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    The Frozen Forests of Mars, Pizza Rockets.

    by , 08-12-2014 at 04:03 PM (486 Views)
    I am flying a small spacecraft down to the surface of Mars, near the polar ice caps. I notice that in some places trees seem to be poking out of the polar ice. I land in a clearing as to not damage the trees or my spacecraft.
    I get out, along with a couple researchers. We are all wearing space suits. They are really excited having discovered (dead) alien life on another planet. Some of the one of the researchers begins taking samples from the tree trunks. Another begins photographing and surveying measurements of the trees. Another begins exploring a cave beneath an ice shelf. I follow him.
    We get underground and turn on the lights on our helmets. We see that the cave is supported by the trunks of the dead trees. We continue deeper to find that there is in fact a winding passage that runs very deep under the ice cap.
    After having journeyed about a quarter mile. The researcher begins urging me to turn back, telling me that we can undergo a more thorough exploration of these caves at a later date, but we should turn back now.

    Then, I noticed that liquid water was dripping onto us. I decided to do something stupid. I started to take off my space helmet.
    "NO! Don't do that!"
    I do it anyway. It comes off. I take a deep breath of cold, wet air.
    The researcher is freaking out, and trying to radio his friends that I have just broken regulation and taken my helmet off. But we're too deep in the cave for his radio to connect. I feel like I can hear some kind of rumbling noise.
    I 'sssh' him wanting to hear the noise.
    "Do you hear that?"
    "What is it?"

    I wake up.

    Didn't I dream about a mission to mars two days ago? CONGRUENCY!

    I was visiting this pizza place. It feels like I am very far away from my home, Like I might be in another state or something. The pizza place is near this freeway overpass. I go in and ask for a small peperoni pizza. The manager comes to the counter and asks if rather than pay, I would be willing to preform a small task because he is understaffed.
    He walks me outside and says that what makes this pizza joint special is how fast their deliveries are. They actually specially deliver pizzas using these tiny rockets, about the size of a small garbage can. He wants me to put the pizzas in these rockets and fly them to the correct destinations. He gives me a pizza to practice with, then goes inside.
    I put the pizza in the hatch on top of the rocket, and launch it. It takes me a few minutes to figure out how to do so. I have no idea how to control it so the rocket just flies straight up. When it starts to come down, the hatch opens and the pizza comes out and falls onto the manager's head, who had come back out to check on my progress. The rocket falls back onto the launch pad and breaks.

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    Updated 08-13-2014 at 02:28 AM by 53527

