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    1. Dream #004 - 9-Aug-2015 Non-Lucid

      by , 08-10-2015 at 12:37 AM
      I found three people come to my place, one by one with a gap of 1-2 minutes. They all have upper body dressed. Their bottom body - below hip - not very much visible. I see the scene change.

      I found myself in a place like hostel. Some senior person talking to someone, and she sprayed pepper spray one people. Then she is repulsed due to the spray she sprayed and went away. She say (she went away and not visible, but still she says) they spent the water and the water system damaged in my block (hostel block).

      Suddenly I found was sleeping and wakeup, and I want to bath, because I feel I am dirty. The water water pipes damaged and I am not able to wash myself in the common bathrooms of my Hostel block. I see other bathrooms(in other hostel blocks) are occupied and people are queued up. Hundreds of them waiting there also. Now, what I can do?
      [ I wakeup ]

      Updated 08-13-2015 at 01:49 AM by 88470

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