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    1. Spending some time dreaming again

      by , 12-09-2014 at 02:18 AM (Delenn's dream journal)
      With the school semester behind me, and Thanksgiving over (finally), I had some brain energy to devote to dreaming.

      I attempted WBTB last night. It failed to produce a lucid dream, but I did remember 3 dreams during the night. That's better than things have been recently. Often times I just fall into bed and don't remember my dreams at all. I have 2 days off coming up, so I will try again then.
      side notes
    2. Vitamin B-6 (My story, dosage, risks.. etc)

      by , 12-09-2014 at 02:12 AM
      My ToC (Table of Contents)

      I decided to switch up my DJ from the norm. Instead of just posting about dream related things, I'd also like to talk about different substances and daily occurrences i've had that somehow relate back to dreaming.

      One of the first things I did when I joined this forum was research. After countless philosophical lessons on 'lucid dreaming' (something I never imagined putting THIS much time into) I decided to give it a shot. To be frank, I honestly thought it was some easy 3 step process that would work. One of the first things that deterred me was having to remember dreams, considering I can't even remember 99.5% of them, let alone what I ate for breakfast two days ago.

      The first night I joined the forum I repeated the mantra I learned about, "I will wake up and remember my dreams" and surprise surprise.. I didn't remember my dream the next morning. I figured, "OK - you're not going to remember your dreams or even some of them JUST like that." The next day I put heavy emphasis throughout the day on remembering my dreams the next morning. Still, that morning, like the countless ones before it, no dream recall whatsoever. I figured I was just hopeless at ever becoming a lucid dreamer.

      ----- THE APPLE JUICE

      I then did some investigating on the forum itself about household items I could find that would help increase my dream recall. So I told myself I'd set an alarm that night and try apple juice after a WBTB. (we're now 3 days in since the first time I researched LDing). The reviews on the thread were 50/50, some claiming they had awesome reactions and greater recall because of drinking the AJ, while others said nothing new happened, or no recall happened that night. I was a skeptic, I knew, because I'm a diabetic who is constantly pounding back AJ before bed, it WOULDN'T work.

      Again... surprise surprise.. it didn't work for me. I was bummed out, and now at rock bottom. SO I went online and heard about dream herb. Ordered it, and I'm still waiting for it to arrive; however please do expect a DJ on its reliability and what I experienced with it when it arrives *hopefully* tomorrow.

      ----- THE B-6

      After the apple juice sadly didn't work, I then researched b-6. I honestly didn't even think to check my cupboards (I already had it at home). The next day I bought the vitamin, still a little skeptical about it working since the AJ didn't work. That night I popped a 100mg capsule before bed with a glass of milk and a handful of pistachios because they both contain Tryptophan (T) - an essential amino acid, also needed for the b-6 to fully work (or so I heard.. honestly i'm not even a chemist, but I thought it wouldn't hurt anyways to eat T loaded substances before bed).

      The morning after a fresh, 10 hour sleep, I woke up with 2 dreams in my dream journal. Literally the first night taking this pill my dream recall went from 0 to 2. I recalled two dreams just by taking a freaking pill!

      The next day was filled with me drinking milk, eating nuts and pistachios, and I had a cherry smoothie with a bunch of other antioxidant fruits. Before bed, like usual, I had my milk and pistachios. I woke up with 4 new dreams in my diary.

      The very next-next day (this morning).. I did the same routine again.. and viola! I had one of the longest, most extensive dreams i've had. It was amazing.. my recall went from 0 in a year to 7 in 3 days, with one of them being a very detailed dream for me. You can see my dreams leading from DJ 1 - 7.

      DJ 1 & 2 - The first night taking B6.
      DJ 3, 4 , 5 & 6 - The second night taking B6.
      DJ 7 - Last night after taking B6.


      Scientific UPDATE:

      Dosage/Risks of B6:
      * Start off by using 100mg. I had my sister try 50mg the first night and she had no change in recall or vividness, however when I tried 100mg I had double the recall.
      * Do not take more then 300mg at once, and especially not for prolonged periods of time.
      * KNOW the adverse effects. Long term use is UNSAFE and can lead to brain and nerve problems.
      * If you're breast-feeding, please note there is not enough information to condone the use of B6. Avoid it.
      * If you're a pregnant, please note that it is LIKELY safe to take b6 in small quantities. Overuse can cause the newborn to have seizures.

      ALSO, keep in mind i'm NOT a doctor. Any of the information was found online. Use this information and the vitamin itself at your own risk, and PLEASE DO research before trying anything.

      Foods with B6 in them:
      • Cereals
      • Beans
      • Vegetables
      • Meats
      • Eggs
      • Nuts

      Take B6 around 30 minutes before bed, or during a WBTB. I have not tried B6 during a WBTB though, and only have before bed. Taking it with Tryptophan (T) rich foods is recommended. These foods include: Turkey, Milk, Meat, Bananas and some Nuts... There are many more foods containing (T).


      Anyways, if you're new to lucid dreaming and have tried things out but still have a bad dream recall, or you'd like to just flat out improve recall, i'd 100% recommend B6. Check your cupboards for some b-6 and try it out, but please DO research before taking anything in your cabinet. Just because it's safe for me, doesn't mean it'll be safe for you. I'm no physician either.. so I can only post scientific information that I find online.

      ** Fair Warning: extensive and prolonged B-6 use is UNSAFE. Do your research before trying anything new!
      And if you're interested, heres my b-6 thread for any questions you've got.. or you can post them below.

      Cheers to B-6 and happy dreaming.

      Updated 12-09-2014 at 03:54 AM by 72072

    3. Put Your Hands Where I Can See Them!

      by , 12-09-2014 at 01:51 AM
      Oh Lucy! Why, Why, Why?!

      I have been questioning my surroundings with reality checks, looking at my hands, and counting my fingers over the last six or seven days. Would someone please tell me why did I freak out in my dream when I saw my fingers ???!!! In my dream, I just remember talking to someone and I looked down at my hands. You may ask, "What did she see?" CLAWS! Yes...claws folks. My fingers were red, fat, swollen, disfigured, pointy, creepy claws! In my dream I started freaking out so bad I started running to a fire station. Guess what Lucy, the creepy claws were not finished scaring the hell out of me yet. When I looked down at my hand again (yes, I looked at my hands twice and still didn't get lucid), my pinky finger had what looked like a big blister or boil 'hanging' from the tip of the claw (gross). A fireman laughed as he took my pinky in his hand (yes, this is another hand that I saw which now makes three), and 'popped' the boil/blister. It seems like every time I looked down at my hands, they grew even more creepier. I stood there so freaked out that I literally scared my ass awake ...Sigh. I still love you Lucy.

      Side Note:
      Lucy = Lucidity

      Updated 12-09-2014 at 01:54 AM by 62703

      non-lucid , nightmare
    4. 2nd Sleep after Learning about lucid dreaming

      by , 12-09-2014 at 01:15 AM
      Went to sleep at 12:30am

      Dreams between 12:30am-2:35am:
      I was with 2 children and they were not mine but became mine. We were playing at a park. I saw zombies coming out of no where I tried to yell to the others that there was a breach. I grabbed the children’s hands and started to run. I was not getting far and zombies became enclosing. It half occurred to me that the kids will be alright if I leave them. But I still ran for my own sake. The herd was enclosing and one reached and grabbed my hair as I ran past. The enclosing herd now became less threating and I realized I could make them disappear. I did not think “this is a dream”. I started melting pieces of the environment away just as fast as the thought formed. Like whipping off food from a plate when you are cleaning it. The canvas was blank and I started to fill it with sky. I took off in it but not extremely aware I was in control. I tried to forced scenery onto the canvas and for some reason it was not working. I drew a large scene with futuristic building and dome like buildings like something out of star wars. I didn’t want to play in it, the notion was “Oh come on! I have been here 1000 times!”. I fly away, or backed away, or I erased it, I can’t remember, I got frustrated and went into the sky (daylight sky). I just went higher and higher, not knowing what to do with myself. I went so high that I found large empty plastics. Large plastic bottles and containers with lids attached. They were in big batches, sticking together. These batches were just floating in the sky. I knew I went to high, or didn’t want to get to high in the sky for fear I would get stuck. I stopped ascending and started to swim down. Literally swim down. It was difficult and I started losing my sense of direction of up and down.
      The dream ended, I think. I do not remember feeling the wind on my face or exhilaration from flying. But I was able to get away from and OUT of a zombie dream. I a pattern of zombie dreams and this was the first time I did not have an entire dream of zombies.
      I do not know if I was in full control of my dream because I got lost in the sky and did not recognize that these plastic bottle clouds were odd.

      I was disappointed upon waking up that I either did not know how to create my own dreams, so I defaulted to letting my dream just happen, after going into the sky.

      In another dream I was a rapper. A white male rapper. My crew was signing a deal with our manager. The paper had a signature process of putting a MultiFinder ring on your hand and holding it to the paper. It was my turn and everyone had signed it but me. I noticed the paper was full of signatures, no actual text. I demanded to see the actual contract before signing. When out manager was being difficult about seeing the contract, I refused to sign it. There was 7 million of our money we earned involved. After rallying up my crew about the contract they signed, but was not complete with out my signature, we got the contract. In the contract, our manager (a woman) had the money being funneled to her and another woman! Who we had never heard of. My manager was furious that were now knew. My crew was yelling at her and also cheering for me. I took the liberty of ripping up our contract into pieces. I started yelling as a past anyone by, YOUR WELCOME, YOUR WELCOME.

      In another dream Some place in a corner store, or bar, Jaleesa OR Zakari had slept on a couch in the back. They slept there in need and loved that the location had a dog. A black dog. The dog stayed with them or slept with them. Or maybe it was her dog. It was not clear if this was Jaleesa (high school jaleesa) or the now 2-yr old Zakari.
      This dream is very fuzzy, it was a sliver of a dream I believe.

      In another dream I was meeting up with powerful, possibly scary woman if you got in her way. We were going somewhere important, like an adventure. Frist we got a couple of things from this very historic site, which she lived close by. A large Train that was backed into the wall and all I saw was the face of the train. A cartoonish train. The train had a coo-coo clock-type of extension, that I took off. I was in disbelief that I was at that site and needed to touch it. I walked with the extension, following the woman into a room, where her ‘henych men’ was. He was very helpful and offered to return the extension after I showed it to him. He was seriously, Mario. Mario. A life size, perfectly dimensioned, Mario.
      Either I am remembering a different dream or the powerful woman, who I was weary of, became Brittnie (my oldest sister). I was made to clean and start trying to peel off stickers on the legs of different furniture and tables. The woman, Brittnie now, and Mario, was also cleaning. There was an endless supply of cleaning solutions, I was using them wastefully. Splashing on my pants as I washed because I would use too much.
      I thought: Damn my jeans will be soaked by the time we are done. Why didn’t I bring a change of pants!

      An in and out dream came, where I could hear Cinnamon ask: Well how to do I know I am dreaming? She disappeared. I wanted to answer that question or maybe ask it again. I felt a sharp hot burning on my upper thigh, below my crotch on my right thigh. For some reason I made ‘someone’ touch me. I tried scaring myself and it worked. I believed someone was touching me and I became to get really scared. They same feeling I know very well within my dreams. I started to get myself awake. So I must have known I was asleep. I was suffering from sleep paralysis BAD. I started feeling the blankets on me and that I was in my bed. But my head was still in a dream and the feeling on my leg still there. I knew Tim (my boyfriend) must be by me, I started to say his name, I wanted him to rustle around in order to wake me up. I know I was able to mumble something because I felt him move in bed. That allowed me to get nearly out of sleep paralysis. At this stage I know this feeling I have to shake my head back and forth, I pant and I still have my eyes closed. I have to shake myself awake. Once I do that I jerk awake, still panting. I feel for Tim and he felt the commotion, and knows the deal. He says to me without moving: It’s ok.
      I am now awake and I ask myself if I am awake. I think: yes. I ask myself, why am I awake and not sleeping? I think: because It is dark in my room. I never have dreams that are in the dark. (They may be fucked or scary, but never in the dark). I say I am awake because I can feel Tim sleeping, I see the flickering of the pilot light flame in the hallway and the faint red color, coming from the alarm clock. It was 2:35 am, at this point.
      I wanted to remember all the dreams so I recorded them before returning to sleep.

      After going back to bed I had a nightmare. I don’t recall having any other dream than this one. I was in a scary movie type of dream. My mother (she looked like Carl’s mom, from the walking dead) died. All I had was pictures of her and videos. When I would view the pictures, she would be further back in the photo or a branch would be in more in the way than did was before in the picture. I saw who was doing this. He was terrifying. His face was fire. I watched a video of her and again she was further back in the pond water she was in. Making it harder to make out her face. I felt something right behind me and at that same moment my mother in the video, she’s looking past me now and yells ‘Oh my god!” And then I see it was him behind me.
      I jerked awake again but not unlike the process the other dream was where I have to shake me head and be half in half out.
    5. Tricks On The Ocean/ Singing On A Flying Broom/Dream Characters

      by , 12-09-2014 at 12:43 AM
      Dream 1

      Someone brought me somewhere I don't remember.Anyways somehow I ended up on the ocean. I was flying and running on the water trying to do big jumps and tricks. There was a DC on the ocean doing tricks as well. We started racing each other but I lost the DC cause I just kept going.I don't remember what happened next.

      Dream 2

      I was walking up the stairs in a school so I could reach the library. I was following a boy. But my dad came out of no where and opened a small treasure chest like box in front of me.In it was something that looked like thin wire and dust Bunny's. Than he took out a cake slice and ate it in front of me. I said "ew" than told my dad to leave.

      As I was going up the stairs though I bumped into a pillar and it was about to collapse on me. The boy pushed me out of the way and the pillar fell down. But it didn't cause much damage so we kept going up to the library. After that I don't recall what happened but not much happened I think.

      The next thing I remember is being in a stadium where I and other characters were anime characters. There were dream characters that were evil and we(me and another girl DC) had to change them back to normal by singing lyrics on our flying brooms.The paper blew away from my buddy though so I had to catch it. I didn't see what was on the paper so I just sang whatever came to mind.The people were singing too and than I woke up.

      Dream 3

      I was trying to get money out of my card in a bank that was near a park. My family and I were going to eat out or go on a picnic together. But when I went to the machine a little girl ran in front of me. Her mother was really really fat, like gynormous and she was sitting next to the machine. I asked if she could move her daughter who kept getting in my way.

      The lady was displeased though and said no, that I had to just deal with it. Than somehow she put coins into the machine. I said "fine" then moved her daughter gently with my hands to the side but the girl kept resisting and the mom looked furious. " What do you think your doing? No one touches my daughter like that!" said the lady. The next thing she did was grab me, swing me around in the air than drop me on the ground.

      I was on the floor madder than ever at the gynormous Lady. So I got up and shouted at her " You shouldn't have done that!" Than grabbed her , flipped her into the air,jumped into the air and made her head face the ground than pushed her straight into the ground head first.
      Even though I was satisfied with my fighting move I realized this was highly impossible for me in reality. So I decided to leave the place.

      When I left I appeared in a anime like city filled with realistic people and cartoon characters. There were more cops around than civilians though. What they were wearing reminded me of what the cops wear in the anime magic Kaito 1412. One of the cops said he was getting closer to find the culprit and would get them no matter what. I was trying to hide but knew he saw me. The funny thing is he ignored me though.

      I wanted to run straight through the streets without getting shot so I decided to run with wind portals around me so the bullets could be reflected. It worked and I managed to get to the other side where I stumbled on other dream characters who were hiding. The scenery began to look more abandoned though and the people more realistic.Three girls and a guy came up to me and asked me if I had seen the girl in the picture that was shown to me.

      I said no but I felt I had been with them before. She than showed me a picture of a baby and told me about a baby that died that couldn't make it. Than someone pointed out how cute the baby was and how red the girl in the picture's hair was. I thought it would be interesting to stick around with these characters so I decided to go wherever they were going. I followed them and noticed that I was in my house now but it was kind of dark.

      The girls and the guy was doing something to a pot in the stove. I told them to stop because fire was starting to spread a little bit and seemed out of control. The guy agreed and tried to stop it. But I had a feeling that things would turn out horrible so I went downstairs into the somewhat crowded dark hall. I wanted to escape through the backyard exit. I was having trouble though.

      The guy than came quickly in the form of a shadow and started to help me get out of the house. I let him carry me out to the backyard. As soon as we got out dream characters started exiting my house. I looked up and saw that the house looked somewhat like a Japanese style home. There was a nice looking green curtain on the window too. I thought about what to do when I suddenly heard my brother saying that this was his dream and the characters had to follow what he said.

      I told my brother " No, this is my dream. I'll prove I'm not a dream character." I ran in front of the dream characters and told them to pay attention. I put my hand toward the ground and said " I'll prove it by summoning something at will!" But than it hit me."Wait a minute. Nevermind. Dream characters can do that too...My bad!" The characters stared at me and I didn't know what to do so I asked them "How do you prove your not a dream character?"

      One of the guys in front of me than said "like this" than walked up to me and started kissing me. It felt real but Lol I'm not sure that was a valid proof. After that I looked at the door to see my dad entering the yard. He pointed out that he killed creatures that had a green liquid coming out of them. The creature's bodies slowly began to evaporate into orange gas and dissapeared.

      My brother than went up to some green ooze and tasted it. I told him he was weird and he said it wouldn't hurt him. When he got out I could see fire coming closer through the halls. I was starting to move back when suddenly my dad said he wanted to go back in and get something. I grabbed him and said no but than he said he just wanted to jump in the fire. The DCs and I jumped and grabbed him but he was kind of strong so we all kind of fell and than I woke up.

      Updated 12-09-2014 at 12:54 AM by 67570

      lucid , non-lucid
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