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    1. Dild becomes Deild/oobe

      by , 08-27-2015 at 09:09 PM
      2.37 am woke up and sat up for wbtb - after meditation mantras - speaking to my sub saying that we are one so help me be aware in my dreams ect -" smooth entry" - from wake to sleep with consciousness - some visualising of green fields with abridged to another place but imagining the water under the bridge is drying up so one could walk there where wild flowers are growing...Water all around tho

      Set up for sleep at 3.45am - l lay on my back - for wild
      at 5.11 woke up after LD - event noted ;

      During Wild attempt I am very calm and really feel the transition to the still open space of ( what I think might be ) Delta/nrem - almost like I feel physically lifted to another space - it was more obvious than ever before - I thought for a bit I had gotten too interested in this transition as I seemed to lay there like this for quite a bit longer but consoled myself that I must wait and not turn over - it was still possible the dream was around the corner I muddle with a bit of Sild and played with imagining my dream scene of grassy green banks for a while - at some point I must have drift off as I cannot remember the transition I don't think. Oh yes I was feeling for my dream body a few times but dreamland has not kicked in yet -
      Suddenly I am in the dream and doing something I am doing quite often - Cleaning! scrubbing a carpet, I could see the stains on it and I was determined to get it clean - Something made me question myself and in an instance I know I am dreaming !
      I know my sleeping body is in bed and suddenly I felt that fact as I lay in bed but I know instinctively I can move my dream body and easily - excellent!

      I sit up then stand up and begin walking away from my body, it feels great as I have been wanting todo this for a while now! I can feel the pull of my physical body so i know I need to get on with grounding myself into the dream - I rub my hands together and as I look down at my hands I get a glimpse at them although its dark and it makes me smile - the feeling of my hands rubbing together feels strangely soothing to me. I can still feel the pull so do some mantras -
      " Om mani pema hung " - I look and see a sphere of light coming from my body starting to light up the darkness as I say the mantra - It is delightful and I feel a deep happiness inside me
      However I then find am back in my physical body in bed now delighted with the oobe experience

      Later NL dreams included helping a very old lady get her will to live back although she may not have much more time - I helped clean up he abode and joked with her - she looked lively and happy in the end when we parted

      Another NL dream where I was living a second life so couldn't let my friends know where I lived at night - I set off away from them in the darkness of the night and headed down some dodgy/off the beaten track pathways not knowing if I would be safe -'I had to get out of view quick tho as someone seemed to be following me - off I went into the dark night with my bag.

      Updated 08-28-2015 at 01:26 PM by 87274

      Tags: cleaning, oobe
      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    2. Competition Night 10: less effort than yesterday but more lucids... + weekly Task done

      by , 08-27-2015 at 06:13 PM
      To bed at around 10:15 pm

      First wakeup: 4:00 am one fragment (i do FP-measurements and instead of one plate i have for every transfection one and i did forget the 2mM ß-Me) +

      I am in an airplane perspective and shoot things on the ground. perspective is changing and i am on the ground. my task is to kick little yellow plasticcars on the site. i have a radar. my mom is coming: "you run so lovely"... her hands are dirty. a girl cross my way i tell her she needs to turn off her phone or take out the simcard because she appear on the radar.
      im in the lab now and do measure something as an experiment. a girl i saw sometimes in the university is coming in and we kiss each other. "seems to fit [between us]" i think. on the other side of the room is a new equipment, something with ice. i ask myself what it is good for. i am satisfied with my measurement and go over to R and M.

      WBTB with some SSILD cycles and Mantra´s:
      i am sitting at a table with my roomate L and her girlfriend J. we eat some savory pie which J has done. L is asking if F has feelings or if he changed in the lately. My opinion is F still has feelings but them changed (he has a new GF now). L stands up and goes on the balkony. its windy outside. Someone is visiting us and the topic remains. i tell him my thoughts about it. i´m sitting in my room at a table (that normaly is not there) and eat the rest of the pie. the pie is dry. my curtains are closed but its really bright from outside. i wonder for a sec if i forgett to close the curtains or if it is the superbright moon. I do a RC and am lucid. i want to summon Nightfeather and expect her to be outside of my room. i leave my room but instead of NF there is another guy in our floor who enters the kitchen. i go into the kitchen and its full of people. i dont understand right and ask what they are doing. someone tells me to not speak so loud because its night and everyone is sleeping. i am stressed out because its my home i dont know the people and the fuck he tell me what to do? i repeat a RC because i just cant belief this is real. i ask them if they want to kidding me its 4 am in the morning (i kind of know the clock on the counter says 20:50) i want them to leave but noone cares. i leave the room but come in a second later go to a dude that has a particularly annoying and stupid grin on his face grab him at his balls and pull him out of the kitchen into the floor. i enter the kitchen again and ask if someone else dont want to leave and the room starts to getting empty. i say the pretty one may stay and you can choose who is the pretty one of you. but i kind of alrdy choose a girl which top kind of is up and i can see her breasts which have piercings. i find it interesting move to her and kiss her. a girl behind me asks: Really? Her? she is so dumb! and her lipstick stains... i wake up.

      I lay still and DEILD:

      I´m now in the city [Fünffensterstr.] and remember i wanted to summon NF. I expect her behind the corner [at Rathausstr.] and go there. there are some people but its relativly dark and i dont see her. i call her name: NF, her real name but the wrong one (ups). then i remember her real one and shout S. i turn around and a girl is coming in my direction. i ask her if she is NF and she affirms it. that makes me somewhat happy and i take her hand and we start walking. she looks super sympathic. she has dark cloth on a beanie on her head and really dark red to black hair and a very friendly face. i rub my hands and we keep on walking. i tell her if she can show me a trick and if she can show me what she can do. in front of us is dark night with no stars or moon. suddenly at the horizon its getting brighter. after some seconds a hugh moon is rising slowly. i am excited about it and she smiles. after i look to her and to the moon again the moon is smaller to a normal size and rising much faster until its all up. now its not that dark anymore. i say to her Wow this is awesome i normaly have big problems with that same as with changing the weather. and she agrees with me. i think whats might be next and i ask her if she would like to show me a dream of hers. she nodds and tells me we need to get to a building for this. we keep on walking. i rub my hands again and we cross a bridge. i want to summon a little boy behind my back because i want him to bring me this little rubber massage balls lucid but stupid-39008_image.jpg because i have now for some time the idea to use it for dreamstabilisation to have it in my hand so i have a sensual stimulus the whole time. but there is noone behind us and we reach a street. we are at a hobo corner. there is some piss on the ground and a lot of beer. i see a guy on the other side of the street and i tell NF to remember me to ask him about the ball when we reach him but while i tell her that i see that he is drunken as fuck and falls to the side. i say nevermind and we keep on strolling. we cross the road without looking right and left and in the middle of the street some scooter drivers cross our way one after another. they drive while looking on their phone and i try to use telekinese to take it away from them. at two i can push it a litte bit so there hand moves like you like you would collide with them. but they dont loose it, dont care and keep on driving. with the third one i bother more and accidantly push him of the street and he drives into a bush. i say ups and NF just smiles. we keep and walking slowly. we reach a building that reminds me of a cinema or something and i think we wanted to enter but i wake up again.

      i set my intention again and repeat my mantras but dont force to get another lucid because i want to sleep and i fall asleep fast.
      i remember standing in a mall and eating something. someone is standing next to me. someone is passing us with a dog and he sniffs my hand and snap my hand and growl but dont bite me. i frighten for a sec and then just wander what that was because i didnt do anything.
      i am still at the mall and somewhat go to a girl in a group and kiss her because i just like that know that must be a dream. i go away but come back shortly after and she is looking at her phone and i see three times my name like i had called or something. the time says 9 am. i ask a dude what time is it and he tells me 11 am. thats not possible i say because on her phone its nine. i finally remember the weekly task i just didnt remember and touch her shoulders and tell her OOOHHH the task. okay wow do you see right behind me some plants? i see her look wander and she nods. i look behind me and see some boring typical office plants some feet away. i think for one second thats more far away than i wanted to be but who cares. we walk there and i tell her i want that the plant speaks to me and she can choose which one of those. she points at a branch of one plant and i follow the branch to see which one of those plants it is. its a human size one with a white pot: lucid but stupid-buerobegruenung-_raumbegruenung-_innenraumbegruenung_-3-.jpg i start talking to the plant like it would be a child or a dog but it dont responds. instead of that it stats to shake with its branches. the girl and some of her friends make sounds like you see a little baby or a puppy. i ask the plant if it would be so nice and come a little bit closer and the whole pot starts to slide in our direction. everyone is cheering and i say nice thank you and now back again and it slides back. i see a little behind that plant and another did the same without asking
      task done i think and want to make some fire in my hand again. and again nothing -.- i tell them that if i had some liquid in my hand and someone ignites it i have no problem. i try to ignite it with my thumb that could be a lighter but it doesnt work neither. some of the guy finally uses something like a lighter and my hand is burning. i throw the fireball into my other hand and than on one of the guys. his chest starts buring slowly and i take away the fire again and throw it on somebody else. but there the fire end and only a spot of liquid is on his cloth. we walk a little bit further and there is a butcher on the right site. i want to do some mindcontrol and approach the counter. i see in the background that they have a strange animal in a glass box and it still moves. i tell the saleswoman i want to see it first. she bring it and put it on the counter. it looks a little like a beaver or something and it dont moves anymore. i tell her i want to take it but for free. she somewhat disapears in the room behind and she comes back with her chef. she tells me how much it costs but i tell her i want it for free and she will give it to me. i get what i want and turn around to the girl and the guys and smile. i then point at the thing i get for free and try to make some lightning but it dont work that well. i make some stupid sounds like bztbzzbzt and now it works *facepalm*
      i wake up again. my roomate is up and i hear constant noises so i decide to write it down and get up soon.
      in this dream i was not that clear or lucid. i could do what i want but everything felt like i was in a sitcom or something and not in "reality" but nevertheless i finaly accomplished to do the weekly task

      Fragment: big tent. L sleeps left of it outside. i enter the tent and there is awning. its dark and i kick someone accidentally. i throw my sleeping bag and my sleeping mat into the tent. J and i talk about something and at the other side of the tent some girl i dont know is just sitting there.
    3. LD: Bringing Tom DeLonge Back from the Dead

      by , 08-27-2015 at 05:45 PM
      I had a short--but interesting-- lucid dream this morning.

      I had done an unintentional Wake Back to Bed--meaning that I woke up at 2:45 and couldn't get back to sleep. I decided to use this to try for a lucid dream. I took me a while, but I finally drifted back to sleep, my mind thinking about lucid dreaming.

      I remember being on a train, which seemed more like a roller coaster, as it winded up and down through a beautiful city. In the front of the Train I saw Tom DeLonge standing and entertaining the people around him. I don't remember what he was doing exactly, but people were laughing and enjoying it. I was envious that I wasn't closer. Finally the train stopped. I wanted to go on it again, but I was with a group of people that didn't want to. I reluctantly walked away.

      The next thing I know is that I'm on this mountain. It was full of streams and waterfalls. It was pretty much like another amusement park ride. I was with my friend Sherri and were were slipping down these channels of water. We were having a good time. At one point I saw this area that I wanted to get to, but it was too high. I had somehow seen it from another angle and it was a beautiful blue pool. After more slipping and sliding, I again saw the area that had the blue pool. We were somehow above it now, but the only way in was to drop about 20 feet down a waterfall. We knew we couldn't do that so we turned around and came the way we went. We were shocked to find that that way also dropped steeply into a tall waterfall.

      As we came to the edge, I grabbed a large rock that was jutting out. I caught us right before we would have plummeted below. I saw that the water below us was quite shallow, and that it would have injured us if we had fallen in that rocky shallow pool. As I clung to the rocks I wondered what I was supposed to do now. I couldn't go down, but there was no way to pull both of us upward at this point.

      Before I got too panicked, I suddenly thought I might be dreaming. In that instant I knew that was true. I told Sherri that we were dreaming, and that I was going to let go, and we could fly.

      I grabbed her around the waist just in case she couldn't fly. Even though this was a dream I wanted to take care of my friend. As I let go I started to fly up into the air, but then the weight of my friend started pulling me down. We gently fell back into the shallow pool below. I stood up. I told Sherri that she could fly if she wanted to. I started flying again.

      I flew back to the top of the waterfall. I knew that if I followed the water back I would end up in that beautiful blue pool. I was really drawn to that area. I had to see it up close. I realized Sherri wasn't following me, but decided that it didn't matter.

      I flew up and over the ridge and down the stream to where the blue pool was. I looked at it, soaking in its beauty. I then noticed in the water there looked to be a body. I had to pull it out. I dove down and grabbed it. The body was in an open box that reminded me of a coffin. I pulled both the body and the box out. I propped them up against a large rock.

      Now that we were back out of the water I looked closer at the body. To my surprise, I saw that it was Tom DeLonge. His body lay, still, in the box. He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt with faded white writing on it and dark colored pants, and his brown hair was dripping down on his white face.

      How could this be? Tom couldn't be dead. But I reminded myself that this was a dream. I could bring him back to life.

      I looked at his face again and concentrated. After a moment, I heard him suck in a breath of air. I felt a wave a relief. Then his eyes started to flutter open. He looked dazed for a minute, then focused on me. I waited.

      Then, to my surprise, his arms reached out and grabbed me and pulled me against him. He pulled my face close and I felt his lips on mine as he started to kiss me. I couldn't help but kiss him back.

      I briefly thought about breaking away from the kiss, so I could create my halo. I also thought that maybe Tom would like to see his halo as well. But, like how it is with most dream kisses, I was drifting into a deep bliss. I knew there was no way to stop it. All thoughts of doing anything else vanished, and I completely gave in to the kiss.

      lucid , memorable
    4. Battle at the Arcade

      by , 08-27-2015 at 02:58 PM
      I had forgotten about this dream when I woke up and I was sad that I didn't have any lucid dreams, but then I remembered it after trying to remember my dreams for a few minutes! I was sure glad that I did, this one was pretty fun even though I went a bit crazy for a minute, beating up a poor, innocent dream character. I wonder how many lucid dreams I completely forget about having.

      I was hanging out at an old school arcade, and it was quite popular! Very unusual for arcades these days, the last few I've seen were like ghost towns.
      I felt like I was in the 90's again, there were kids everywhere playing games and the atmosphere was very exciting and full of positive energy.

      I saw a girl that I used to have a crush on when I was 13. I wanted to buy these peanut butter cups because I remembered (falsely) in the dream that she used to love them. I tried to buy a bag from the cashier guy there and he said it would cost $95 AUD!
      I tried to haggle a little bit with him and a group of about ten DCs joined me, including my childhood crush. The guy caved into the pressure and cut the price in half, but he most certainly wasn't very happy about it. He demanded that I should take another item on top of the candy as well, quite odd. I took a small gray comb that was sitting on the table and gave him money. He didn't give me the candy, instead he tore up a couple $20 notes and threw them on the counter for me, while counting in $20 increments as though he was giving me change.

      I pointed at his face and called him a dick, so he reached beneath the counter, pulled out a gun, and pointed it at my face.
      I looked at him and said, "Are you serious? You can't hurt me in my own dream."

      He shot me a couple times and it didn't bother me at all. I was afraid that he was going to hurt my childhood crush though, so I slowed down time. I could see his bullets moving through the air, creating ripples in their wake.

      I got up next to them and calmly watched them float by me. I pulled a couple out of the air and dropped them on the floor. He kept firing though, and he was trying to hit my crush. The bullets started moving faster too.

      I kept swiping them to the side so that they flew into the walls or into arcade games. Two of the bullets got past me though and went into the girl's leg and stomach. I made the bullets come out with my mind and then held my hand over her body to heal her. The guy did it now. I didn't want to hurt him before that point, but hurting that DC made me go a little bit dark.

      I punched the next bullet that he shot and it went zooming past his head, then I ran up to him at super speed and kicked him straight in the nuts. His face started to slowly get distorted from the pain.
      I then punched him square in the nose and it sent ripples all throughout his body, emanating from the impact point. The force of the blow knocked him downwards into the ground slightly. Woke up.
    5. August 27, 2015

      by , 08-27-2015 at 02:44 PM
      Couldn't recall any dream but that's because 1) I didn't do my DJ and 2) I didn't do a WBTB. I was really sick this week but yesterday was the worse so i decided to take a break. Although i do remember part of a dream where i was a NASA scientist and something about over time a number gets bigger . I know sounds weird but anyways sorry for not posting yesterdays DJ but for now on ill be on top of it.
    6. Short Lucid moment

      by , 08-27-2015 at 02:37 PM
      Went to bed really early. As I hasn't slept yet. Woke up in the morning and figured maybe I would wild. I didn't, I fell asleep but I had lucids.

      Non-lucid - Don't remember but there was a small scenario playing
      Aas I got lucid i managed to come to a post-industrial city. Bigger than usual, with decent industrial activity, for the rset it was a ghost town. It was quite mega but nothing too sci-fi or very special. I managed to fly and didn't know where to go. I did not want to go up becaseu of the clouds where dark and foreboding. I lost my ability to fly. I really WANTED to fly but I realized that really wanting to fly would not help. I tried intending to fly but I fell more and more. And as I fell , just before the ground started looking much larger, the dream scene transformed into what it was before I got lucid

      -No rewcall
    7. Airliner.

      by , 08-27-2015 at 02:01 PM

      I've been drifting on and off not Dreaming, I come round and can tell I'm nearly in.
      I can hardly see anything at first but feel as though I'm standing up so put my hands out in front of me.
      I start to see them but everything's still very dark, I count my fingers and only have the normal amount but I know I'm Dreaming.
      I shake them about and then clap them quickly and the Dream brightens and clicks in properly around me.

      I'm in my kitchen, it's night time but I can see as the kitchen light's on.
      I still feel a little disconnected though so walk to the sink and turn on the tap.
      The water runs out fine so I run my hands under it and it feels a little cold, I splash my face to try to enhance the Dream and it does make it better.

      I get the feeling it's not going to be a very long Lucid as I know it's late and happening in my very last stage before I need to get up.
      I go out my front door, around my hedge and walk down towards the bollards and as I get about halfway towards them I hear a plane in the sky.
      I think to myself "it's probably going over my house in WL and I can hear it while sleeping".
      I start to imagine it above me and imagine it low, as I look up a passenger airliner all lit up flies directly over me and it is pretty low, about 3000 feet or so and looks big.

      I try to fly to catch up to it but fall to the ground, I try again but fail.
      The plane flies into the distance so I carry on walking towards the bollards and try Jetpack technique to fly but no success.
      I then try ironman technique for one last attempt and it works.
      I lift a few feet from the ground and am only using hand thrusters as I float along into the street.
      I then kick in my feet thrusters and get more lift, (I'm still upright at the moment) and I can really feel the power from the extra thrust.
      I direct my hands behind me, then put my arms out behind me also and start to fly properly and really get some good speed, I try to go up high but for some reason I top out at only just over, about the roofs of the houses high.

      I fly past R's house and think about going in her bedroom window to mess around a little but decide against it and then fly over her house and into the fields behind.
      I lose the Dream shortly after and wake up.

      Very vivid after the initial 20 seconds or so.
      Good WM.
      Lasted about 3/4 minutes.

      Updated 08-27-2015 at 02:11 PM by 48183

    8. Balloon planet, bringing the coffee

      by , 08-27-2015 at 12:48 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in my frontyard, launching a rocket to fly away and explore other planets. I was flying with speed of the light, avoiding many asteroids on my way, until I crashed at the moon. I immediately started to collect parts and repair my rocket, and then I flewn away. Next I landed on a balloon planet - there was no earth, rocks or anything. Just a pink, elastic membrane surrounding empty space. I walked on it for a while, and tried to plant some plants in flower pots, but then the membrane have broken, and I was falling into the outerspace. As I was falling, I noticed that I'm going to land on earth. Flying past planets of the solar system, I have finally reached Earth and landed in a dumpster near a restaurant. I got out of the dumpster, entered restaurant, and then someone gave me a platter with coffee cups and told me to bring it to politicians in one of the rooms.
    9. Day 10 of sexy competition: 3 fragments (mechanics, snake venom, bank)

      by , 08-27-2015 at 12:14 PM
      Fragment 1. Car broke down 5 times in a row. Going hiking with woman from mechanics. Though used three different mechanics. One of the mechanics seemed to be located where my kids summer camp is (which is funny because there is not enough room for cars there for kid pickup and drop off, let alone for a car garage).

      Fragment 2: something about snake venom

      Fragment 3: Setting up bank account but inadvertently sharing answers to security questions with too many people by handing the paperwork that had all the answers to one person after another.

      Updated 08-28-2015 at 12:00 AM by 61501

    10. August 24th 2015 - School. Again.

      by , 08-27-2015 at 11:58 AM
      Sleeping: August 24th 2015, 11:20 PM (UTC +7)
      Awake: August 25th 2015, 6:25 AM (UTC +7)

      Non-Dream, Non-Lucid, Lucid, False Awakening

      Yet another day to be in a dream school; let's call it stress-induced lucid dream! (Not really for this night) Too bad, I can't remember this in chronological order as I haven't noted it when I woke up at 5:20 AM at all. Only noted a word in case I forgot what was this mainly about. Actually, I can't remember much contents; as much as how I didn't pay attention to long hours of (not-so, dreamy) usual class.

      I don't remember myself being in a (dream) English class until now. The classroom was big, I mean, very. At least it shouldn't be size of usual classrooms. All desks were separated far. Teacher didn't come in, but did give us some assignments in previous class. So, call it a free period. I, as always, picked my phone up and checked things. Whether that will be social networks, or even dreamviews, or playing games. While I was scrolling around a Facebook group dedicated to one of projects we (our classroom) had to do, I found a weird content. It looked like most pages/games paid advertisement, but it said "Blocked Friends". Description said something like this user had blocked following friends. As of what I could see, I see my classmate blocking herself. I was confused. It was reasonable for a person to create new account with old accounts removed for their reasons, but not blocking their own account with another account. I tried getting some information on this, mainly because privacy. Why? If a social network publishes users' block list, that's worst.

      4-5 of my friends walked in the line from the door, passing me in the middle-left of the room by my right side. I talked to one of them, a bit. They eventually separated to their desks. Soon, teacher came out of nowhere and told us we had to give her the work. I was like... "oh f***" and tried my best getting around that. At least, since all the pieces from all students were supposed to be given in bulk for convenience, I could buy myself some more time to do the work.

      The dream abruptly ended with myself waking up. I recalled these, got out of my bed. I looked at the clock and it said 5:20 AM. Did some reality checks. Walked down my bedroom, was about to take my phone back from another room. Though I didn't as I was afraid I'll wake people there up. Instead, I tried finding some paper and wrote a keyword in to remind me of this dream. Got back and slept.

      I went to school I used to study at when I was at primary grades. Just giving them some visit. They sky looked clear, and the environment felt quiet as if nobody was there. I thought it was some time around early morning (clear sky, RIP) so I just walked into the building to find some comfortable place. The first floor resembled one of my current school's small building. Two rooms to the side, unknown (probably storage) room in front with staircase leading to two more rooms. Layout organization looked the same as it would in real life, (but not. How the hell did my primary grade school get something from my current school? RIP another dream sign unrecognized.) It looked somewhat old, with cobwebs around though. I pulled out a desk and a chair from a room out, put it somewhere behind the wall at the corner. Sat down and picked my phone up, played games.

      During these periods, I saw few students walking up/downstairs. I just looked at them, and got back to what I was doing. A moment after that, vice principal came behind me. I greeted her and started a conversation with her. She mentioned how I'm still with games even it was already a long time, and talked something about my grades and such. Of course, conversations also lingered around this school's status, and how she was doing. After all, the conversation went as expected; how people haven't met each other in a year, came, and talked. She did tell me to visit here a bit more, that would be pleasure for her to welcome me. I nodded, smiled and affirmed that.
      Soon after more of forgotten talks, I woke up at 6:25 AM.

      Updated 08-29-2015 at 09:18 AM by 88459

    11. 2015-08-27 comp night #10, looooong work-ish dream

      by , 08-27-2015 at 10:43 AM
      Pretty decent night, with @5 hrs recording + WBTB

      Slept late again, to 11 hrs, BTS after WBTB long, maybe an hour, due to wife noise

      + track team practice: run till you drop, boy with baby teeth cut from the team; 3 on 3 football, I cover the receiver poorly

      + google/work dreams: tons of short scenes
      Arrive to work, "building 85", tons of people are milling around in there because it's lunch time. I hear someone directing a meeting while I approach.

      girl watching streaming movies (including light porn?) at work

      CD doesn't want to work at google, but I'm such a worker bee that I have no problem with it, I'll just go to my desk and quietly code

      HR girls are preparing a strange device that can authenticate a message

      Two guys discussing behavioral problems entirely in foreign language, I join in in the foreign language, shake hand with one of the guys afterwards

      The VP moment as he meets the group of people in the hallway and we all (as is his prior requirement) must place all of our cups top-down on the ground. We all do so theatrically, and he says "ha ha (sarcastically), OK, " and then goes on to say something else.

      Outdoors basketball competition, we have to (use a famous player?) devise a system to help make baskets from far away

      Mock city: many outdoor city blocks in a mock downtown, to practice laying asphalt and doing road work, they lay some right at my feet as I watch


      +(f) telling the little girl on the stairwell that she should stay in school

      +(f) tooth conference(?), giant teeth statues standing outside

      + crazy subway driver; rehearsal
      I'm on the way somewhere, trying to decide which subway line I should get on. I choose the one that forks off to the right. The driver is crazy, he's driving the train so fast I feel very strong centrifugal forces on every turn. When my stop is reached, I make a desperate fast run for the doors, afraid that the driver will close the doors before I get there. I make it out of the train but realize I've left my blue backpack at my seat, I see it there and run back inside for it, but the driver closes the doors before I can get off again, I wonder how I'm going to get back to where I need to be.

      I arrive at rehearsal and realize I've left my instrument behind. I'm walking out to get it and run in to another <my instrument> player, I "recognize" [false] him (looks sort of like a young Steve Wozniak, asian-ish features, beard) and say hello, then I see another <my instrument> player, and wonder if I'm still the principal player or if they've replaced me.

      (Talk about the crazy subway driver? A guy says "Yeah with driving like that no wonder there are so many derailments", I agree entirely).

      + a massive military plane flies low and circles around my childhood home, I watch out the window and call my dad to see. I wonder what they're doing there. I imagine they're hunting fugitives. Later I'm discussing what I saw, "Yeah there were guys in full military gear sitting at the doors with huge gun turrets."

      +(f) I TK a medium-sized boat out of the river onto the dock so my wife can more conveniently board. It's a bit slow to respond to my mental commands but it eventually does. I also rotate it 180 degrees (front to back) before landing it on the dock.

      + save the fish, butch bus driver, turpentine birthday ceramic dish
      There has been a really big major move. Crates are all around. Including many glass fishbowls full of fish (mostly large goldfish). Some fish are alive, some look nearly dead (swimming with their tails pointing up). I think the oxygen must be nearly depleted from the water and rush around trying to save the fish. I need to find some water. There is a blind corner in this area, and as I'm heading back around the corner to the right, l big yellow school bus ZOOOOOOOMS in right along that wall next to the corner and stops a meter or two beyond the corner. I just barely avoided being hit. The driver is a large, round, butch-looking middle-aged white woman with very short hair. I'm giving her an evil look for almost wacking me. She sees my expressions and says "WHAT!?" I wonder if the bus managed to avoid the fish in their containers that were sitting along the wall she just drive in on (very very close to it).

      The bus driver and others are also rushing to save the fish. I see they've found a working hose and are filling a pile of bowls. The bowls they have are mostly ceramic and quite shallow. I say "those bowls won't work well because they're ceramic, the water will soak through them." I have my own bowls, I look and see they're not much better, one looks like a rusty cast iron frying pan.

      I look down to the ground and see a decorative art glazed ceramic bowl and think "that's what we need." I pick up the bowl and say "we should use (glazed) bowls because they won't leak water" (?).

      Then I'm standing at a table with two other guys. I'm holding my glazed art bowl up and it's now some sort of multi-layer sculpture thing (not clear), and I say this is my birthday cake platter that I just received for my birthday [false]. I say the colors come from turpentine (?). The colors are blue, purple, and white, all swirled together in a beautiful way. One of the guys comments on the turpentine colors and I think no, that's not right the colors come from something else. I'm adjusting a doily under the plate so it doesn't mess up the table? The two guys also have bowls that they got from somewhere else?
    12. one of my earliest dreams from my childhood. Non lucid

      by , 08-27-2015 at 10:24 AM
      I remember being in a fantasy land type setting. Like a city in the clouds. The buildings were like greek coliseums and pillars. There were some pillars that were similar to ruins, because just the pillars or columns were left standing.

      In my dream I was being chased by a witch. She chased me all over this fantasy setting, and then chased me up a column or pillar, which is odd now that I think about the fact that I monkey climbed my way to the top of a magnificent pillar. The witch chased me all the way to the top and almost had me within her grasp. Then suddenly my father appeared in the dream and simply punched the fiend in the nose, and she instantly fell and crashed into the ground, and then my fears were lifted away.

      I then woke up
    13. Dreams in which I have free stuff in abundance .......aka cruel dreams or subliminal goals?

      by , 08-27-2015 at 09:42 AM
      Ever have one of those cool dreams in which you randomly have some really cool stuff , and of course you are ecstatic about your freebies, and then wake up in disappointment?

      I wanted to share some of my dreams on the topic.

      I remember having a random dream when I was in grade school in the late 80's, early 90's. Video game rental stores used to be everywhere back in the day, and every grocery chain store had a video and video game rental section and my parents used to allow me and my brother to pick out a game to play for the weekend. We always chose our nintendo games carefully, so that we wouldn't accidentally get stuck with a crappy game for a few days.

      I remember this dream in which I walked into the video game rental section with a shopping cart, and removed every game I could find and put them into my cart, and then joined my parents while they continued shopping. We then went home in the dream and I remembered that I had put all of those games that I took into my dresser drawer. When I woke up, the dream felt so vivid and real that I was almost convinced that I really had a drawer full of games, I looked and realized how silly I was for looking, and of course the drawer was empty, I had no games. Sad me huh.....

      I had a similar dream when I was in high school, and then again when I was in my early 20's but in these dreams I had large sums of cash that I was hoarding. I had no idea where I had gotten the cash , nor what I would use it for, but I remember feeling such overwhelming relief in my dreams knowing that I now had a bunch of cash, and that now I wouldn't have to worry about money anymore. I soon woke up and figured out that it was all a dream.

      Cruel dreams or subliminal goals?

      What kind of free stuff did you get in your dreams? I'm interested.
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Best way to sleep.-ferrari.jpg  
    14. Sensei's Sexy Comp Day 10

      by , 08-27-2015 at 08:40 AM
      Dream 1: I was in college and saw all of my friends. We hung out on the campus for a while. I still remember the design, it was nice.

      Dream 2: In a music class and everyone is playing the violin, then I was like "gimme something! anything!!" then they gave me a blue little plastic guitar, and i was like "it'll do".
    15. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 08-27-2015 at 06:42 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Yeah, here's another. First time trying to convey multi-threaded perspective dreams. Let me know how I did. =P


      Google has selected me for a special interview session at one of their local facilities. I'm not thrilled about it, but I show up anyways. As I arrive at the facility, I notice the huge analog clock on the face of the building. Except, the clock doesn't tell the time. Instead, it's keeping track of the number of people in the building with IQs over 124. I raise an eyebrow at the misplaced elitism, half-wondering why they chose something so low as 124. I enter the building anyways.

      A bunch of other candidates and myself are directed to an open-floor-plan classroom on the second floor. A lecture begins. The lecturer starts going over some hex string maths and methodologies that don't make any sense. Everyone else in the class seems to understand it, but I can't be bothered to try and wrap my head around what I'm sure is nonsensical. Instead, I leave the classroom and head downstairs. However, I leave a perspective thread to follow the lecture.

      While the lecture continues in the parallel thread--and I dread being called on to answer a question--I make a stop at HR to get the benefits spiel. I figure there's no way they'll be able to match everything I enjoy at my current gig, so it'll be amusing getting the sale's pitch. They start off with the badge they had given all selectees. At this point, another thread flashes back to my research into the interview after I had received the invite. The Defcon-esque badge I'd receive for attending would be proof of my qualification, and allegedly a rather impressive resume builder. As the thread where I'm in the HR benefits pitch continues, the guy starts talking about their EEO initiatives, and I can't help wonder if the only reason I got an invite was because of affirmative action silliness.

      Eventually, the threads all re-converge on the lecture. I overhear one of the staff, the HR guy, talking about some data loss or something, and the need to track down the people who took it and bring them to justice. That sounds more interesting, so I volunteer, stepping out of the window onto the ledge. I'm quite high up, and as I lean over the concrete, the fall into the forest below looked a bit too real. My fear of heights kicks in and I start to have some doubts. Stomach fluttering, I take a breath, and calm my nerves. No way this isn't a dream, I remind myself. And if it isn't? I silently consider. Well, this'll suck then. I jump off, taking to the air, shouting back to the HR dude, "Just don't tell your boss on me, kay?" I shoot off at crazy speeds.

      Flying so fast is exhilaration, but the archetypes necessary to enable it make the control a little wonky. Nothing I can't compensate for, as I tear through the sky, over the miles of forest below.

      I spot a clearing and descend, locating the culprits. I charge up some energy in my hands, and blast them with it. The intent was fire, but due to the archetypes used to form the little globules, I end up hurling a sort of chemical foam at them. Intrigued, I made some more foam energy globules and tossed them at the crooks for the sake of experimentation. The foam burned them more aggressively than any fire could have, which honestly was a bit hard to watch as the three of them writhed in pain, screaming as the foam dissipated, sinking into their skin and leaving discolored blotch-marks. I let them run past me, not caring to continue the experiment.

      Unfortunately, I notice a T-Rex in my peripherals and teleport into forest-cover as the crooks are summarily eaten by the T-Rex...who's supposedly my teacher. Weird.

      Updated 08-27-2015 at 06:52 AM by 25167

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