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    2015-08-28 comp night #11

    by , 08-28-2015 at 11:34 AM (369 Views)
    Spoiler for sexy time:
    She then jumps out of my hands and runs out of the room, she's completely shocked and mortified at what I was doing. She runs to the phone and is going to call someone to tell them what I was doing. My life is ruined.

    I'm standing at the toilet and start to pee. The wall to my left has a large, low open window opening on to the street, so I just turn to the left and aim out the window on to the sidewalk (haha!). I notice outside is dark, and I vaguely see my car across the street is double-parked blocking in another car. I make a mental note that I should go properly park my car.

    I'm walking through some random hardware store, I see an attractive tall woman manager with long dark hair wearing some sort of hairnet on top of her head. She says something about the stuff being quick-drying.

    + I'm standing outside the baseball bat factory sweat shop. I pull back the curtain and go inside. (I'm apparently a manager?). I'm holding up in my hand a very rough short broom made from sticks. This is not an acceptable baseball bat. I think of showing the difference in hitting a baseball with a proper bat versus this sad little stick broom. I'm a bit concerned that if I hit the ball to well with the bad bat, it will be a poor motivation for them to improve. The stick broom turns into a branch?

    I see across the room a pile of lumber and go and pick up a small rectangular block of wood, I turn it over and see it is hollowed out (like the bottom of a wooden jewelry box), I think briefly if I should be picking this up. This "reminds" me of something and I begin a teary, inspirational speech. Something like "*This* (block of wood?) is how I got started! <some more stuff>". "Now, please, if there are any questions, ask! Don't feel embarrassed to ask!" (I see some of the people snickering at my sincerity).

    A man then comes forward and says "It's important to note that AM (old friend of my kids) is using way too much gas", the man is holding a small device of transparent plastic in his hand.

    I'm walking through a large showroom, I see a rack of really long black fishing rods. I look down at a price tag but can't see the price, I think this should be fixed. I also notice a small seat at the bottom of the fishing rod, like it's also a bicycle.

    I see a (red?) normal bicycle covered with "price" license plates/stickers, one of them I think is "$100". I see one guy selling another guy a bicycle, telling him how awesome it's going to make him. Then I figure out he's not one of my salesman, he's actually an outsider trying to sell his own basket-attachment to the bicycle customer, the basket is made of a few pieces of rebar.

    + In childhood home, in parents room, leave, at the top of the stairs I look back and see some water splashing out from the faucet [false] that I "remember" I had turned on as I just left the room in passing. I go back to the (parent's bedroom) to turn off the faucet, and get a quick glance of my mother in there. I go down the stairs and start sobbing thinking I won't see my mom there any more and that I should go cry with dad who's down at the bottom of the stairs, I haven't yet grieved together with him.

    + parking on some chunk of random city street. I turn to the left, and as I do so I look for cars coming from the right, but notice the street to the right is blocked by a barrier of poles. Ahead there are cars parked to the right, despite there being three thick red painted lines (messy and jagged) which I think means "no parking. To the left cars are also parked but someone is pulling out. I move to parallel park pointed the wrong way. I have trouble getting lined up. Someone else is there in a car but doesn't interfere. I get finally backed into the spot and the car drifts a bit out of my control [Dream Sign]. In the rear view mirror, I see I'm quickly approaching very close to the car parked behind me. I pull the parking break and stop just in time. I see there is a large woman in the car behind me giving me a "look" about my car approaching too close to hers. I pull a little bit forwards.

    Getting out of the car, my wife says since we left the usual math books at home, do I want to use this other book instead (we have to teach some small children?).

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    Updated 08-28-2015 at 12:10 PM by 65364



    1. RelaxAndDream's Avatar
      I do a brief bit of oral on her anyway [ew!]
      would be picky if you wouldnt have

      i really need to boost my recall. its nice to remember so many dreams
    2. FryingMan's Avatar
      Heh. Recall is awesome. But so is lucidity, and it seems like you're doing really well in that regard!