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    1. Sleep-Paralysis and Glowing Aliens.

      by , 01-24-2012 at 03:34 AM
      Date: 1/23/2012

      Fragment 1:
      I can't exactly remember what the beginning of this dream was about, but I remember feeling guilty and happy at the same time throughout the start of it. A strange combination if you ask me. But anyway, the first thing I can clearly remember is being surrounded by glowing lights, that kind of in a way resembled stars. It was beautiful. They were all kinds of colors. It felt like I was floating in space, or suspended in mid-air. Then a figure faded in, a young male, attractive, yet alien. His skin was a shade of navy blue and his pupil-less eyes glowed like the lights surrounding me. He had long wispy hair, the same shade as his skin. And there were spots on him that were translucent, and showed the same glowing light as the stars beneath his skin. He took my hand and caressed my face. Then, this is when I realized I was dreaming. Because one, I thought, "Oh no, I shouldn't feel attracted to this thing, I feel like I'm cheating on the person I love." And two, I realized that it wasn't normal to have an alien thing touching my face with his hands. Then I guess, the dream became lucid and I pushed away. I woke up from the realization of it (which I wish I wouldn't have because I seldom have lucid dreams.) And then I drifted back to sleep.

      Fragment 2:
      I had the feeling that I was awake, but I couldn't quite wake up. I couldn't control myself, and it seemed like I was drifting away from my body. I felt afraid, scared. I saw floating open-mouthed faces close to mine, but I couldn't open my mouth to scream. I could tell I was in my bedroom, though. I think I may have been in a state of sleep-paralysis. It's not the first time it's happened. But it was still frightening. Once I finally woke up I didn't dare go back to sleep. I was too afraid, which was silly. I know that dreams can't hurt me. But regardless, it wasn't pleasant.

      I wish I could remember more details. My dreams were actually somewhat interesting this time.