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    1. 2016-01-16 long night, wine, stone, cousins, conflict, LD#166 dogs/table, then caveman, much caveman

      by , 01-16-2016 at 10:36 AM
      2016-01-15 23:51 pre-bedtime
      2016-01-16 00:00

      + wife/monster biting nightmare

      + park/beautiful stone, really tasty wine

      + big conflict with guy who vandalized my brother-in-law's poster. Follow his gang, then reveal myself. Then they're following me. Then at work I keep encountering gang members in the hallways and we give each other nasty looks. Scene in the lab with an oscilloscope? Then emerge on to a suburban strip mall street and wonder how I should get back to my car, then a narrator hinting at how my brother-in-law's brother is/was a mobster and that's how they got all their money.

      record early/mid dreams, BTS battle, I win!

      + LD#166
      I'm outside some large (school?) buildings and there are two dogs there, I'm really happy about this and am petting, thumping them on their backs/sides, I realize I could transform them into anything I want. Then I'm lucid. I'm walking down a corridor and want to really experience/engage, I approach a table and am amazed at how waking-like the sensations are, I run my hands over this table and really feel it with my hands. Then caveman takes over and I go looking for girls, find one working a sale of some sort at another nearby table and get a bunch of "attention" from her both above and beneath the table

      + through door into other room, nice close sexy-time moment with girl, standing above and behind her (she's kneeling), then get down in front of her

      + hop into convertible sportscar, "shouldnt leave the top down," go faster, up hills, floor it, shift gears down and engine starts to roar and goes faster

      + at cousins house, huge party, "I like the gazebo you put out front!", access some kitchen appliance requiring me to "scan" my (ahem), planning sleeping arrangements with 2 girls downstairs near me, digging in candy cup, find tiny rectangular individually wrapped caramels, while other guys in the distance are yelling блин! блин! I think this slang term originated as a way for people yelling for the movie to start. Sitting with a girl on my lap and the other girl is telling her "I'm the pretty one!" and her relative is watching me with a close eye so I should be careful.

      11:51 feel it's time to get up, it's light outside, check time, get up
    2. 2016-01-15 lots of dreams, average recall

      by , 01-15-2016 at 10:44 AM
      this was a night with awareness of a lot of dreaming going on across multiple cycles. Early recall fairly sparse, though, with one exception (graded papers).

      + (f) with ex-gf SB [DS]. We're quite friendly. I pull her in for a nice kiss once while we're standing (in a kitchen?). We may be getting back together [DS]

      + grades have been posted, I see my name and take my graded assignments and look through them. Each graded paper that was returned only consists of the top about 2 inches, the rest was cut away and not returned. I read the comments, I was graded down for IMO stupid reasons. In one case it was because the teacher didn't like the loop indeces I chose for one program. The teacher's name is down on the bottom of one page [I guess at least one wasn't cut] with a colorful smiley face. I want to contact the teacher and get some points back on these assignments.

      I'm chatting with a girl classmate about TCP/IP. I ask her if she's read the big book [couldn't remember 'Stevens' author] and she says yes, of course. We agree that's the ultimate book on TCP/IP.

      + bell, F. John, bikini
      I'm climbing up a stairway, up ahead hung from the railing at the top of the stairs is a "bell". Someone is striking it to ring it. I closely inspect [DS] this object, it's not really a bell more like a small sculpture.

      I'm sitting and FJ is reading something. I realize that FJ is sitting on my leg, and having my leg up under FJ's butt is probably not appropriate so I pull it away. I notice in front of me and just below me is a girl with a colorful (rainbow) fuzzy bikini on, and I appreciate her for a few seconds.

      + driving trip 1: going to Tahoe. Through the mountains, the landscape suddenly changes from fairly sparse open rolling hills to beautiful pine-filled mountains [semi-DS]. The change is surprising, and I'm struck with the beauty of this area, no wonder so many people come here.

      + the book of many books: I'm holding a book with a slightly faded red cover. I'm reading the titles. There are many books in this book. If I open the book I find myself at a new cover with a new title. At one point I find a cover like "The Two Tolkiens" which also includes commentary.

      A brief abstract scene about how my mother is attentively taking care of a class of young (kindergarten, pre-school) children, and she's doing a great job.

      + driving trip 2: I'm driving and I enter a freeway with deep drifts of snow, it is dim lighting/night. I'm driving through the drifts and barely manage to avoid hitting some. My wife is saying not to become distracted, keep looking out for <something>. Up ahead the road ends and we're walking, we're passing another group of middle-eastern looking men who are walking slightly slower than us. I pass them on the left, two men move out of the way. Just past them I get the feeling that this may be a musical group, there are whispers that they are performers.

      now we're inside something like a bookstore. The group starts to perform?
    3. 2016-01-14 recall still a bit low but 3 major dreams

      by , 01-14-2016 at 10:05 AM
      + at the PTL (former adult) house: there is somebody visible inside the 2nd floor window [false, 1 story home], an intruder! I climb up and he's a sort of crazy looking guy and bring him out and scream at him on the front lawn, which brings a middle-aged man [false] out from the left neighboring house to complain about the noise.

      around the back of the house there is another house on a street with numbers and a sign. The sign says that even those the address is XYZ (has a 9 in it?), that mail to PDQ should be delivered here. The house is actually in a different zip code than what is listed officially.

      Around the front of the house our group is getting in to cars. Somone's handling a large elaborate cake. The cake starts to fall apart, people call out not to try and hold it, but the guy holding it keeps trying to get it under control and the more he does the more the cake disintegrates until there's nothing left, except a large glass of strawberry milkshake. I'm licking up remnants of the cake and the strawberry milkshake which are lying around the outside of the car.

      + standing in a portal/doorway with someone else, looking out on to (sand dunes?), a jaguar walks across from right to left, then it comes running to our door which doesn't close properly, I block the doorway with my body, the jaguar has its paws up on my shoulder, I push it back in and try to close the door but the door doesn't seem to fit

      + in/around/outside some house. In the garden in daylight, there are fruit trees/plants, a horse is eating some cherries from a tree. I'm picking/holding a bunch of blackberries, they're mushy and covered with some webbing which I'm trying to clean off. I get some good big berries but there are bees crawling around on them so I can't eat them, I'm trying to clean off the bees, but this squishes the berries.

      Inside, conversation with some women. I ask "someone should go get more whipped cream," a woman answers "no, there is some around still, I look on the counters and see a couple of bottles. The bartenders are standing at the kitchen sinks and preparing drink orders, I think.

      Some girls walk by, one of which is wearing a sheer see-through top, I get a look at one of her breasts, she has a dark, large areola. I follow her as she walks through the house, to get another view. Then she and another are bathing in the sink, I walk by and take a peek.
    4. 2016-01-13 vague, fragmented

      by , 01-13-2016 at 08:58 AM
      It's that time in the recall cycle again: despite knowing that I had a bunch of dreams, the recall is vague.

      + (f) driveway/garage, childhood home ?

      + (f) outdoors, long, trees, fireworks?

      + (f) I think I left my instrument at home, I'll have to go and get it and return (to the rehersal?) but that will take a long time, thankfully I see it under a chair nearby, I'm relieved.

      + (f) climbing down some descending cave-ish/hallway, people all around, teams? good/bad?, food involved?
    5. 2016-01-12

      by , 01-12-2016 at 10:07 AM
      mostly just interested in rest

      still quite a number of dreams

      + rummaging around through childhood home fridge, I find a leftover chinese dish that I think I can warm up in the microwave. I also find some (celery?) sticks with some dark sauce poured over them, I start eating these. My dad has moved the utensil drawer to the living room buffet, I see him placing a fork/knife into its slot in the drawer.

      +(f) in the house with college roommates, climb narrow twisting stairs to NI's room

      + playing my instrument, playing other makes/models with teacher, suck spit in, realize teacher played this instrument too, spit it out on ground. Try mixing and matching parts from other instruments together, creates odd sound in certain ranges. Try new instrument and it sounds really good except when you play really quiet, then there is an annoying rattle, I determine it is around the C# key/hole.

      +(f) electronics projects: blinking lights, circuit boards

      + playing in orchestra, big solo coming up, I'm walking around, some violin players offer to help me count my measures, I want to grab my music and sit with them but I don't have time, I hurry to get back to my instrument but I miss the entrance

      + in former adult home, big renovation projects going on around the garage, the walls are opened, and they're installing new locks. I see long wooden beams that the locks bore through. Problem is, they've installed the deadbolt handle on the *outside* and the key hold on the *inside*, that's no good, it'll have to be changed, I look close and see they're already screwed in to the wood. Go talk to some guys in the garage corner, up high there is a large toaster oven mounted on the wall near the ceiling, they're saying they use this to heat gloves/mitts. There is some dried stringy stuff like old chicken stuck to the walls of the oven on the inside.

      + in (parents bedroom childhood home?) with friends (NI?), there are piles of office equipments (staplers, paper clips, etc.) on the floor around our chairs

      + I'm rubbing up against a clothed girl, gymnast? I step back, some scenes of naked girls showing it all (x-rated?) to the "camera" briefly, I wake up.
    6. 2016-01-11 LDs#164,#165 all night awareness

      by , 01-11-2016 at 06:57 PM
      I went to bed around midnight quite tired, but my awareness just would not let me fall into unconscious sleep. My wife came to bed late and woke me up. In retrospect it felt like I was WILDing from bed time. A case of dolphin's "all night awareness" I believe.


      + I'm standing in a house, on a stairway, I see my father walking up from a higher landing up other stairs. He is naked, and his "stuff" is vaguely visible, so I turn away to preserve his modesty.

      I'm in my parent's bedroom, my mother is talking to me, she wants me to take a look at some letter that my sister brought by. I'm upset at her for talking to me because I'm trying to fall asleep (!). I take a look at it and there are some cards and a piece of paper but it seems not to be of any importance.

      + (f) I'm viewing a scrolling list of some sort, reading it, it's important.

      + (f) I'm thinking about fitting into zero area spaces between lines and the intersections of planes.

      I waken and realize these were dreams and spent some more time floating in "awake" awareness until the next bunch of dreams:

      + I awaken in bed to a sudden "bang" sound. I'm in my adult home, but sleeping in my son S1's bedroom but with my head by the window in the corner. I pull up the covers and try to feign sleep. It's son S2 who's up and making noise, coming out of the master bedroom into the hallway. He announces: "Guess who's going to Prom!?" This is odd since I know he's University age.

      + There are two young men, there is a narrator voice, it is vaguely sexual in some way, the young men are singing, something they say sounds like "fantasy." There is a track from where they are that runs along the right wall of the room, and little round things are rolling down this track. They are very small (1/4 inch) round thumbtacks with tiny x-rated scenes painted on them. There's a bunch of them stuck on to the wall by my bed. I'm pulling them out and seeing the holes left behind. Son S2 comes in and starts looking at them and I'm trying to hide them. I pull the bed away from the wall and there are more there stuck in the wall running along the floorboards.



      + LD#164 I'm the same bedroom as the previous dream (adult home son S1's bedroom), it is dimly lit. My wife is there and there are the same x-rated little thumbtacks stuck in the wall again, she is looking at them and saying "what are those?" I'm trying to pick them up and hide them, piling them on the bed, I ask her some question to distract her, then I have a feeling that this is an absurd situation and didn't I already deal with this? and get fully lucid, quick nose pinch confirms. The dream gets a bit unstable right away, dizzy/fading but quick hand rub brings it nicely back into focus. I remember TOTM basic I (read the title of a book) and go to the bookcase up against the wall and pull off a book and look at it, reading is difficult but I see "winnie". Then I'm looking through some book flipping through the pages and I see a bunch of colorful complex stick figures. No matter how fast I flip the pages there is always a clear picture there, I'm amazed that my mind can produce the images so quickly.

      I walk out into the hallway, and there seated on the floor next to son S2's bedroom door are my sons, aged about 3 and 5. I call them to me and get hugs from both of them, that was really nice. I walk down the hallway and turn into the family room, I walk to the bookshelf to check out more books since I want to make sure I get TOTM and I just want to try reading books. I decide I can order some food from the kitchen. I walk back to the family room entrance looking into the kitchen and am about to formulate an order and decide I'm rather just summon it myself directly. At first I call for pepperoni pizza but decide I want a Round Table King Arthur Supreme [my favorite chain pizza…mmm]. I think about extending my arms into the "aether" and grabbing it like Merlin does with Logrus magic in Zelazny's Amber books. My hands don't come back with a pizza but I glance down on to a table and see an open pizza box with a pepperoni pizza in it. I take a slice and eat. One of my kids comes in and eats some as well. I have the thought that this is a long, stable LD and that this is due to my daytime mindfulness work.

      Back to the bookshelf, I take a book from the middle section and open it and can't make any sense out of the title or the contents. I rationalize this via thinking "oh this is from my wife's German books collection" [false]. Then I go to the right section and think I see my old college Astronomy textbook. I take it out and open it, and at first I get the impression that I can understand words, but then everything seems to be abstract geometrical shapes.

      I've had enough of reading so I walk towards the living room. On the way there I get the idea to summon MaSt for some "fun." I'm calling out her name "M St…., M St…, M St…" and am walking around the (totally empty) living room. I walk by the light switches and try to operate them to make the room lighter. It doesn't work and I continue walking around the room, but give a quick thought to "be lighter" and notice that there is a bit more light.

      Then I notice that the wall on the side of the entry way is all glass [DS] and I can see two local neighbor kids outside, a boy and a girl. I make a gesture for them to approach. I then see them again and their faces are a bit different. I go outside and there are a few more people here. Another man/woman pair whom I think are also very young / kids at first but as I approach them they seem more like fully mature adults but are just very short, they walk away from me. I turn back towards my house and there is a woman there whom I see in passing has a very large dark birthmark on her face. I will her face to be clear and briefly notice it happening but head back in to the living room.

      There is a young man there now seated on a bench and we exchange a few words. I decide to tell him what's going on. I walk past him and say "you are a dream character within my lucid dream!". He says "What!? NO!" and comes at me aggressively. I push him back and decide we'll fight and I pull out my lightsaber from my "utility belt" and turn it on. Sigh, weak translucent colors again. We both have light sabers and are vaguely swinging them around. I tell him to turn up the opacity on his as I want to do to get fully operational light sabers. Then he backs into a TV in an entertainment center cabinet and disappears into the picture tube. I stick my saber in there and swish it around, I want to see the TV set ripped apart in molten metal effects but instead I just get a bit of static popping up on the screen.

      I go back to walking in a circle around the empty living room and calling for M St… to appear, holding my hand behind my back, but the dream slowly fades.

      I feel myself in bed, with something on top of my eyes. But I don't want to open my eyes for fear of fully waking up. I try to slowly open my eyes. Then suddenly…

      + a new bright scene instantly appears. I'm lying on my back on a medical table against a wall in a very brightly lit medical procedure room. There is a black female middle aged nurse at the food of my bed, I'm pulling her on top of me and down for a kiss, I manage a quick kiss and want to make out with her but she pulls away, saying that I don't look good from my condition, and that "we've already done it today anyway". She walks along the side of my bed around to my head. She asks if I've decided to go ahead with the treatment, and asks me for the diagnosis. I notice I'm in a medium-large sized room with many patients on medical tables and many people attending to them. There is a person on a table nearby with someone standing next to him. I hear myself mumbling some medical terms that seem nonsense except I recognize the word "cortex."

      The nurse then inserts some thick needle object slowly into the area beneath my left eyebrow and above my eyelid. It feels like the skin the needle is going through is very thick and it moves very slowly, it's quite painful. It also feels like there is some sort of hard clamp placed over the needle holding in it place. Something clicks and I roll off of the bed/cart and am lucid, a quick nose pinch confirms. I'm in caveman right away and looking for a suitable female. Everyone in this room seems old/ugly. I'm walking out of this room and the black nurse is pursuing me but I call back to her "you already had your chance."

      I think what to do/where to go and I realize there must be a particular kind of doctor nearby and see an entrance to a waiting room and enter. There are a lot of people here too. I find a suitable DC sitting in a chair and kneel down in front of her. A male relative/friend of hers has his arms firmly around her shoulders.
      Spoiler for sexy time:
      while I'm reassuring her that the doctor knows exactly how to treat people like her so it will all be fine. After about 10-15 seconds,
      the dream fades.

      I wake happy at the very nice sequence of LDs and achieving TOTM.

      I just want some restful sleep at this point and try to release any lingering awareness so I'll fall asleep quickly.

      I sleep and dream some more. A number of scenes, mostly fragmented, some excerpts:

      +(f) walking in a hallway I realize I'm walking along former colleague DeHo, who lives in SC. I say "hi" and lean over to give her arm a friendly bump but instead I brush her breast by mistake. I feel a bit embarrassed and she leans a bit away from me. We talk about the weather a little bit?

      + (f) I'm trying to get an ice cream vendor to explain something to me and they're not cooperating.

      + (f) at my kid's birthday party, there are a lot of kids, how shall we ferry them all to the next destination? We'll need several cars, I can't see how this is possible. Also something about serving them ice cream.

      +(f) traveling with a girlfriend? She slides up to me on a seat and it's very cozy.

      + (f) I'm sitting down in a dim location on a bench with a girl I know is ElWa (grad school colleague). I sense her husband GrBa is watching us from the shadows. I put my arm on her bare leg and feel some stubble. I wonder what else is hairy. I know it's her but saying her name would somehow ruin the situation.
    7. 2016-01-10 on the ocean, baby, bowling, space ship/ground battle, 2 work conversations

      by , 01-10-2016 at 10:39 AM
      + on the ocean:
      walking/driving along a (pier?), I notice to the left the ocean water is crystal clear, completely transparent, I can see fish swimming [DS] and I call out "slow down, I want to see better". To the right, there is someone swimming in the water near rocks and a boat is near to them and might hit him [DS, personal phobia]. Continuing walking through area with people indoors, there are small pools of odd animals. One is a basketball-sized frog-thing called something (forgot), and another is a baby stingray. I play with the baby stingray for a while and scratch it's "chin" and around its mouth, being careful to avoid the stinger.

      I continue walking and reach the end of a corridor at a glass wall [DS]. A few feet beyond the wall the ocean begins, at a depth of about 4 feet, the water is clear but is full of plants like seaweed. I think this is a research station where divers leave the building and can enter the water to observe the life there.

      Spoiler for girl stuff:

      I've left my group behind me and am returning on my own. But I hear the voice of one guy in my group coming up fast behind me. I see him now and notice that he's walking and talking with one other guy who is very tall (giant?) [DS].

      + playing guitar, I'm thinking about the fingering, starting to play a piece with vibrato on the left hand, but the high E string doesn't respond correctly, I determine it's too loose, I tighten it up and find that it is now perfectly in tune with the low E string.

      + I'm holding a baby, I love this baby, its soft warm skin, I think it's my grandchild (?), someone says the baby's family name is <something>, I say "it is also <my family name!". Look down at its face, there is a large red growth in one of its eyes, a woman (my wife?) pushes this thing down into its eye, what are these things in its eyes? My sister appears and says that they are "vacuum channels" in the eyes, used to help the baby eat. The baby opens its mouth and there are strange anatomical things in there.

      + bowling, my small ball is stuck in the return system I go to get it myself and examine the mechanism, can't get the ball out from it, worried about getting my hand caught

      + space ship vs. ground, explosions in both places, I'm floating in between observing the battle

      + work 1: people are complaining that during a personnel review meeting (for promotions?) the meetings always end up degrading into personality bashing sessions, I'm talking about it with them and trying to understand the issue

      + work 2: my director reveals that he's been secretly working for a different company for some time now, that he's very unhappy with the current company, and that the new company is working on a great product, talks about it for a bit and I mention that it is like "company 3"''s product that will go "click click, click click" when it turns on.
    8. 2016-01-08 epic!

      by , 01-08-2016 at 08:34 PM
      + sneaking up to enemy base, must retreat, firing grenades from launchers while the enemy fired mortars, turning into full Tribes 1 battle with inventory stations

      my wife is confronting children hiding guns behind their backs, I yell at her from cover to grab their guns and ammo, by now she has built up a large collection of confiscated weapons

      + force bubble trapping of bad guy planning a plot against the jedi (he could control the standard on/off switch on their lightsabers)

      Then we're at a pool table and wracking up the balls. But there are only solid plus the nine-ball which means we can only play nine-ball, but then only two people can play

      + stuffing a letter into an exposed mail bag of a moving mail truck, it keeps slipping out

      + epic at the beach
      - address encryption, leading to an outdoor location

      - the path there (curved, under trees), some people (older folks) stray off the path and go forwards

      - 2-layer false memory, didn't recognize place, which I realized was false, I in fact did recognize the location (but this was a false memory).

      - arrive expecting beautiful blue water but the water is 100's of yards receded from what I "remember" and very dangerous waves

      - meet JM who does gymnastic bend and sticks his head in to the water and bites the spine of a sea urchin (it's a dare thing that "everybody" is doing these days), I ask him what it tasted like, he answers "like fire." I say "not surprising, it was probably poisoned," "Yes it probably was " he agrees. Then I say I'd never mess with sea anemones, and see progressively larger and larger ones on rocks, which I say are freaky like spiders, with scary long tentacles each one striped with different colors. Then I'm saying to no one in particular how you can't trust sea creatures that apparently are holding on to the rocks, they could at any point jump off to engulf their prey. And I'm telling (my son?) to avoid the huge, room-sized anemone that could eat a man.

      - lying in the warm, soft, fine, clean, tan sand with dream bride. "luxurious liver" vs. "luxurious sand" in foreign language

      - beautiful new dream bride who speaks a foreign language and I"m learning hers while she's learning English, think of the amusing and perhaps troublesome situations that can arise from language misunderstandings

      - the disappointing catalog (burned pages, and the key pages describing how to make money are all missing) and the shrimp lobster (guy says too small, but an old man appears and says he couldn't eat it all in one sitting

      - the girls get together and sing a song about living in hard conditions without access to modern conveniences, and explain that this is the reason they completely spend the husbands' paychecks every month

      - my dream bride is making her favorite dish at a makeshift kitchen on the beach, using a sort of grinder handle, and out pops porridge with little colorful chunks of dried fruit. Nobody of the group likes it and ignores her.


      + indoor space, I'm thinking of engaging a girl and then walking away, but then I think I might get in trouble, and some people are setting up cameras to watch me

      + in a crowd my bag is missing, was it stolen or did I leave it at home? I feel one guy right up against me from behind and I turn and quickly grab him in my arms and frisk him searching for my bag, he's wearing long robes. I frisk another one in robes, I can't find it. I put my stuff on a shelf, tell friends to watch it, tell them again, return home, climbing stairs I see 3 women moving a heavy carpet (up/down?), I think I should help them but I'm in a hurry to find my bag to I step around them and continue up the stairs.

      home is in my childhood home basement, I can't see my bag, I sense an intruder, I see a guy up behind the piano in the shelves near the exposed dirt, and I scream "get out of here mother%^%$er!" comes at me can't dial 911 keeps coming out wrong number 918, 938, finally get it right and start talking but he comes up to me I fall/sit back on stairs he says "did you report the red & blue pills?", then I realize he's blackmailing me, my favorite childhood things, I say "no," then I say "yes, over a year ago, I haven't heard anything else back," then I realize I'm rich as I can then sell the drugs.
    9. 2016-01-07

      by , 01-07-2016 at 06:17 PM
      + tons of students outside, they're carrying instruments, they're music students on their way to class

      orchestra concert, large group on stage, short piece
      4 of my instruments and four bass versions, 2 it turns out are saxophones.
      One player is standing in some harness and doing flips and jumping around

      + pets: dog, pet it, friendly but when put my head close it growls, this happens twice. Bird hits the window I cry out hope it's not Hirt I open the window it's the pet owl "owly" I hope up my hand and it flies in the window right on to my hand, it's a miniature owl but with large eyes and large talons it sits there a few seconds then flies somewhere else

      + English speaking women in water and on power yacht, I'm surprised to hear English speakers, I think the boat is coming too close to the women in the water they'll get ripped up by the blades of the propeller.

      + "dream info" paper I wrote for a friend got a bad grade "3+" I'm trying to read teacher comments to see if it was because of the plaigarism or the content

      +f in a room/house throw something into a far corner it was a weak row I do it again and manage more strength this time

      + with bf MR again, his mother I thank her for the food earlier
      She asks what and I say "the goat stew". Doing stuff with MR

      +f an ant/flea nest on the ground
    10. 2016-01-05 weird, bizarre, thinking dreams

      by , 01-05-2016 at 09:42 AM
      + chased by some giant/tall alien thing, hiding taking cover, it moves on eventually

      + I'm lying in bed in a small room and my pet pigs enter the room. I'm happy to see them, (they have half-human faces?). I think they'll want to jump up in to bed with me and I block them with my elbows so they can't get in. One comes around to the head of the bed and puts its two front hoofs up on to the bed. It's right front hoof is placed at the base of my throat and it is impairing my ability to breathe. I'm trying to remain calm. I reach my right hand to pick up this paw and move it but it's hard to do. I think the pig may bite my hand moving it's leg. It does, lightly.

      + meeting with fellow renters about the security camera I asked the landlord to install. Landlord put up my hand drawn posters of the plans, why did he do that? On one of the colorful posters I've written "teen girl cam" in the upper right, why would I do that? Luckily my handwriting is bad maybe nobody can read that and nobody has come yet. But an adult woman renter comes and is OK with the plan but starts talking about the problem of alcohol. The stink and the noise. The other renters agree about the problems with alcohol. I'm not against solving the alcohol problem, but I don't want to be prevented from drinking in my own apartment. If not, I'd have to move, and I think about how much stuff I have, packing it up and moving it, it would take several trips.

      + entering the library/science museum, old man (celebrity?) sitting at long desk, I have my laptop but forgot my earbuds, look for and find large headphones among the computers there.

      + thinking about entry counting system, with kids leaving building they must get off their carts, fold them and take them with them as we leave, there is a large crowd, don't worry, they can carry their own stuff. Counting door openings is not sufficient because multiple people could come in at a time, and you can't know about entering or leaving. To fix this, you'd need two doors, one for entering, one for leaving. But that still doesn't work because multiple people could enter or leave at once. This is why places have one-person turnstiles: you count people going in and out separately. I imagined a single count system where there is one counter and the people coming in increments the counter, and the people leaving decrement the counter. But you'd need a special gear arrangement to deal with the problem where people enter and leave simultaneously. Maybe the mechanism could "save" up its signal and deliver it later if there is a conflict?

      + in childhood home, the front door is open [dreamsign], son S2 has arranged his sleeping bag on the stairs, he's going to sleep there? Walking down stairway and answering somebody who wanted to contact my sister, I'm saying she'll be in rehearsal so may not be able to respond.

      + (f) phone conversation, I'm simultaneously listening in and observing the person receiving the call, I hear a female voice speaking (Mandarin Chinese?), saying things I don't understand, like "min tsuh", the guy on the phone is honored at the invitation and will probably come?

      + in a BBQ superstore. People tend to buy way more than they need, they're carrying around huge piles of stuff which they've bought and don't need. Like a fancy-schmancy vegetable peeler? Who needs that fancy thing with multiple levels that drops the peeled veggies on (to the grill?), you can do with a more basic version.

      + (f) food, eating in party in a large open area?
    11. 2016-01-04

      by , 01-04-2016 at 09:43 AM
      + assassins? in the parking garage

      + super fast moving (blur) traffic on the road, sit with work colleagues for a chocolate milkshake party (being served in large glass teacups), I finally get mine (3rd), it's really thick. It has chunks of cottage-cheese like things in it making it so thick

      + discussing pipelining and managing state changes: do they take effect right away, or are the changes pipelined along with the data? I almost say my former employer (company "N") but decide not to and just refer to it as "my previous job". A guy worked all night and came up with the new architecture, if I had had the same documents maybe I could have done the same.

      + at desk at work, my monitor is wrong, somebody came and switched the monitors!? I could use my old Apple but it's too old/small screen, there's an old adm3a monitor, lots of old IBM PC/AT systems, where's the click box for the terminal connection (old l.b. lab button box with 3 lights on it).
    12. 2016-01-03

      by , 01-03-2016 at 10:50 PM
      + strange building: in the basement, I'm in a long white freaky hallway with no way out, I back out of there there's a guy at the door. I get in to an elevator and am not sure of which button to push, I want to go up, and I see that one of the buttons indicates going down, and a man standing outside the elevator reaches in and pushes the button that goes up. There are a couple other people on the elevator with me. The elevator goes up *really* fast, and is shaking and swinging back and forth while we ascend. We're going way too far, past my desired floor. Finally it stops and we get out, but in the portion of the building that is not done yet: someone says they're like indentured servants working here. I see plans and construction materials all around. I'm quickly descending stairs to get back down to the floor I wanted to be on. I pass two older men sitting at a table discussing something, I think they're the architects of this work. One of them (with a big afro?) mentions to me something about the review (of the building?) I'm writing.

      + son S1 is exhausted from studying physics, he's sleeping on the couch with his physics book spread open on top of him. I come around the side of the couch and then son S1 jumps on me and tackles me, they're both about 10 years younger.

      + a teacher is teaching c# programming to my sons. I tell him I want to make sure he will emphasize the way I like to do things, like top-down design. And if for example, they write a routine that takes input and output it should use input and output iterators.

      + sexy time

      + I'm hiding a NSFW magazine under a towel on a towel rack, and son S1 is doing the same, I think no, he shouldn't follow my example.
    13. 2016-01-02

      by , 01-02-2016 at 10:57 AM
      long time falling asleep at bedtime, after "napping" right before bed where I had no problem getting to the snoring phrase >. 2mg melatonin fixed that.

      Overflow night again.


      + (fairly long) computer, code, "smc", sm/ directory, sm.h should go in the include directory, sm.c should build into a common library that I can re-use in other projects. Watching the console screen of a system booting up, have they replaced all the macros with function calls? I'm thinking I can definitely optimize this start-up sequence.

      Piles of task sheets, that we need to have signed-off from the manager.

      + the office. My office is very large, lined with glass walls. I have one of the largest in the company, they must really value me as an employee. The bad thing is that it is located right in the entrance hallway from the outside. The hallway runs around two sides of the office:

             hall             |
      --------------------    |
                         |    |
         my              |    |
      office             |    |
                         |    |
                         |    |
                         |    |
                           f. door
      The glass doors are shiftable. Frequently people would cut the corner by sliding a glass section to the side and cutting through my office. I thought about getting a roll of strong transparent tape and taping all the glass sections together.

      There is an inner office within my office, where there is a desk (with a computer?). At one point I go in here, and close various doors partially and hang things so that the view from the hallway to the right to my inner desk is obscured.

      I'm at a different place in the company, a section of the sliding glass walls come off its track and I'm trying to put it back.

      I'm having a meeting in my office and a guy walks across it from the right, he's carrying his lunch. Something falls off his plate, he stops to pick it up, and I offer him to sit down at the table in the room and eat there.

      My wife offers to put a large cross in the corner by the front door, she says it will protect me on my travels?. I don't think the company will allow religious symbols, even if I put it in my office, people would be offended.

      (impression) walking through a place with small, lit decorations along the floor (?)

      + baby iron man: a mini (dark haired)/ young (5 yo ?) Tony Stark in the iron man suit. He was saying witty things. Then he was flying in the suit, and he popped open the cover of one of the many data sockets on the suit, this one was on his back so it was hard for him to reach it, and he inserted a data "shingle" and with some trouble closed the cover to the socket. I saw about 8 data shingles which were rounded like the cross section of a tree with concentric rings of different colors, and each one was numbered with a single digit.


      + garden: I'm walking through a garden with EK (grad school) and an unknown girl. She likes the plants, I like them too. They're small rose bushes with no flowers. I recall that I particularly like when the stalks turn a "peach" color at the base, which hasn't happened yet. I lean down to smell but there is no aroma (?).

      + refugee house: sitting at a table in a small garden outside a house. There are short, dark-haired refugees there, mostly women, sitting around the table. We're going to live in this place for a while. I think this may give me a chance with some of these women, maybe they'll come on to me. There are some people clowning around on the other side of the fence to the next property, something about "the arm," someone is waiving their arm up above the hedge that makes it looks like it's a floating arm moving around.

      Inside, they talk about the sleep schedule. They trade off the use of the beds in 2 hour shifts. I'm sort of amazed by this: that would be terrible for dreaming. Then I think that perhaps they get a good WBTB by this by sleeping every 2 hours for 2 hours. I think about asking them about how this affects their dreams but I don't.


      + galaxy: (DO), front screen of a space ship, the captain/narrator is guiding the ship through clouds of material, the job of the ship is to gather (gasses?) needed to help (sick people?) back at the base. He's focusing on clouds that are slightly green colored, and talking about the chemical composition of the various clouds

      Back at base, there is an engineer who is helping the flight. The group is apparently rebels. The engineer is supposed to wait for them then activate some system when they ask him. The timing is important. But the big boss calls him early, and the engineer has no choice but to activate the system early.

      + superman vs. death: I am sitting with my BF MR in an improv circle. It's our turn to go, I'm very hesitant, should we go? Eventually we go into the circle and I have absolutely no idea what we're going to do. Eventually I decide on "superman vs. death", I'm superman. I start in with some angry dialogue about how in the previous dream the system was activated too early, which hurt the rest of the group. I shove "death" down past the ring of the people circle with my super strength and he falls to the ground. I say / think to myself, "I don't know if I can die, but in case I can, I'd better get out of here!" and I turn to the left and fly out of the ring at low altitude. I wait but don't hear any applause. Yeah, our skit was pretty weak I think, but I *did* fly out of there. I should have flown at higher altitude to make it more obvious.

      + stairway: I'm at the top of a stairway (in my childhood house? feels like it but the visuals do not match). I'm very heavy, and there is a very large step to make to get up on to the landing of the second floor. There is a precarious board barely supported on each side. I'm wearing a big/heavy backpack, and I take it off, I wonder if it will balance on the narrow stairs. I'm looking at the wooden banister along the left side, to see if it will support the cross beam or not. In fact the wooden banister flexes and bends both up and down, like a wooden accordion, so it does not support weight. The wood is thick, and stained a rich warm color like an oak hardwood floor. I think about getting some tools and nailing/fixing the banister in place.

      + gas station / scooter: driving down a street downtown, I'm driving a car and I go too far and need to go back. Can't, but there's an intersection ahead, I can turn left and then turn left farther on. I'm in the right lane and need to get to the left lane, so I head sharply across the lanes. There's a big long truck heading my way and I hurry to get ahead of it but it pulls to the left and seems to park. I head out into the street but now I'm on a scooter, my dad and my son (S2) are with me. As I turn they drop a bunch of their stuff on to the road. I tell them to hurry to pick things up. I drive again and take the next left which is right there and head up the street and into a gas station. I want to park this scooter and go get the car and bring it here, I'll put the scooter in the back of the truck. I ask S2 "Hey did we buy this scooter or are we just renting it?" my son answers a few times and I don't understand, finally I understand that we have it "free for 9(?) days," I think that's a good deal.

      In the gas station at the register, I'm trying various cards at the reader and I'm having trouble getting them read, a female assistant is helping.
    14. 2016-01-01 semi-lucid, conflict, escape, ice cream

      by , 01-01-2016 at 12:51 PM
      recall is a bit champagne-clouded

      + semi-lucid: I realize I'm in a situation where I can do whatever I want. In a large room full of people (classroom?). One girl stands out (everyone else is sort of gray?), I go to her and engage. I hold it stable against collapsing several times but then lose focus and it transitions

      + (f) conflict, escape. I'm fleeing (banished?) and climbing out of a tall narrow concrete bunker, they think they've banished me to an empty reality, but I hear things. I climb out and go to a famous female warrior who's nearby.

      + walking through outdoor area near a building, there's an internal room inside where a guy's taking a shower. I go inside and look for the door to the shower area but don't find it. Up ahead there are some people and food items, there is a girl with me, I'm looking at the ice cream choices and pick up a big block of it with multiple flavors.
    15. 2015-12-29 lots of dreams, sleep inertia, pig/flea/flood mini-epic

      by , 12-29-2015 at 12:35 PM
      + (f) backpack in the bed of the pickup truck, I need to move things into the cab in order to be able to drive

      + (impression) in a large house, flying around, people around

      + friend MR is learning to play <my instrument>. It's going to be a while before he can play a duet with me because he's just starting. I think about/see a mouthpiece.

      + (f) with a guy stopping at a place that has a restaurant and a convenience store. The convenience store is really crowded, this is a good location with a lot of traffic.


      + Sitting at a bar counter talking with a guy telling him all about double buffering, 2d vs. 3d, vertical retrace. Leave and encounter a guy I worked with a long time ago, we're going off again to solve a problem we solved 20 years ago.

      There's a little dog who barks out something that sounds like "Bad dog!", which makes me laugh.

      Talking about a piece of software, the question is how to save the images. Should the app save the image in the resource section of the executable or somewhere else? Then the view changes to a large athletic field at a University. Still a thought remains about the application. It's early morning but the sky is clear, no clouds. I notice down towards the end of the fence around the field is a topless girl. I think they're out to catch some sun. I get the impression of naked girls around the fence.

      Spoiler for a bit risque:

      + (semi-epic) lying on couch, head towards the middle (pointing towards dining room) and suddenly a full-sized adult pig jumps up on the couch and snuggles in right next to me, I'm lying almost on top of it. It's head is facing the other way. I'm touching it's bristly skin. I think "pigs make great pets!". I look back and notice my mom is leaning up against the end of the couch, the pig's face is pushed up against her. I get a creepy feeling that she is enjoying the pig "too much."

      I get off the couch and I'm flea-combing my cat and dog (switches between them). I'm putting the fleas into a bowl of warm soapy water from the comb. One flea jumps off the comb on to the carpet and I'm trying to catch it. It's hopping 2-3 inches very quickly and the carpet is making it very hard to see and catch it. I eventually run the comb through the carpet and pick it up and quickly move it into the water. The flea is walking along the surface and I'm trying to dunk it down. My cat gets up and walks away. I feel something brush against my back.

      I look around the carpet and notice that it is dotted with a number of small (3-4 inches) shallow pools of water, in which are swimming a bunch of little fish. I stand up and notice that covering this floor of the house a 3-4 inch deep layer of water. I go to the dining room and look out the sliding glass door and see that the entire area is flooded with water right up to the level of the deck [which makes it a biblical flood since my childhood home is at an elevation of about 1000 ft.]. I go back out the front door and see the edges of the flood poking in to the front yard. I run upstairs and call to my parents to come and see the flood. I'm thinking I hope my dad will help me with the sandbags.

      My dad comes downstairs but looking out the sliding glass door the water is gone. Looking more carefully I see the water level is lower and suddenly while I'm watching it drops another 100 feet or more and I call out "did you see that!?". I'm calling urgently to my dad to come to the living room to see the pools of fish there. He moves slowly and I keep calling him to hurry. He gets there and it seems that some bowls of fish have spilled and the fish are flopping there but the pools are mostly gone. I ask my dad if he's going to clean up the tadpoles I see lying in a place on the carpet but he indicates he does not want to.

      back to sleep / sleep inertia:

      + baseball play: bunt, many replays, the runner was clearly safe on first, I demand (hope?) that there will be a review and the inning will be allowed to continue. The first base coach tells the runner "get back on base!" The runner cannot rely on hearing (the ball?) and should run to first base at top speed.

      + sitting with girls outside on chair, I'm about to sit down at a table and a girl sneaks in and takes my seat. one gets up and brushes up against me moving past me and a bit of her breast runs across my hand.

      + in my cousin's house, the book about diamonds in a bookshelf with many books, I think if you read all these books you'd know a lot of things, should I go upstairs?, there's a girl up there, but maybe going up there would be conspicuous.

      + talking about illegal garbage dumping and avoiding discovery in the back garden under the drainpipe with lots of drops of water coming down

      + going for a walk with wife and son and leaving the park through a private garden of someone we know who's quite wealthy whom I hear talking through their open front door, my wife sees a plant she wants to have so she pulls off a leaf (it's sort of a lettuce plant) and I get nervous we'll be discovered. I prepare a statement in a foreign language talking about their "former baseball team" (prior dream?). There are very beautiful flowers of all sizes lining the stairs that we're climbing to the road, in particular the yellow roses are lovely.

      Outside the garden on the street, across the street I see that our car (where I remember it being parked) is now tightly surrounded by very expensive big cars like Range Rovers. There must be a mafia meeting or something now. I keep looking but just can't see our car. We go around to the side and our car is there apparently, a convertible, and my wife gets in and some old Asian women get in and one takes my spot in the front seat, I will need to ask her to move.

      Updated 12-29-2015 at 12:44 PM by 65364

      non-lucid , memorable
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