for six cars. Three buses following behind each other are coming my way, slowly, but I make no effort to avoid them at first. I think about how I could die crushed by one and nobody would care, but before I get too close, I preserve myself and avoid getting trapped or run over but in a blind anger I swing my arms at them, trying to hit the back plating. I continue running down the street in my emotional state with some awareness of people around looking at me a little. The street slopes downwards and is in the shade of a large and tall building to the left. As the street continues down it has an edge and beyond that in the distance I see the rest of this massive city lit by sunlight, on a sort of cylindrical slope or half-tube. It's an amazing cityscape but I don't even make an effort to appreciate this during the dream. (later, or after waking up and falling asleep again while thinking about how I would like to be lucid and would like to anger an Olympian god) I'm in a dark house. There's a door leading to a basement with vehicles and I want to take a bomber jet. Mom is in this first room and tells me that dad took something out for a ride but as I approach the door he comes through it and lets me know that I can't use what I was wanting to, just right now. I seemingly don't care too much and go through anyway and get on a "mini" battleship, no bigger than a small van. I take it out and immediately I'm in some kind of combat adventure. There are bad guy lackeys trying to shoot at me but they do so in vain and even though "miniature" this battleship moves a ton of water; I'm going down some kind of tropical river. Going down some rapids I think about taking out some more distant targets and then I open a realistic-view interactive map of a nearby area and decide I want to teleport there, trying to pick a precise spot and imagining the best spot to make the battleship drop on to displace a lot of water when it reappears and falls in. But when I actually do teleport, I'm not in the battleship anymore. I'm now some kind of gorilla; some remnant of the anger from the earlier dream returns, in some way. I go down an area full of people and cars and I attack them but only in passing; I seem to be focusing on simple continuing along and just damaging whatever's within reach along the way. At one point near the end, a panicked man in his car pointlessly tries to run me over. I'm about the same size as the car but easily avoid it and then proceed to chase after him for a while before I lose interest and continue my aimless rampage. This bit takes place near a fast food car park. Notes: - This dream was completely non-lucid and at no points did my awareness really raise any higher; there were no pre-lucid thoughts or feelings. It was very vivid overall and all emotions were quite intense, but none of the intensity carried over on waking. - I took an extra supplement before bed last night. - That woman was such a nice person and after writing my initial notes for the dream it really reminded me of how lucky I was through school at times, having had figures like her present not just once but many times.
I'm in a big room looking like a library with two other people. They are decrypting some evil books. They try to open a gate of some sort. They find some notes that teach them how to do some kind of spell. I already know it is avada kedavra but it's like I'm more of a spectator to the dream. One of them do the avada kedavra spell against a shelf but fails. I think to myself that it is because he doesn't hate enoughly to do the evil spell. Voldemort teleports into the room and kills the person who tried to do the evil spell with his own avada kedavra. He does some kind of magic and the books in the shelves become green and red and change positions with each other. I know that he is doing some kind of clue to us that we are supposed to figure out. I think to myself that we don't need to solve his riddle. It would take a very long time judging how many books he swapped positions on. He teleports away and the "good persons" come in just to see him vanish. I'm defending against zombies with some other humans. We don't take it seriously and some people get bitten while everyone just kinda laughs at it. They who are bitten doesn't care either. We reach a shelter with other humans. I try to lay comfortable at some pillows but another person pushes me away and takes my seat. I'm in a big basketball room. I'm a member of a team and we are just about to play. My team consists of some nerdy characters and the other team has some good looking sportsmen. I look at some of my teammates who have some special characters. One of them can only focus on the ball so he doesn't hear while another teammates run next to him and scream "pass the ball!" with some kind of panic in the voice caused by his disorder. He has to focus on the ball because he is really bad at bouncing and he almost drops it even though no one disturbs him. He tries to jump up and dunk the ball into goal. He has the right height but goes to the left and misses. The one who screamd "pass the ball!" is kind of disappointed but still impressed by the jump. I'm now actively in the dream and am able to bounce the ball on my own. I try to pass my teammates but the ball always flies of to the right or left so someone from the enemy team takes it instead. Their team is about to throw out the ball and I am pushing a smaller blonde a little bit with my shoulder. He becomes really disturbed and even though he is small he is able to push me away effectively. No one of us gets the ball. Suddenly the basketball is two big lego pieces in a plastic bag. I hold in the bag and am about to shoot it away. I try to do it over my head like a basketball throw but because of the wind friction it just drops to the ground really fast. The other team throws the ball with all their power and I think that it is cheating. When I see my team throwing the "ball" too I join them. I'm able to run next to their hoop and try to make a goal. I throw it but miss. I'm about to throw out the "ball" but nets are being rolled down in the middle of the plan. I see Magnus (math teacher) walking against me as if he was the one who ordered the nets to be rolled down. I walk away and meet a small woman that starts to talk to me. Filippa comes and interrupts her mid scentence and I tell her to be quiet so that the other girl can finish what she would say. After she is finished Filippa tells me that she has to go away because of some kind of friendly party. She hugs me and I hug her back. As she walks away the other girl also hugs me and we say good bye. Notes: When I play sports in my dreams I always suck. I can't kick or shoot the ball without it doing some kind of weird detour.
8th May Dream: I was in the car with H. H was driving very fast and race-like, even though we weren't in a rush to get anywhere. Pretty close one between a double length bus and a car. I remember the tyres screeching a lot all the way and I asked H why. He said it was because they brand new Michelin tyres. It was like my native country and town. Eventually we arrived at a place, ground floor of a building, in front of it was like a petrol station. The place we walked into was like a school, for kids between the ages of eight and ten. H and I had been here earlier in the dream to drop off a keyboard temporarily. Now, we were here to pick it up again. I think the kids were actually teens in the earlier part of the dream. One of the kids now, was asking why we had to take the keyboard away again and H explained it had only been meant as a temporary thing anyway. H asked if anyone had played the keyboard. Some kids said they hadn't, somehow clearly afraid of being reprimanded, even though it was unlikely, but they also said they had practised at home like H had taught and demonstrated. I didn't speak much at all, H talked to the kids a lot. Somehow reminded me of my geometry teacher, trying to actively get the kids to think and take interest in things. Eventually, a lady walked in, the teacher who runs the place. She was happy to see the kids entertained and it was as if we'd known her and vice versa for years. I remember noticing I had my black leather jacket and my regular boots on. I think in the dream we both became distracted from our objective of getting the keyboard. There was also a set of keys we'd left in the earlier visit, but we weren't being able to find them. The layout was different from the earlier visit. Scraps: Grandma from mom's side, dad and I, talking. I remember she was holding a golden cross that she wore around her neck. I made mental note of the size of the cross, almost too big to be held by one hand alone. Notes: - I don't believe H has actually ever bought Michelin-branded tyres.