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    Lucid Time!

    Ld #113

    by , 09-15-2014 at 12:35 PM (498 Views)
    My recall wasn't very good last night. I know there was much, much more to this dream.

    I remember having a lucid dream in my bedroom. Manei is there though she doesn't look quite like herself. (Come to think of it she really just looked like Krista with black hair.) We are both sitting on my bed and she is telling me about other forms she can take in dreams.
    She then goes on to tell me about how dream guides generally appear as the opposite gender of the person they are guiding. She then tells me about how she has never been a dream guide for a girl because she isn't good at appearing as a boy.

    How is this information relevant to anything?
    I lost some lucidity and realized that I had to go pee. I told her to just give me one minute and I went into the bathroom. There were dozens of laundry baskets in the room and there was a small pathway to the toilet. When I finally got to the toilet I realized that I couldn't find relief.
    I had to wake myself up and went to the toilet IWL. I tried to WBTB, but it didn't get me anywhere.

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    Updated 09-15-2014 at 12:43 PM by 53527

    Tags: bedroom, manei, pee
