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    1. 28 Jan: Genocide against women at a university

      by , 01-28-2023 at 11:49 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      About to ingress at some US university and my mom and a friend are accompanying me. The place is gigantic and it's hard to find the info I need. Finally find the office of supposedly my main teacher/tutor/guide and go there to ask for help, but I am told by some other professors that he is late and no one knows exactly when he'll come. They suggest going to the welcoming area for new students that we totally missed on our way in. They give some directions, we see a place with hundreds or thousands of kids and assume it is it. Turns out most of them are really young kids who are there for some show on ice around an ice rink. But nearby is indeed the welcome booth and a line of maybe ten people. We wait in the line. As we move forward and observe the campus and the people, I confess I am not liking the university so far and miss my old faculty. But I am willing to give it a try and ask them for my schedule so I can attend my first classes.
      Then it all becomes stilyzed like a graphic novel and I am just observing it like a film. Some group of extremists arrives on campus, makes some statement against women and says that it will be a good day if they kill at least a third of all the women there. Then a slaughter starts, mostly women and girls but also the occasional male that tries to protect them. It becomes a sea of blood, corpses and skeletons floating in the sea of blood, and women falling into that sea like lemmings jumping over a cliff to their deaths.