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    1. 2022-02-16 recall at 3 wakings, long BTS battle & victory, some fairly vivid dreams

      by , 02-16-2022 at 07:44 AM
      bedtime 23:45
      final waking ~08:30
      out of bed 08:45

      + dark mansfield's feel way on path see reflection turning back to house; return to house and father has stoked a small camp fire, I continue to feed it but it goes out, I manage to get it burning again by using pine needles and very small kindling; boy scouts more challenging route just path normal turn off see mountains around

      + flying to CH land on deck next to greenhouse kitchen window, man is there, different people live there not my family but I know them, I've been away a long time apparently, inside kitchen there's a gathering, son of family, something about the choice of food and drinks

      Spoiler for sexy time:

      + S1 funny hair coming to house on lawn logs of dog crap close to building complain to management; card-key trouble at the gate, don't want to reprogram a guy's key, he'd have to go out around and back; comment that for this sort of operation it's easier just to do central blocking than to reprogram a particular person's key card

      + Scouts frag: "my gen were in awe of the older scouts and staff like BenAnd, just his face was so impressive" then BenAnd comes by and I see his face

      + [something else? forgotten]

      Looooong BTB. Probably an hour or more. Started immediately after recall. Started seeing visuals/dreamlets. No vibrations. Continual relaxing, letting go, "release", "don't think", total relax on every exhale, cultivating feelings of contentment and happiness and just trying to relax more and more. Lay on back for a lot of the relaxation phase but this causes tension in my jaw holding my mouth closed which I can hear if I'm wearing ear plugs. Focused specifically on relaxing eyes and general all body relaxation but tried a few tense release spots. Longer exhales than inhales. Did (2, 1 or 2, 4) breathing, tried a few 4-7-8 but these are too stimulating on the hold.


      + arrive to work, hooligans? robot crashing inside, go around piles of our (my personal) things blocking entrance, finally let in, ChrChe, get my office assignment way in back

      + enter room with child psychology self-help session, many scratched/damaged faces, closed/blocked doors, people running beyond in next room, go there, young lady comes by, we look at each other, "I know you! Don't I know you?" she says met (Canada? some foreign country) me: "OSYO tour?" "Yes!" I think I could get with her then her BF appears

      + sandwhich/gum, (S1's?), walking, LG comes up behind me, I stand we kiss on the cheek (we're making up now?) "I was driving behind you the whole time" There's another woman there too, LG doesn't look much like LG

      + bassoon, concert, put away want to leave, I think it's an interminably long Beethoven symphony (the 9th because I know there's a chorus at the end?) and I do not want to sit through the whole thing, PicAtAnExhib solo goes by, I miss it, conductor looks my way (or orchestra), I'm at tall table with friends/other players(?). Decide that I need to rejoin, open my case, start taking out pieces of instrument, there are two butt joints, friends next to me says "oh you have two of those!?" I'm really confused, this is not my instrument, there are pieces of several different ones. There is an odd "maintenance free reed", $50/months leasing fee, look in purse of (flute?) player next to me, I see pieces of old broken reeds, I think "why did I let somebody else put away my instrument, they wouldn't have done it right, they may have lost or broken my reed". I"m looking all around for my case, I tell friends "help me find it", I'm starting to get really worried but then I relax because it doesn't matter (because I know it's a dream and I'm waking up?") and I wake up.