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    1. Trying to get contacted while getting blocked

      by , 07-04-2010 at 09:42 AM
      Blue = Lucid
      Green = Semi-lucid
      Red = Non-lucid

      I woke up from a normal dream and didn't move 1 inch so I DEILD'ed without even trying at all.
      I woke up in my room, I sitted on the bed and looked around, I saw my older sister and she was being all hyper which was unusuall for her. I knew from the start I was dreaming but I wanted to make sure so I looked at my right hand, it had 5 fingers, I checked my left hand and it had 3 fingers, I closed my eyes and opened them again and it had 5 fingers now. Now I was sure that I was dreaming, after some time my sister exited the room and dissapeared, I couldn't remember at all what she was saying. I stood up and walked a bit around the room, rubbing my hands just to make sure everything stays. After a few moments I started calling out "Yranul!" after my first shout some tiger like creature with weird colors jumped on me and tried to kill me, but I fought back, as I hitted it my hand just went trough it, breaking it into 2 pieces, for some reason it's insides were out of wood, but the creature seemed like it was made from flesh and bones o.o... After defeating it I stood up again and called out again "Yranul!" this time nothing attacked me but I saw a small shadowy creature walking on the already shadowed floor, the room was halfly bright but the floor was dark and shadowy. I picked up the creature that was walking down there and it was a pitch black eevee with black eyes, I took it into my arms and held it like a baby and petted it, it enjoyed being petted. It couldn't talk but it talked to me by showing me signals with it's paws, I can't remember what we talked about besides the last thing. It took some kind of a small book and listed trough it looking for the calendar for 7th month but it couldn't find it, it kept listing and listing looking cofused how it's not there. While it was doing that I kept hearing in my head "Birthday....birthday..." I tought maybe it meanth Noom's birthday so I pointed to 30.1 but it shook it's head and kept on looking, then I tought maybe it meanths it's own and mine so I pointed 29.3 but again it shook it's head. It gave up after some time and went back into my arms and I petted it some more. It dissapeared for some reason and I was transfered into my mom's house into the kitchen and in it were my mom and stepdad, I was semi-lucid at this point. They started shouting at me and kept telling me what a failure I am and looking for any insult they could find. For some reason I couldn't move or anything, I could just sit and watch them scream at me. After some time I was again transfered somewhere else, this time I was in some small store and I was non-lucid. I looked around the store looking what they had, 1 thing caught my eye, It was a box with packings on it saying "lolipops" but inside the packing were regular pencils. I looked confused at them and then I heard 2 girls talking about something. I turned around and one of them was pregnant, she said something about those pencils help her become pregnant. Before I could get even more confused I was again transfered somewhere else, this time outside of a huge mall. I saw a person walking and talking to someone how he got a car on luck games, sold it and made himself a house. Before anything happened I was transfered into the huge mall but I don't remember anything that happened from that point on untill I woke up.

      As I woke up I remembered it all for 1 second but I quickly forgot ALOT of it and got a huge headacke and got tired.

      Notes :
      Yranul - My sub-c or Dream guide
      Noom - My love's sub-c or Dream guide
      Sub-c and Dream guide are pretty much the same thing as far as I know. xD

      And final note :
      I have something called mental block and it is causing me not to be able to contact Yranul and it forces out any memory from dreams I am not allowed to have by it's opinion and it also dissallows me to visualise in colors and alot of other stuff but that is not important. xD
    2. Became lucid and broke free from work.

      by , 07-04-2010 at 07:56 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Scarping from work in a busy day. (DILD)


      Fourth dream of the night:

      I was working at the Olive Oil store. It was very busy. It was not on Saturday.
      I know this because there are shows every day outside. During weekdays there is a band with a beautiful flute and the play awesome music. But on Saturdays there are some annoying dancers... I hate them. To bad in this dream they were not present, as I became lucid...

      I exited the olive oil store. It was full of people. Some of the stores outside were different than waking. The place was also longer and bigger. I visited a few stores and I remember entering in one and picking a small bottle. It fell to the ground but it did not break. I placed it back on its place.
      This store had the counter on the right, two employees behind the counter and a few (three I think) customers. The store lighting was very decent. It was not very full with merchandise though.

      My phone rang and it was the card store where I used to play. The store called me asking if I was going to join the pre-release tournament for M11 Core Set. I was not sure if I could make it, but I recalled that I have not much to do for that Saturday.

      They asked if I was going to make it for sure. He reviewed my contact information and asked me for a credit card #. I told them I would pay at the store as usual (I was unsure if I would make it) I told them that I might needed to quit the tournament earlier.

      I walked around the mall and I became lucid without a specific reason.
      I felt happy because I was able to finally leave the job at the busiest time without repercusion. I started to fly around a little. I did this because is what I visualize when I do a RC at work. I saw three ladies and I landed next to them. They started to laugh. I started to levitate and they were very surprised. They liked that a lot.
      I looked at the scenario were the bands are, hopping the stupid annoying dancers were there to blast them into oblivion. It was empty.

      I rememeber about doing the task of the year. I was going to look for a portal to travel to the roman age and fight some gladiators. I felt the dream vanishing so I decided to rub my hands. I have never tried this before, spinning always worked well for me but I heard that rubbing hads was better. As soon as I started rubbing hands, I lost height.

      I landed and walked towards a small street with a dead end. I saw a wall with a big and black void:

      I decided to go back and meet with the girls that were surprised with me. I planned in talking with them to get more into the dream. They were talking about other stuff and did not see me. I tried rubbing my hands but the dream faded.

      I had a false awakening in bed. I felt that one of my eyes was hurt. I could not open my eyes properly. I felt like it I had something in my right eye. I tried to take of my sleeping glasses, but one of the cords was like inside my eye and it hurt me when I moved it. I walked to the kitchen and ask for help to my wife until I woke for real.

      Updated 07-05-2010 at 02:01 AM by 31830

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    3. Dream stuff

      by , 07-04-2010 at 07:50 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Dream stuff (Non-lucid)


      I went to bed later that usual and that decreases my recall always. Third dream of the night, fragmented:

      - I was meditating.
      - False awakening.
      - Lying in bed trying to remember a dream.

      - I was writing down a dream.[
      dream fragment
    4. Taking photos.

      by , 07-04-2010 at 07:49 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Taking photos. (Non-lucid)


      I went to bed later that usual and that decreases my recall always. Second dream of the night:

      I was at home trying to fall asleep. My wife appeared with a couple of slices of pepperoni pizza. I was surprised she brought it. It was dark in my room. Everything appeared to be in its place. My wife said, "Well... if you eat this right now, you might get horrid nightmares!!!" I said, "Well... I do never have nightmares..." I was trying to recall what cheese and pizza could do for dream recall.
      I had in my hand a round white thing. I think it was a jawbreaker candy.
      I have never eated one of these, but yesterday I saw them at the olive oil store. My manager offered me one, but I declined it. So I guess this was drawn from daily residue.

      There was a lot of people in this dream. There were a blend of co-workers from the Olive Oil store, my manager from the Pata Negra store and the owner of the Pata Negra store.
      We were in some sort of party. Some DC were made up as well. There were several tables. We also had some customers in the party.

      I was talking with my Olive Oil manager's daughter. She appeared very attached to me. We were talking about work and about what to do next.

      A customer asked me to take a pic of the entire party. She handed me a very tiny camera. First it was attached to like a large iron stick. It was very hard to handle so I just grabbed the camera.

      I tried several times but the camera could not focus properly. I was not able either to fit all the people in. All the DC were randomly around the entire party (and it was a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig place) and I could not take them all in my pic. For some reason, I had to take at least 20 people in order for the pic to be valid. I was able to grab several people, but the pic was not focused as it should be.

      I said out loud, "This cam is crap!!!!" I was worried because Javier hear me saying that in front of the customers, but he said nothing.
      I left the party area. I was outdoors, but I was in a very odd place. I do not recall it properly, but I think it was underwater. Everything was blue and at the very end of the scenario, there was a round building.

      To enter this place, I had to jump over a police tape that was attached to some traffic cones. I was so annoyed for the camera that I just broke the tape and walked to the round building. I said something like, "The deep blue sea"
    5. Olive Oil store once more

      by , 07-04-2010 at 07:45 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Olive Oil store once more (Non-lucid)


      I went to bed later that usual and that decreases my recall always. First dream of the night:

      - There was a lady.
      - I was behind the register.
      - Everything seemed normal, no oddities I can recall.
      - I was in the Olive Oil store.
      - I saw sun light out through the window.
      - The store was empty, no customers.

      When I woke up, the first thing I did were several reality checks. I do not know what happened, I can't recall, probably I was about to become lucid.
      dream fragment
    6. Wildman's Journal

      by , 07-04-2010 at 07:05 AM
      Ah, feeling quite happy. Last night, after reading up on MILD (including my own previous experiences with it) and "rehearsing" reality checking to things like darkness and water, I decided to try MILD again. I went to bed, reciting "I will have a memorable, vivid and recalled lucid dream tonight." I tried to really take it slow and focus on every word's meaning, visualizing when I could. As I started to fall asleep, it became harder to concentrate on visualizing and meaning, so I just tried to keep repeating the mantra as much as possible. It took me a good while to fall asleep, but as far as I can tell I stuck with it basically until I was sleeping. And it paid off -- 4 dreams recalled (though good recall wasn't really the focus, but I'll take it!), one of which was lucid (not all that memorable, but still) and another of which was close / semi-lucid. Here they are.

      Date: July 2nd, 2010
      Length: 4 minutes

      I'm in some kind of small city. I step out from the street into some kind of small store, accompanied by some guy I apparently know. For a long time I look around, unsure of what to buy, if anything. The guy ends up talking with the cashier, a girl that he knows. I think he buys a few things. Meanwhile, I start checking out an aisle that has a bunch of books/comics.

      After a while I still haven't made up my mind about what to buy, and the others start making fun of me for it. I just kind of laugh and go along with it. The dream is a bit blurry here -- I recall something about stick figures: either one of the comics involved stick figures, or the guy and girl themselves turned into stick figures, I don't quite recall. Regardless, it somehow dawns on me that I am dreaming.

      Excited, I step out into the street, and as I walk I try to stabilize everything. I then take flight, into a kind of suburb. After a while I land, and for some reason my surroundings seem extremely familiar, like I've been here before, but I don't think I have. I see two girls nearby, and I think I ended up kissing one of them. Shortly after that my surroundings become quite foggy and strange.

      In front and to my right, there's a particularly thick patch of fog I can't see through, and I decide to try diving through and to see where I'll end up. I do so, and the dream sort of goes nuts -- my surroundings turn all dark, and my vision goes to third person for a moment, then my entire field of vision turns upside down and I see myself falling. I'm not positive about how this ended, but as far as I can tell/remember I had sort of a false awakening where some voice was trying to get me to wake up, and after that I actually did wake up in real life.

      Date: July 2nd, 2010
      Length: 3 minutes

      I'm participating in this sort of worldwide game/contest (at times it feels like a video game, not a "real" thing), that involves accumulating treasure in a very short time, around three minutes I think. At first I see a sort of world map, and several dots indicate places where I can search for treasure. I pick one, and end up in front of some gigantic fish. It goes towards me and eats me whole.

      I find myself inside the fish, wondering where I was supposed to find treasure here. After a few moments though, I realize that what the fish is eating is heading towards me, and see that it's treasure -- some kind of golden artifact is the first thing I spot. Instead of staying inside though, I decide to escape the fish. I take out a large knife I happen to have on me, and start slicing away at the "walls" around me. Eventually the fish dies, and I crawl out into some cave whose floor is covered in water.

      I take a look at the fish, and realize that it has a bunch of teeth that are actually precious gems. I take my knife and start extracting them (there are about 10). After a few moments, my mom randomly arrives, and she tells me time is running out and I need to quickly grab all the gems I can and leave the cave because a rescue squad is waiting for me outside. I quickly remove the rest of the teeth/gems and start heading out.

      Date: July 2nd, 2010
      Length: 5 minutes

      It's late afternoon on a sunny day, and it seems I'm trying to walk home. However, I'm in some place that I don't know. The terrain is very open, green, and uneven. I find some old woman, who decides to serve as my guide and help me find my way home. I follow her all the way to some isolated stretch of land very close to a large body of water, which I apparently need to get to the other side of. For a moment, I take a look around. The water is a beautiful blue, and it has suddenly become extremely windy. I realize that I'm going to have to backtrack and walk around the body of water.

      I thank the old woman for her help, and tell her I'll find my way from here, not wanting to be slowed down by her and having a rough idea of where I'm headed. As I make my way back, I encounter some sort of large wooden structure with a bunch of ramps on it, serving as a kind of bridge. However, as I start walking on it, it quickly falls apart under my weight. Soon enough, it's entirely broken, and I drop down to the ground, a foot or so below. I realize that this wooden structure was actually part of someone's garden, and perhaps some sort of thing for children to play on that I've now wrecked.

      I take a look around. The garden I'm in is part of a very large house, where a party is going on. I quickly walk down some stairs towards the house, and go inside, trying to look like a guest. Once inside, I walk up a large set of stairs, and find myself face to face with the father of the family that lives there. Worried that he'll find out what I did, I try not to look suspicious, and ask him where the bathroom is. I go there, and take a leak. The bathroom door, which I closed, opens for no reason. Shortly after, I see the father just outside the bathroom, and am terrified that he's going to confront me, but he doesn't.

      Instead of leaving, I decide to stick around for the party. I go back outside, where there are many people near a large pool, most seated at tables and having discussions. At this point, I seem to realize that this isn't quite real (perhaps the sight of water twice in the dream unconsciously reminded me that it's a potential dream sign of mine). I don't become fully lucid, but get a sense that nothing I do here really matters. With this in mind, I decide to mess around a bit. I randomly sit at some tables and try to barge into the conversations, or act obnoxious/awkward (eg, randomly sit between two people and rest my arms on their shoulders as if we're good friends).

      After that, the party seemed to disperse, except for a few guests around a distant table that had tons of food on it. They were standing, having a quiet, sort of suspicious conversation. I ended up going near them, but I don't recall doing anything in particular.

      Date: July 2nd, 2010
      Length: 3 minutes

      I'm apparently a player for the Golden State Warriors, and we are having some kind of training session in a gymnasium. For reason, Yao Ming is on the team, and he has a broken left arm and is wearing a cast. I don't really recall any other specific players, besides maybe Ellis. The coach organizes a kind of practice game, I think 3on3, one weaker team (mine) against a stronger one (Yao's). I think there were a few people watching us from some windows that gave a view of the street.

      We start playing, I think getting pretty handily beaten. We then reach a play where I am defending Yao, and we end up colliding hard, and we both fall to the ground. His broken arm takes a serious hit, and it seems he's badly injured. He gets carried off by medical staff I think, and the training session ends.
      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    7. -=[ July 3rd ][ 7 dreams ][ 0 Lucid ]=-

      by , 07-04-2010 at 06:11 AM
      Dreams recalled: 7

      My third night attempting an LD and third night in a row recalling SEVEN dreams, none of them lucid.

      Tried falling asleep listening to a uh.... some type of lucid dream music where the beat is supposed to make you lucid, i forget what its called. I couldn't fall asleep for a while and then it felt like I couldn't dream for a couple hours... Good thing the 'song' was only 40 minutes long. I think I'll give up using that already.

      Some of my dreams were quite sexual though, so no complaints there.

      The first one I was in a Macy's and they had another room with a full sized swimming pool?? It fast forwarded and I was in the pool, then later I was watching 2 girls makeout...??

      Next dream I was watching a movie with a friend at a movie theater and the 2 girls from the pool were there with us and proceeded to makeout again lol.

      Then I was riding in weird van I think and the driver went to a gas station and kept weaving through the pumps cuz they were all taken. I had a weird encounter with a random person and I put the pump back for them and put their gas cap back on. Im not sure why...

      I vaguely remember another one having something to do with an ice cream truck. It didn't last long enough for me to get any ice cream, the people in front of me in line did though.

      My younger brother is out of town with his baseball team. I had a short dream that I saw him sitting on the kitchen floor in front of the fridge, in his baseball uniform, talking to our mom...

      And the last dream was a short one with one of my female friends that I was texting in a dream the previous night. Except this time we were together. And started making out.... I enjoyed it.... a lot. o.O
      My dreams are giving me a crush on one of my friends..........

      I'm disappointed at another night with no LD's, but glad my dream recall has gone up from practically nothing (literally) to 7! dreams a night.
      non-lucid , memorable
    8. IUSE + DSi Chat 'n' Games

      by , 07-04-2010 at 03:52 AM (GA's DJ)

      Dream 01:

      It's night and I'm with dad visiting IUSE college campus. The building is lit up and reminds me of a pyramid with two sides stretched out horizontally longer. I find out the campus is actually split into two across Louisville (odd, being an Indiana school) and dad drives me to the other building to show me the way. Turns out one has to go over a crazy narrow road with sides that loops around and go vertical at certain points. My dad drove on the wrong side multiple times and I insist that I'd rather die than drive over such a crazy road. Once we reach our destination--I vaguely remember seeing a lit Farris Wheel--I get out and walk around. The part I see reminds me of a dark alley with flea market booths. I see advertisements for beer as I go along.

      Dream 02:

      In the back apartment of the Florida house I'm chatting with Ninja Poe Bear, someone I knew from AHD forums in 2003-2004, over the Nintendo DSi. We talk about this puzzle game involving moving across squares. While the conversation continues some of the letters on the keyboard begin vanishing making articulating what I want to say harder and harder. Supposedly the disappearing keys were part of the same game we were discussing.

      After this I envision part of the game as if it were reality. I was before a dark barn loft covered with hay that I wanted to climb into, despite being slightly scared to do so. I find a dim light once up there and am surprised to find some hobos. They seem hostile so I leave for a bit. I come back and the hobos have replaced the dim light for a really bright one and suddenly seem nicer. I don't stay long but instead head for the back of the loft where a door leads out into a bright and sunny desert town with stone buildings stacked upon one another. I see a few people and note a clothes line before returning to the loft. Apparently to exit I had to stuff myself into a small tan box that the hobos owned. I did so and sure enough my mind returned to the Florida house.

      I look out the glass sliding doors of the room and note a Kroger's where the driveway and neighbor's house should have been. I think about how I want both eggnog and nicotine gum but have neither the funds nor motivation to go over to it. My mom comes in insisting things be cleaned up and I retreat to a boxed in area I constructed using cardboard and other cheap materials for the purpose of isolation. I believe I got this from my friend JSD who had something like this made for himself IRL.

      I woke up. :3
    9. Flying, spying, and crimes occuring in my childhood neighborhood (lucid)

      by , 07-03-2010 at 11:23 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      (There is a "trigger warning" on the content of this dream.)

      I am standing at the four way intersection that leads to the dead end street I grew up on. It is night time and must be spring or autumn beccause I am wearing my warm, blue zip-up sweater, jeans, and black baseball cap. The corner of the intersection I am standing appears as it did over ten years ago when one of my old neighbour's (Mrs. Jolleff) lived there, on a quarter acre of land, in a small white house surrounded by maple trees. Not long after she died her land was sold and redeveloped into a townhouse complex. Because the area looks different than it does today I immediately become lucid.

      There is no one around and not much to do so I recall learning to fly and want to give it a try. I spread my arms out and bend my knees and jump into the air. At first I am afraid of being to heavy and not being able to defy gravity (problems with flying in dreams that I have had before) but remembering this is my dream I just think of myself as weightless and I am able to float about fourty feet in the air. I then leisurely glide over the houses and tree tops towards my parent's house. As I get closer I notice that the house I grew up in and some of the houses on either side seem to exist in a void of grey fog and some facades are different that they appear in waking life and indeed when I enter the fog the outside world disappears and while it is no longer visible I can sense that it is still there, though it seems far away. I cannot make the fog go away but I can make myself invisible and see through the walls of the houses with my dream control.

      My partent's house is empty of people but all of the houses to the left of their's have many people living in them, all of them people I do not know as they are not the neighbours who lived there when I was a kid. The first house to the left is empty of people but by the boxes and furniture scattered around the floors I can tell that someone has just moved in. The next house is two storeys high and each level has been split into a seperate appartment. As I slowly fly towards that house I can see a blond woman looking out the window towards me talking on the phone, but I know she cannot see me as I previously made myself invisible. I plan to make no effort to control the thoughts or actions of any character I meet in the dream because I believe they are creations straight out of my subconscious and hope they might have something interesting to say and that I might learn about myself.

      I fly up to the window where blond woman is talking on the phone and childishly revel in that fact that she can't see me by making faces at her. I then fly around to the back of the house and notice through a window a dark haired man and woman dressed in stylish business clothes preparing food on the second floor. I plan to eavesdrop on them next. I fly through the wall and listen in on the blond woman's conversation. She wearing jeans and a heavy light brown sweater and her hair is shoulder length. Her apartment is sparsley decorated with things that look secondhand or very simple and homey. I cannot remember what was said now but I do recall that I found her conversation terribly uninteresting and I let myself float down through the floor to where the dair haired man and woman are. Their appartment is furnished with much nicer stuff and their is a circular glass table with wine glasses and setting for two and it looks as if they are planning a romantic dinner.

      The dark haired woman is wearing a white blouse, black skirt and black high heels and her hair is pulled back into a pony tail. The man seems to have disappeared into another room for a moment while the woman is washing and cutting green and red peppers by the sink. Despite the nice surroundings and stuff the woman has a miserable look on her face and seems very unhappy. I cannot read her mind to figure out why which I find very frustrating. The man reenters the kitchen from another room and he is wearing a white shirt with black buisness pants and black tie. The woman puts down her knife and turns around to embrace him but he grabs her by the wrists, spins her around and roughly pulls up her skirt and forces her to lean over the sink. After undoing his pants he starts having sex with her from behind and demands that she continue washing and cutting the peppers while in that position. She doesn't respond verbally but I can sense that she is even more upset then before and she struggles but is not strong enough to escape the man's grip. Even though I try, my dream control won't allow me to force the man to stop or let the woman escape.

      I become kind of upset myself and start to dissociate, even start to think that I want the dream to end but I hear a phone ringing in another room and go towards it. The ringing stops before I get to the phone (in an office on the other side of the appartment) and I can see a red light flashing on the display to indicate that a message has been left. I pick up the phone because I want to listen to the message (hoping that this will be something important or interesting from my unconsious - and I want to forget about the rape happening in the kitchen that I cannot stop).

      The phone has so many buttons and many of them have symbols that I have no idea what they mean. I am frustrated that the phone is super complicated and has so many extra buttons that seem to do nothing. The woman in the kitchen starts screaming and I drop the phone and fly as fast as I can out of there. I am very dissociated now and cannot end the dream even though I try.

      The foggy void outside has gotten thicker and darker but I can see a row of SUVs in the distance, some of which of have police lights on top but the cars are empty and seem abandoned. I notice that the home to the immediate left of my parent's house has a few lights on so I fly over there to see what's going on. While I cannot end the dream or affect that thoughs and actions of characters in the dream, I can still control my actions and inanimate objects around me. I fly into the living room of the house and see a man sitting on a recliner trying to figure out his newly hooked up cable box on his large widescreen television. Or at least that is what I think he is doing until he figures it out and violent pornography appears on the screen. The man starts masturbating and I lose interest and start flying outside but before I pass the walls of the house I hear a child crying in the basement.

      I go down there and the floor is covered in discarded furniture and various basement junk but I cannot see any child even though the crying has gotten louder. I notice a set of metal grates on the cement floor, half hidden underneath a dirty mattress and some boxes. I telepathically move the junk and open the grates and discover a shallow well which contains the decaying body of a little boy. The boy is obviously dead but the crying gets louder and I use my dream control to undo the decay on the body and return the boy to life. He is surprised as first but then very scared because the man who murdered him is still upstairs. He is unable to talk but communicates telepathically and asks if I will help him sneak out of the house. I pick him up and we float up through the ceiling into the front hall of the house. Several of the SUVs I saw before have entered the foggy void and are either parked infront of the house or are driving back and forth in front of the house on a small section of road that exists within the void.

      A man in dark clothing is at the front door and the word SWAT is printed on the back of this jacket. I tell the little boy that he is probably going to storm the house and arrest the man who murdered him. Instead the SWAT man knocks on the door and waits patiently for someone to answer. Because I am inpatient I use telekinesis to both swing the front door open and grab the man watching porn and force him to the front hall. I make myself (but not the little boy) visible and rat out the man for the murder. The SWAT man looks confused and says that he is there to arrest the other man for pirating cable signals with illegal cable hookups.

      I use my dream control to project everything I have seen into the mind of the SWAT man and tell him that this is my dream and I want him to do something about the crimes taking place. The SWAT man responds: "There are no crimes taking place because this is only a dream." I do not know how to respond to that at first but realize that I have finally met a figure from my subconscious that might be able to give me some answers, so I then ask him: "Why do images like these appear in my dreams? What am I supposed to learn from them?" SWAT man responds: "You cannot learn on the subconscious level that which you have not learned on the conscious level."

      I ask him to clairfy but the dream suddenly... I don't know how to describe this, um, explodes or rips apart. I am still aware that I am in a dream but have lost my control and it feels like some outside force has grabbed the foggy void and is tearing it to peices. The characters arround me are violently pulled into dark holes and tears that have suddenly appeared and the structures and setting disintegrate and are sucked into invisible voids. Everything is pulverized and disappears and a horrible feeling of dread overcomes me and I feel like there is an army of demons standing on my chest, though I am able to end the dream and wake up before anything more freaky happens.

      Updated 08-21-2011 at 09:53 AM by 6048

      lucid , nightmare
    10. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 07-03-2010 at 11:00 PM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      July Double ToTM Completion (DEILD)

      Keeping still, I perform another WILD. . .


      Without hesitation, I get out of bed and make my way outside. Oddly, there seems to be three doors hinged to my front doorway. Opening all of them, I'm greeted by a shining sun and people all about my court. I pass one guy with a shaved head and notice an orange armband.

      "Humans vs. Zombies?" I ask him. He responds by putting his finger to his mouth and shushing me as he runs behind my house to hide. "Weirdo." I mutter when he's out of earshot. There are a bunch of other players scattered about my neighborhood including some of my friends, but I figured HvZ could wait a bit, I had some tasks to carry out.

      Deciding to clone myself first, I walk to the middle of my court, do some random hand signs, and shout "Tajuu--Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" I hear the familiar popping noise around me as hundreds of clones are created in a puff of grey smoke. I take a look at them, and sure enough, they're me. However, they're all wearing the same ugly orange blazer and a dirty green headband. Great. I've created a mass of egotistical, fashion-challenged, zombies. Might as well have some fun with them.

      Using my mind and a tad of willpower, I force all of them to attack me at once. As they converge I punch the first to reach me in the face, while roundhouse kicking the clone on my other side. I use the the momentum I generate with that to drop to the ground and knock a few clones down by sweeping out their footing. "You're still a Zed now," one of the clones remarked.

      "Crap! You're right!" I exclaim, beaten at my own game. Well, then this next bit is for the horde! I think excitedly, willing my hundreds of clones to disperse and tag all the remaining humans. The game was over in less than a minute, which left me time enough to do the basic task as well.

      Digging into my pocket, I find my wallet, my car keys, and--there it is--my cell phone. Pulling it out, I open it up and hit send twice. The creepy phone lady informs me that this is not a phone number I'm calling, but some kind of app center. I end the call, and hit send again, scrolling through the list of available names. I notice one contact called 'a human' so I figured I'd go for that one. The phone rings a few times before someone picks up.

      "Hello?" a muffled voice on the other end asks.

      "Hi! Who is this?"

      "It's me, RTN."

      "Oh, didn't I see you playing in the game?"

      "Yeah, I'm right over here, dummy."

      Looking over to the main street I see RTN on his cell phone, accompanied by his girlfriend DTZ. I close my phone and wave over to him, but he's still upset by the shenanigans I had just pulled.

      Updated 07-04-2010 at 12:05 AM by 25167

      Tags: 3 star, court, hvz, phone, wild
      lucid , false awakening , task of the month
    11. #98. Alligators

      by , 07-03-2010 at 09:03 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Saturday, July 3, 2010

      I'm attacked by alligators. Then I try to figure out why I'm still in high school.

      I have to swim through a swamp. On the edges are various plants and animals, frozen by the cold, black goo that touched them. I stay in the center of the slow-moving creek. Something feels off.

      I see an alligator, panic for a moment. I realize that it's frozen, too. I turn away, relieved.

      There's another one before me. It's alive. I can't out-swim it. I can't get to shore fast enough.

      It charges, and I let it swim straight through my submerged stomach. Teeth tear into my flesh and the water turns red, but I don't feel it. The alligator is distracted now. I latch onto its back and hold on. The alligator thrashes underwater, submerging us both.

      I step out of the water some time later. My mom comes rushing over, wanting to know if I'm all right.

      I assure her that I am, and lift up the fabric of my shirt to see that the wound has healed over entirely, leaving no scars.


      A dream takes me from Ixburg to Halifax and back again. I'm in high school and university at the same time, and my kindergarten teacher is very disappointed when I miss my driving lessons.

      "What, you want me to fly home for the weekend?" I ask my mom incredulously.

      She does.

      I hide out in my studio with my brother and Matt, who ask why I wasn't at (high) school today.

      "Cough. Cough. I'm sick." I say flatly.

      Alligators. Scare Factor: 3.

      Updated 07-03-2010 at 09:05 PM by 31096

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Wolves

      by , 07-03-2010 at 08:32 PM (Amen, the thunderbolt in the dark void....)
      There was a group of wolves, they were going to kill another group of wolves. The white wolves were the evil wolves. They heard something in the distance and bounded off to rip it to shreds. I think they were angry that the brown wolves kept piling up the snow. I found bags of snow, buckets of snow that were being filled with a snow hose and dumped them in front of the wolves. The snow didn't pile up, it just melted away.

      I was in a trailer that felt like an apartment building. I was hanging out with some old friends of mine who I never see anymore. A cop knocked on the door and burst through into the living room. He was really angry and dragged me outside where he did horrible things to me and then beat me up and threw me back into the house. My friends were concerned and started ranting about police brutality.

      The dream slightly changed. Things in the house began to age, my old friends were replaced by new ones. Things looked dilapidated, like they were falling down.

      A woman police officer stormed through the door and began poking around. "Everyone needs to get out of here," she announced, "horrible things have happened here." She lifted a rug to find lots of blood.
      At that moment I felt a chill sweep over the entire place. I couldn't stand to be there anymore. I felt like horrible things would happen if I stayed.

      Summer was waiting outside in a van. She said we needed to get far away. I turned back to the trailer and saw baby cat sitting there. I wanted to cry. She was my favorite cat, and I've missed her so much. I felt like she was trying to tell me to rescue her, but I was already far away.

      We were trying to get to Minnesota. We were not sure where we were or what highway we were on. We decided to stop at the next exit we could find. We turned into the parking lot of a dingy looking taqueria. Inside there were several men standing behind a counter. There were no food or drinks inside, just several men in blue shirts with dirty white aprons. They glowered at us as we slowly walked towards them. They didn't want us there. I looked around and felt like this was also a bad place. The ceiling was rotting and seemed it would fall down on us at any moment. The door to what I assumed was the bathroom has black mold creeping all along the outlines of it, I wanted to turn on my heel and run, but felt safer being with Summer. We left quickly.

      We got back on the highway. The trailer was next to us, baby cat was sitting in the window, looking straight at me. We passed the trailer quickly.

      We stopped a place, a busy street. The wolves were back. The white ones. I needed to stop them, so I started piling logs and trash all along the street, forming a giant barrier. I piled it so high that I had to climb up it to keep piling things on top. Finally, a car came on the other side, angry. Several trucks came and within seconds had all the logs in the backs of their trucks and were hauling them away. The path was clear and the wolves were standing there, facing me. End.
      memorable , non-lucid , nightmare
    13. 2 dreams

      by , 07-03-2010 at 06:40 PM
      1st dream
      In this dream I was very fed up about what was happening with the police during the G20. So I decided some action had to be taken. I wrote letters to provincial goverment, federal goverment, and the Royal family. They all allowed me to "take some action" in other words, "teach the Toronto Police some manners". In the dream me, in disguse, hit the side of a building with an arrow (with paper wrapped around it). Which says they have to drop charges of everybody who been in the detention centre. it also says that they weren't in the area where the real damage and violent protesors were. They picked on the little ones and not on the big ones. I just signed myself with a name saying "Rowana Hood"-its a non de plume. They had no idea who I was.

      A couple of days latter the Queen wanted me. Considering I was an outcast and now, an outlaw, under my new name I couldn't excatly catch a train or something. I had to walk 452 km over 7 days. I than changed into another cleaner disguse than the one I been wearing on the road. The Queen told me that I had the protection of her and other monarchies around the world. I than went back to my little Mery Women-LOL group. We than kept terriozing-sp? the police in Toronto.

      Dream 2.
      I was on an esclator going down. Once I was at the bottom I was on a ship-cruise ship I think. I was told to guard the safe that night for some reason. I did but around midnight something happened and the next thing I know my hands were behind me tied betweent two rails of the ship's railing to prevent people from falling overboard. I couldn't scream for help either since there was something in my mouth.

      The ropes were to tight for me to do anything. But the theives had to hide the stuff they hid because it was daytime and I saw where they hidden it. The staff were looking for me since I was suppose to be guarding the safe and I just used Morse Code using my feet. They found me and asked me what happened. we recovered the jewels,etc but the next night the same thing almost happened but I jumped out of the way before they could hit me with anything.

      They took the jewels to a moter boat wich was on the side and gave the jewels to a 3rd person who was in the boat. All 3 tried to boat away. I raced to the bridge and told the Captain I really had to take over this boat if we are to recover the jewels this time. Could you please inform the other passengers? The Captian left the bridge after making an anocument-sp? that the ship will be travelling very fast for a while. We just got the thevies before I woke up.
    14. magical escape

      by , 07-03-2010 at 04:55 PM
      I haven't been able to post in a while. I'm taking summer classes, and I had finals week.

      This dream happened in two parts. I woke up during for about ten minutes, and it continued almost where I left off. I can't remember where it stopped though.

      I was working as a maid with a few other kids. (I was a few years younger than I actually am.) It sounded like a war was going on around us. We managed to escape using special powers to this small school for people with special powers. (We all had them, but no one knew about them but us.) We were standing in two groups and showing each other our powers. I was telling them that mine are like the wind. You can see what they do to other things, but you can't see them directly. (Everyone else had the kind that you could see easily or made their hands glow. I had the power to go so fast that time seemed to go really slow or even stop.) I said I needed a marker to do it, and the other kids laughed. They thought I was just going to do an allusion like the magicians on the television. I drew a blue mustache on the face of the guy who could manipulate fire.

      Some of the other kids and I took this red car joy riding. (None of us were of legal age to drive.) It ran out of gas, and we all left it to go to the gas station to get more. When we came back, it was buried up to the middle of the doors and filled with water. I went really fast and raised it up out of the dirt and emptied the water with a hose touching the window. (There was no opening, and the hose was not attached to anything. I'm not sure how I did it.) The people who did it and were standing around laughing stood in awe. They kept trying to ask each other how a bunch of kids did that. We drove off. As we were arriving back at school, the principal was standing outside waiting for us and tapping her foot. Then, I woke up.
    15. July 3, 2010

      by , 07-03-2010 at 04:14 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      Slept between 1:30am-6:00am. Not insomnia, this time! This was a work-induced sleepless night

      Vague memories, but I recall there being some animal kingdom thing. Like me, in a room, with a bunch of animals that would normally tear my head off. But they didn't. And I didn't consider the remote possibility of dreaming Granted, I only had 4 hours of sleep, but I *have* been lucid in the first 90 minutes of sleep, before. So, this wouldn't have been a first

      There's a stronger fragment of chasing after this girl who had a box in her arms. In the box, had a note in it. Whatever that was, she was running away with it, and I needed it.

      She jumped into a swimming pool and emerged without the box. I jumped in (vaguely recall being able to breathe here and yet... still nothing, lol!) and retrieved the box. The note, inside, was still dry! I couldn't read what it said.
      non-lucid , dream fragment