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    #209: Moon Portal, Destroying A building

    by , 05-16-2015 at 01:11 PM (504 Views)
    I feel like there was much more important stuff happening in the first LD.

    I was in my old high school though. Everything was a different color though. I think everything was red even though our school color was blue. I reality checked though I didn't become lucid. I then said something like.

    "Well why should I let one failed reality check decide that I am not lucid?!"

    There was no glass in the windows of the school, so I just climbed out one and started flying. I was trying to decide on a good goal, and I decided that I should fly to the moon a second time. I looked at the moon in the daytime sky and set my intention.

    I started accelerating toward it until the moon began distorting and looking more like a portal. I decided to pass through it and see where it took me. It let me out above a location that had the feel of my university campus, though looked unfamiliar.

    I think decided to practice landing, since I am usually not that good at landing. I managed to slowly lower myself onto the pavement. I'm not sure if my fire jets were visible, but I know that I was flying.


    I remember thinking that I wanted to manifest Manei since I haven't had a good Manei dream in a long time...


    The next thing I remember was seeing this very modern building covered in metal siding and brick. Nobody seemed to be using it... so .

    I flew into one of the walls. I was actually expecting something really lame to happen, like I would just faceplant into the wall. But no, I busted right through the solid wall. I remember looking back from inside and seeing the damaged hole I had made. It was actually very clear and realistic.

    I then flew up through the ceiling and made another hole, before looping around and coming to a spot on the wall. I punched into the building, sending cracks spreading up the wall. Little chips of concrete and brick fell on me but the building did not collapse.


    I was non-lucid, and I was seeing these DCs who built log cabins in the woods. It had something to do with college housing and having to pay less for housing. They had cleared out this huge area and there were hundreds of mini cabins. Students liked this because they were technically free to live in. The only problem was you needed these special unfolding ladders if you wanted to access the upper floors. Some of the cabins were built like stacks that went up, I think five floors at the most.


    I was staying at home while my parents were out of town. There was this short middle aged Jewish guy with me who could not walk who I had to take care of. He was sitting on the couch watching TV.

    I looked outside on the back of the deck. There were all of these big birds, and there were about a dozen of them. The birds had bright red/orange/yellow feathers and human faces. I told the Jewish guy to come and take a look at this. He couldn't walk, and didn't have a wheelchair. I remember him telling me that he was content to just sort of crawl around on the floor, and that's how he got over to me.

    I showed him the birds that had turned into people with the faces that they had as birds. They were all men and only wearing grayish blue swimsuits. They explained that they were a part of some kind of traveling group of people that could turn into birds.

    The first guy on the far right was tall, well built and for some reason had really pointy eyebrows. (Don't know why that detail stood out to me.) He started telling me who he was and where he was from. I realized that all of the guys from this group were going to do that eventually. I pulled up two chairs, one for me and one for the Jewish guy and sat and listened intently.

    "Hello, I hail from the Guru lands of-"

    The dream suddenly shifted. I was in a concrete plaza area in a big futuristic city, and I became semi lucid. The dream was stylized to look like an anime. General Grevious showed up and pulled out all four lightsabers and started coming after me. I pulled out my weapon. My weapon was a scythe that could adapt to any element by sticking the end of the handle into something.

    I stuck it into the ground and the handle and blade became made of concrete. I moved in and started fighting, but he cut apart the concrete scythe with his lightsabers. I went in close and touched the little adaptability bit to the blade of one of the lightsabers. The scythe handle transformed and extended out into a really long lightsaber handle, then a green energy blade formed.

    We fought for a few minutes. I cut off two of his arms and he tried to run. I chased him and he threw a broken metal pipe at me. I was in third person now and it looked like the pipe had stabbed me in the arm, but when I pulled it out it had just ripped through my shirt. (I had something like Jedi robes on.)

    Some battle droids showed up and I started fighting them. I woke up.
    DawnEye11 likes this.

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    lucid , non-lucid


    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      But no, I busted right through the solid wall. I remember looking back from inside and seeing the damaged hole I had made. It was actually very clear and realistic.I then flew up through the ceiling and made another hole, before looping around and coming to a spot on the wall. I punched into the building, sending cracks spreading up the wall. Little chips of concrete and brick fell on me but the building did not collapse.
      This reminds me of this dream I had months ago where lucid dreamers were destroying property and construction workers had to fix the damage being done to the building quickly. XD haha
      I was non-lucid, and I was seeing these DCs who built log cabins in the woods. It had something to do with college housing and having to pay less for housing.
      This reminds me of another dream I had. Except in my dream the DCs were building boats and the teacher wanted me to build one too out of wood.I kind of think it would be nice to be in a college where you can be more in tuned with nature. Although on the other hand there are some nuisances about it too.^^"
      The birds had bright red/orange/yellow feathers and human faces.
      That sounds disturbing. haha Idk why but I thought of teletubbies when i thought of them. Teletubbies are weird looking too i guess.
      (I had something like Jedi robes on.)
      Are you one of those big star war fans? : 3 I'm not but i'm just curious.