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    1. A Second Chance? (-12-15-16-)

      by , 12-16-2016 at 03:23 AM
      Before I go into this, I have recently been pondering on the thought of going back in to time and all of the things that I could've done differently in my life, which yes I know you shouldn't look to the past in regret but to the future but I find it hard for myself to not look at the choices I could've done differently... This is the inspiration behind my dream.

      So I find myself in my dream and I realize right away that I am smaller than normal, I look to my mother and notice that she is quite taller then me and I suddenly get the notion that I have went back in time to when I was a young kid and I kid you not but I literally thought that I was given a restart to my life for some reason, I convinced myself inside of my dream that I have been given a second chance at my life and after thinking about this I was overcome with joy and yes I was lucid but I didn't realize it was a dream, I thought it was real life and that I had been given a second chance. I had my phone in my hand and I remember me and my mother and possibly my father, not entirely sure, going to a movie theater. I don't remember looking at the movie screen but I remember just staring at my phone and thinking of all the things that I could invest in and become rich from I then remember going to the restroom after the movie and the restroom was quite weird and the toilets looked very odd for some reason but at the time I was still convinced that I had gone back in time but I believe I was losing my "lucidness" if this is possible and I was just drifting back into a dream I had no control of which did eventually happen, I then found myself in a different dream where for some reason I was fighting dragons and a man gave me 2 iron swords and I was able to down 2 dragons and the swords disintegrated after killing them and a 3rd dragon was coming straight for me and I put my hand in the air and sliced it's belly open with my hand and killed it, the people around me praised me then I remember grabbing the person in front of me and screaming to him that this has already happened and then I realised that I had this dream before and then I woke up to my alarm going off.

      This is the longest dream I have ever experienced that I can remember and also this is one of few dreams that I had in first person (most dreams I have in third person like I am watching a movie).

      Welp this is my first dream journal, hopefully everyone reading enjoyed it.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    2. #227: Muslim language / Kiss

      by , 12-16-2016 at 03:15 AM
      I waited just a little bit too long with writing this one down. There was something that preceded this moment.

      Muslim language
      I'm walking inside a building with a Dutch guy I just met. The building has been designed as spaciously as a public building. I feel like we're walking on the 2nd floor, due to seeing a balustrade. The floor (and perhaps some other elements) is alternating shades of blue. The Dutch guy and I are talking in Dutch about what I'm doing. I'm telling him what I studied and how it is that I ended up in Indonesia.

      I'm now sitting at a table with 3 other people. My back is to the wall. On my right is my friend Alif. On the other side of the table are 2 people I can't identify. Further to my right is a door, leading to a room where some guys are discussing some matters. We're eating cake which is mostly orange coloured. Different sections of the cake have a different word on them. We're supposed to eat the corresponding section to properly answer a question. At some point the girl sitting diagonally to me eats a section that says "Muslim(s)" as an answer to a question that starts with "which language." It makes me nearly spit out my piece, as it's both horribly stupid and slightly inappropriate. There are more people to my left who want to have some of the cake. They're part of our group.

      I'm with a bunch of friends, sitting at a large table. The time has come to say bye to some people. We give each other pecks on the cheek and other normal greetings. There's one girl I made out with slightly earlier. When it's time to say bye, she gives me some pecks on the cheek, but I decide to just give her another full kiss. Ok, that was slightly embarrassing and perhaps inappropriate. I think she is into my friend and may have kissed him earlier.
      Tags: dutch, friend
    3. TOTM Spinning Task 15th December 2016

      by , 12-16-2016 at 01:39 AM
      I am walking along a path on a sunny day and I am engulfed by the beauty of the setting and how the light is hitting some flowers and miscellaneous landscaping. I am thinking this is a beautiful waking life side effect of my new practice. I say to myself if this were a dream I would fly over all of this and I lift myself up on my toes like I do IWL and I begin to float. I gave myself a mild-mannered "how about that...I'm actually dreaming this" with a short chuckle...a more calm knowing than the aha realizations. I play around with my flying staying no more than 50 feet or so high and swooping down in some aerial acrobatics which feel quite realistic and fun though maybe not the strong stomach effect, a bit muted. I think of the spinning TOTM which was a dream activity I wanted to revisit and play with and I spin while seemingly still floating many feet off the ground and the spin feels very realistic and I seem to close my eyes a few times like a kid often does while spinning but it could have also been the effect of the spin on my vision, I don't remember consciously choosing to close my eyes. I think of wanting to arrive at a beach but then I remember that it's supposed to be a surprise where I arrive. I hear upbeat music while spinning and I stop a few rotations after hearing the music to go the opposite direction to try to rewind back to that "location" but the music is gone so I start spinning again and decided that should be good enough and stop and I see a big dark room and a open doorway I pass through. On the other side is like this large holographic display maybe equivalent to a 100" screen TV but transparent with a clear outline and it is displaying an older style computer animation of a girl walking around in a simple maybe only three color animation. As I watch it the animation looks more refined. I move on and see the back view of a thin female (assuming) of unknown age wearing skinny jeans or tight pants, tan in color, and she has brown hair down to about her shoulder blades and a light colored top. I called out for her to come back but she was already ducking into another hall ahead and to my left. I decide to stay where I am at and shortly after a group of ladies to my right come strolling into this large room which is still dark (though the details have been clear since the big holographic screen animation, though never as vibrant as the scene with the sunlight on the flowers). I think the ladies were residue from the Incorporated TV show. They were wearing skimpy evening wear, mostly little black dresses but also a red dress or two. Dream fades to me in bed.
    4. Can't read my own handwriting

      by , 12-16-2016 at 12:38 AM
      Can't read my own handwriting
      Tags: handwriting
      side notes
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