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    Lucid Time!

    Color Code

    Halfway There
    Fully Lucid

    Regular Dream Characters

    Spoiler for Dream Based DCs:

    Spoiler for Waking Life Dream Characters:

    Dream Signs

    Spoiler for Warning Long List:




    Confront Tsunami Dream

    Teach Manei to fight

    Meet Infected Mushroom and have them play Dream Music

    Try to use LD to stop biting my fingernails.

    Activate Sense of Smell

    To Do:

    1. Spell's Comp Uhh... What Night are we on?

      by , 08-08-2016 at 03:02 AM (Lucid Time!)
      Tendon problem on my leg from running. Been bogged down with that. Plus my parents and grandparents got in a huge fight (fortunately I haven't been dragged into it but the atmosphere around the house as been tense, further details witheld since its a family matter.) Man something's always gotta mess with my mojo when its lucid dreaming comps. Last time it was KSP, exams and sickness. Now it's ankle injury, family fight (ahem, dreamsign) and inevitably some other third thing to come...

      Night 6

      A dream (more a fragment really) that A college class was taking place in the basement of my house, and something to do with registration.

      Something do with another piece of a bismuth crystal, one that had to, once again be inserted into some kind of alien machinery. This time I even recognized the crystal. It's the one I keep in my room. I attained some level of lucidity here and decided to question why I was dreaming of the crystal.

      Night 7

      A dream that one of my cats (who has a habit of bringing in animals) brought in many, many animals. The basement was full of frogs, rabbits and mice, and they were all alive. Hijinx insued as my mom and I tried to catch them all with butterfly nets and take them back outside. Actually was a very lengthy dream that involved of us disposing of four of the frogs and three of the rabits, at least that I can remember. But was fairly repetative and the details bore me.

      Night 9 (last night)

      I remember I was being attacked by a white horse that was apparently demonic. It was chasing me around some kind of ranch environment. I shot it with arrows and managed to kill it.

      I remember attaining some level of semi lucidity and thinking that there was a particular way that I had to dispose of the dead demon horse so that it wouldn't come back as a poltergeist. I remember burying it in the ground and putting a circle of salt around it. I then drew a dreamcatcher web in the dirt. That was apparently supposed to capture the evil soul when it would rise from the ground and purify it in the sunlight, just like a functional dreamcatcher, while the salt prevented the evil soul from circumventing the web.


      The dream continued. I was in some desert environment, but it was like a lakebed or a dried up ocean. Had some fallout vibes. I got attacked by a cowboy guy that was supposedly the owner of the demonic horse. He pushed me down and tried to shoot me with his revolver, but I pushed the gun away from him. I messed with his hand and tried to make him waste all the bullets by shooting them off away from us but he pushed my hand away when he had two left.

      Garnet from SU appeared behind me and I again attained semi lucidity. I thought of the dreamcatcher shield as a personal goal from the comp to block the bullets but I got Steven's shield instead*. There was some fault in my confidence but it worked anyway and I blocked both shots with no cracks in the shield.

      There was some kind of theme/amusement park that we were supposed to go to, but I didn't want to because I knew I was going to lose the dream and wake up because I hadn't been practicing these past few days. I remember thinking to myself "Tomorrow I'll get back to it."

      Spoiler for *:

      I wasn't properly lucid in any of these though though, my head wasn't in it, so I'm only scoring them as NLDs. Apologies to all my teammates who are competitive and want us to win, but it's too much of a stretch to call myself properly lucid in any of these.

      Night 6:
      Frag 0.5pt*2=1

      Night 7:
      Dream 1pt*1=1

      Night 9:
      Dream 1pt*1=1

      Updated 08-08-2016 at 03:07 AM by 53527

    2. (#229) Midget Captian, My own Fan Club(s)?

      by , 07-25-2015 at 06:12 PM (Lucid Time!)
      All of this actually took place in a Wake Back To Bed. I had another non-lucid dream before this, but all of its content is lost to me now. I only vaguely remember something having to do with Marcus saying something about math. I recall waking up at around 6:30. I woke up from this dream at 8:00 so I guess that was my last sleep cycle.

      I was at a country resturant, eating out with an old guy in a ship captain outfit. He was really short with this big beard and all of these curls coming out of it. I remember thinking, even as I was talking to him that he reminded me of the captian crunch mascot. He even had the big hat.

      I remember he had this monocle or sighter device over one eye, kind of like an eye-patch with three lenses that would rotate depending upon what distance whatever he was looking at was.

      I can't remembered what we had ordered/were eating. The food was fairly good though.

      I held the expectation that he would be an unpleasant character, but he was actually extremely nice and had interesting stories to tell involving giant space monsters and the likes. (Yeah, giant space monsters. Turned out he wasn't a boat captian, but rather he had a spaceship that looked like a boat like the ships from Treasure Planet.) He had his quirks though. I told him some of my stories too.

      I remember I told him I had to leave because I had to go to my taekwondo class. I walked out of the restaurant and found I was in the hardware store near my friend S's house. But the one big hardware store had been replaced with several smaller stores. One of them being the country restaurant.

      I went to the taekwondo studio that turned out to be in a grocery store. We decided to practice by the freezer section since there was a lot of open space, and the freezers would help to keep us cool if we got too hot and sweaty.

      Everyone lined up. Right before my taekwondo master started class, he decided instead that I should teach. (Something that happens quite often in real life). He then told me that when I taught I had to remember something:

      "When is a number just a number, and when does it mean more? What does the number 9 mean to you? Also, try the fried chicken. It's good."

      I had a false memory of him saying this before and it being some kind of trick question. I tried to remember what the correct answer was.

      He then opened the freezer door and walked into a big pile of boxes of frozen fried chicken and disappeared. I tried to follow him in. I thought I found him but all I found was his disembodied floating head. He smiled at me then receded behind some boxes.


      I had finished teaching class without anything interesting or memorable happening. I had to head home. It was a beautiful summer night. I started to walk toward my friend S's house. In the dream, I was living in his house because my house had met with some kind of disaster.

      I walked a good distance and remembered that I had left my wallet at the country restaurant. I turned and started to walk back. I walked into a flickering streetlight and saw something move. I wished I'd had my hidden blade gauntlets because I thought it might be a criminal or something.
      I then looked at my wrists and realized I DID. Knowing it was a dream, I locked the blades out and advanced on the threat ready for a fight.

      It came into the picture. It was just a small, skinny, feral black cat. It hissed at me. I locked the blades back in and realized it was no threat. The cat calmed down and walked into the light, where it proceeded to begin rolling on the concrete and purring loudly. I gently petted the cat for a minute then
      (partial lucidity talking here.) realized I still needed to go back and get my wallet.

      I headed back into the hardware store. I opened the door to the country restaurant and...

      Spoiler for NSFW:

      I tried to go back outside but instead find myself in another room. The entire room looks like a large square sauna with mats all along the edges. There are four big square pots filled with bamboo in each corner. There is a step or terrace all along the wall with mats layed out it. There is a back door that is well hidden in the motif of the wall, but I can see it there.

      Three more girls approach me in the same kind of formation, but they're actually wearing clothes this time. What they are wearing actually looked like a version of Manei's tribe outfit, only white with blue details. Or at least two of them were. She too had blonde hair and blue eyes and looked like a younger version of the girl who's boobs I had removed a minute ago.

      The one on the right was very short and had buzz-cut hair. She couldn't have been more than 13 or 14. The one on the left was short, but she looked much different. She had black hair and green eyes.

      "Hi, we're your fan club. I'm the president." Said the tall one.

      "What are all those other people out there?"

      "They're your other fan club. We are better because we celebrate you for your philosophy and beliefs. They only celebrate you for... well... other reasons. "

      The black haired girl got cheery and said she wanted to show me something. She pulled out these paintings she had made of me on parchment. They were really good. All of them had chinese/japanese/koren characters on them. I asked myself for a moment why dreams seem to associate me so closely with oriental culture.

      I then rememeber while we were along the back wall someone opened the not-so-secret door. It was another blonde haired blue eyed girl. She had some black hair in her hand.

      "I have some of your hair." *giggles*

      She slowly receded back into the shadowy room that lay beyond and slowly closed the door.

      "Okay, you're not creepy at all..."

      The short haired girl came over to me and started tugging on my arm. She was much shorter than me, to the point where I had to get down on my knee to look her in the face.

      "If eyes are windows into the soul, then what do I see in yours?" She asked.

      I was about to say something back and I woke up.

      Spoiler for Long Side Notes:
    3. With 600 DJ entries, I'm afraid any possible title for this has been used already.

      by , 07-20-2015 at 10:34 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Gawd. This is gonna be my 600th DJ entry. What am I doing with my life...? I remember I changed my color code when I was at around 300 DJ entries and it took me three four hour sessions over the course of five days to change the color code over to be consistent. It was maddening and it took me weeks to weed out the odd dj entries with the old color code. Hopefully I don't tire of this one. The 5-fold color scheme has actually held up well.

      I was at my moms' mothers' apartment building that she was the landlord of. It should have been a dead giveaway that I was dreaming, since she passed away four years ago now, and she was a lucid trigger a couple times. I had an odd semi-lucidity that really leaned to the low end of the spectrum. Nasty yellow color code, go.

      I remember relaxing in her apartment. She was talking about making cookies with me. As cliched as it sounds, that's what I always did with her when she was still alive. Iwl she had a gray cat named Jasper who had no claws.

      In the dream, Jasper was much larger than he had been in waking life. Much larger than any domestic cat; about the size of a medium sized dog. He also had white belly and paws. But he seemed just as friendly and talkative as always. He always used to meow at me constantly (though not really in a mean way, he was just a noisy cat.), and he did so in the dream.

      She took me out back. IWL there was no way to make your way around to the back of the building because there was another property. But in the dream there was a wooden scaffolding/walkway that ran along the backside at the level of the second floor. Also, the building, that had been two stories IWL, was three in the dream. In fact, it was two buildings, and had a small courtyard in the middle.

      We walked along the walkway and she asked me to use my lucid powers to fly up on the roof and turn on the air conditioner. I went up there and there were these two fat old guys that I had never seen before. They told me to go back down that I wasn't allowed on the roof.

      I remembered one of the businesses there was this store that sold crystals, incense and all this other new spirituality age stuff. This store was in the dream too, but it was a third building, and was rotated 90 degrees to its regular orientation. (Most of the businesses in the building she owned were actually taken by things like churches and psychics and stuff.)

      I went in, and there were these two women talking. One was this very tall oriental woman, taller than Manei probably, and dressed in mostly black. The other was a short black woman who was wearing purple and looked a little like my moms' friend. She had the same smiling face. I told them I was just dropping in to see how the store was, since I used to come there as a kid. But I felt like I was interrupting whatever they were talking about and I should leave.

      One of the women told me I reminded her of a character in a The Alchemist; a boy who got hurt and had to bandage half of his face and hide it. (Having read the book, I know there is no such character.) I think she asked me about my wristbands. I told her that they were something that I came up with so that I could tell when I was dreaming and when I was awake in them, since I would only have them in the dream. I also told her that they also have hidden blades in them in case a nightmare or something comes up and I have to fight.

      Two Bslaps for myself. One for not becoming lucid right there. And one for telling the lady about my hidden blades.

      I also remember in the store that all of the crystals and stuff looked exceptionally vivid. I remember how I was thinking about making quartz crystals a dream sign, because I feel like I dream of them a lot.

      I wanted to go back and meet with my grandmother and finish helping her. But I had to go to some kind of class. My teacher from my tech school was in one of the businesses and it was set up like the computer lab from my old tech school. I had a photoshop project to do.
    4. Childlike Subconcious (LD #178)

      by , 03-05-2015 at 03:58 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Bedtime: 12:20

      Well, I guess bedtime doesn't determine everything.

      It started off with some dream about driving and walking through an urban area trying to get my cousins to a baseball game.

      Somehow or other, I wound up in what felt like the woods behind my neighborhood. It was tropical though, and everything was green. The dream was very clear despite being nonlucid. I was showing them houses that had been overgrown and abandoned many years ago. We were talking about how we would have liked to live in them in their prime.

      We came to this one house, a huge four story mansion. (Or the frame of one anyway) A massive tree, about 20 feet in diameter and easily 500 feet tall had cleaved the entire frame in half, leaving only two smaller sections standing. Myself and the party of DCs (there were two or three of us total.) were hypothesizing about how the middle must have once looked.

      We made our way around back, climbing over fallen trees. We saw that a river ran along the back of the house. There were waterfalls flowing from the cliff-side into the river.

      "How cool would it be to live with 3...4 waterfalls in your backyard?!"

      I then made an observation of some of the tropical flora. There were fern trees all around us.

      This for one reason or another made me become lucid.

      I stabilized briefly. I then decided that I wanted to go and see my subconscious and tell him/her/it that I wanted more lucid dreams. I shouted "I want to see my subconscious right now!"

      I saw that there was a small double door between two large boulders on the forest floor. The two DCs that I was with walked through it.

      I opened the door after them. It was nothing but blackness. I let myself fall in. I fell for awhile before arriving at this location suspended in the blackness.

      There was a throne chair with a small child sitting in it. Built up around us was the back wall of the throne room, made out of castle stones, and the floor, made up of tiles. This crumbled away about a hundred feet from the chair in every direction, as if this one slice of the castle had been removed from the rest and placed into this void.

      The child (who I guess was supposed to be my subconscious) was wearing a red king robe, golden crown and had a long scepter. Though none of this quite fit him because he was so small.

      There were a couple of guards in strange white armor positioned on either side of his throne. I think Manei and Marcus manifested into the room behind me. I could feel their energies.

      SubC "I am your subconscious, and I am very busy! Each time you say something to me, it's gonna cost you [some kind of special money]. You have 1,800 of it. Go!"

      Me "How come so many of my efforts to lucid dream fail?"


      SubC "Because you didn't do the work I gave to you. Remember Jonathan? Why is he not dead?"

      Me "I did the right thing. He said that he wanted to go peacefully, so me and Manei agreed to let him go."


      SubC "But that wasn't what you were supposed to do!" His tone of voice started to sound a bit whiny at this point.

      Manei "If there is one thing [my name was garbled] taught me, it's that you shouldn't let other people decide who you are. You should [follow your own path or something.]

      I saw that Manei had some kind of money counter for talking to this guy too. She only had about 600 of it. Marcus had no money and therefore wasn't allowed to speak.

      SubC "What? You're taking his side?"

      Manei (mad) "I wish I was never on your side to begin with."

      SubC "Guards, show of force."

      Me "Look at you. You try to control people and [mold them into what you want or something.] And when they start rebelling against you, you threaten them. [If you want people to respect you, you have to earn that respect, not force it out of them or something.]" (My ability to recall dialogue is horrible.)


      SubC "Stop it! Stop it! It's not true! Guards, Seize them!" (He started sounding more and more like a whiny child.)

      The two guards began to advance on me. The dream started to fade. I saw my 'money' was starting to tick down.

      Me: "The way you choose to remove me from your presence rather than learn from me proves just how weak and immature you really are. When you [grow up a little], you will see that I was right about everything. I see no way we can come to an agreement if you are going to act like this."


      The dream cut to black here. I had an FA, but somehow still remained semi lucid. I was on the steps of one of the dorm complexes at my college.
      Spoiler for Sexy Toys:

      There was also a part where I dreamed that I was trying to send one of my cats away in a cardboard box that would float like a boat on a lake. I felt like the lake we were at had taken the place of my old middle school.


      I really don't know what to make of this. I don't know why my subconscious was so childlike and closed-minded. He wanted things done a particular way, his way. He wanted no part of anyone else, and didn't want to earn their respect. (Sure, sounds like a much younger me, but I'm sure a lot of us acted that way as children since we simply didn't know any better.)
    5. Manei tries to summon the Angelic Dwarven Guardian (LD #121), Destroying the Lucid Barrier (LD #122)

      by , 10-15-2014 at 01:21 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Well... good night last night. Took me an hour to type this up.

      I was driving along in a mountainous region supposedly on some family vacation with my parents. The sky looks to be a very deep shade of blue and I think there were some planets in the sky. The mountains we are on don't look very earth-like either.
      The mountains are made out of a light brown/tawny rock and covered in moss that seems to flow over them like water. Exotic fern-trees grow in some of the more level areas but the mountains are fairly jagged.
      The road we are driving on is narrow (two lane) and built up on this really high end, futuristic looking bridge. Eventually I saw that we were coming up on a settlement in a valley.
      It was a very small settlement. Two houses, one of the houses is very modern with a big glass wall on the front and a solar array on the roof. The other one looks older, being made of bricks with a circular drive out front. There is also an old fashioned well and a park with swings and a play structure.
      My parents said that we had been driving for awhile and that we should pull over and eat lunch as a family in this park.

      This somehow led me to becoming lucid. I ran into Manei, who had taken on a youthful form, she was about 8. She then turned and ran and I came after her. I chased her across the playground structure and she went down the slide.
      "Come on! Go down the slide!"
      "mmm... Ok."
      I go down the slide, trying to rack up a little bit of dream stabilization along the way. I recall the slide being a reddish color, and having scuff marks on it. Before I reach the bottom, she says something else.
      "When you get to the bottom, don't stop!"
      I slide down and when I come off the end of the slide I go forward a little bit because of my momentum and land on my butt in the wood chips. For some reason I seem to sink into the wood chips.
      "Good, I had to make sure you were still (able to act like a child). The Dwarven Guardians who run this place really like that."
      "I'm going to summon the Angelic Dwarven Guardian now. Now you won't be able to see him because (He exists across the fourth dimension), but (He will be standing right in front of you) you will be able to communicate with him through thoughts."
      Manei changes into her base form (goes through puberty in a couple of seconds) and begin concentrating on summoning him. The dream begins to shift, I have a false awakening, or a scenery change, can't remember. Anyways, I'm in my bedroom. The wood chips I was laying in have become my bed. I lose some lucidity.

      The dream scene changes again. I am now in the basement of my house, standing. Manei continues concentrating for a minute or two and then all four of our family's cats (including the dead one) show up. Our youngest cat is particularly interested in whatever she is trying to do. He meows and rubs against her leg.
      "Rrrrgh! No! (Facepalms) That's not what I meant to do!"
      The dream carried on for a minute as Manei became frustrated in her attempts to summon this being, and I just sort of stood there patiently waiting to see what exactly was going to happen. I began to feel like the cat, the young one was somehow a representation of the being we were trying to summon. I tried to lock onto the cats energy and he and I engaged in a staring contest. I could feel something else in there. I could see it in his eyes. I was about to tell Manei that she should change her approach when I woke up.

      5:10. Let's go back.

      I had a dream where I had gotten a job at a superstore, like Target or Wal-Mart. I was the Janitor and my job was to clean the interior windows on the office walls in the back. My boss (a grouchy, short, fat, black haired man) gave me a toilet brush that had been dipped in soapy water.
      "Get your ass moving now!"
      I walk into the back of the store and begin scrubbing the windows. I haven't been told that I have to dry them or anything, and wasn't given a towel, so I just scrub them clean. The first office is really easy, but the second office, for some reason, someone has splattered a muddy brown substance on the window. I couldn't tell if it was mud, chocolate, caramel, or *shudders* something worse.
      Regardless, I'm the Janitor, and I guess they have to put up with stuff like this, so I just push past it. I start scrubbing but my brush gets contaminated with the muddy substance. I'm not really cleaning anymore, I'm just moving the dirt around. I decide I will go back to my boss and tell him that I'm going to need a bucket of soapy water.
      I start walking back across the store floor to the front where my boss is; in the front. I don't get very far until I come across my mom who is shopping. She tells me that I really should put on some pants if I want to impress my boss, and I realize that I am wearing a shirt and briefs.

      Lucidity hits me like a brick wall.
      There was this weird part though where the scenario repeated itself semi lucid. I was in a library this time, and my boss was a female, but no less grumpy. I went through scrubbing the windows, but there was this extra part where I was trying to clean the brush off in a drinking fountain in the back of the library.
      Regardless, I had a false awakening. As my eyes started to open, I could tell I was in my bedroom.
      My lucidity was clear enough to remember that I had gone to sleep in my college dorm room. I did a nose pinch.
      "Yeah! Just what I thought! A false awakening!"
      Something felt odd about my bedroom, like everything was reflected to the opposite side.
      I started to get out of bed and I took note of how dark everything was. I decided to turn on the lights. The dream glitched here and I was instantly over at the door, facing as If I were walking into my bedroom. I flicked on the light-switch and nothing happened. I flicked it up and down two times, and nothing happened.
      "Wait... don't light switches not work in dreams...?"
      The light flashed on blindingly bright for a fraction of a second. I heard a loud scream, then everything was black. I could feel myself falling for a few seconds.
      I false awaken. After one false awakening, I was ready to catch the second one, especially if it was to be in the same place as the first. I was in my bedroom. It was dark. I looked at the floor to see that it had been extruded down about 20 feet and filled with water back to the level of the original floor. The weird part was, all the furniture was sitting in place on the surface of the water.
      I recall the water being dark and murky, and seeing a large shark or predatory fish of some sort in the water.
      I must not have been fully lucid because I felt trapped by it. Eventually a blurry-faced dream character in a tiny yellow inflatable dingy came in, rowing with a wooden paddle. When they came up to my bed, I pushed them into the water and stole their little boat.
      I rowed into the guest bedroom for some odd reason and the clarity and mood of the dream picked up significantly. I thought that I was in a surreal painting or something. The water here was very shallow, six inches at the most, and clear. There were brightly colored fish in it, and the carpet flooring had been replaced with wood.
      There was a waterfall flowing from a bottomless pitcher suspended in midair, down a wooden desk, then onto a wooden chair into the floor below. For some reason, there was also a coat rack with a couple of bird cages hanging from it, with brightly colored birds in them. Some of the cages were open and a couple of exotic dream-birds were circling around the room.
      There were vases of flowers everywhere and lily pads in the water.
      I saw a turtle in the water. The turtle had mosses and grasses growing on his shell. I asked the turtle if he would protect me from the shark that was in the other room. He then created this little explosion of bubbles and a tiny fish appeared. It was black and brown with yellow spots. He told me that the fish would protect me.

      I turned back and looked around the room. My lucidity was slipping and I had to remind myself that this was just a dream. I decided to go outside. I began walking out of my house, and the water floors were fading away now.
      I open the door and take one look. I couldn't help myself.
      Holy S**t!
      The dream world was so bright and realistic. I could make out every leaf on every tree, blowing in the wind. I could see a full, white moon rising in the daytime sky. The sky still had that look that it had in the first dream though, it was a darker blue than it should have been. All of the colors seemed to pop, though.
      The trees in our yard were not quite right though. They seemed to be of different species. The one that is right out the front door was replaced with this one with millions of tiny bright green leaves. And where our pine tree was was a palm tree that started with a single base and split into multiple tops. Another tree was replaced with a giant red and white mushroom.
      As I looked more closely at the sky, I could see a structure in it. I couldn't really describe quite what it looked like in words, but it was made up of these circular nodes. Each one had a rune symbol on it. The rune symbols were connected by large beams with small white lights along the edges. Between those larger beams were smaller intricate spiral and radial patterns, sometimes centering around the nodes. The structure arched across the whole sky.
      Although I couldn't quite tell what it was, I could tell that it was solid, probably made of stone or metal, and that it was at least a few miles up. It had a sort of technological look to it, like the surface of the death star would. But also a very mystical, design. There were a couple of clouds in places obscuring parts of the structure.
      I was a bit taken aback by all this scenery. I almost lost the dream.
      "Keep it together (Jade)! It's just a dream... A very very good lucid dream."
      Then, just when I couldn't taken any more, we got planets. Two of them. Somehow visible past the barrier. Both of them looked earth-like, with atmospheres and oceans. One was larger and looked pretty flat, mostly land. The other was much more topographically interesting with craters and oceans.
      I had to contain myself a second time. I tried to think of something I could do. I then thought of the "Lucid Barrier" and thought that perhaps that huge structure in the sky is my lucid barrier. I should fly up and destroy it!
      Okay, usually in very stable, vivid dreams, flying can be a bit of a hassle. I try not to think about the fact that there is a massive structure hindering my lucid dreaming ability right above me. I start running from my front porch, toward the road. I try projecting my energy out of my hands to generate lift. I can't feel any energy flowing. I look upwards, at the house across the street and try to imagine myself being pulled toward the second floor.
      I jump, and notice that I don't seem to be heading back toward the ground. I feel the energy start flowing from my hands, and my little hand rockets ignite. Classic.
      "Haha! Yeah!"
      All of the sudden I hear a horn. I am now in the middle of the road, and only a couple of feet off the ground. A large white van careens toward me. I get struck on the left and side of the van and spun around by the impact. But it doesn't really hurt, despite the fact that I was hit at a fairly high speed. I try not to let the spin destabilize or change the dream environment.
      The van fares a little worse though, it careens off the road and hits one of the neighbor's trees. The dream character; a black man with dreads gets out.
      "Hey! Watch it! I... You're flying... He's flying!" The dream character yells.
      Something made me realize that the huge structure in the sky was not my lucid barrier. I decide to manifest a physical representation of it and destroy it. I turned around, and in the middle of the street was my lucid barrier.
      It was made out of rings of a pink polished stone, like a target, with a white four pointed star, also made out of polished stone. There was a ring of grey polished stone that connected into a pedestal and a crescent of more white polished stone along the inside of the outer ring. It was actually a beautiful sculpture and I felt a little bit bad for having to destroy it.
      I started to fly at it. For some reason, my flying was a little bit awkward and I was flying feet-first. I wanted to turn myself around, until I realized this was actually perfect. I kicked into it, knocking out the white crescent and breaking the outer ring ring of grey stone. I looked back to see my work, and a little less than half of the wall was gone.
      I felt my lucidity get clearer. Then I realized the reason my lucidity was so clear, and that my mind was so awake was that I was actually waking up.

      Hopefully now that I started tearing down that lucid barrier my LDs will increase.

      Updated 10-15-2014 at 05:59 PM by 53527

      nightmare , false awakening , memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    6. Flying,DEILD,Dragon Shouts (LD #20)

      by , 10-24-2012 at 02:32 AM (Lucid Time!)
      So I had gotten lucid somewhere outdoors, and decided to try some flying. I made a jet of fire in my hand, and started to fly straight up, going faster and faster. For awhile, I was looking straight up, when I stopped and looked around me, I saw that I was above the clouds.
      I looked back up and thought back a few lucids to when I was flying at light speed. I decided to do that again. But when I did the dream destabilized.
      I was dreaming/hallucinating static. I could tell I was between being in the dream and being awake. I realized that I had to DEILD. Somehow, it worked.
      The dream had changed when I returned, I was now inside a house. For some reason, I had got the feeling that my family had just moved into this new house because there were a bunch of cardboard boxes laying around.
      I somehow got into some kind of battle with a dream character. I know that it was a female, but I have no idea who exactly. She was wearing body armor. I must have forgot that I was lucid for awhile, because the best that I could do to fight her was try to hit her with a hammer.
      I realized that I was dreaming, and for some reason, I thought of the video game Skyrim. I decided to try using a dragon shout.
      "Fus Ro Dah"
      Although there was no blue energy wave, like there is in the game, I sent my opponent flying into a wall.
      I wanted to battle another dream character, and I noticed my mother asleep on the couch. I asked her if she wanted to battle me. She said that she was very tired, and would do it later. (Agian, forgetting that I was lucid.)
      I decided to pursue something other than senseless violence. My lucidity started to get clearer at this point, and I saw two of my cats play-fighting. I looked at them; knowing that I was lucid, and thought it would be interesting if they were dreaming about fighting one another, and that I was having a shared dream experience with my cat.
      I looked up and saw my father on a second floor overlook of the kitchen. He gave me a very dirty look for some reason.
      I proceeded to think of other things to utilize the lucid dream for. I thought about trying to meditate in a lucid dream, just to see what would happen. I remembered a long time ago, when I tried to meditate in a dream. I thought about how peaceful I felt, and how when I sat down, golden light shone around me, and I was surrounded by trees. I had a vivid visualization of this past dream.
      I think I woke up not long after that.
      I wrote down a few notes so I wouldn't forget what had happened during this dream.

      Updated 08-10-2014 at 03:34 PM by 53527

    7. Whose lucid is it? (LD #12)

      by , 09-12-2012 at 11:16 AM (Lucid Time!)
      By the time my recall picks up, I was already lucid. (My dream recall is worse than my lucidity. ) I was in my family room. The first thing I remember doing was talking with my cat.
      My cat was actually a portrayal of my cousin. I can't remember most of our dialogue but we were arguing because we were in the same lucid dream and we wanted to know who would get to use their powers of dream control, and who would be a bystander. I eventually said to him that I challenged him to a dream duel. Winner keeps the dream.
      I punched the ground near him. He ran away and faded. I got up and decided that I would go outside and try to find my guide or practice some dream control, since the opportunity so rarely presents itself.
      I walked though the kitchen and towards the front door, my parents stood back. They must have realized that I was lucid and wanted to go about it on my own. On my way out the door I said to myself "my shoes are on!". I'm pretty sure it worked but it was kind of unnecessary.
      The dream world was beautiful. The sky was nearly alien with two morning suns poking though the clouds. I can remember there being alot of flowers in our front garden. But one orchid was particularly beautiful.
      I began down the walk when something started buzzing in my ear, like a mosquito. I dusted away from my ear. It was persistent no matter how many times that I swatted or dusted the annoyance away from my ear. My ear began to hurt as I began to slap it and dig my finger into it trying to get the buzzing out. I lost focus and forgot about maintaining the lucid experience. I woke up in my frustration.

      Updated 12-28-2013 at 05:15 AM by 53527
