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    1. The WBTB into Sonic 06 followed by DEILD spammage

      by , 11-16-2014 at 01:18 AM
      non-dream dream lucid

      Stayed up a long time again due to Desert Bus for Hope. (Damn they have a nice stream layout this year and I've seen some awesome stream layouts.)

      I started up my WBTB clock (goes off 4 hours after its started up regardless of when its started up) and went to sleep.

      Woke up once, 2 hours before the clock, and immediately went back to sleep, woke up again 4 mins before the alarm and closed it.

      I then practiced SSILD cycles, and went back to sleep.

      I recall jumping in between falling shipping containers. I then recall gliding down a curved rail that almost looks like a spring.
      I am then on a menu where OverTheGun is talking about saving the birds or something like that.
      I am looking through a container with a glass window.

      Eventually I'm in my back yard, the game having ended. It's very similar to IWL except the house is longer and there's more trees. Everything's also very blue strangely enough.

      I'm here with the DCs from the ending of the game, sitting in a ditch. There's a bunch of kittens here.
      I am talking to one DC, and then I start getting aware.
      I start looking around almost immediately.
      I then realize
      I'm dreaming, and I continue to look around for a bit, looking at how real everything looks. I feel the grass and I hear what it sounds like. I then say "I'm dreaming". I then realize that I'm probably about to wake up soon, so I tell the DCs that I'm about to wake up.

      Everything starts getting really blurry, and I get pulled out of the dream. I then
      feel myself in my bed.

      "Don't move! You can still continue! Just think about the dream lightly!"
      I lay there for a few seconds, before a DEILD begins.

      I'm in my basement after the DEILD, and I look around.
      My mom is there, and I yell "I'M DREAMING!" right out of the Stanley parable.

      My mom comes over and asks what's up, and i tell her "I'm dreaming right now". She starts hugging me and telling me "You're alright!". I feel the dream start to destabilize.

      I tell her "The dream is destabilizing!" and I start rubbing my hands together. I can feel my hands rubbing together bug it feels very blurry as well.

      It comes back but its slow. I then get up and look around, and everything looks crystal clear. The basement is much larger than IWL and there's more wood than normal. Most of my vision is taken up by mom though, oddly enough. I ask her "What is the best dream stabilization technique for me?". She doesn't talk, but instead she just grabs me by the nose and pulls me forward towards the steps.

      We start walking up the steps and I recall the other LD where I woke up walking up the steps. I start thinking "This is bad shit, don't go up there!" but by doing this the dream is destroyed and I
      wake up.

      I DEILD again.

      I open my eyes in my kitchen, on a bed. Already strange as obviously there isn't a bed hovering in my kitchen IWL, and even if there was, you wouldn't want to sleep there.

      I look around and everything is blurry but I notice that the walls of the kitchen are of the same siding that the living room is made out of. It's very dark brown. I get up and do a nose pinch RC, and I can breath through, noticing the same effect from the last LD. Interestingly I don't slip while doing it as well.

      I then walk into the living room. Most of the stuff from IWL is here except it has a Victorian style. I look around again and everything is blurry, but I notice that if I stair at the same scene for more than a few seconds, that it becomes crystal clear. Clearer than IWL.

      I walk into the hallway, and I look around again.
      It's almost identical to the hallway IWL. There's a vacuum cleaner in the corner, and the white shelf from IWL isn't there. I walk towards the bathroom door, but I don't open it.

      I notice a towel on the vacuum cleaner, and I look at it. I look at how real it is. I can look at every single thread on the towel with surprising accuracy.

      I start walking towards the end of the hallway where the steps are, and everything feels completely real. To the point where the omnipresent dream feeling goes away and I have to actually verbally remind myself that I'm dreaming.

      I then say "This is why you don't just become lucid from any random dream, THIS. Look how friggin real everything looks!". I look at the gate that blocks off the stairs (not that I was planning to go down them). I then turn around and walk back to the living room where everything fades and
      I wake up again.

      I start doing DEILD again but I can feel my breathing this time. I then think about it for a bit before deciding to just
      get up.

      I then start writing this down.

      Spoiler for Temp:

      Updated 11-16-2014 at 04:19 AM by 24562

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    2. The Government

      by , 06-01-2011 at 10:59 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      This dream was long, I mean LONG. It felt like hours, but I wish I could remember the first part of the dream which explains what I stole. All I remember about that is pricking my finger or pressing some tiny button which was red.

      I was on the run from some sort of giant corporation, perhaps the government, because I disobeyed them. I was trying to 'drop off the radar' so to speak, disappear from the government and it's control. I believe I stole something very important to them. There was some form of alarm set off by a lazer pen tip, but I don't remember anything other than touching it with the tip of my finger. It looked a little like a calligraphy pen.

      I got back to my house and I knew I needed to hide, and I couldn't hide inside because the corporation would come looking for me there. I asked my dad what I should do, and he told me to stay outside for the next week. The first thing that ran through my mind was 'What will I use as shelter!', and my dad proceeded to find a plastic storage container with a large crack in it, and told me I should sit in it, that because of the crack I could rock back and forth.

      I took it out into my backyard and searched for where I should hide. It was very cloudy, and most of the colour was washed out of the scenery because of it. I didn't want to hide in the bushes because they are filled with spiders, but I thought I would be too easy to find in the open. It was a tough decision, but I chose to set up right out in the open on my back lawn I tried to sleep in the tub. It wasn't comfortable, so I used the crack to bust a hole in one end, and put that over my head as I lay down on my side and tried to sleep underneath it. It started raining, but I didn't get wet because of my plastic box covering my head.

      What a weird dream.. possibly a continuation or precursor to a previous dream I've had where I was going to be killed by a bald man. That makes sense, actually. Odd.