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    1. On the way home

      by , 01-24-2012 at 09:36 AM
      Again, no memories in the morning or during the night. Once I got up I for some reason thought about a dog and that was the strand that pulled all these memories back to my consciousness. First I just remembered the dogs, but I was able to recount the dream backwards once I got it. It's kind of interesting, it was still all there. Not locked away or anything, just lost, nothing connected to the memories. I suspect this is what usually happens.

      We are hiking or such in a forest with a few friends. At the end of the trail there is a place for changing clothes and even a temporary shower that pumps cold ground water. I don't want to take a shower there because it would be really cold. I go to our car, where most of the others are waiting.

      We drive in the forest and there is a swamp. The road seems to just stop there, but when we try going forward, there is an invisible bridge over the swamp. This seems kind of weird to me and I can't really believe it, but then I just dismiss it. It's only built half way, there is a large yellow building machine blocking the way, so we turn around. We find ourselves next to a guest house type building.

      The building is closed and we don't know any other way out. I go have a look. There is a building now, that we need to find a way through. It's on a hillside so there are two ground floors, and I realize that we need to go up a floor to get to the other side. I return to the others to share my findings.

      The others are eating something, we still have enough food left to find our way out. I eat some meat and bread. The meat is pretty terrible, hard to chew. Someone doesn't want us to succeed, so he sends he's dogs to spy on us. The dogs run past us but don't look very scary. They do eat some of our food, however, and spoil the rest. I bit stupid of us to have left it on the ground.