Not much today. I was half-asleep while noting down the dream and too tired to write much - editing it later I've almost forgotten the rest. I dream of waking up, blissfully slowly, snug and warm and surrounded by bright golden light. It's the kind of light that makes you want to sleep. More accurately, I'm being woken by someone - a man, smiling - who? I don't feel that he and I are close. I lie in a three-quarter bed - a wrought bedstead in shiny gold metal, with sheets and covers in two shades of pink. I think that if Princess Peach's dress were a bed, it would look like this. It is in the centre of a large, bare, bright room. Although there's nothing here I feel warm and safe. The above is what I remember now, after 10 PM - having woken up at 5:30 AM. Soon after waking I wrote this: "I dream of two people who are waking me up (separately) at 6 and after 6. I remember they gave me gifts." Sadly I've forgotten those other details. I also remember a car driving along a dark road at night, the sky is a deep rich blue. None of the usual trees growing beside the road either. I have a view over a wide open space. The car is a very stylish old sort and of a colour between pink and maroon. It's open-topped and the windows rimmed with silver metal. The license plate only has 6 digits although they all have 7 over here. I remembered the plate when I woke up and now I only remember the beginning: MV0. Actually, I think the second part was BKZ. I am inside the car, seeming to view it simultaneously from several points of view. I'm not driving - there is no driver. I can feel the cool night air and the low rumble of the engine. Looking up at the clear sky fills me with calm and peace, as though I am all alone in the world.
Updated 11-12-2023 at 12:11 PM by 100434
In the car with my mother, suddenly and unexpectedly we were on a strange but beautiful road through an arid landscape with large, low, bulbous overhead lights, so I said to her this is an unfamiliar location and she said yes; then I realized one or both of us might be dreaming it in the car and she might be asleep at the wheel so I warned her! Remained non-lucid.
Lost with Uncle The sky is stormy and red. Lightning flashes across the sky. Similar to Stranger Things. I'm with my Uncle J. He's driving. We're trying to escape something. We're at what seems to be a mixture of the road behind my backyard from my childhood home and the biking trail from last spring I frequented. We encountered an obstacle. There are a few posts around a railroad track, but I can clearly see where he needs to drive. Uncle J goes the wrong way and gets the car stuck. He handles it, and gets the car out. But then he goes the same wrong way again. I try to get him to correct the path, but he seems unwilling to deviate from this loop. I get frustrated with him.
Updated 06-27-2023 at 02:25 PM by 99808
Pre-WBTB Dream Fragment I'm back at J's playing board games. We're playing a tabletop RPG and my character's background is similar to Harry Potter's. Car Coyotes I'm driving down Joy road back at my hometown. There is a huge traffic jam, cars lined up, with police lights blaring in the distance. Not sure why. Maybe a crash? There's a barricade up further and, through the way the lines of cars have aligned, I can't help but driving directly to the barricade. I'm wondering what this is about when two coyotes start jumping and snarling up toward my window. I have my windows down about halfway because of my A/C problems, so the coyotes are just barely out of biting range. The police up ahead pay me no attention. I notice I have passengers. One small coyote manages to squeeze through the window crack and enter the car. My body has frozen up, so I can't react to the coyote or try to close the window so more don't get in. More get in. I start to worry about rabies. The other passengers are trying to get the coyotes out, but they are small and hard to track. Post-WBTB Dogfight in the City I'm in a space dogfight in the city. My brother and I are on the same team. We are flying Arwings from the Starfox series. Sky is purple and dark. Might have been some green lightning. Epic type of scene. I need to fly into the repair bay to get fixed up after finishing the battle. Maybe it was the Great Fox. When I get in, I get radioed that the enemy has another sneak attack and they need me. They tell me I need to get into a different Arwing. I find one and start to takeoff. My view changes to 3rd person and now I'm flying the Millennium Falcon. Next thing I know the combat is completed and I'm chilling with my team in the foyer area of the main ship. I'm searching the fridge for some food. There is a couch opposite the fridge, and some friends are noting that they may have messed up where things are in there. While scrolling through the futuristic interface to get food, I see some raunchy art photos. I don't say anything and just scroll past them. I eventually move some shelves around and find some cheese stick and pretzel snacks. Image generated with Nightcafe AI.
Updated 03-15-2023 at 04:10 AM by 99808
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I was having some kind of revelatory dream, something that was making me feel amazing and then I felt a strong burning and radiating pain on my left side of my stomach, as if stabbed by a knife. I woke up in agony with a pain I couldn't identify. I feared my spleen may have burst or something, but I grabbed a cold water bottle I had on my nightstand to put against my skin and it eased the pain after a couple minutes. I still don't know what happened. I am outside my house, combing my hair after having had a shower, observing someone on the other hill. The person looks like my teacher but it is a woman. I feel sad and wish that he actually comes, then I look at the road leading to my house and I see him walking down the road followed by an Indian band playing music behind him. I smile and wait to see what will happen. My teacher goes sit on a chair that's at the end of the path close to me without saying a word and just looks at the landscape. I ask him how did he find me and he says it was hard because my address leads nowhere. I explain my address is correct but does not yet appear on the maps. I realize the cardigan I am wearing is wide open and exposing my breasts, so I cover myself up embarassed, but he is totally unfazed. I say I knew he would find me anyway and that I had been waiting anxiously. Then we stretch our arms to hold each other's hands and as we touch hands I wake up feeling blissful.
20th November 2021 Fragment: Somewhat adventure-like dream. (left recall too long) Something about turning some huge metal wheels in a couple of buildings at a sea side quay. This makes the clocks of a large nearby church work again. (I have vague recall even now of the dream, visually. I think at one point I was on some rafters in the church, but I also recall it was a bit of an overcast and yellow-ish day outside.) 21st November 2021 Dream: I'm with mom in a kitchen of sorts. There's a weird gas oven of some kind that mom is using. I'm just doing some cutlery things with a cupboard. I had just been talking to H and asking if he wasn't going to eat his egg soup thing. Also something about "chef John". Mom is trying to get the gas thing going and has some rice and sausages which will be getting cooked. I tell her some wicks (?) have gone out. She increases the flow, nothing happens at first and then big flames from those wicks. I tell her she should back it down and she does. Then the food she was cooking seems to have become overdone for her liking. The sausages have supposedly gone sour, and the rice stodgy. I taste a slice of sausage and it tastes bland but not sour, although I did smell something sour. Then I'm checking my phone. Something weird is going on and I conclude it's a virus on my phone. Messages I'd received are FUBAR on a UI-level and I can't dismiss anything. Pressing home just takes me to some sort of gallery, which has pictures of beaches and of naked female porn stars or something to that effect. 22nd November 2021 Fragment: (recall left too late) Something about being on a highway or the like. Traffic direction orientation is not as I would expect for where I live. At one point I do not perceive myself as being in a vehicle and am somehow pulling myself along fast enough to at speed, but it feels like I'm struggling a bit. There's a T-junction that's more like a corner and I want to go left where the road curves more naturally.
Updated 01-22-2022 at 02:41 AM by 95293
Some in-line notes in brackets. 27th June 2021 Scraps: Unrecorded. Something about being underwater and there's a giant ghostly crab and an equal sized ghostly shark or something. There are underwater buildings, regular city buildings, but inside they are mostly empty? After this dream, I remember thinking about how "being in water, is to fly" or something of the sort making a comparison of the two states. (I have no special interest in dream flight that doesn't use some kind of device or body part to accomplish it, though I do like swimming quite a lot.) (This dream had a general nature of conflict or dispute and seemed to take place in an original location) 28th June 2021 (recall not written down on waking but later on this day) Fragment: At home. A courier is putting something through the letterbox. I approach and he's actually putting his hand through the letterbox now and trying to pull the triangular package back towards him through the opening. (The package was bigger than the opening but it looked stiff, not bendable) The letterbox is lower down than it should be and the door seems to be see-through actually. As I come to open the door, first opening the foyer door I think, I find that the front door is simply not there anymore. I or the courier grab the package and I ask if he has to take it back because of it being batteries or something. (possibly intrusion from looking at batteries online, the night before?) He gives me some explanation accordingly but then decides to leave it with me after all. Fragment: There was more before this but no recall. Arriving at a sea-side area, possibly by car. I'm with someone, H? There's a sandy beach where I expected loads of people would be and when I see it's mostly empty, the other person tells me "see, I told you so" or something. The beach is between a six or so story tall fortification on the left, typical sea-side fort look to it, at least for the style I'm used to. On the right, the road slopes up at slow incline and there's some other building on the side of the beach. I end up going into that building? No recall of the inside anymore. Something about two muscular women (like Klingons but not?) and I don't get along with them for some reason. I leave this building by a door on the beach level, like a back or access door. The beach isn't quite there anymore, like there's more water now. It's sunny through the entire dream segment. (Shadow positioning suggests that the sea is West, the fort South, the second building North and the road I came from (but never looked toward) is East)
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Seeing aerial views along a road in the eastern part of Lisbon in the 90s. Seeing the start of the construction of the Expo'98 and other upgrading construction work in some the neighboring areas. I feel nostalgic and amazed and then realize I am not actually seeing this on tv but dreaming and recalling. I am amazed how my mind has stored in detail the images of the roads and landscape as they were before all the changes and modernization. I feel a wish to go back to that time when things were simpler and then tell myself "shut up, it wasn't that good and you'd miss lots of nowadays improvements", but the nostalgia was still strong.
28th May 2021 Fragment: Outside, night time. There's someone else with me. We're on top of a short building, flat roof. There's a curving road that comes down on a hillside and then back up a bit further along. Relative to me, this is to a 90 degree quadrant in my front-right. 29th May 2021 Fragment: Long dream, there's a hill and a big manor or castle on top? Some interaction with other dream characters. Something about walking a path, something about nature. Get the feeling of dawn or morning. Notes: - I'm having trouble recalling dreams despite clearly remembering being in them. Dream recall just seems to have completely faded by the time I'm sort of aware of being awake. My first thoughts on waking are fairly random and not seemingly related to my dreams. - I also have little or no recall of my alarms going off earlier in the morning. I wonder if the issue here is the same as what has made me feel unable to see things in/with my imagination of late, a somewhat frustrating problem. - It occurs to me that H's alarm has been different for a while; I used to think it was particularly annoying before, perhaps it was raising my awareness because of being annoying.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Driving a friend to the airport. At the beginning of the road entering the airport, I spot my former odious boss with a bag on his hand, like waiting for a ride or something. He turns his head away and I do to. Some airport employees arrive on a car and get in front of my way, so I have to stop as they block my passage. They come ask him if he requires transportation to the airport and he says yes. Then some other person comes by and says they also need it. Then they ask me if I need something and where we are going. I say we're flying to Seychelles and we don't need anything, just keep driving to the airport. I am not really going to travel, but just wanted to piss off my ex-boss, who looks tired. They leave and I can go on. A bit ahead on the road, I need to exit to my right, but suddenly there is lots of traffic blocking my exit and on top of that, my right side mirror is not adjusted correctly and I can't see the cars to my right. I complain to my friend who is on the co-pilot seat but she doesn't correct it. I take a chance and accelerate, to try to cut in front of a car I suppose is there. But I am blocked by a car in front of me who doesn't let me accelerate enough to do it. So at the last second I see I am going to hit the car on the right and I get back to my lane hitting the car in front. That makes spin in the middle of the road with traffic everywhere. For a few seconds I don't even remember pushing the breaks. I am just panicking at the thought that we are going to die for a stupid bad decision. But finally I do push the breaks and the car halts and there are no more damages. I feel so lucky. Another car stops, some nice guy who immediately checks if we are ok and even starts checking the car and fixing what he can. I go check on the driver whose car I hit and I apologize. She only has a little scratch on the back of the car, really nothing, but she is upset and doesn't say a word. Then my friend says "oh well, no more travel for me" and I say "no way, we can call a cab to take you the rest of the way", but she doesn't seem all that interested.
Updated 05-20-2021 at 08:51 PM by 34880
10th February 2021 Notes: Haven't made much effort to recall, though initial recall was decent. Lately I've still been struggling to get up, but managed to get up at quarter past ten today. Dream vividness has been a bit lower I think, though I can't say with certainty, possibly because I haven't been taking Vitamin B so much after re-reading up on B6's half-life. Trying to not fall asleep again, my mind became distracted with random drawing ideas for my characters. Part of my issue at the moment seems to be I can't manage to feel compelled to record anything in the morning, possibly made worse by the fact I'm not getting up at what I'd consider a "good time". Partly sunny this morning. 12th February 2021 Fragments: Bit about Discord. V sends me a message about some video, but the video link isn't on the private message, it's on my server. I think I wonder why he did this. I check out the video; it shows what I in the dream assume to be his school, a high school? My presence enters the video. In a classroom, there's some kind of exercise about characters drawn on the chalkboard and they resemble Pokemon or something. Recall is too vague. Another bit, outside in a town or village with H. We're getting in our out of the van. I remember narrow pavement and cobbled roads as well as a certain hilliness; it has a feel of my native country. Something political but entirely fictional happens in this dream segment; recall details are gone.
5th November 2020 (DFLN) Fragment: At the end of a dream I was with H, watching a video of a guy in a labcoat mixing something together in some ceramic mugs he'd previously joined together (ceramic seamless welding technique or something). The labcoat made me do a RC but for some reason I didn't focus enough on it and so I didn't realise I was dreaming. Fragment: In a room, in our house? I remember my paintings are all here. Some of them are stacked on top of each other and I notice one of the "eye" paintings is lying atop the pile. One of the other paintings in the same style/series is nearby or under that one. 7th November 2020 Fragment: Left it too long and recall was poor. At an apartment building which goes quite a way up. I'm in a floor high up with someone else and we are trying to keep social distancing up while doing something? But eventually we end up breaking it and I think I was there to do some kind of trade or exchange. Possibly from a different segment or dream but in some other part I recall being with mom and dad, on a highway or something. It's night time and I'm not sure if we actually were in a car at any point but I don't recall other cars or people. There's a junction or bridge over another highway section but the bridge is damaged/ruined and is actually mostly rubble. I remember street lights and that sort of thing being on. Fragment: Earlier fragment. I'm a level 60 death knight character in WoW and apparently I can't level up any further (my experience bar is absent). The highest level characters I remember seeing are level 70 and I remember seeing an undead player character that had an elite portrait frame. I remember getting on a slow gryphon and flying around an area very much like Dun Morogh but on further thought may have been mixed with Wintersrping. Notes: - Recall actually hasn't been particularly poor or anything lately, even with early morning working days, but most of the time I've been far too tired when I wake up to push myself to actually write down the recall and by the time I have a chance I've usually left it too late. - I think my RC was a bit weak in part because in the dream I was feeling a bit self-conscious while doing it. Generally I don't feel so self-conscious anymore when doing RCs when H is also around, but I guess some leftover part of that still persists for the moment. - The eye paintings have had some special and unspoken significance to me lately. I don't know why exactly, as I also never really thought "I really love eyes" but they certainly seem to have some sort of appeal to me, as I have been noticing it's a frequent subject matter in my work. - The ceramic joining thing made complete sense to me while I was dreaming and even after waking up it seemed to make sense and I remember thinking "what a good way of fixing ceramic objects", but I slowly realised it actually didn't make any sense and in itself could have been its own dream sign.
Updated 11-08-2020 at 12:47 AM by 95293 (title, extra notes)
More catching up. 13th July 2020 Fragment: Mix of WoW, Minecraft and Dwarf Fortress. (DFLN thread) Remember mining like in Minecraft and then stumbling into a Dark Iron fortress. Remember meeting with Hnk and some small raid group he had. Not sure what they were doing or if I joined or not. I vaguely recall some combat in a semi-open area (but still underground?). 16th July 2020 Fragment: Few details remain. There was a small tree, a sapling, in a plant pot and atop a low wall. For some reason earlier in the dream I had tried to cut the sapling with a serrated knife but not like a serious one, more like a table knife. Now I was trying again because I was making adjustments to a road next to this low wall. I was marking and dividing up the new lanes for this road and my lane dividers were made from stuff just laying about. But as I was trying to cut this tree, two people came my way, I knew one of them from waking life but I forget who it was. The other one, was the owner of the small tree and he was a dream character. He seemed distressed by what I was doing and I tried to cover up the cuts I'd made on the tree. When he approached further as they got closer, he asked me what I was doing and all that sort of thing. I tried to explain that I needed his tree and now actually I only wanted a cutting from one of the branches to propagate the tree. Some of the bits where I'd been cutting the tree at looked more like they'd been lathed than cut as they were very perfect and circular (spiral?). It made the tree have a very "modern" style look somehow. 19th July 2020 Fragment: Quite a few dreams but mostly only memorised one segment. Near the end of the dream, I was having a conversation with someone I knew from school a long time ago (who?). I remember seeing his face but somehow we were both near each other and not near all at once. For some reason he started talking to me about my relationships. He commented that I had "abandon" some of my habits, referring to how I don't look at men the same way as I do women usually. He said I was a acchrophyl or something. No idea, but it looked a made up word as it happens in dreams. (DFLN thread) I remember then seeing a white background and a sort of slideshow with still images depicting an anthropomorphic wolf and a person and the person had a silly face and was looking toward the camera and pointing at the wolf. The wolf was looking embarrassed and pointing at the ground ahead of him. I don't remember the rest of the slides. We talked more but I forget the details. Then H arrived somewhere in the van and I went to meet up with him and get in. I remember having passing thoughts about how this guy from school was seeming very wise in these conversations, which seemed unexpected. I don't remember anything else except that this segment was in continuation of another where I had been exploring an abandoned mall bunker with people who were possibly also old schoolmates. I remember thinking it all looked intact and immaculate and everything still worked, so I wondered why it was abandoned.
22nd June 2020 Dream: Me and H were walking along a narrow countryside road, surrounded by hedges. At one point, instead of hedges there's a house. It looks moderate in size. The dream immediately establishes somehow that it was the house of our waking life neighbours, the old couple. I just want to go past the house though, and continue on our journey. It's a humid but fresh morning and the light looks beautiful, I have a vague memory of the sun still being fairly low but high enough that it's quite bright. H becomes distracted by the house, at first staring at some of the sandstone that makes up the house walls. Then looking in through the windows. This makes me feel uneasy. Through the first window, which looks to be tinted in some way, I see a Pioneer turntable, a silver one. We walk a few paces forward at last, but then H stops again. I turn around and I see a big cabinet style turntable station. It's sitting outside the house, directly against the wall but in the dream it still seems like it's inside the house too somehow. It's mostly a silver Pioneer unit again. I manage to read a model number. LP-PL13. I point it out to H and he seems uninterested. We keep walking? But then we get inside the house somehow and it looks like a mix of what I know our neighbour's house to actually be like inside plus our own current home and my old home. I soon begin to wonder how their house could look so much bigger on the inside, seeing as they should be terraced houses, not realising the terrible irony that the house had initially presented itself as a detached home in the countryside. We go through a few rooms, both wondering if the old couple is home. Their home is beautifully organised and in this version presents itself with a lot of Hi-Fi equipment. At one point I remark they seem to like Pioneer's stuff as much as H. There was mostly silver "era" stuff. Eventually we end up in what I can only call a storage corridor. It would be dark if it weren't for two cold but bright fluorescent tubes. The corridor feels narrow only because there are metal storage shelving units to either side and they're full of stuff, mostly electronics. I make note of a few older CRT television sets. One is a Mitsubishi and it's medium in size. Then as we continue along I remark on some of the stuff but I can't remember what I said or what H replied. At the end of the corridor it forks, on the left is the master room for the old couple. I didn't look to see what was to the right. At some point before this, I remember the neighbour sees us from a room? And tentatively says hello and we reply with a short hi ourselves. Now, his wife is laying in bed but looks at us too. Her husband appears I think and they ask something of us? They want us to read over some document they've written. We are now in a living room like the one at my old home but with different decor. We sit at the dining table which has the document on it. It's only some three pages long but double sided. There's only one copy. H reads a bit of it first, then I read some of it. It's some kind of invitation for something, an event? for a club. It starts out with a page-long poem or some such. Something about Napoleon and war comes up. The text seemed consistent in the dream but I can't help but wonder if turning over the pages was making it change. I wake up shortly after this. Notes: - The house felt immense inside, although the ceiling height was probably much lower than it actually would have been if it was actually ours or our neighbours' home. - The house felt like a well imagined mix of our home and theirs, as ours is quite disorganised but does have a lot of electronics about, and theirs is very well organised and also uncluttered, really. - It's interesting that I make note of the makes of things a lot more often now, even in dreams. I don't seem to recall doing that so much even just a few years ago and I'd say that living with H has been a good part of this change. - I remember the natural light inside the house was more like my old home. Lots of dark/bright contrasts.
1st June Dream: I was on a country road with H. We were walking along it when the road curved towards a big estate. There were tall and trimmed hedged along either side of the road. On the right side were some bushes partially under the shade of an oak. The bushes had bright cobalt-blue fruits. On closer inspection they looked like strawberries, in shape. I took one and ate it and it was sweet. I then told H I wanted to make jam with these cobalt berries and H said we couldn't take many but I started to pick the large berries into my pockets until I couldn't take any more. Some bit of the dream is missing, or there is a transition. Then we're inside the big estate place, but it was just like our home with a bigger scale for the rooms. I remember being in the kitchen and it looked regal or something. Dream Fragment: In some kind of museum or gallery, there were many objects on display, everything was lit from underneath. I remember there was this wide trunk or stump and I smashed it's side somehow. Its core was crystalline and I pulled out one piece. It was shaped like an amorphous animal. I suddenly had a long knife, and started carving it to look like a dog. It felt more like wood than crystal. Notes: - The second dream may have just been a run-on sequence from the first. - In the first dream, I remember it was sunny and it felt like it was a quiet road. I remember that the cobalt colour of the berries was particularly vivid. - At the time I think I had started making jam more often, a habit I have kept a bit by now. I like to make jam or jelly out of fruits other people might not consider, so maybe the exotic character of the berries and my desire to turn them into a jam might be interconnected. - I still have some visual memory of the second dream which allows me to make note that it looked a bit like that place in space odyssey, with the white floors and rooms at the end. It was darker than that because the light was focused on the displays though. - Looking back on this dream, I quite like the idea of the crystal and of carving it. To me, quite a while now since I had this dream, it feels analogous to some of my inner concepts around transformation and undefined forms, shapeshifting and so on. The carving is significant as a whole because carving and sculpting as a whole are of major interest to me but they aren't activities I've had much chance to work in. On top of that it deals with the subject of controlling matter and changing it.