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    Welcome to your dreams, I will be your guide...

    by , 04-22-2009 at 03:19 AM (1077 Views)
    This was from the first night I tried lucid dreaming. I would continue to be a lurker for awhile longer and even went on another account for awhile.

    I think that account got banned when I tried to manually hard-delete all of my DJ entries by putting the word 'Deleted' in place of all the entries.

    Anyways, I think I was so hyped on Lucid Dreaming the first night that I found myself already lucid in a dream. The first thing I remember was being on the beach resort that I dream about. (I dream about that place a LOT, so we're just going to describe it as THAT beach resort.)
    But the detail that I remember was that I wasn't just standing on the beach, but I started about 20 feet in the air, and fell in the sand. It didn't hurt or anything. As soon as I got up, I said.
    "Ooh, I'm lucid dreaming!"
    I looked around, there was only one other dream character on the beach. He was laying in a reclining chair, reading some magazine. He looked like an Asian man, probably in his 50's or 60's. He told me about his daughter, and that she was missing her hair clip, and wanted me to find it for her. I'm not really certain why I decided to follow along with this idiotic dream plot. I guess I didn't have as good of lucidity as I remember. Keep in mind this was my first ever properly induced lucid dream.
    I had a weird sense that what I was looking for was in one of the hotel rooms. I checked the first two, and they were completely vacant. But in the third one, there was a red hair clip on the floor just inside the door. I grabbed it, and looked up and to my left. There was the girl who I assumed was the man's daughter.
    I walked over to her, and gave her the clip. She thanked me, but never actually took it. Then she began taking off her clothes to reveal that she had several outfits on in layers. But she could transition between them in a very dreamlike manner; such as take off a pair of shorts, and have a pair of long pants on underneath. She asked my opinion on each outfit that she was wearing, trying to see what will impress me. My replies were all like "enhh..." and "It's okay...". As it turns out this girl would be Manei, my own dream guide.
    So after a brief fashion show from my future dream guide, the dream began to destabilize. I tried to dream spin, recalling what I had read on dreamviews. But my dream destabilized too fast and I lost control.
    DawnEye11 likes this.

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    Updated 12-15-2014 at 03:41 AM by 53527

    lucid , memorable


    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Aw, what a cute dream~ x3
      JadeGreen likes this.
    2. JadeGreen's Avatar
      You know, I've never really talked about this before, with anyone, but Manei always sort of felt like a very out-of-place dream character for me. I mean, when I pictured my dream guide, the native tribe girl with a bubbly personality that is apparently into me (if you know what I mean) is about the last thing I expected to find. I always pictured dream guides to be like the master Yoda of your dreams.

      But in a strange way, it almost makes more sense. Manei once told me that dream guides can appear however they want, but their appearance and personality in and of itself is meant to teach the dreamer something more about themselves. What she is trying to teach me with this persona is still beyond me.

      In reading how most lucid dreamers rarely see their guide, if at all. I was surprised at how often she appeared. I still have yet to ask her why she appears as often as she does. This is part of what made me so interested in dream guides, and (you saw the post) now I am looking to learn more about others' dream guides.
      DawnEye11 likes this.
      Updated 10-09-2014 at 03:39 AM by JadeGreen
    3. DawnEye11's Avatar
      I understand completely what you mean. : D It is interesting to see the different ways a dream guide can be. Especially when they end up very different than you expected. I guess that is what makes it fun and cool to have one. Also, its great that Manei appears in your dreams often. You should definitely ask her why. Now I'm curious to know why.
      JadeGreen likes this.
    4. JadeGreen's Avatar
      Also, its great that Manei appears in your dreams often. You should definitely ask her why. Now I'm curious to know why.
      Once I ask her, I will tell you.

      Yeah. BTW, what anime is your avatar from?
      DawnEye11 likes this.
    5. DawnEye11's Avatar
      K-On! It's one of my favorite anime.