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    Lucid Escape. (LD #47)

    by , 07-25-2013 at 05:35 PM (963 Views)
    Normally, I don't think my dreams are worth a read, but this time, I really want people to read this dream. It's exciting and has an interesting lucid plot-line. I developed a new technique (sort of) that kept it going for a long time.

    Well I'm wasting time and you guys want to hear about my dream.

    Ok, so It all started out pretty lame. I was sitting in math class with S. The teacher came in and began talking about what was on today's test. I began to get a little anxious because It was a Monday, and I didn't have a test.
    I started thinking about the situation and realized that it was the middle of July...which can only mean...
    I'm dreaming!
    Ooops. I said that out loud, didn't I? (In my dreams, letting DC's know I'm lucid dreaming is a BAD idea.)
    The whole class gets up from their seats and surrounds me in a sort of semicircle. I can remember the teacher specifically. He looked like the man from the AI theft dream. (I really need to give this guy a name.)
    My friend K (Oh, hey, haven't seen you in awhile.) comes out of the semicircle. She says something to me, I can't remember what.
    Then the class tried to attack me. I tried to fire like a laser beam out of my hands, but it didn't work at all. I fought in hand-to-hand combat with a couple of the faceless students. Then, I just started running down the hallways while touching things (this was that technique I told you about, continuous stabilization.) I recognized the environment perfectly. My high school, and the classroom was my math class from this past spring.
    I made it out of the side hallway that my math classroom. (My math class was on a small hallway that detoured off the main one.) From there I was able to go downstairs. As soon as I got downstairs, I thought I would be able to escape through the fire exit. But the principal of my school was standing there smiling. I could see the bar to push the door open was nailed to the top of the door and therefore out of my reach.
    I began running down the main hallway, knowing there was an exit at the end. The whole school was filling up with panicking students. I'm not sure why they were panicking, but I think they were all trying to stop me from escaping. I saw some students forming a human wall to stop me from running. I was able to run and jump as I got close to the human wall, and kick one of the people over, then land and keep on running. (Another note, Gravity in my dreams can be a bit more floaty than in real life, that or, because I'm lucid dreaming, I do have some ability beyond that.)
    I finally get to the end of the hall and go out the door into the pickup zone outside my school. The area around the school is really dark, under some kind of storm cloud. But in the distance, I can see sunlight coming through the clouds.
    I make my way down the pickup zone, and there was such an odd assortment of vehicles. Everything from really junky looking old cars to big hummers and small smart cars. I thought about stealing one to get away, before the weirdo eats-you-alive dream school caught up.
    Then I see Lia sitting in the back seat of a black convertible. I get into the drivers seat, but as soon as I do, the steering wheel turns automatically and the gas pedal is depressed. The car pulls out of the parking space.

    Kindof like this, except a Convertible, so the top could go down.

    A robot voice comes on; the car is self-driving. I can't remember what the robot voice said to me, but I do know it was a male robot voice.
    I turn to Lia, who is disguised for some reason. She is wearing this bandanna tied around her nose and mouth. Big sunglasses and a blue baseball cap. Unless you're me lucid dreaming, it would be a pretty tough disguise to see past. I asked her some question. I can't remember what it was, just that she nodded "yes" as an answer.
    We put the top up and the auto driving car began to take us away from the school. It was here that the dream setting began to look less like reality. The first place we passed was a large hotel building that looked sort of like the Empire State building, only shorter. When we passed that building, I reminded myself of everything that had happened in this dream up until this point.
    Some time passed. I was just sitting in the car patiently waiting for us to get to our destination. Eventually, we got out of the dark, stormy gray area and we were in some town. The sun was out now, and the dream was somewhat more vivid.
    The town area was overgrown with trees and vines and covered in grafitti as though nobody had lived there in many years. In the distance, I saw mountains covered in rainforest. They reminded me of El Yunque Puerto Rico, where my parents and I vacation every spring.
    While we were driving through the town, I continued to make sure the dream seemed stable by rubbing my hands on the interior of the car.

    Spoiler for Images that look like this area:

    Anyways we had been driving for awhile, and eventually we began going up some of the mountains. When we did, I was taken into a third person view and watched the car as it rolled into a ball and ascended the mountain. The car climbed the mountain very quickly, but I could feel the dream slipping away.
    No. I shouted to myself to remain lucid. When the car reached the peak of the slope, it reformed into its normal shape, and me and Lia were deposited on the summit.
    I stood there for a few more seconds until she led me down the opposite slope that we had just come up. There was this muddy gully running down the opposite slope. I started sliding down the gully and woke up a few seconds after.

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    Updated 12-15-2014 at 04:08 AM by 53527



    1. DreamingNinjas's Avatar
      Oh wow, this sounds exciting!
      I have to wonder why your DCs act so aggressively when you realize that you're lucid dreaming, though. I've never tried telling a DC that I was dreaming before, so I can't speak from experience. But from reading the experiences of others on this subject, for the most part the DCs acted fairly apathetic when the dreamer realized that they were dreaming and voiced this aloud.
      Your dream actually sounded pretty scary, haha. But I'm sure it was fun!
    2. JadeGreen's Avatar
      Oh wow, this sounds exciting!
      I have to wonder why your DCs act so aggressively when you realize that you're lucid dreaming, though. I've never tried telling a DC that I was dreaming before, so I can't speak from experience. But from reading the experiences of others on this subject, for the most part the DCs acted fairly apathetic when the dreamer realized that they were dreaming and voiced this aloud.
      Your dream actually sounded pretty scary, haha. But I'm sure it was fun!
      Yeah it's quite strange. I hypothesized that because it was supposed to be an anxiety dream (Being given a test you're unprepared for.) And when you get lucid, you negate the anxiety dream, but the dream doesn't want to allow it, because the purpose of anxiety dreams is to... well feel anxious. And by becoming lucid the dream tries to stop you. This has actually happened to me before.
    3. DreamingNinjas's Avatar
      Yeah it's quite strange. I hypothesized that because it was supposed to be an anxiety dream (Being given a test you're unprepared for.) And when you get lucid, you negate the anxiety dream, but the dream doesn't want to allow it, because the purpose of anxiety dreams is to... well feel anxious. And by becoming lucid the dream tries to stop you. This has actually happened to me before.
      That's very interesting. When the dream tries to stop you, are you ever able to overcome it and change the dream into a non-anxiety dream?
      It sounds like you had pretty good dream control here and were able to escape the legions of angry DCs fairly easily.
    4. JadeGreen's Avatar
      That's very interesting. When the dream tries to stop you, are you ever able to overcome it and change the dream into a non-anxiety dream?
      It sounds like you had pretty good dream control here and were able to escape the legions of angry DCs fairly easily.
      Well for one, I kind of beat the anxiety dream here by escaping the school and going to another location. So yeah, I am able to overcome anxiety dreams.
      And second, I had next to no dream control. I just ran and kicked over a few of them.

      I've noticed dreams can play heavily with your emotions. Especially when you're non-lucid. In lucid dreams I generally feel confident and aggressive, (you know, because I know I'm dreaming and I'm quite confident that I have a handle on the situation.) For example, when I'm lucid, I can happily walk into a hail of bullets and be completely fine.
      But in non-lucid dreams, (or lucid dreams where my lucidity is unclear.) I can feel a range of emotions. My most common one seems to be anger and inferiority. Although hilariously, I experienced extreme fear when I saw a freaking chicken a few weeks ago.

      But for me, it's always that last few seconds of a dream that just leaves you like. "Wait what?!"
      Updated 07-26-2013 at 05:24 AM by JadeGreen