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    1. Video Game/ Lounging in a Pool

      by , 08-01-2012 at 02:10 AM (Second Reality Experiences)
      The dream starts out in which I am playing a video game, but I am seeing everything in the perspective of the game itself (I don't see my hands on a controller). The game is an interesting one. The main playable character is a girl with flowing black hair. It reminds me of Assassin's Creed, but a female version. The setting takes place during the renaissance and I am walking through cobblestone streets and alleys. As I level up my character her appearance changes, her hair becomes longer, and the design of the clothing she wears changes patterns and becomes more intricate. There is a quick cut scene and some unrecognizable pop music plays, although I would say it was dark gothic in style...like this

      The character gets in what i can only describe as a big metal trench that water flows through and that people use for washing their laundry in. She hides by swimming through it into a sewer system where the water empties out. As the character gets out and starts walking I realize I am dreaming.

      Suddenly my field of vision shifts from 3rd person to 1st. I am the character, except I am in my own body now. I'm walking walking in this dark passage in the sewer and my sister suddenly appears behind me. Before I can say anything I hear shuffling ahead and get a stab of fear. The sound moves closer and suddenly I see them. The sound is coming from these huge ferocious rat-like rodents.
      I know it's a dream but this took me by surprise and I don't have anything to defend myself with. All I can think of to do is pull my hands out and point my fingers into the shape of a gun.

      "Bang!" I yell, pretending to shoot them.

      Surprisingly one falls over dead, and the others scamper away in fear. That was surprisingly easy. I turn the corner and kill a few more in the same manner.
      I see light up ahead and as we push forward the sewer opens up into a hidden spanish terrace with a pool. There is a lot of debris and the buildings surrounding the pool seem to be crumbling away as if they had been abandoned. Dark clouds loom overhead. My sister Ashley dives into the pool and begins swimming. Three white belugas appear in the water and greet me as i come to sit at the edge of the pool. I pet one of them on the head.

      "We should get going," I say aloud. "We only have so much time before I wake up."

      Then I look at the scenery and change my mind. Usually in lucid dreams I feel like it's a race. I feel rushed to experience as much as possible which in turn actually causes me to wake up sooner. Everything is so relaxing and peaceful right now. Ashley surfaces next to my dangling legs.

      I look at my sister, "Don't you wish we could stay in a dream like this forever?"

      "Yeah!" she says happily.

      I notice a couple of random DCs show up at the pool, and as I try to figure out who they are everything is gone. I'm awake in my bed.

      Updated 08-01-2012 at 02:35 AM by 49327

      lucid , memorable