Hey guys, this is a bit of a thought challenge I have for you guys.

I began thinking about this after reading Nfri's thread http://www.dreamviews.com/wake-initi...in-method.html, and in particular, Sageous's thread on delta sleep: http://www.dreamviews.com/beyond-dre...lta-sleep.html. It seems that several of us on the forums are interested in being lucid during this very interesting part of the night, and yet we also, collectively on average, seem to have very few experiences with this state of awareness.

This seems to be more or less the norm:

Stephen LaBerge, someone I think most of us can agree is an experienced oneironaut, says he has had "a few experiences." Sageous mentions (correct me if I'm wrong :sageous1 that he has had "dozens" of experiences--coming from someone who has had thousands of lucid dreams. And if you take a moment to Google lucid dreaming, and compare that to "lucid deep sleep" or whatever you choose to call it . . . well, yeah, seems like the world at large does not know about (or cannot fathom the benefits of) sleep yoga.

I am guessing the difficulty in attaining lucid NREM and delta is the fact that there is no visual imagery and no narrative (two things human beings rely heavily upon understand their world and make meaning out of it), and so one must normally enter via consciously falling asleep (otherwise known as WILD, but here would be more Wake Initiated Lucid Delta ). But I am guessing there are other ways, and I am wondering what you guys think would be some good methods or triggers for entering NREM lucidly. Something I plan on practicing during naps is, "The next time I think about lucid dreaming, I'll realize I'm asleep." I tried to fall asleep consciously today (failed), and awoke remembering distinct thoughts--all about lucid dreaming. Not sure if these were sleep thoughts or waking thoughts, but I feel it is a start!