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    1. Different Fun Stuff

      by , 06-21-2010 at 07:45 PM
      I basicly just started in my bedroom. I then, as i normally do, closed my eyes and said "i am in a big city." When i opened them, i was in a big city like NYC. First i summoned a motorbike and rode around on that. Then i summoned a gun and went around and killed people. It got boring quickly, so i decided to fly. I just flew around in the air with not goal. Then i decided to have an MMA fight. It went pretty well, i won, but several times under the fight i almost woke up. When i was done, i decided that it was enough for tonight so i woke myself up.
    2. #85. The Road

      by , 06-21-2010 at 07:33 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      I walk down an empty road, then go climbing.

      I'm walking down the highway west of Ixburg. There's a semi-trailer parked at the side of the road. I peer inside, but it's empty. Now that I look around, there are a lot of abandoned vehicles here. The ditches seem to be flooded, as well.

      I duck behind the truck as a cop car rolls slowly by, scanning the area for life. Once it's gone, I keep walking.

      The road west of Ixburg, in reality, is a mostly flat, straight piece of asphalt leading directly to a bigger highway. In dreams, however, it leads into a treacherous, cliff-like system that's made mostly of mud and would be very bad to drive in during a rainstorm. The Road typically leads to the various parks around Ixburg, the place my Grandma used to live, and Wood Mountain. It's a real place, there just aren't any mountains.

      Later, I'll get an image of my mom trying to follow me down The Road in her car. She'll have to call me and ask for directions, and I'll tell her it's more about intent than the road you drive down.


      I'm lead climbing on an indoor structure. I haven't hooked myself into the first bolt, and this is a dangerous route to climb. If I fall now, I'll hit the protruding ledge directly below be, probably break something, and go tumbling all the way to the ground.

      I look back at my climbing partner, who is... Misha Collins. Hello again. Guess who's turning into a dream sign?

      Two men are arguing in the change-rooms. I'm one of them. The other guy is my boyfriend, I think, and he's... um... yelling very loudly that he isn't gay? What?

      The Road. Scare Factor: 2.

      Updated 06-21-2010 at 07:37 PM by 31096

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. 6/21/10

      by , 06-21-2010 at 06:26 PM (Dreamscapes)
      RPG rescue:

      First dream of the night and I can't remember too much of it. I was kidnapped by some evil guy and put in the basement. I somehow escaped and stole three of his daughters. They were really dumb and could not really speak or listen well. It was as if they were dumb npcs. I started to lead them through the jungle to safety but kept getting attacked by monsters. It was as if I was a mix between a rouge and a priest from world of warcraft. I remember getting really frustrated because I would try to vanish and cheap shot the monsters because they could kill the sisters. I kept failing and they kept dieing. After a group of them died I resurrected them. This repeated for a while until I got better at vanish, shadowstep, cheapshot, eviscerate .

      Flying battle:

      This was by far one of the coolest dreams I have had in a while.

      I was flying super fast on the freeway on my way to bellevue. My best friend Michael started to fly by me as soon as I started thinking about him. (that happens alot. Every time I think of something, it happens) I felt his energy was a little off and thought he may not be the real Michael. I remembered a certain thing clarity would say and started whispering to myself - "may I be surrounded and protected by white light" I kept repeating this until finally Michael surrounded himself by black light and tried to attack me with its energy. A brilliant white light burst out of my body and started protecting me against his dark energy. The freeway disappeared and was replaced by black smog. The blackness was surrounding me but my white light was stronger. Eventually I came to a point where see again. I heard evil Michael scream in anger and turn the other way. Finally I made it to downtown belleuve. It looked so real and I suddenly knew this was a dream. I became fully lucid and started to fly around a little. No longer dreaming I noticed how high I was and kinda got scared. Whenever I am really high up in a lucid I get a sinking feeling in my stomach. I started to unstably fly down into the near forest. I felt myself waking up
      Time to DEILD: I laid for about 5-10 min and got nothing. Normally I would be in another dream by now so I just turned over and went back to bed.

      Sonic the movie theater:

      I was in some movie theater playing sonic with Michael. I was some new guy named sun and Michael was sonic. We were battling against each other. My guy was tall, skinny, and red with mini solar flares shooting out of his head. We were running to collect coins. The game ended and I ran out of the movie theater room. The manager asked me to leave several times. I eventually said ok I am leaving.... you FUCKING ASSHOLE. He started laughing and said it was inappropriate and that I needed to leave now.


      I was in Rome walking around. Two girls around 18 came up to me and asked me where something was. I showed them what they were looking for and somehow ended up moving a big tray of pizza to another table and ate with them. They both really liked me and bought lunch for me. I was invited to go with them and their family to some hotel. I slept with both of them and ended up going to dinner with the family. They bought me dinner and we ended up on some couch messing around.

      There was so many more dreams I remember, but only fragments. I forgot to record those and just went back to bed. I briefly remember some sort of lucid dream, but every time I get close to it, I lose it.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    4. Come On Zach, Try LDing!

      by , 06-21-2010 at 06:12 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      Location: My home town/a supermarket

      The dream started off in a supermarket in my home town. I could see the frozen food section with several meats, as well as the checkout counter which I was currently standing next to. The counter happened to be in the produce seciton where my sister was buying fruits (Later that day, my sister and I bought strawberries and blueberries for my grandmother. I love precognitive dreams)and was looking at some sort of berries. I couldn't tell what they were but they were something like purple. (I'm colorblind )I got bored to I walked outside. I was instantly walking with some of my classmates and randomly looked at my hands. My right hand was normal but my left hand had six fingers, and the thumb was on the wrong side.

      I became lucid. I walked over to my friend Zach who was just walking slowly around looking at the ground. "Hey Zach," I said to him.
      "Not much. Hey, you know this is a dream right? It's not real so you can do whatever you want."
      "Really? It looks just like real life. I thought it would be more... dreamy, I guess." At this point, I was wondering if this was a shared dream and I was talking to the real Zach, or if he was just a rather intelligent DC. "Make sure you remember this when you wake up. I'll ask you about it to see if it's what's considered a shared dream. So... what do you want to do? As long as you believe that it'll happen, you can do anything!"
      "I don't know."
      "C'mon Zach. You have to do something. Maybe you want..." I reach into my back pocket "a million bucks?" I said as I pulled out a stack of money. There were 3 stacks of thousand dollar bills. My mind has good taste!
      "No," he replies calmly.
      "I'm starting to wonder if your just a DC."
      "A what?"
      "A DC, or dream character, just a figment of my imagination."
      "No, I'm the real Zach." Okay, now I'm confused. We continue to talk about lucid dreaming as I try to convince him to try it when he wakes up, but I don't think I got the message through. We came to a bakery and as we walked through the doors, I noticed another one of my friends sitting in line with a loaf of bread. "Hey, do you consider yourself as an aware person?" Completely forgetting it was a dream and hinking it was real life for a secon, I thought he was a real person but I doubt I would have a three-way shared dream.
      "No," he replies
      "Then you'll have a hard time doing this." Which was when I
      woke up.

      I talked to my friend today and he said that he does remember me giving him a million dollars and then walking to a bakery together as we were talking about something. I think this constitutes as a shared dream but I'm not sure.

      Updated 06-21-2010 at 06:23 PM by 31951

    5. Let's get high!

      by , 06-21-2010 at 06:05 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)

      I am in Angel's apartment. She walks in with a 1/4 ounce bag of Spice Diamond, a legal drug, similar to cannabis. "Let's get high!"

      Uh... ok. I try to roll a joint, but it's the size of a blunt. "Whoah, go easy!"

      I then notice there are white chunks of what looks like feta in the Spice.
    6. The pleasant beggar and Super Terry Crews

      by , 06-21-2010 at 05:52 PM
      June 20 2010

      Me and Zac were in an area I later made out to be Austin, though it looked nothing like it, it still later held the metropolitan theme. But now it isn't Austin, its just an area me and Zac are in, I never tried to make sense of where I was. We had guns, and I remember shooting those guns into the glass of nearby stores and what not. My clip ran out and I didn't know how to reload it so me and Zac were just hanging out in this building and we start to hear something in the room behind us. We go check it out and there's a guy back there holding a door up as cover and just kind of bouncing around. Scared the shit out of me and I got the hell out of there, in the process I left Zac behind, and that's the last time hes in this dream. I flee to this awesome looking fountain thing I cant remember what it looks like, but it was huge. I feel safe there and continue to explore the area around me until its Austin, in "Austin" there is a "Little England" and a "Little Mexico" I explore both and eventually end up at this platform with 2 stairs attached to it one leading up the other down and there's a nice old man begging for money. I refuse and he smiles and goes on begging to others, eventually I go back to him and ask him how to get to "Little England" he tells me where to go but also tells me of a short cut. I try the short cut and report back to him that its not working. And I cant really recall much, but I think we got in trouble with the authorities.

      Next dream Im at Zacs house with Dylan first thing I recall is me lying in bed trying to sleep and Zac and Dylan try and sneak in to pull a prank on me, I felt it before I knew what it was, Zacs mom filled me in telling me it was a fire extinguisher and if she wouldn't have caught them it would have been worse. After that I got up and hung out with them, and I remember telling them the events of my last dream, only the homeless part though and all about Austin.

      It was humans against super-humans in some soccer game of sorts. I eventually remember becoming a superhuman and am told to punish one of the members for something, the one I had to punish was Terry Crews.

      I remember swinging from a rope idk why, and eventually Terry starts bitching that his legs are tired and he has to piss so I let him go, it was dark outside and we were on a soccer field again. While Terry is gone a shadowy man shows up and we talk, all I remember talking to this mysterious figure about is Terry and I remember seeing him laughing. All I can recall.

      This is a short one, it was in my house with my mom, little brother and myself. My little brothers friends were trying to see if they could come over and they were having a conversation from across the house about it. I told Josh "Mom doesn't want them over." so he told them to leave and that's it.
    7. Oh, shit...

      by , 06-21-2010 at 05:37 PM
      ...What? (Non-lucid)


      I was in the bathroom of my dad's house. A girl from my school(now my old school), Alexis, was sitting on top of the washer. The lid was up and apparently, she was taking a shit in the washer. I laughed pretty hard whilst writing that. She farted pretty loud. XD Then I started to make farting noises with my mouth. She just laughed and pulled up a hose from the washer. It was covered in what seemed like shitty water. It was pretty fucking nasty. The dream skipped and my grade(previous grade I should say)8 classes were all inside this house. I don't remember much else. It was weird.
    8. Derrick's Retarded Amputated Arm

      by , 06-21-2010 at 05:36 PM
      Derrick's Retarded Regrowing Arm (Non-lucid)


      I was at school, even though I'm out of school, I was in Mrs. Wetzel's room. 5th grade. WTF? I'm in 9th grade now. Derrick walked in the doorway. His left arm was really small and it was retarded. It looked like a baby doll's arm attacthed to his body. We all laughed at him. He said, "My arm got amputated, and it's growing back!" The dream skipped and the same situation happened, only this time his arm was a bit bigger. The reason I had this dream is because I watched one of Kassem G's videos that had a lady in it with a really small arm. That's all I remember though.
    9. Weird Occurrences

      by , 06-21-2010 at 03:51 PM
      Ok, so here we go. In [COLOR="red"]my dream[/COLOR] I was standing on top a huge hill with the wind blowing my brown hair back and [COLOR="blue"]smoothly touching my disfigured eye[/COLOR] and above I could see birds flying around in circles and they made cow noises. Overhead was another hill and on this hill was another person but unlike me; [COLOR="green"]he didn't have his legs spread out[/COLOR]. He was standing their from across the borrow and appeared to be staring at me; I couldn't see clearly for the sun was behind him and I have a disfigured eye. I ignore him for a while but then I get annoyed and start taunting him..bad mistake you see for he jumps right of the hill and comes running up mine!

      Next thing I know; I am being strangled and "items" are being shoved into me. :buns: :hump: :eek: It turns out that this person's name is unknown to me. His face appears black and his eyes appear red; on him is written "hate" and "failure" and all I noticed was his brown hair...

      Updated 06-21-2010 at 03:55 PM by 33147

    10. Customer at work got mad

      by , 06-21-2010 at 01:46 PM (Pdiddles03 Dream Journal)
      I found myself at work by the service desk, and a guy that works with me named wayne was there and asked for help. I told him no do it himself and a customer heard me. I walekd up to customer at register to help him and he refused to be taken care of by me. I tried to tell him i was joking but he said no you weren't. I got upsset and felt like he was going to tell my boss. I walked outside and suddenly realized i was dreaming when i walked by the first row of cars. it was getting dark out almost like it was going to storm at nighttime. This lucid was clear, i couldn't believe it! I ran up to where my car was and i touched the top of my car and concentrated on what it felt like and it actually felt real. I got excited. I decided i wanted to jump on top of the store, I jumped and as i was going up i decided to try to fly up as far as i could. I fell back down after getting so high. I then tried to concentrate on things i wanted to accomplish in my dream, I couldn't remember. As i have said in a post in the past i have trouble remembering my real life in my dreams. i then closed my eyes and tried to invision the dream world going away and myself recreating a dream world, the starship voyager in star trek. i started to get a falling sensation, like i was entering a wild but When i tried opening my eyes, my realeyes almost opened up. I stoped and entered another dream. this time I was performing a play with some other people and a girl tried to grab me cuz she liked me. all of a sudden for some reason a bunch of other girls liked me, i ran out of the room and down the stairs as fast as i could. I tried to stop them by performing some spell type thing but it didn't work, i fell onto a couch in the floor below and all the girls came down, i saw my bros gf without any makeup and i said "EWWWW" and she got mad. all the other girls followed behind her. and my dream ended.
    11. #84. Character Creation

      by , 06-21-2010 at 06:01 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      A wizard violates the laws of nature when he creates human beings from scratch. And then there are zombies.

      There's a shabby old farmhouse on the plain, over the crest of the hill. No roads lead to it, because in this time, there are no roads. If there's a hint of civilization in this place, it's what's been carved out of the land by its few inhabitants.

      I knock on the door.

      The door swings open and a middle-aged man with longish black hair answers it, the corners of his eyes crinkling with a smile when he realizes who I am.

      "Amon." I say, "It's been a while."

      He leads me inside, beaming. The inside of the house is bright and warm and filled with people. I notice the eight people in the room, most of whom are cooking and doing various odd jobs around the house. Amon is rushing away to go help with something.

      I take an empty seat beside a kid who looks to be in his mid-20s. "I'm Eli," he says, "and the scary-looking guy across from me is Mark."

      Mark glares menacingly from across the table.

      "So, Eli," I say, "How did you come to be here?"

      "Could ask you the same question." Mark interrupts.

      Eli continues like he hasn't heard him. "I was a civilian consultant for the military back home. It's a long story, but the same thing that pulled all of us back here somehow pulled me in. So really, I'm from the future," he says happily.

      Neat cover story.

      "So, when were you from?" asks Eli.

      "I need to talk to Amon." I say dismissively, and kick my chair back.

      Mark stands up too, his pose threatening. "I don't know who you are," he says, "but you're not one of us. If you try to hurt any of these people, I will kill you."

      I turn back to him, considering. "Duly noted."

      I catch up to Amon outside. He's leaning against the wood siding of the house, staring up into the sky.

      "So," I say, leaning against the wall beside him, "They're self-aware."

      Amon pulls away from the wall a bit, turning to face me. "They are." He confirms. His smile becomes wistful. "Aren't they beautiful?"

      "Your own perfect little creations." I say, frowning. "You know, there's a reason the creation of human life is considered a forbidden art."

      "Those laws don't apply here," says Amon. "And of all people, I thought you would understand why those rules are arbitrary."

      "I care little for conventional morality, Amon," I say, warning in my tone, "But this is dangerous. As my student -"

      "You taught me to choose my own path," says Amon. He gestures at the door. "This is what I've chosen. These are real people, ---." He lowers his voice. "I won't abandon them."

      I can't stop a smile from creeping onto my face.

      One of his creations comes outside to tell us that dinner is ready. The man is smiling and holding a bowl of potatoes and a wooden spoon. I try to ignore it, but I can't help but notice that his hands are shaking.


      Over dinner, I keep an eye on the man with the potatoes. His name is Darryl, and he's a carpenter from the 1950s. At least, he thinks he is. In reality, he's a construct whose artificial soul is straining at the bonds keeping it in place. I'm surprised the others have lasted so long.

      Eli keeps trying to draw me into the conversation, but I keep one eye on Darryl throughout the meal. He's getting progressively more pale and shaky, I notice, as Eli introduces me to a pretty woman in a dress, called Solara. She's either from an alternate, apocalyptic future or a rich family in the 19th century. I'm not paying much attention.

      Because Darryl is stumbling, backing away from the table into the wall, and as he collapses, a wave of energy pulses outward, knocking over every construct at the table.

      I calmly set down my fork, then stand up and walk over to Amon. "I hate to say I told you so," I tell him, "but it's time to go."

      "No!" says Amon, knocking my hand away. He staggers back to the other end of the room, looking over the scene with horror. "I have to help them."

      "Amon." I say, approaching like I would a wounded animal. "There's nothing you can do. We need to leave before you're affected, too."

      "Yes." he says, eyes wild. "Yes, yes, I can't help them," He looks straight at me. "But you can. You can fix them."

      "No." I say flatly. "This is a bad idea."

      He's already started the process before I can protest further, pulling soul energy from a well deep inside him, gathering it up.

      I can't stop him.

      "Take care of them, ---," he says, struggling to hold together the colourless swirling energy he's holding in his hands. "Please."

      The soul energy hits me at the same time I feel Amon vanish from existence, gone as if he'd never been there. The energy is a rush, but I control it effortlessly, and spin around to confront the automatons that are his legacy.

      The thing that was Darryl comes charging at me, and I telekinetically smash it into the wall next to me. Its feet are dangling in the air as I examine it. Gari d'amon ex hadris, I chant in nonsense Latin. I let the body fall, boneless and broken to the floor.

      Mark is still half-standing, leaning against a chair for support. He's been watching with the glazed look of a man in horrible pain, but he's still somewhat alert.

      I approach him in much the same way I did the zombie, cautious. I nudge him back toward the wall with a tendril of energy, but I don't lift him from the ground or slam him into the wall.

      "This is going to hurt," I warn him.

      Mark nods and lets his head fall back against the wall, eyes closed. So assured, I grip Mark's artificial soul, pulling it into a ball from his chest. I twist my wrist, watching his hands clench into fists, and let trickles of the soul-energy I absorbed from Amon sweep into the artificial soul, strenghthening it.

      I don't have time for anything more elaborate. I push Mark's soul back into his body, forcing it to slice through his veins in one swift motion, sticking it there. If he could get any breath into his lungs, he would be screaming.

      I leave Mark on the floor, stepping over him to the other bodies. This just might work.

      In the end, I only manage to save five of them, Eli and Solara among them. The other two, I simply put down, severing their nervous systems and absorbing the very last of their energies. The once cozy farmhouse feels oppressive, haunted by the wild energy that echoes throughout. We need to leave.
      "You have water?" I ask a woman, whose name I don't know. She nods silently, looking back over the farmhouse.

      "Well?" says Solara, gathering up her skirts and hiking out into the desert, the opposite way I came from. "Let's get going then."

      Amused, I follow after her, followed, in turn, by the rest of the group. Mark stays close behind me, though I doubt it's to watch my back. More likely, he just wants to keep an eye on me.

      Eli jogs to catch up, panting as he keeps pace with me. "So, what happened back there, exactly?"

      "Amon was a necromancer," I say. "He wanted to create life, so he came here. He created you." I keep my eyes on the horizon. "He couldn't sustain himself along with all of you, so he sacrificed the rest of his soul to keep you alive."

      Eli blinks. "Okay, that's completely unbelievable."

      I look back at him and say without inflection, "The wormhole that brought you back in time dosed you with massive amounts of radiation that was going to turn you into zombies."

      "Thank you," says Eli. "Why didn't you just say that the first time?"

      Eli tries to catch up to Solara. I turn back to Mark and shrug. What can you do?

      I could swear I almost see Mark crack a smile.


      The next hill brings us the view of a tall, white-panelled manor not too far off. I wonder what could have made it; we're supposed to be in a universe devoid of all sentient life, after all. The rest of the party is just relieved to see a trace of civilization, so I suppose that it's worth the risk.

      We trek up the gravel road (another oddity) to the house that shouldn't be there. Eli and Solara are running inside before Mark and I have a chance to check it out - which Mark isn't happy about. We meet them inside. Solara is twirling in circles over the hardwood floor, a smile on her face as she admires the high ceilings.

      I'm trying to examine my surroundings on a deeper level, but something is blocking my senses. This place might seem like heaven to Solara, but something is very wrong.

      Mark's dividing us into teams. He wants Eli and Solara to stick together on the main floor, watching for any signs of life (anything to keep those two out of trouble). He sends the two nameless constructs - people - off to explore the rest of the main floor while the two of us head upstairs.

      "If I didn't know better, I'd say you didn't trust me with the others." I say in a low voice, out of earshot from the rest of the group.

      "I don't!" says Mark, turning around to face me on the stairs. I calculate a four foot height advantage. "You show up and suddenly, four of us are dead! What the hell do you expect?"

      "If I hadn't shown up when I did, all of you would have been dead." I say, meeting his angry gaze.

      "Do you remember what I told you, earlier?"

      I tilt my head, walk up the last few steps until I'm standing far too close. "You said you'd kill me." I smile, and Mark takes a step back. "Would you like to try?"

      We hear a scream from the main floor. Mark is rushing down the stairs toward the sound, shouting "Solara", and I follow behind at a more modest pace.

      Solara has collapsed on the floor. Eli is backed up against the counter, faced by a wraith-like creature with rotting skin. Eerie green light seems to flow from its features, making the sunlight streaming in the windows seem colder somehow. Its flowing white dress seems to flutter in a non-existant breeze.

      Revenant, my mind supplies me with, as it turns to face Mark. Controls illusions, typically feeds on travellers. It hasn't noticed me yet.

      "Do you like my home?" the revenant asks Mark. He starts forward, but it reforms into the shape of a Chinese woman with long dark hair and modern clothing. It's someone he seems to recognize, and he freezes on the spot.

      The revenant approaches him, raising one hand to his face -

      I attack with a right hook to her jaw. I spin and lash out with a kick. I've left myself open. The revenent strikes with her claws, tearing my throat out. I laugh, the liquid splashing my clothes, and continue to strike at her.

      Hang on, that's not fair.

      What isn't? It's right on my character sheet; I'm immortal.

      You should at least need some time to recuperate.


      Oh, come on, you get banished to the basement...

      I take a moment to adjust to my new surroundings, dark and damp and distinctly underground. I'm in the cellar. I curse revenants in general to hell and back, but I'm not too terribly concerned with the constructs, either. Mark should be able to handle himself for a little while.

      I take stock of the food in the basement, a lot of cereal and a working freezer - hey, Neapolitan ice cream. The others will be happy about that. The overhead light starts to flicker and I sigh. I see movement in the corner of the room, feel hairs raising on the back of my neck.

      I spin around and catch the revenant by the throat. She's flickering back and forth between her wraith image and her human one, and I force her to the ground, crushing her windpipe. She claws uselessly at my arms, but it's too late, I've got too good of a grip on her. Unfortunately, revenants don't need to breathe, either.

      There's a short flight of steps leading back to the kitchen, and I drag her up by the throat, letting her white dress drag over the dusty steps. I step into the kitchen, where the five survivors are standing around in a circle, trying to figure out what to do next.

      Mark looks up first. "We thought you were dead." He accuses.

      "I don't die." I say.

      I throw the revenant onto the floor, where she scrambles back along the tile, surrounded by six very non-human travellers. "Now," I say, tilting my head to the side and smiling down at her, "How do we go about killing you?"

      Character Creation. Scare Factor: 3.

      There, I'm done. Finally.

      Updated 08-13-2015 at 05:34 AM by 31096

      non-lucid , memorable
    12. zac's dream journal of infinite horror and hilarity.

      by , 06-21-2010 at 05:54 AM

      Updated 12-24-2010 at 09:58 PM by 31006

      lucid , false awakening , memorable , task of the month
    13. zac's dream journal of infinite horror and hilarity.

      by , 06-21-2010 at 05:53 AM

      Updated 12-24-2010 at 09:58 PM by 31006

    14. zac's dream journal of infinite horror and hilarity.

      by , 06-21-2010 at 05:53 AM

      Updated 12-24-2010 at 09:59 PM by 31006

    15. zac's dream journal of infinite horror and hilarity.

      by , 06-21-2010 at 05:52 AM

      Updated 12-24-2010 at 09:59 PM by 31006

      non-lucid , memorable