Note: I heard that dream shaman bi polar guy talking about his beliefs. He does dream real things about people. He claims he gets shown things about people in dreaming and claims it's his spirit guides that tell him what to do in dreams. So my guess is that is what he is operating under when he consistently interferes in mine and Jamie's dreams. I personally have a huge lack of trust of anything "spirit guides." Have to say. In my own experience: they lie. I personally only trust Jesus at this point. Yes sure, he hardly speaks, and when he does its often vague. But, he never leads astray. First night: Nothing. During the day I did work with the temp agency and did a small moving job in Didsbury. Pretty sure I seen Jamie driving into Didsbury on that pot hole hell road in between Olds and Didsbury. I was in the back of a Dodge truck going past the train tracks and construction near the storage unit Yard. I saw the white SUV that I'm sure I've seen Jamie in before. I saw the long brown hair with a bangs cut and she was wearing large sunglasses ( people with her eye color are a lot more sensitive to sunlight.) I heard her voice in my head say something like, " did you see me? I think I saw you." And sometime later. " I wanna see you again." Next part is debatable whether it was Jamie or not. Many hours later, I'm at home. Sitting at the table outside the house just pondering. I was remembering that Jamie used to do drive bys on me. And that it seemed like some time since she had done so. While I was thinking this. I vaguely noticed a blue or green pickup truck driven by a lone woman, whom seemed to be wearing dutch braids, and sporting large sunglasses. I wasn't really paying attention but she appeared to be in her thirties. She turned from the main street in Bowden but heading towards the main highway but she turned on my street and turned into the alley facing my yard and began heading the opposite way. While turned on to the Alleyway she looked my way, and quickly turned facing front after a second. I was still zoning in my own thoughts when Jamie's voice entered my head, "Did you see me?". I was like: yeah right, no way that was her. But then I ran it back. I've passed her in Olds before when she had braids. In that instance she was beaming at me. ( Her voice will argue she was just smiling but I know better ). As for the change in vehicle . Emily King said in her video that girls will even help their friends vet someone by helping stalk them. And it's not hard to borrow someone's vehicle if you offer to fill their tank if you use it for a few hours. So if it was her. You're telling me that she finished work or whatever she was doing in Didsbury, went home, or to a friend's. Got done up in dutch braids, and borrowed a friend's truck? I even asked her voice, " why are you always changing vehicles?" She replied, " I'm trying to be secretive." Well... It's not working if I can clearly see who it is. It's the quick head turn that's the dead giveaway remember. She must have really liked the last post about the sign I was given to marry her. That's not even the initial big sign I was given. Jamie 1 Me and Jamie are driving in Didsbury towards a camp ground. We both plan to go camping together. Im talking to her in my head instead of normally. I say, "Did you pack is lots of underwear? I think we're going to need it." Uhhh. Jamie 2 Something about Jamie being at a campground and avoiding me. She was feeling guilty about something. Maybe it was a flashback to the outdoor concert thingy I saw her at? Jamie 3 I'm at Jamie's house. It's dark and messy. There seems to be demons all over. But regardless she's happy to see me. We are sitting on a couch holding hands and watching something. Jamie 4 Me and Jamie are walking alongside a busy highway. There is a man walking behind us a ways. Jamie nudges me with a look of fear and indicates in the Man's direction. It's that annoying dream shaman guy that was trying to break us up. He walks faster towards us meaning to catch up but me and Jamie are having none of it. We turn ahead but now there's a large truck pulled over on the shoulder. Cars are going by so fast that going around the truck that it's dangerous to walk around it. The ditch is suicidally deep so that's not an option. The guy is getting closer. Jamie looks fearful and I instinctively pray to Jesus to stop the man and keep him from dreaming with us. A flaming sword falls out of the sky and lands between us and the man. Now it's an immutable wall of fire that he can't cross. This also creates a break in the traffic. I remember me and Jamie finally making it past the truck when I wake up.
I'm packing up my camping gear inside a building. Some friends are there as well and one hands me some trash to take out. As we all finish packing, we start walking out and enter a new building. This one resembles a cafeteria and has quite a few people sitting or walking around. Our group decides to do something crazy to get everyone riled up. We end up running around and eventually back outside. It feels like we're now in a car of some kind as we navigate through a construction zone towards a stadium. As we start walking again, I notice that it's rainy and dark outside. Because of the rain, workers at the stadium are limiting the number of people walking down the stairs to the entrance. I wait at the top as the other group descends and then they allow us in. The stadium is also dark and not covered so it is still raining. The stage towards the middle though is massive. I find my group sitting together on the right side actually just underneath some coverage from the rain so that the seats are dry.
I'm looking at an aerial view of a campsite that I'll be going to. It's right off of a back road next to a winding stream. I'm on a computer for work and I'm distracted by the camping that I forget that it's my turn to present some Power Point slides. I start talking and one guy in the room with me starts to spout out calculations related to the topic. I'm not sure if I should continue presenting or not, but everyone else seems to be staring at him too.
Boat on a Stormy Sea I’m at an event taking place in a large, white tent, with people sitting at long tables in rows. I can’t remember the earlier part of the dream any longer, but at some point, a man on some sort of machine, kind of like a large tractor/open tank, bursts in and starts threatening people while riding up and down the aisles. He doesn’t actually seem to be trying to hurt anyone – yet – but it’s clearly a dangerous situation, so I head off to prepare properly before taking care of it. I go some distance away to a much smaller tent, where my own things are, and start by tying my hair back since that thing has exposed moving parts on it, and I want to be able to get close to it without having my neck snapped. While I’m getting ready, I plan, although I don’t think this will be very complicated. I figure I’ll just jump on and start messing with levers. But I’ll want to take out his grapply thingies first so he can’t just move them back. When I’m done, I go back a different way, past some fairly large buildings. The area is reminiscent of a university campus, and life seems to be going on normally here. A woman holding a number of small cards approaches me, wanting me to draw one. I do, knowing that she’s trying to help in some way. The cards are made of cardboard and are of varying sizes, as if they’re from multiple decks. I draw one which turns out to have a picture showing a boat on a stormy sea.* There’s accompanying text – I’m aware of having to focus more than usual in order to not instantly forget it (although, unfortunately, I did forget it between then and awakening). I take this as a positive sign. It also somehow suggests to me that it might be a good idea to see if I can get some of the other people in the tent to help out regarding the grapply things. * Note: this is the symbol for chords with dominant function in the app I use to practice improvising, which is something I was doing the night before this dream. 13.5.22 Cemetery Campsite I seem to be camping in a cemetery. Another tent is staked a few plots down – a mother and a young boy, who's three-ish, are staying there. I wonder whether I should tell them they’re camped on one of the graves that’s supposed to be haunted. We eventually do meet up somehow, and I show them the way to a local bank at her request. She meets with a couple of her relatives there, including an older woman who reminds me of somebody I know, who is looking after the child (who I now know is called Eliot) while she does something there. Eliot suddenly runs out of the building, and the woman follows, chasing him. I think she may need some help though, and so I wait around the opposite corner of the building and catch Eliot as he rounds it. He immediately starts crying. Sometime after that – back at the campsite – the woman has given me a bone with some meat on it to cook over a small fire. However, as I hold it over the flame, I notice there’s hardly any meat there at all – just a couple little scraps. Upon awakening, I also remembered a piano ostinato playing – not as a background of the dream, but as if it had somehow been going through my mind at the same time, apart from it. I didn’t check the pitches soon enough after the dream to be able to put it in a definite key, but this is what it sounded like: -15.5.22 Lots of interesting dreams lately. I'm not going to copy them all here, but highlights include: -Preparing for a chess match against a guy who likes to send his bishop in for a sacrifice on the f-pawn early in the game. I find this annoying and intend to make sure, through my own choice of moves, that this is not going to be an appealing option for him. -Lots of hostels and hotels. -Attending a concert on a campus but leaving after my rowdy friends got kicked out since it’s not really worth being there without them. -A lucid dream mostly consisting of talking to people and exploring.
12/6/20 I am at a sort of camping house which is located in a campground I frequent. It is a common area that seems like slightly nicer than a large shed. It is run down but charming like a rustic 3rd world b&b. There are daily cleaners who tidy up the place and the shower always smells nice. At a certain point I am doing laundry in a common space just casually listening to the sounds of the machines and the outdoors. There are a few people who hang out in the common room/kitchen, it is familiar to me because I have spent a fair amount of time in this room. Other people have the same sense of ownership. They have special events which can be facilitated like communal meal time or paid tours of the grounds we are on. There may be lasertag? I gather it costs like ten bucks a night for a fold out bed in one of the rooms. It's not fancy but it's dry and warm. I live there for a while with friends from the campground. I meet amazing people and we form a sort of impromptu family unit. Alex's wedding Alex the French guy cooking and I become friends at the campground ground, we become best friends during the summer and while there he meets the love of his life. She is called Eve and just as wild as he is. They hit it off really well while at the campground and are always around each other. At a certain point he asks her to marry him. Very happy for them both I tell him I am ordained and would love to officiate the ceremony for them. Fast forward to the day of it is something slightly different. His grand idea is to entertain her and her friend in the middle of a street while musicians set up behind them in a mass of chairs and perform their favorite sonata flash mob style. She is meant not to see the group before they are set up so him and I are attempting to distract them while the musicians show up. I am the main distraction. I am playing an accordion for the first time, I really enjoy how it sounds and remember some of the notes I play while dancing with the accordion like a drunk street performer, I get some compliments on passing. Cars keep coming down the path and Alex is getting distraught because Eve and her friend see people coming in and setting up behind them though I think they try to pretend not to, to preserve the illusion of surprise. The road was supposed to be closed off but traffic keeps cutting through the parking lot driving past where we are, we move to only blocking one lane. Her and her friend finally notice something special going on so he abandons the surprise and decides to move to an open part of the parking lot with no road going through it. The location then turns into a large room like one of those strip mall churches with drop ceilings and tile floors. She knows what's happening now, but it's ok the magic is in the air, everyone is getting excited now. She is getting ready with her bride's maids and they all have a different bright neon colour on. She is all blue in a tight fitting dress with a Massive blue fohawk, her friends have on, red and green with their hair dyed respectively, with also matching awesome huge hairstyles. Alex has on a snazzy suit. It almost looks like a mix of period and futuristic style. There are lines of chairs people are filing in taking their seats little by little. Alex was sitting next to me waiting for the orchestra to all get there and set up along with guests. At a certain point he goes to the doorway to see his fiancé. I think of the tradition and what people will think of him seeing her before the ceremony but he doesn't seem to mind. He stands with his back to the doorway and she comes up and gives him a kiss on the cheek, I am standing close to him, they are both giddy. He glances to the side but doesn't see all of her. Things then begin to be quite chaotic. Not all of the orchestra is here yet, there is uncertainty if they will all show up. A long tuba flute player is in front of me blowing into his flute thing, obviously bored. The ones that are there are just casually tuning their instruments making that pre-show cacophony. The bride starts to freak out a little bit, getting nervous and pacing back and forth at the front of the room. Alex goes up to try to comfort her to no avail. I now have an open seat next to me. There is an older couple which walks in looking for a seat and asks me if the one next to me is open. I tell them that's the groom's seat but see many open seats behind me I motion towards. There is a rough not unattractive girl who walks in, and I point to a seat behind me as well. A guy she was flirting with earlier in the dream(at the campground maybe?) is sitting next to the open seat. She mentions 'well at least someone can carry me out of here if I get too drunk' and the guy quietly pumps a 'Yes' fist action. I also gather she has some kind of show she is popular for. Things are becoming more chaotic now as the couple begins to audibly fight at the front of the room. There is a great disagreement which neither party is seeing eye to eye. The band is all here but are waiting to start playing. As with the crowd, we are all just kind of looking at each other while we watch the obviously distraught couple attempting to make amends just prior to their wedding. I really feel bad for the couple, Alex is being proud and trying to make light of everything to calm her down. She is upset he is not understanding her, claiming his insincerity is not helping and she's kind of laugh crying at his attitude. She tries to get away as he's following her back and forth in front of the room. It is really hard to watch. People in the audience start to bicker at each other, making snide comments and generally escalating the situation. Things are really going downhill now. Everyone is standing up and multiple people in the audience are in arguments. Someone makes a comment to the girl with the show obviously trying to throw shade however she seems oblivious to the criticism. I finally interject and say something for the first time. 'I mean, we all have seen your show, so we know who you are, but have YOU seen your show?' People gasp and everything stops while people standing in a circle are all looking at her and I now. I continue 'Now don't get me wrong, I like you, and I'm sure many people here do too. But you should really watch your show. Because if you do that then you would actually See Yourself. Like see yourself how we see you, not just how you see you, and that's not a bad thing. It's just the perspective of seeing yourself the way other people do. That's why relationships are so important, it's a way for us to see each other through each other's eyes, and that's beautiful. That's what is so special about Alex and Eve, they see each other, because they love each other, and it's that completely unadulterated vision which bonds people in this way.' Everyone is silent but smiling, The couple is quietly hugging behind the circle of people, they are watching and listening with tears in their eyes while smiling and pressing themselves into each other. 'Its important to see who you really are, or at least to find someone who can really see you, so that you can see yourself, and love yourself, so that you can love each other' The dream fades with a warmth of compassion in the room though it is quiet after my voice.
I'm in a big hall with a water pool. There are many other kids there and we have competitions. You are supposed to swim as fast as you can. I am the best. There are some time for free games at the end and the leader asks us what we want to do. I say that I like to swim but that Walter (A small DC that I have never seen before) can get my game request. Tuva N is holding him. I think to myself and regret that I didn't say that we could have a flying competition. I am being more lucid but the dream ends. Notes: I haven't seen Tuva in a long time. I'm walking in the woods with dad and it's dark. We have reach a place where Daniel S and many people I know from church are resting. I start to croon a meme song and as I hum more and more people that are sleeping join me. Everyone is crooning and I am happy. Notes: I have seen Daniel S pretty frequently for the past weeks. I'm on some kind of school trip and we are viewing different things. There is some kind of rank requirement. The worst rank is stingray two and the best is stingray nine. I didn't write down my dreams in my tag book when I woke up this night. I wanted to focus on my homework this day.
I was sleeping in Sturkö tonight and it was pretty cold so I woke up several times. I once again got the experience where I regain my conscious before I have woken up. I think this is the moment people mean when they talk about DEILD and how people are briefly awake before they fully wake up. I tried to WILD but gave up because the blankets I was using made me itch all the time. I'm in a desert and there is a pair of two small rabbit feet under the sand. They are about two millimeters in diameter. I pull the feet out of the sand and there is a rabbit. It bounces on my hand up and down and I am afraid that I might drop it. I turn left and walk in the desert until I reach the TV room upstairs. There are some people talking about D&D and how the rabbit is one of their characters. They talk about dexterity throws and how you always win them even if you roll a really low number. They talk about a bard too. Notes: I joined my friend in one of his D&D meetings with his friends and I was a bard. My friend was a small frog and I think the rabbit symbolised his character. My brother is playing some kind of game that looks like Ratchet and Clank. Later my family is going to watch some Batman movie. They ask my brother if he wants to play instead. Notes: There is a new Batman movie that is going to be released that my family wants to watch. I'm in a dark basement and I have some people on my team that are equipped with bullet proof vests and rifles. We proceed and shoot criminals as we go forward. The criminals shoot at us too. There is a long corridor with different kinds of protection for the criminals on each side of the corridor. We spend some time shooting at each other there. My team is being shot down and I am the only one remaining. It is pitch-dark but the criminals are outlined with a white color as they walk against me because I have special vision. They don't see me and I hide to the left of a door. They walk past me and I try to be as small as possible. They look over me and suddenly their faces are full with fear and they run out of the basement. When they leave I look where they looked and find that there is some kind of text engraved in the wall. I realize that there are some kinds of monsters in here. I quickly run to the exit hatch but the criminals are about to close it. I take my gun that is now some kind of high tech shotgun. I shoot with it against the hatch and scream as if I was one of the monsters. The criminals quickly run away in fear and I am able to escape the building. There is a car running up alongside me. I enter the car and the man driving next to me knows about the failed operation. I tell him about the text but doesn't quite remember what it said. I tell him that it was something about blood. He quickly realizes what monster I am talking about and says in a cool way that it is the blood hunters. I don't ask about the monsters and he doesn't tell me about them. There is a yellow car in front of us and I see something in their baggage. While both of the cars are driving I open my door, go to the front of our car, and rip of the back glass of the other car and the glass is like plastic (I don't remember how I was able to do it). I look inside and see some mattresses. I pull them out and grab something and takes it with me into the other car that I was in before. We drive and reach some kind of camp. The man driving is now my dad. The yellow car I stole something from earlier is now back. They are friendly to me even though I stole from them. I walk around the camp and a woman says that I am too young to sleep in the comfortable tent, I have to learn how to handle the cold. Me and dad enters a big tent that can hold about 15 people sleeping. I look down on the sticks and ropes that hold the tent up and notice that they are divided in groups of three. I think about the tent construction for some time and go to a chair. There are many other kids there now. One of the children is identical to Diego's half sibling. She talks to her sister about my name and how it is spelled with a c and not a k. I don't mind it but think that she is cute. She comes to me with a picture and asks me if I am the same person. It is a picture of my sister when she was about 10 years old. There is something wrong with the eyes on the photo which creates a feeling of sickness and craziness in a bad way. I tell her that it is my sister but she doesn't seem to understand my swedish. There is a teacher and she talks about how we should have read To Kill a Mockingbird. Some people in the class say they read some chapters three times in order to fully understand them. I have only read it once and is therefore nervous that I might fail. People with cakes come in and drop them of next to my seat. I cut a chocolate cake next to me but decide that I shouldn't eat it because it isn't mine. There comes a woman who says to a disabled man next to me that he shouldn't have cut the cake. I feel bad because the disabled person is unable to say that it wasn't him. I tell the woman that it was I who cut the cake and that I am truly sorry. She appreciates my honest answer and gives me a smile. There comes a disabled girl to the front who is about to confess something. She starts of that she can't resist blonde people and I have to think a second if I have blonde hair and is relieved when I remember that I have brown hair. She also confesses that she is a sex addict and that it is hard. Notes: That was a long dream. I never saw the monster but it feels as if they were like the monsters from until dawn. I saw a yellow car yesterday. I thought about mattresses before I went to bed. It was a cold night in Sturkö so I dreamt about sleeping in the cold. I baked some chocolate balls yesterday to my cousins birthday, I got some cake when I dropped the chocolate balls off.
Updated 10-07-2020 at 09:06 AM by 97565
Usual routine, drank my elixer, took my supplements at the usual times. Asleep around midnight. First dream, all I remember is something about a van, hearing police sirens, trying to run away (drugs in the car) knowing I was going to get caught so deciding with the guy I was with that we would surrender ourselves. We get in an elevator with the police, the guy I'm with kicks a bottle cap. Then as if it were a firecracker, the bottle cap starts bouncing around the elevator compartment, and I crouch down. It hits me in my back repeatedly, so much so that I know this is going to kill me. I wake up with my back still hurting. I'm camping in the woods, perhaps waiting for my family to pick me up. Theres a very friendly monkey playing around near me, so I join him. We swing around wildly from the trees and have lots of fun. I remember telling some people about the monkey, and as if the story was incredibly boring, they all just sorta walked away... I wake up from the awkwardness. I've time travelled, its the 1960s. My hippie friends and I are driving around in a van. Next thing I know, we've crashed and damaged a public park area in the middle of nowhere. The police tell us we have 10 weeks to restore the area or else be charged. Looking around, it's old, but extremely beautiful landscape. Theres a full crazy zoo, I fly over it, afraid to fall into the enclosures. There are animals like tigers, chimps, everything crazy and exotic. I know they are here because most families don't own a TV or computer like we do now, and this is the only way they would ever see an animal like this outside of a book. We restore the area, but it's not as nice as before. Next dream... Still the 1960's, still in a van with hippies. One girl has long, beautiful red hair. She is romantically with the guy that time travelled with me, but that doesn't stop me from pursuing her. At some point, I kiss her, and it's amazing. We talk about how everyone is so chill in this time, that it doesn't matter if someones ex girl and current girl are friends. She tells me its because "we all live for the music, it's our only true love." This girl has been to Woodstock. We decide next time I time travel, that is where we'll go, and I'll find her there. I overhear her telling a group of her friends she's bisexual, a female friend of hers is disgusted, and this upsets me greatly. Next dream... I'm with new people now, a youngish guy and his sister. It's still the past, but perhaps further back this time. There was some nonsense about a magic spell, some CRAZY driving on tracks that went up and down hils and upside down and even jumped holes in the tracks a few times, like a rollercoaster, but in a van. The girl seems to like me, and we kiss secretly several times. Her brother seems to know, as does a female friend of hers. It's very scandalous. When it's time for me to go back to 2020, I tell them as much as I can. Cigarettes are bad, septum piercings are popular, no one cares very much if you're gay, music festivals are still great but nothing ever compares to Woodstock. I wake up for the last time.
Dream 1: I was a sort of groundskeeper for a Boy Scout camp in the woods. It was the last day, and everyone was ready to go home after a week of camping. I was replacing some paper towels in a bathroom dispenser (the kind where it has the lever you pull down to dispense the towels) in one of the bathrooms, when I noticed a noise coming to my left side. A giant python (dream self knew it was someone's pet) had made its way into the bathroom and was coming right at me. Before I could react, it bit my left arm and was starting to wrap around it. I managed to get it off before it could wrap too tightly, and I pulled its head off of my arm with my other hand. So there I was, holding this all-black python by its head, bleeding in the bathroom. Somehow I ended up making it home while holding onto the snake. I remember a distinct feeling of soreness in my fingers from clamping down on it's head to stop it from biting me again. It also made no more attempts to constrict me, as its body just dragged behind the head wherever I took it. I tried many times to kill the snake. One attempt I made, I tried to twist its neck and snap its head off. I felt and heard the bones crushing, but it didn't die. I also didn't have a free hand to do it any meaningful harm. I went downstairs and asked my mother for help. We took it into the backyard and I held it taught as she sawed off its head with my pocketknife. It was such a relief to finally be able to let go of the snake after holding so tightly onto it for so long. Dream 2: I was in the backyard of a very nice house in some tropical / Hollywood-type neighborhood, on the side of a hill. Other houses stretched far below to a body of water. The person who's house it was wasn't around, as it seems me and my girlfriend were house sitting and watching their dogs. There were at least seven different dogs there, one of whom was the leader of their pack. As me and my girlfriend were sitting in the backyard watching them run around and play, one of the smaller dogs did something it wasn't supposed to. It knew this because we saw it tuck its tail in and run away from the others. The leader saw this happen and it could not go unpunished. The smaller dog jumped into the pool in the back- yard and sank to the bottom in an attempt to hide, but it was no use. The leader dog grabbed a double kayak paddle in its mouth, swam to the bottom, and began to hit the other dog on the side, while they were both at the bottom of the pool. After it was done with the punishment, it swam back up to the surface and got out of the pool, while the other dog lay there motionless. We thought it was dead, until a few bubbles emerged from its mouth and floated to the surface. It was a relief to know it wasn't dead.
Updated 06-11-2020 at 08:10 PM by 63075
I am camping at Frenchmans with Melissa and I think one other. We are sitting around the fire pit, and there’s quite a bit of stuff set up around it, like we’re here for a while or just well prepared. I’m not sure if there’s a fire going or not. It seems to be dusk or nearing dark. I think I’m going to start the fire now. I put down some paper materials for starters, but then I can’t find any wood. I bring it up to Melissa, and she has a brief look of realization. She says she forgot to bring it. I’m not sure what to do, then Melissa says she saw some in the trailer. That does sound right, so I go to check. The trailer feels more like a big car, but still partially like a trailer. I climb in and onto what seems to be the back seats. It seems more like a bed, a bed that could fit about two. It seems kinda comfy, and I think about sleeping with Melissa in here instead. I find the firewood and it is all on top of two folded down seats, shaped almost like it is serving as the seats instead. I wonder if I should really be taking any if it is serving a purpose here. I think that most likely Opa placed it like this. I end up pulling a few pieces out, most smaller but one longer. The wood is darker in color, thin, and not very heavy. I am at work, going back on video to look for something, when I inadvertently see two guys arbitrarily grabbing Levis like they’re going to do a grab and run. I notice that one is wearing a backpack. Now I am out on the floor and right by them. I think just my walking by is enough to get them to drop the merchandise. They go over by men’s shoes and I think out an emergency exit door that’s open. Another man is standing by the door, sort of like a look out. He is wearing a white rabbit mask. It looks like a plain and rudimentary mask with just a strap on the backside, yet the effect is somewhat unnerving and intimidating. I don’t exactly want to go over there. I call Scott over the radio to see if he’s seeing this. From the way he says no, I assume he was not watching all along. I assume he’s pulling it up on camera now.
A collection of fragments I can't remember in enough detail to get their own topic, but with some interesting parts I don't want to just forget. --- 07-23-2017 -- Again, a bit of a shorter one. Another Harry Potter dream, taking place in a sort of a cross between a school, and a mall, I think. Something evil is pursuing us, and we're trying to find a way to defend and protect ourselves, and Hermione has come up with some sort of gadget that can help keep us safe, but it needs to be made with a fairly good-sized gem. Malfoy has been trying to become a better person, though he is still a bit annoying, but Hermione is telling him about the new devices to help keep us safe, anyway. When she mentions needing the gems to make them, he pulls out a bag with his D&D dice, and it turns out a couple of the larger dice were lost, and he had replaced them with large, multi-faceted gemstones, so he is able to give her a couple more to make more of the things. There was a lot more to this, originally, but it was very hard to remember, and faded especially quickly. --- 07-25-2017 -- Can't remember all that much of this, but I am Harry Potter, and am on some kind of camping trip in the woods, and am trying to sleep in a sort of a camp bed, but I find that I am in some kind of a tree, and there is a big, violent gorilla who is trying to reach me and attack me. I am trying to stay out of his way, but he is fast, agile, and can climb well. I keep trying to get out of his reach, and he eventually does something that launches us both off the side of a cliff. He falls to his death, or at least serious injury, while I somehow manage to save myself with some sort of hover charm or something, then am explaining the whole situation to Tonks while listening to old music. Strange. --- 08-19-2017 -- Anything earlier is gone. Waiting for a bus near Knott's Berry Farm. Kind of flirting with a girl who might, just might, be Amy F. And accidentally catch my phone between my body and something solid, and manage to more or less snap it in half, longways, and I am really disgusted with myself about it. Meanwhile, somebody sick has come along, and has their doctor along with them, and is giving them a check-up at the bus stop, and I had heard something about this and tried to make arrangements, so the doctor is willing to see me and prescribe something for my HBP, and in the aftermath of that, I manage to miss two buses by being in just the wrong place at the wrong time. Flash forward, and it is now a week later. I am out traveling with mom, and we are at the same bus stop, and I am hoping to see the doctor again, but I don't know if he travels this route weekly or only once a month or what. A doctor is passing through, but it turns out he is not here to do medicine, but just on a walk or something. Then 'my' doctor comes through and he is checking on me briefly, and I decide I want to tell him the conversation that looks like gibberish, until you know the secret. MR Ducks, MR Nott, OSAR CM Wangs? OILB MR Ducks. {'Em are ducks. 'Em are not. Oh yes they are ... see 'em wings? Oh I'll be ... 'em are ducks.) But he wanders off for a minute and before he can get back, the bus comes (on the wrong side of the street.) I catch it and go one stop, then decide to go off since the Doctor still hasn't come back yet, but as I get off I don't see mom and don't know if she got off, so I get back on the bus, and find her standing by the bus driver, talking to him, so I guess I am missing the doctor. The next thing I know, I've gotten off the bus somewhere else. There is no sign of mom, and I think I am having a short conversation with Sheila Smith, which has her commenting something on how she can likely answer a few questions, and I say sure, as long as they aren't on the subject of, say, Muslim dating rituals or something, and she seems hesitant, and I am considering making a statement about how I thought it was Anne who was the cast member with a Muslim history (something from another dream that wasn't written down, nor anything except that one bit remembered) as she walks into the Peter Marshall cafeteria for a rehearsal, and I wait to catch another bus. Weird.
06-17-2017 -- Am on a camping trip somewhere, no idea who with, where, or why. Just somewhere out in the wild, and somebody is arguing with me about how much I have or haven't been a part of things. They don't think I've been around for most of the stuff that day, but I have memories of doing the day's activities, so I think they're nuts. But about that time, the single unit parking lot tram type of vehicle leading off for the latest activity is starting to drive off, so I'm running along side, trying to pull myself aboard. The next thing I know, I find myself at a huge stadium, where they are getting ready to host one of the major WWE events (probably Great American Bash). Somebody may have announced it, or I may just know, but I think we're in Baltimore. I don't have a ticket, can't afford one, and probably wouldn't be able to get past security to get into the actual seating area, but nobody does a think about my simply wandering around. The ring is positioned on a large stage very like the one at Videopolis, which means there are curtains around it, and it is slightly raised ... it's like watching a wrestling event at Videopolis, and for a temporary place to sit, I walk up to the edge of the stage and pull myself up on it, sitting right beside the curtain, where I'm mostly out of sight of the crowd (people looking closely might spot my legs dangling at the end of the stage.) There's another person here, an older teen, much like I suspect I am in this dream, who looks a little wild, has very curly hair, and may actually be one of the WWE wrestlers, like Santana or something like that. He settles down on the stage like I am, and we just watch as the wrestlers come and go and wander around. Actually, don't see any wrestling going on. More like people are being introduced and things. Some of the wrestlers are being called up on stage, and as they approach and wait their turns, we get to meet a couple of them. I think I kind of wave to a couple of big names in passing, and at one point Dean Malenko is standing right next to me, so I make a comment about enjoying his wrestling in WCW, and mentioning the whole Man of 1,000 Holds schtick, and he seems like a nice enough guy. So we're sitting there for a while, when people start joining us, sitting on the edge of the stage, and soon four of us are lined up, HHH, then the other guy, then Stephanie, then me, all pressed fairly tightly together. Problem is, at this point I find I'm sitting there wearing only a bathrobe and my underwear, so I'm kind of holding the bathrobe closed because I do not want to either offend Stephanie, nor, if the cameras ever swing to catch Steph and HHH's reaction to anything, do I want to be broadcast with my underwear showing. I am thinking about mentioning to Stephanie that I met her here in Baltimore at another Great American Bash a few years ago (in another dream, though I think in that dream it was in Indiana instead of Maryland), but I decide not to draw attention to myself, since I don't belong here, and just feel uncomfortable pressed against Stephanie while holding my robe together. Soon Vince has come around and joined us as well, but he gives me and the other guy a bit of a strange glance, and soon after the other guy has left. I'm still sitting there watching stuff, until Vince starts making comments under his breath about security and having people arrested, and I realize that unlike everybody else, he's not going to just ignore the guy who doesn't belong, but is just sitting quietly, and I understand that the curly haired guy 'got' this realization quicker than I did, and that's why he ran off. I stand up and wander backstage, hoping that I can avoid any security, but still nobody seems to care, and I'm thankful that Vince is willing to let me depart under my own steam. I wander around backstage for a while, passing other wrestlers, interviewers, and production people, while looking for a way out of the arena.
04-30-2017 -- Actually, I have no idea when this was dreamed. Had to be after the last one I wrote down, but it was several weeks ago. It was a very interesting dream that I certainly meant to write down while it was still fresh, but it never ended of happening, so now I'm jotting down what I can remember on the 29th of May, and assigning a (likely incorrect) date to list it by. Somehow I'm on a cadet-style camping trip, but I'm Harry Potter, and the one in charge of the trip is Dumbledore. As might be expected, it is very strange, and actually kind of boring, so I decide to make things more interesting by grabbing a dead tree limb and trying to make myself a good broom. I actually manage to do a fairly good job of it, and am flying around, but Albus is upset that I might be seen. Thankfully, I've also got my invisibility cloak, which allows me to keep myself somewhat hidden. So he's on my case, but it's the only thing we've found fun to do on the trip, so we continue to work on flying. Soon we're flying through the dream version of the Buena Park Mall, but whatever spell we've used to power the brooms have started to weaken, and I'm drifting to the ground, right where people are looking to try and catch me. Thankfully, Sirius is right there with another broom that he's made, so he tosses it to me, and I fly off again, and Sirius finds himself arguing with his harridan of a mother (who is alive and not a painting), even though I seemed to be getting along with her quite well. There's a bit with me walking through Waldenbooks, while talking with Remus and Sirius about more broom options, and I end up wrapping a bit of cheese or something around the handle of my latest broom as a joke, figuring it wouldn't work, but when I try to fly with it, it shoots up into the air, sending off sparks like a major firework, blasting up into an arc, before coming down again, used up very quickly, but providing an amazing pyrotechnic show, and I decide it is an amazingly cool effect that I will have to work with some more.
24/3/16 In this dream I am apparently a werewolf, for reasons unknown to me. I'm not even sure how I knew this since I never transformed or anything throughout the dream but I seemed positive that I was one while recalling this dream. I was walking beside the ocean with a girl, she was a few years younger than me and seemed kind, but a little naive. We had been walking a while and came upon a row of tents and my companion decided she needed to rest, and wanted to ask the people who had put up the tents if they'd mind if she slept in one. The sun was beginning to set over the ocean and I reluctantly agreed. "Do not tell them what I am, and stay safe, you don't know these people." I said, almost coldly. I didn't need or want to sleep, so I left. I think I was kind of a protector or guardian figure for the girl, but was also aloof and stern. dreamskip I was returning from somewhere. It was early morning, the stars were still out. I remember walking back onto the beachfront where the tents were, and overhearing loud music and talking from inside the tents. "I knew it. Teenagers." I said, not surprised but also feeling slightly angry, paternal instincts kicking in perhaps. I opened the flap on the the tent and noticed people smoking weed and drinking, and barged in to grab my companion and her bag. People seemed incredulous that I'd just walk in and "spoil their fun". I left with the girl and woke up soon after.
I took dream leaf again, the alternative method really seems to work for me. Take a red pill the previous night and then the next night (which was last night) take the blue pill right before bed and then dream. I had a series of dreams, some of them repeated but there was something a little different each time so here we go. 1st dream: I hanged out with a childhood friend named Jet and another friend (who I knew in the dream world but not in the real world) we were kid of offroading with a jeep somewhere out in the boonies and it lasting long enough for day to turn to night, around night time I pulled out my phone and explained I wanted to record what we were doing and we came across this large mountain, it was sitll in the distance but it turns out to be a Volcano and it erupted and large amounts of black smoke and very hot stones poured out of it and they kept we kept driving toward it and a very hot rock landed on my stomach and it burned and I said to turn around and we did. We had to do something and take a drug test later the next day but we decided to get really really high anyway (weed people calm down) and so we went for the drug test still very high and there were a lot of people who had to do it but this test was different then normal drug tests we had to sit at a desk and spit into a test tube but not only that we had to put a manikin arm in the tube and it would change colors depending on if we were high or not and also it would inscribe in the arm our names and birthdays. For some reason it enscribed the wrong birthday (my real birthday is Jan 16th 1996, but it said Jan 16th 1949) and trust me, in my dream I was still my young self. The guy next to me was for some reason FaZe Apex and we talked a little bit and my arm started to change colors very fast and it was like neon weird colors and Apex said "this guy is still really high wtf" and it got to a point where everyone was trying to take the test tube away because I was sitting there staring at the changing colors for a long time, I said hold on and I put it down and my dream ended. I had two lucid dreams but neither of them lasted very long, for some reason I would realize I am dreaming but before I could change anything I would wake up in a different dream and the thing that makes it even more weird is I was thinking about lucid dreaming WHILE I WAS DREAMING and I didn't recognize that I was dreaming in most of my dreams. 1st dream repeat: This one was about going offroading again in the open jeep but instead of my childhood friend it was one of my current best friends (lets call him Alex) and the other dude was the same, I didn't know his name but somehow we were friends. We had to run down this large hill to get to the jeep and it turned into a race so what I did was I jumped off part of the cliff instead and I had that suit that can make a person glide down, it had like flying squirl arms and legs and I flew over Alex and I was like "I am winning!" Both of my friends said I was nuts but I pulled the parachute last minute and landed perfectly next to the Jeep. I got in the passenger and Alex got in the back we drove around a lot and as day turned into night I started recording on my phone again, this time there was no Volcano but we got into a clearing in a wooded area and we stopped, at this point I realized I was dreaming and I just said "You know, you guys are my best friends." I didn't get a response because when I turned around they were gone and I was alone by myself and Darkness started to envelope my world and my dream ended. I think the part of me that is so very alone started to kick in once I realized I was dreaming and it took away my friends and said "you don't deserve to be happy, you don't deserve to be with friends." 2nd dream, it was very short, I woke up and I was a kid sitting in a bus with other kids and we were going on a field trip, I talked about my dreams but every other kid was mean and was a bully to me. I didn't let it bother me and I just woke up in a different dream. which was another repeat of dream 1.