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    1. (11/22/10) - It's Working!!

      by , 11-23-2010 at 04:12 AM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Yay! The RC's and totem and all that are working! Unfortunately, I had to get up early this morning, so I didn't get to write down all the dreams I had originally recalled, and it's late in the day now, so I only have tiny fragments left, but you can be sure I wrote down the most important one in full!

      When the dream began, I was at home, in my living room. The realism of the dream was high, so I didn't notice anything strange and never went lucid from observation. However, I did do a reality check out of habit, and the moment I pinched my nose and still felt the air go through, I came into the full realization that I was dreaming. I don't think I've ever been so incredibly aware before! For the first time in a lucid dream, I truly felt unlimited. Speed was not a factor; I could just as easily run around the world as I could across my backyard. My reactions were unbeatable...I could have won in a fight against Neo. Physics were also not a problem. I could bend or break the rules my mind would typically apply to the world without side effects.

      Now, in the past, I've struggled to use telekinesis on more than one object at a time. It just required focusing on too many things for it to work. But this time I felt confident I could do literally anything, so I stepped into the middle of the room, clenched my fists, and then imagined every object in the room lifting off the ground the more I drew my fists in closer towards me. As I looked around, I had succeeded. Regardless of weight or size, everything was lifted up. The 54-inch TV, couches, the dining table, chairs...even the oven! And it was no more work to suspend it all in the air than it was to breath. I could have held it there forever or cast it all out the window with a thought, or who knows what. Instead I just set it down gently, satisfied that I was truly unlimited, and it. Felt. Great.

      Sadly, though, I had breathed in through my nose for the RC just a bit too hard, and the dream began to collapse, then. Everything started to fade, and so I tried desperately to rub my hands and spin, but nothing I did could stop me from waking up.

      I tried to DEILD, then. I rolled over, silenced every thought that attempted to come into my mind, and passed out again.

      I found myself back in the previous dream, getting up off the living room floor, as if I had simply gone unconscious and now was waking back up...even though the exact opposite had truly happened. For a moment I had a grasp on the fact that I was dreaming, but very quickly this knowledge fled from me, and I walked off, thinking what an amazing lucid dream I'd just had...and then I woke up again, this time unable to go back to sleep so quickly.

      It may have been short, but it shows promise. I'm headed in the right direction again, and that was just after a few days of putting real effort into lucid dreaming again. Who knows where I'll be able to go after a few more days? If I can manage to be that unlimited in all my lucid dreams...heck, I could perform Inception for real

      Updated 11-23-2010 at 04:14 AM by 29433

      lucid , memorable