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    1. Haunted House

      by , 08-11-2015 at 10:37 PM
      2-2:36 PM
      Dreamed about a haunted house. It was not very scary. In fact it was fun. It was dark and lots of cushions everywhere. There was a tunnel to climb through on your hands in knees. A friend was following me and i kept egging him on to follow me so we could scare our friend who was entering the haunted house.

      I threw a pillow at our friend trying to enter the haunted house. I heard noises
    2. Question about ADA (All Day Awareness)

      by , 08-11-2015 at 09:54 PM
      "I believe ADA by its self doesn't trigger lucidity. It simply means you have more vivid dreams because you pay attention to your senses more. What you have to do is combine this awareness with critical questioning. "Does this place look strange?" "How did I get here" "Are these people that I know". If you asked this question while you were aware, the chance of you realizing how strange your situation is is much higher and thus realize you are dreaming. Similarily if you asked these questions with no awareness to back it up then it becomes a waste of time. So basically, ADA by its self is good for vivid dreams but useless for lucidity but ADA+questioning = lucidity. This is just my theory on it."

      Updated 08-11-2015 at 09:58 PM by 87987

      side notes
    3. N3: I recorded 3 dreams :D

      by , 08-11-2015 at 09:36 PM
      (I got ready for a mild but then I felt a tingling on my nose. "Oh, my body's just sending signals to see if my brain's awake". I ended up opening my eyes, and guess what I saw? A HUGE F***ING COCKROACH CLIMBING ONTO MY NOSE. I did a reality check. "Crap, it was real!")

      So first, I was going on a road trip with a couple of random other kids. We were driving on a windy road, and I was nervous because at a couple of points we were about to drive of a cliff. I don't even know when or where we got there.

      Then, I had a dream that my baby brother turned into a zombie. Apparently, something made him age... a lot. So I ended up walking around, following a 16-year-old "good" zombie, making sure he stays the only one infected.

      In my last dream, I dreamed that Malcolm's (from Malcom in the Middle) family and I went to a "theme park" based on the safari. Hehe, It was more of a mixture between a county fair and an arcade. Everyone seemed to be annoyed by me, but Lois was surprisingly polite.
    4. Catbird Fish (DILD)

      by , 08-11-2015 at 08:39 PM
      Ritual: It's been over a month since I've done any deliberate dream practice, due to a combination of low motivation and being really busy in WL, so this morning I woke up early to feed the cats and decided to turn it into a WBTB. To reinforce my intention, I took a very small amount (2mg) of galantamine, backed up with alpha-gpc and l-theanine. I lay on my back and tried to concentrate on my intention to get lucid, but my focus was almost completely lacking, and eventually I dozed off only to be startled awake by my own snoring. I turned on my side and fell asleep without any further efforts.

      I am in a store that specializes in custom-made, artisanal candy and chocolates. There is a table covered with samples, and I am surprised to see one set labeled with the names of my dad and a cousin, apparently commissioned by them for some event. It consists of three types of chocolate meant to be dipped into three different flavored creams. I want to try all three, but there is only one sample of each flavor and I am competing for them with other customers, so I miss out on one or two.

      My disappointment is eased when the lady proprietor brings out more samples, but these turn out to be biscuits and candy, rather than the chocolates on the first table. Still, they are very appealing in all their colors and textures, and I am standing over the table unapologetically sampling one thing after another when I feel a strange tremor in the floor. The motion becomes more intense, and the other customers start to panic because they think it is an earthquake, but I recognize that it is a different kind of motion. It doesn't feel like the ground is shaking under the building, but rather like the building itself is sliding over the ground, which is of course impossible, unless...

      "Don't worry, everybody!" I say authoritatively. "This is a dream." I open the front door to see if I was right about the movement, and sure enough, the whole building is sliding sideways through a forest at great speed. While I wait for our journey to end, I continue munching confections: I was particularly enjoying one fennel-flavored cookie shaped like twining leaves and tinted delicately green. Recalling that I was planning to resume my diet tomorrow in waking life, I figured I should take advantage of this opportunity to stuff my face with calorie-free dream food!

      The building eventually came to a halt, and I went outside to explore the new environment. I recall it was now an urban area, but some of the transitional details are vague. Somehow I met up with my husband and another guy, no one I recognized, and we drove through the city in a really nice convertible sportscar (modeled on the picture of the BMW i8 he showed me last night in WL). I think we were going to see a movie but maybe it wasn't showing (I don't remember watching one) so we went back out to get the car. It was parked some distance away, so to retrieve it faster, I concentrated on making it drive itself back to us, and to speed things up even more, I had it fly through the air.

      "Thank you, robot valet," I said, as the car gently landed in front of us at the curb. My husband got in the driver's seat, and I got into the back again, but when the DC squeezed into some weird sidecar niche, I climbed over to take the passenger seat. For some reason the car had a British layout, so the driver sat on the right with the passenger seat to the left.

      Since I had demonstrated that the car could fly, we took off directly into the air to avoid street traffic. However, our flight path didn't feel stable: we were getting buffeted in strange ways. I pointed out that while this car was incredibly aerodynamic on the ground, it was not designed for flying: a sturdy little pod would be better for this purpose. We dropped back down to the pavement and now the car performed beautifully, hugging the ground with impressive traction even though the streets were wet, and roaring forward at incredible speed.

      "Where are we going?" I asked. Even though I wasn't in the driver's seat, as the dreamer I felt like I was actually the one steering. My husband said he wanted to pick up some things from the Hall of Records, and helped me locate the building. Inside, it turned out he was retrieving some parcels that had been mailed to him. He mentioned that one package was three days late, because the sender had needed to mail out a movie script first. "Why didn't he just bring them both to the post office at the same time?" I asked, to which there was no satisfactory answer. The parcels contained research materials, and now that my husband had them in hand, he wanted to do some work. "Okay, you work," I said. "I need to go do something."

      I had remained partly lucid the whole time, but I had been enjoying the dream enough to let the narrative play out. Now that things were wrapping up, I remembered that I had planned to catch a fish for the TOTMs. I went around behind the building and conveniently found a stream flowing by. The water was shallow and crystal clear, so I peered in to see if I could spot any fish. What I actually saw swimming underwater were... kittens!

      "Actually this will make things easier," I reflected. Now I wouldn't need to bother with a fishing rod, hook, and bait. Kittens were much easier to catch! I dangled a length of ribbon over the water until a kitten surfaced and started batting at it, then lured it closer to me until I could scoop it right up in my arms. I concluded that the creature I had caught was a "catbird fish" (I'm not sure why it wasn't just a "catfish," but this was the term that seemed right at the time) and knew I should examine it closely so that I could write a clear description in my report.

      Once I was holding the animal, it was no longer the size of a tiny kitten but had swelled into a plump armful. It was no longer quite cat-shaped, either: now looked more like a stuffed animal with the bodily proportions of a totoro: big rounded torso and very short arms and legs. Although my "catbird fish" didn't physically resemble a fish, I sensed that there was something fishlike about its bones, even if I couldn't see them.

      I studied the head first, which was still cartoonishly cat-like overall, but with significant differences. The mouth was very unusual: more narrow and vertical than that of a real cat, almost beaklike the way it protruded, but with large exposed teeth. There were two large incisors on the top and bottom, but both sets of incisors were adjacent to one another in the center, more like those of a rat than a cat, but wider and flatter.

      After studying the mouth closely, I looked back up and saw that the round, wideset eyes were now completely white. I recalled noticing normal pupils before and wondered if they were rolled back in the head. Just when I was thinking that the creature was starting to look a bit scary, with its weird mouth and whitened eyes, suddenly it spoke up in a very friendly voice: "Hello!" I responded in kind, smiled at it, and continued my examination.

      It had the fur of a cat, brown tabby stripes with patches of white here and there: a white triangle on the throat and chest, a little white on the belly, and white gloves. I checked and determined that all four paws were white. After looking over the creature thoroughly, I returned the "catbird fish" to the stream.

      The environment had shifted around me: the stream was no longer outside, but occupied a room in a building that had put together exhibits pertaining to different countries. I wondered which country had supplied my "catbird fish," and looked around until I saw the words "This is Canada," inscribed under the surface of the stream. I wondered what other countries were being exhibited—somehow I knew there were supposed to be five of them—and if I could find any rooms with bodies of water suitable for fishing. It would be cool to catch dream fish from several different countries!

      I wandered around the building looking for the other exhibits, but to my disappointment, all the others were closed. I went to the front desk to ask about this, and became even more incensed when I noticed a sign informing me that the price of admission was $898.99. I complained angrily to the desk clerk: how could they justify charging so much when only one of the five exhibits was even open?! He simply pointed me to a second sign, which listed a complicated set of refunds that reduced the price of admission to only $1.25.

      "Oh, alright then." I figured $1.25 was a reasonable fee for the one exhibit I had seen, and was willing to pay. I had a bunch of change in my left hand, and started trying to count out five quarters into my right palm. The first few attempts inexplicably failed due to the shifting numbers and appearances of the coins. "This is really hard to do in a dream," I commented, and wondered if it would be easier if, instead of trying to shift the correct number of coins from left hand to right, I put them directly down on the desk as I counted.

      I started making a little pile of quarters, but had only counted out two before coins that had initially resembled quarters turned out to be square when I set them down, and I had to start a separate pile for them. The third round, quarter-sized coin that I managed to produce had a square hole in the center like those old Chinese coins, and the fourth one had three triangular holes, but by this point I realized that this would never get done if I was too much of a perfectionist. All I needed was one more vaguely quarter-shaped coin to complete my stack of five, but suddenly all the ones still in my hand appeared to be the wrong shape and size. I picked something arbitrarily to finish the stack. I was well aware of the irony of going to so much effort to pay for something in a dream, but since it was so unexpectedly challenging, I felt that it would be a good exercise to try to see it through!

      Updated 08-11-2015 at 10:00 PM by 34973

      lucid , task of the month
    5. Technologies to explore

      by , 08-11-2015 at 06:53 PM (DreamLab Njegere)
      Technologies I want to explore with lucid dreaming:

      1. Using lucid dreaming in conjunction with thermogenesis to keep a sleeping practitioner warm
      2. Using lucid dreaming for physical healing/ place of energy in certain body parts
      3. Creating a dream library to readily store information/ memories
      4. Breaking down the dream/awake barrier so that dream imagery could become visible in waking life
      5. Shared dreaming/ dreamspace
      6. Dream telepathy
      7. Induce synesthesia
      8. Learn echolocation

      Updated 08-11-2015 at 10:13 PM by 88553

    6. Dangerous neighborhood

      by , 08-11-2015 at 03:35 PM
      Time: 6:AM

      Woke up next to tucker. Oddly he was curled up next to me which is strange because he usually sleeps at the end of the bed. It was nice to see him next to me.

      I dreamed that my car was parked in a dangerous neighborhood and I needed to get it out of there without getting killed. The neighborhood was especially dangerous because I had pissed someone off earlier. I felt scared to get into my car and drive away. I made it safely however.
      Tags: vague
    7. A Dreamer, A Cat and A Dream Guide walk into a bar...

      by , 08-11-2015 at 12:43 PM (Lucid Time!)
      This was one of those lucid dreams where I wasn't even trying to get lucid. In fact, I didn't even think I had a chance of getting lucid last night. I've been focused on things besides lucid dreaming this past week or so.

      I've actually had quite a few other lucid dreams. Most of them were pretty short become-lucid-and-wake-ups. Another one involved me getting angry and freaking out, and I don't really feel like sharing that one. In yet another, Manei told me some secrets about lucid dreaming, but asked me not to tell it to other people.

      I remember a dream involving a battle between what was cuter, kittens or puppies. A kitten and a puppy were fighting in this big factory with dangerous moving machinery and kept pushing one another into it. But whenever the kitten or the puppy fell in and should have died, they just exploded into confetti, then re-appeared somewhere else.


      Anyways, I was in this small village with a few, tall, large buildings around. The architecture reminded me of what you might find in southern Europe. I saw there was a train track crossing with two trains at the end of it. Both of the trains were silver-ish, but had faces like Thomas the Tank Engine characters.

      I remember they were different sizes. There was a normal sized one, then a really small one, on tracks a little more than a foot wide.

      "Daddy, when I grow up, I want to be a great oneironaut like him!" said the little train engine.

      "Okay, but you have to work hard at it every night." said the big train engine.

      The train engine's mention of lucid dreaming made me reality check. Okay. I'm dreaming. I made my way down into the plaza area of town. I saw a music stage but it was empty. The concert would be on later.

      Though when I saw the stage, I for some reason thought of the white cat that hugged my face in a previous dream. This caused the cat to appear onstage and walk toward me. It followed me into one of the buildings that turned out to be a bar/club.

      "Kuansen Axio Sosumble, Por favor." (Now I'm mixing Spanish and dreamspeak...)


      "Manei, Kuansen-"

      "Over here."

      Now for some reason she was dressed like Raven from Teen Titans, though she didn't look like a cartoon. She has everything. Blue eyes. Gray skin. Even blue hair that looked kind of fake. Come to think of it the whole outfit kind of looked like mid-level cosplay.

      "Why are you dressed like my middle school cartoon character crush? And if you were gonna go for a teen titan, why not Starfire? She would suit you so much better."

      "Because I am worried. Do you see that guy over there in the sweater?" (She gestures over to a group of punk/gang looking people, all of whom are wearing really ugly sweaters.)

      "That one in the beige" I ask having no idea who she is referring to out of the group.

      "No the big black guy." She points to a simply giant (both vertically and horizontally) black guy with a beard who is sitting in the corner with a bunch of beers. "He has had five beers and I'm worried about him."

      We start to walk over. I tell her that it would probably take alot more than five beers to get a guy that big even a little tipsy.

      "Hey, uh excuse me. My dream guide says you need to stop drinking."

      Gigantic burly guy stands up and unleashes a bellowing laugh. The other punks surround me and corner me. The guy tries to punch me. I grab his hand. He winds up and tries to punch me in the stomach with his other hand. I feel nothing more than a light touch, though he looked to be in pain, like he just punched a wall.

      Them abs are made of steel yo.

      He looks confused. Stressed. I pinched him on the shoulder. He drops to the floor unconscious. All of the other sweater punks who were cheering a second ago now just look confused.

      "Hmm... Well all you other punks had better start running away screaming."

      All of the other guys run out of the bar in a panic/frenzy. I lost the dream and woke up.

      Updated 08-11-2015 at 05:55 PM by 53527

    8. Escaping from an island

      by , 08-11-2015 at 10:00 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was in a harbor city on a tropical sea. On the nearby island a demon living in a volcano was defeated, leading to strong earthquakes. I was on a wooden platform, when the earthquakes happened, and the island started to fall into the sea. A group of sailors joined me on the way to one of ships, but someone chased us. The water was raising as we were escaping, and streams of lava flown in some parts of town.

      To escape, we had to jump over one of those streams. Most of us did it easily, though someone almost fallen into the lava. I have jumped into the lava, while pushing the man in the air, so he would land on the ground. I have melted in the heat, though one of the sailors that haven't jumped yet said "Life for life. I give you one more life." and took an amulet into his hand. I resurrected on the ground, and escaped to the ship. The sailor with amulet was there too.
    9. Meanwhile, Thirty-Eight Years Later

      by , 08-11-2015 at 08:14 AM
      Morning of August 11, 2015. Tuesday.

      James Miller comes to my attention; weary and barely there and dressed as Will Robinson, he seems to want to ask me something. Perhaps about ten feet away or more in a half-rendered version of my computer room (though seemingly mirrored longways right to left), he mainly appears as he did in perhaps 1975 (rather than 1977). I feel that he wants to ask me the time. However, pitifully, he cannot even communicate or relate coherently, which I suspect is frustrating him. Instead of asking “Time?” it comes out (quite weakly) something like “Sah-hime?” I suspect that anything he ever manages to say will only sound a little like English, though mostly gibberish.

      Manny C comes in as the robot from “Lost in Space” (though somewhat different in design). She is thinner, though; the upper and lower sections of her robot body slowly pumping up and down (synchronized to her forward movement), arms randomly moving about, though head perfectly rotating ninety degrees to left and right.

      She pulls James out of the half-rendered setting, back into the red-toned darkness.

      Like a robot vacuum cleaner. I suppose.
    10. DJ #2- A Personal Guard Of Houseflies

      by , 08-11-2015 at 07:48 AM
      Hey all,

      I had a pretty weird one last night so I thought I'd share. I'm going to be learning to drive next month which is where the dream started off- I was in my mum's car (get out me car!) and she was teaching me how to drive. To cut a long story short, I got out of the car and my personal guard showed up. I didn't actually know I had a personal guard. As it turns out, I do. And they're houseflies. Four of them. They had healthbars in my dream which was pretty weird, but basically, wherever I walked they followed me. They were supposed to protect me from danger, though luckily I never ran into any, because I'm not sure how much damage four flies can do. Not that I'm judging, or anything- maybe they were ninja flies? Who knows?

      Not a very long one, I just wanted to share it with you. I found it pretty darn funny when I woke up.
    11. The Sleep Lab

      by , 08-11-2015 at 03:18 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      Night 1:

      #461 - WILD - 3:00AM

      Because it took two hours to set things up, I was extra tired going to sleep at midnight. Or I thought I was, I was having a very uncomfortable time with the EEG net and was in and out of light sleep with long bouts of wakefulness. I realized part of my issue was not having the sound of a box fan to lull me to sleep so I spent a ton of time meditating.

      I finally manage to watch dreamlets form until I hear a loud voice say, "I still remember the smell of her fried chicken." I was curious if the voice was talking about the lab technician, but then, I remember. I latch on to the feeling of being in the dream and try to move my arms. I feel mild vibrations and slight resistance as I sit up. I float up into darkness. I become excited and remember to give the left-right-left-right eye signals. I spend the next few moments in the void trying various things to get some traction. I have the sensation of physically opening my eyes and I see some light on part of the wall. I worry that this is the actual room (it wasn't) so I quickly close my eyes. My thoughts cause me to wake up.

      Night 2:

      #462 - WILD - 6:00AM

      We got set up early and I lay down around 10PM. I felt much more comfortable and tired this time, but my dreams where hard to recall and I had no lucids to report. I decide to pretty much skip my 3:30AM WBTB and I wake about 4:22AM. I have to be disconnected so that I can use the restroom, so all of this woke me up enough that I spent what felt like most of the next hour being very awake. I used this time to meditate into the dream almost exactly like the night before but this time it gave the *indescribable feeling* like before and I have to roll to my left to make it pass.

      Later, I come to some awareness and feeling of being in the bardo. I float up and quickly give the left-right-left-right signal, but I am not sure if I am actually in REM yet or not because it's all dark. I decided this time to go ahead and open eyes. It felt vivid and I was worried that it was my physical eyes. I was happy to see the room was well lit and very different then my actual location. I also note that when I focus on it, I can also feel my physical eye closed tight. I go ahead and give the eye signal once more for good measure.

      I leave the room and find myself upstairs in my parents old house. I see my mom down stairs and glide to her. In a weird, Norman-Bates-tone I ask, "What are you doing mother?"
      She doesn't say anything, but her body becomes gaunt and rotten. Her right arm is now missing with splintered bone protruding from the stub at her shoulder. She looks up at me hungrily with red rimmed eyes and dark circles under. She has a look of hunger as she stared at me with her head hung low. I am taken aback, but only slightly frightened. I decide not to accept this and dismiss it. No.

      The scene resets and I am now standing with her in the Main Room. My mom has returned to normal, so I hug her to put emphasis on the restoration. I say something to her about all of this just being a dream and how everything is OK. I feel excited and overjoyed to be lucid and having completing my goal. I think of waking up, but I remember that I was supposed to stay in dream for a few minutes if I could. I am not sure of the time, but know it hasn't been long at all I turn to go out the back of the house, but all of this, thinking about waking up, actually wakes me up.
    12. June 27th 2015 Stately Interior Encounter, Day City Flight Phase Through Video Screen to Night Club

      by , 08-11-2015 at 12:50 AM
      Continuing to play catch-up by focusing on my favorites and just brief descriptions of the others.
      (Posting pictures first then will come back to finish)

      In the last lucid I thought to myself "This is the 4th LD tonight, amazing!" one LD was with son's girlfriend. 1st LD was in the one in the large stately interior floating around

      and finding the beautiful and perfect bodied brunette hesitant at first.

      After that short hesitation we make out and have sex, particularly intrigued with how realistic and amazing her butt felt. The last LD was probably an FA as I was laying and see my son naked and did an RC where my hands look normal the first two or three glances and finally I was able to get the visual of an extra finger!

      from there I float up drop my shorts and fly saying to myself well that definitely confirms that I'm dreaming! I fly around a bright sunny beautiful green landscape with some buildings intermixed

      and I play around with the idea a body part is swinging around to knock down things on the ground! I see this one building with huge video screens and one has a beautiful Asian model and another has a some ethnic dancer maybe Latin and sexy.

      I swoop around planning to fly into one of the scenes but am forced just above the screen so I swoop back around landing on the ground and walk into the screen with confidence. I end up in a scene outside of a club or bar that has a small concert but different people playing instruments

      and a group sitting up against the wall one of them is a younger woman that looks cute. I go into the place and I remember to rub my hands together and I also clap kind of loud, interesting. I walk around looking for a cute girl and I come across this blonde and we start talking and I said hello are you Danish and she says no I am Russian I was just looking at this Danish poster. we start kissing and her breath is a little bit strange maybe like she's a smoker. that goes away and we get kinky there in front of everyone!

      Counted this series of LD's as #344-347.

      6/24/15 On a long free fall from a water slide tube ride, expecting to get knocked out, I land softly and look back and up and see others on the ride and ending by flying down on parachutes when I think to myself this has to be a dream. I look at my hands to confirm. I don't get very far before waking to my alarm. #343

      6/21/15 naked with wife; later hear what sounds like small explosion in kitchen, cabinets and pipes busted, water leaking onto floor thinking "please let this be a dream!" I think this is the first time thinking such a thought in such a worried state. Look at hands to confirm. I find Girl Friday and you know the rest! #341-342

      Can't edit to add tags…saves time I guess.

      Updated 08-11-2015 at 02:24 AM by 61674

      lucid , memorable