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    1. 2022-02-18 TV park, long multi-scene sequence in a city location, cafes, different rooms; rehearsal

      by , 02-18-2022 at 03:59 PM
      bedtime: 23:45


      + TV park on swing, planning to jump, swinging pretty high though; on paralell pull-up bars, they look pretty thin


      + [long sequence, multiple scenes]
      leaving theater, with DarTyn, heading to bar/cafe, enter, looking for spot, some people raised tables/counters, MR at one of them hails me. (Return again?) I'm being hailed by name from across the restaurant. They keep calling me: "<name>! <name!>" I keep looking and finally see someone waving their hand. I move to the table, it's a large table with a group of at least 10 people seated around it, wearing fancy/formal wear, it's my best friend MR's birthday. I move around the table to the right to greet him, he stands up and comes to meet me, as we're greeting each other some sprinklers on the ceiling start pouring a lot of water on to him, he's getting really wet, but he's not responding, I finally tell him "you're getting all wet!"

      moving money through small portal, it melts; go through, want to put it into a bank card, discussion on different bank cards properties (and the wisdom of using them?) [forgot]

      leave building, attacked by two guys

      loooong BTS battle. Finally fall asleep.


      + concert/rehearsal [DS], I'm holding the <instrument> of the other guy in my section, I'm looking around for him to take it, we're moving to a new spot, I need to grab my instrument too, but I can't because my hands are full with his