Updated 01-31-2025 at 04:07 AM by 99032
I’m walking outside somewhere with Stella. The area seems unfamiliar. It still looks like Nevada though, with the rolling hills and lack of trees. We ascend a hill that I notice is now a dusty orange slate. It is steep enough to make me question my footing, especially since there are little pebbles all around. Stella runs circles around me in her excitement; I switch the leash between my hands to accommodate it. I’m now at the very top and the whole surrounding area comes into view. It is very pretty-there’s an ethereal-ness to it, so I take some pictures. I think this is the furthest I’ve gone this way and it didn’t take too long. I’m in what feels like an underground building. It all seems to be under construction, in an early phase. It’s dim and sparse and it feels like I should not be here. There are several construction workers and I’m trying to not be seen by them. There seems to be a few levels and many rooms. I go into a couple and at times see some creepy scenes. One room in particular has an arrangement of stuffed animals that doesn’t sit right with me. I get creeped out and leave the room. I think I am supposed to be doing something here (but I’m not sure what). Now I am with mom and sorting a black trash bag of things to either keep or throw away. I set aside the reusable things (pens, etc) to keep and want to throw away the rest, like papers and projects. I’m outside somewhere unfamiliar and trying to take a nap where I’m lying on some weird edge. It seems like the edge of a truck bed or something? I then end up in a tent. I have an iPad or tablet and put on the Pandora station ‘guitar for sleep’ or something similar. I tried a similar station first but it wasn’t very conducive for me trying to sleep. I now close my eyes and it’s still very bright, though I think I fall asleep for a while. I emerge with the post-nap grogginess and go to be around everyone else (not sure who). (fragment) I am somehow holding onto the back end of a bus, what seems like a tour bus. Someone else is doing the same on the right side of the bus. The bus takes off, driving a little too fast for my uncertain grip. I’m not sure why I’m doing this.
I was trying to sleep in real life but a lot of construction was happening and instead of thinking of it in a negative way I tried to view it as a way to help me fall asleep. Before I knew it eventually I decided to get up from my bed with my blankets and proceeded to open the front door outside and go to a nearby stairway to sleep on instead. As I'm laying on the stairs thinking about finally getting some sleep. I notice a higher stairway to go up and figure I'll probably be less bothered by people if they can't see me sleeping. So I got up and went up to the stairs and as I got to the highest point I saw a open door to a person house. My curiosity got the better of me and I went inside and look around. I immediately realize I was committing a crime while be inside this person home. I accidentally knock over a vase with flowers and it shatter on to the floor. I look around and thought to myself I have to get out of here. I started looking for the door I walk in to the home but wasn't able to find it. I then found a front door with a lock and unlock it to go outside. I opened the door and was extremely stunned to see it pitch black outside. But it was just morning going in to the evening soon. There's no way it could be night again. I started becoming lucid and knew I was in a dream. I walk outside for some time in till the dream scene change and I lost lucidity.
I'm sitting on a toilet and having a video chat with an old person that reminds me of Tim in church. I'm trying to get a better camera angle and I'm embarrased that I'm sitting on the toilet while I video chat with him. Even though I try to point the camera only on my face there is a huge mirror behind me that makes it so that I can't hide myself. The video chat ends and I look myself in the smaller mirror over the sink. I notice that my hair is very short and pointing in all directions. Dream gap. I'm in the kitchen in church and I'm talking with the old man from before. He is holding in a plate with a lot of cakes that are half eaten. I grab some of a chocolate cake and it tastes good. I walk out and try to find a place where I can sleep. I look in barntillsynen but a person is sleeping in there. I look in primary but someone is there too. I walk to the chairs by the entrance and see my mom and someone else there too. A person is lying on the floor sleeping. Mom says that I can watch a movie. My view is drawn into a movie about some european people in India. They walk by a big road with a lot of sand present and suddenly a car stops. An indian man tries to scam them but he fails. They keep on walking on the road and another car stops. Another indian man tries to start a conversation with them but they are suspect since the last one tried to scam them. After some seconds the indian man says he has to do some errands and drives away again. He was not trying to scam them.
I am outside somewhere. It seems dim or dark. It’s almost like I am watching this scene, as opposed to in it. There is a horse, and the horse is pulling a cart or something. There’s someone on the cart, directly behind the horse. I now watch as the horse begins to give birth. Once the foal is birthed, the scene (and me too?) rises into the night sky. Something slowly changes into an image of a rabbit/rabbits. (*this scene is oddly psychedelic and definitely inspired by the little bit of Watership I watched last night). Now I am laying in bed or asleep. There are OBE sensations for a while, until I open my eyes. There is something slightly different, either the scene or my perception. I know that this is an OBE or a dream state. I walk out of the room and into the dark kitchen, where I see on the oven that it is 1am. I then make my way to the front door and open it. It is night, but with the illumination that comes with heavy snowfall. There are a few inches on the ground (*just like in real life) and it is still coming down. I walk out on the dry strip under the roof’s protrusion. I have the notion to rise up into the air, but when I try I cannot. Now, I think I wake up in bed.
I am outside, I think by the river walk. I am walking along and above the river as quite a few people float down it. I know a few of the people floating. The river has been fairly mellow, but I see that just ahead it becomes turbulent, steep, and rocky. The water is violently sucked through narrow openings in the dark rock, and I get really scared for a moment, thinking its too late for them to get out of the water and so they’ll be swept away. I then see some sort of tube that they are able to crawl down. It’s not as steep as I thought either, so they can make it safely. I am now down by the water. A portion of it is covered by a bridge or some other wood that’s only a foot or to above the surface. I get into the water and the resulting cool shade. There are some school aged kids in here. There’s a slight rapid and they’re jumping/doing tricks down it. I make my way closer to the edge, moving a fishing line or string of some sort out of the way. Suspended on it is a small creature or two, or the remnants thereof. It’s slightly uncomforting. I don’t jump, but I slide down the rapid. I’m now in a flat section that I think is the end of the river. I think it is the end because in a few yards it seems to start to drain into the ground below. Water coming from the other direction meets it and drains too, in a slight whirlpool. There are two guys (in red shirts?) standing by it. I have been asleep and dreaming when I briefly awaken. I’m just awake enough to be conscious of it, though my eyes are still closed and I’m still lying still. The image I’m remembering of the dream is of an older, bearded man’s face (older, but not too old, long hair and beard coarse and mostly brown, but with some gray). I recall this image and try to make it seem real, and it starts to pull me back into the dream state. My body starts to tingle and feel like it’s floating. I hear some sort of static/whooshing sound. I see a hypnagogic montage of whitish and wispy outlines of faces against black. It feels like I might be out to enter back into the dream, but I never do, the awareness returning to my body.
I had quite a few dreams, all were in a dark and cold environment. First I had a quite abstract and hazy dream about counting the numbers 1-9. Each time a number was counted I would be rocketed higher inside a cavernous underground quest. Then my parents were there doing something. And something about a cat too :3 2nd in a poky kitchen, a hippyish woman with lank blond hair was kindly asking if I wanted something she had made. I was unsure about her due to her close proximity, fitting the thing around my neck and face. Also I was unsure as to whether she was giving it to me or trying to get me to buy it. It was made of a star, a cylinder shape and a babies bottle filled with flavoured water. The liquid smelt nice and comforting, I imagined it had cinnamon in it. After she had been talking for a while I noticed she had bags in cupboards and around filled with these products. I felt sorry for her that she had not managed to get rid of any. I moved away into a corridor adjoining the kitchen. I needed to pee but found I was now a woman with dark almost shoulder length straight hair. I went into one of the cubicles but felt I was being watched so I came out. There was a guy, a stranger, standing just outside the bathrooms. When I went out he went to grab and kiss me, I did not respond as this felt all wrong, I wasn't a woman. Next we were outside, and he was hiding me as he lay with lots of other soldiers on a pile of sandy earth. He was however unable to hide me and I was pulled up by whoever was in charge when a load of uniform men with guns turned up. They were wearing uniform that looked like dark grey or black, world war two with rifles. I was pushed over to a wall where I slumped and was shot at. I had clearly been shot a few times, as there was a load of blood that had splattered. note: I never know whether to categorise these as nightmare as I don't remember a lot of fear but I know before I have just not recalled the strong emotion. So I just put it down as that as there was a lot of emotional turmoil in the last dream section.
Updated 10-02-2017 at 08:53 AM by 89275
Morning of November 17, 2016. Thursday. I am wandering around in La Crosse as I have the vague realization that I am tired and should probably go home. My dream self seems about twenty years of age. I fly to the back of a building, to the first-floor’s extended roof of the building which has at least two storeys. This feature provides access to two apartments on the higher floor. (The feature is similar to the Rose Street building I lived in as a young child, except it only had one hallway door to the first-floor roof. The location itself seems more like the area where Dennis lived years ago which also had only one door to the first floor roof.) From the outside, I have a false memory that my apartment is to the left and the one on the right is where my brother Dennis lives. He appears as he did in the 1970s. The setting is very distorted. Even though I remember living and sleeping in the apartment, it is far too small for a human being to either go through the doorway or actually live inside the building. The height of the living area is no more than two feet. This puzzles me but neither triggers any realization that the situation is impossible nor results in stronger emotions. I consider that the building is mostly made of a stack of bricks that shift a bit at times, which somehow makes the apartments smaller or larger at different times. There is a conversation between Dennis and our (fictitious) landlady, which eventually relates to something about feeding homeless people in the area. I cannot get into my apartment so I decide to sleep on the roof while thinking of how the homeless people will be fed as it seems like a worthwhile task. Dennis has some carrots, lettuce, and potatoes to start a stew or soup. Eventually, just as I begin to wake, there are vague thoughts about geese flying over the building and returning to the area. Wandering around feeling tired is a dream state indicator created by subliminal awareness of being asleep as well as having been tired in reality prior to my dream. This is additionally evidenced by wanting to sleep on the roof, which is a liminal space divider related to depth of sleep and how much of the conscious self identity is present. It is also why my dream’s setting is rendered as too small to access. The geese returning to the area is typical vestibular system correlation, autosymbolism for waking process thoughts in “returning” (waking back into) the physical body while leaving the illusory dream body. There are also mild thoughts of hunger. The “feeding” reference is to me, as “homeless” is based on liminal awareness of not being awake in the physical body.
Updated 06-13-2018 at 07:59 PM by 1390
D1 - Harry potter and Hermione are doing a tour, recounting to people their story, but it seems like an endless tour. Repeating the same droning speeches over and over, Herminone is gettomg wprn out, she is wearing a lovely velvet jacket in light blue and matching hat, her hair hangs in ringlets she is mostly asleep. D2 - I am in a darkened room, light comes in from underneath one blind. I am waiting for an email from someone but keep only receiving ones I don't want.
I had a bunch of dreams last night. The most I have remembered in a while. I think it really helps that I told myself the night before that I needed to remember them so I could write them in my Dream Journal. None of them were particularly long or vivid. But I'm glad I remembered what I did. Dream 1: I was in my old childhood neighborhood. I saw a nearby house (one East of the school) had burned down. Then as I watched I saw a big truck some barreling down the street and smash in to the house next to it. It was quite shocking I hoped the people inside were okay since the truck took about a third of the house down. Later I am in the house next to the two that had been destroyed. I am with a former roommate Bonna and a few freinds. I told them I had a really bad feeling about staying in this house. I was sure that this house was next to be destroyed. I finally convinced them to evacuate. It was then like a treehouse because we were climbing down a ladder. I'm pretty sure that I noticed a fire in the house as soon as were were down. [This was inspired because I had looked up my old neighborhood on Google maps before bed.] Dream 2: I was walking down the street in a neighborhood near the church I went to growing up in LA. I suddenly realized that I could fly. I don't think I was lucid, yet some of my actions were similar to things I do while lucid. I flew slowly straight up in the air. I started to have trouble getting very high. I knew my trick for flying was to not push myself higher, but to make the scenery move around me. So I focused on the scenery getting lower and lower around me, and I saw that I was getting quite high. But then I found myself under some power lines. I've heard that this is a problem for some lucid dreamers, but I've only had this happen once before. I realized that I was very close to the energized lines. I could hear a buzz and feel my hair start to stand up on my head and arms. [This was also inspired because I had looked up my old neighborhood on Google maps before bed.] Dream 3: I don't remember how this dream started but I found myself in a large room. I had no pants on. I think I was doing laundry. But then these guys started coming into the room to play video games. I think Kasey, Daniel, and David were there. I tried to get my pants on quickly before they noticed. I should have gotten lucid on this one. Dream 4: I was in a Japanese store buying what was called "noodles" but it looked more like a crumbly cake. The Japanese man who ran the store asked if I were traveling. I said, No, I was local. Dream 5: I went in this large kitchen. I was barefooted. I noticed something on the ground right in front of the fridge. As I looked closer I saw that someone had stepped on a tarantula. Its body had been squished, but it was still alive and trying to walk and pull it's mangled body with it. it was a horrible sight. There was a huge amount of white paste-like guts coming out the back of the spider. I wanted to kill it and put it out of its misery, but I had no shoes on and couldn't step on it. But I didn't know if I could have anyway. [This was inspired by an incident that happened earlier that day where I found a big black widow and tried to kill it with a shovel. I only hit it's body the first time and had to give it a second whack. Hate when that happens.] Dream 6: I was trying to sleep. I realized that my bed was in a crowded mall or airport. I was in a smaller room that was just off the main area, but the head of my bed was right were the opening of the room connected. It gave me a weird feeling to have all these strangers walking within a few feet of my head. I thought of trying to move my bed further into the room so I wouldn't be as close. But then I started hearing what I thought was hypnagogic audio hallucinations. I could hear a man's voice clearly talking in my head. I remembered the times that I had been able to write down some of those weird things that were said in hallucinations in the past. I wanted to start writing down what I was hearing. I carefully found a pencil and paper without waking myself up completely. I started to write down what the man was still saying in my head. I no longer remember what was being said. Dream 7: I was starting a hike with friends. I realized that I wasn't as prepared as I thought. I didn't have on my hiking boots. I had on sandals with a pair of socks. I tried to remember where we were hiking. This could work if we were hiking through water. Dream 8: I was sitting with my family. My dad (who passed away many years ago) was there talking to the family. I remember feeling happy about this, but at the time I didn't realize why.
Got Lucid this morning and accomplished the Bonus totm! After wilding into the dream through swimming in the pool I imagine as I am becoming aware I am in transition to sleep - Went to bed early - maybe 8.30ish and took Melatonin and 100b6 Slept very well and felt like I woke up on each dream ending. First wake up was at about 10.30pm then at 1pm the 3pm Sat up in wbtb around 3.30am till 4.30. Did some massage on my back and sat with mantra's and general Mild behaviour - expecting to Lucid when I am asleep next. Set up for wild with earplugs/fan and bed raised. Lay for quite a while and at some point feel my legs , hands twitching a little ... It is possible I had transitioned at this point but I didn't realise - soon after this I fall asleep for a short while. AT 5am I turn over onto my side carrying on with basic visualisations of symbolic dream places and DC's and mantra of getting lucid. Soon after I feel transition feeling and manage to raise myself consciously out with my dream body ( first time done so carefully and consciously I fall back into body this time though and stay with the transition feeling. Soon I am 'Swimming' my way into the dream with full awareness I am exiting my body - Wild - felt great - and I imaging coming up out of the pool in a hotel pool overlooking a built up area in the city. I remember the Bonus totm so 💥 I remember to make fire/ice in my hands task.I put my hands out in front of we. First I 'will' fire to appear then I change to imagining ' Wow I have flames of fire coming out of my hands!' - It happens and I see small flames appear in each palm of my hand!👍 They are tiny at first but then they get to about 10cm high - the sensation doesn't feel out of the ordinary - I am very happy I managed the task ... I then allow the flames to eat up my hands,I watch on as my hands disintegrate and melt into drops - dripping on the floor. Later I have my hands back and imagine ice in my hands ; soon long icicles grow from the palms of my hands - cool This is one of the longest and highest Lucids I have had- I went about a lot in the city and marvelled over many sights and exchanges with DC'c At some point I decide to lay down and see what falling asleep in the Lucid feels like. I see a comfy looking rock - I go over and lie down on it and feel exited to fall asleep tin the dream - I look around me and there are some insects and bugs around ( I am aware this would be yucky and possibly frightening if I wasn't lucid) I try to feel happy with them there... I transition but into almost waking - I hang on and Deild back in to my dream. I am on a bus, a friend is handing food around - it's a strange meat soup. I go around with G and a wild looking lady who is known for her super powers. We go back to my house which has glass mirrors panelled on every wall! I know she could smash and destroy them all as that's what she does so I ask her not to and she promises she won't. Later I hear she stayed in a hotel for a night with my husband G and It felt fine with me to share him with her. Soon after this I decide to spin and use spinning as a teleportation to a beach - as I spin I see white light gaining intensity all around me but end up waking, I have tried it a few times now and this seems to happen - I will try to maintain more awareness with the spinning thing ... Or maybe it's not for me The is is interesting to think about - the phycology of this powerful woman who smashes glass in my house with me & G etc...
I'm wandering around my neighborhood at my school at night. My dad is coming to visit and suddenly I'm in his car. We pretty much teleport to this building that has a cliff on the left side, an open hallway looking straight and wall to the right. We walk through and inside is an elaborate store full of food and toys. I ask him how he knows this place, and he tells me that when he was 10 years old his family used to take him to this store. I look right as we walk into a main area to see two women dressed in chef attire grilling a lot of meat. I look forward to see my family and friends sitting at a booth. Then, I realized this was a surprise dinner for me and it makes me feel happy. I walk over and sit down on the left side of the booth. My mom and grandma are to the left of me. I look forwards and a guy from my freshman dorm named Toben and a girl named Carly are across from me. I look right and see Dana's friend Kristen. She walks to the left and Dana appears. She walks over and sits on my lap as I put my arms around her. I asked her where she was or something like that and she responds. I don't really remember what was said. Sleep Paralysis: I found myself in sleep paralysis face down. Above me was a teacher shouting at me to get up, but I couldn't move from the ground. It's really hard to breathe. I start breathing out of my mouth but nothing comes in or out. Next, I try breathing irregularly to wake myself but it's not working. I've now been in this for 30 seconds and I'm getting really frustrated. I'm screaming and trying to roll myself out of paralysis. Finally, I manage to roll over and wake myself up. Fragment: I'm walking into the gate of the pool I work at. There's a huge event going on and there's a lot of water going everywhere. Parents and kids are standing around the pool but it's different than IRL. My feeling is that I'm too old to be here, that time has passed and now there's a whole new group of people working the pool. I look around at the lifeguards and recognize none of them. At some point I think I'm in the pool doing something but I can't remember. Somehow I end up in Star Wars Battlefront walking in a large expanse, like a red earth with mountains surrounding me. A ship flies over me and I start to switch guns to take it down. I find the gun I'm trying to use but my friend ended up waking me up.
Setting loosely based on China some centuries ago, vaguely Ming dynasty. Two men have been speaking to a human woman about a book, but they're interrupted by a human man who is a friend of hers, of sorts - he offers to join their expedition. He has some manner of expertise to do with this book they're looking for, and if he comes along, the woman's presence would be unnecessary. The leader of the two at first is ready to agree, this would be much preferable. But the human man then says, why should his cut be only 10%? Make it 100% - he'll keep the book himself, but translate it for them. To his mind, this would be a better deal for all of them, he expects this to be accepted. But the leader of the two is offended by his presumption and kills him, abandoning his human appearance in the process - his eyes are covered by a cloudy grey film, his teeth are fangs on both upper and lower jaws. I'm remembering a year earlier, when that human man had been doing something in a place where many books were stored, directly above where this man had been sleeping in the ground for a long time. The human woman, watching him kill her friend, blames herself - she was involved in something that happened in a market a year ago, when this man woke up. Belle is in the kitchen of someone else's house, someplace that has servant quarters, and she's found a jar of a certain weed that's been spilled - it's not something that should be used for cooking, it's dangerous, causes disfigurement. The implication in finding it spilled across the counter is that a servant was carelessly exposed to it. It's said that it only affects those who say rude/cruel/insulting things while holding it - a physical disfigurement to reflect a disfigurement of the soul. She calls Rumplestiltskin to dispose of it safely, and to look into what it was doing there. As he removes it, he looks around the building and sees old photos and negatives of him and Belle among various trophies that the owner of the house has collected - there's a sense that these photos are things that were stolen from him. He looks at one in particular, a moment when he'd stopped Belle from saying that she loved him. He regrets this, and says he would listen now. She says, "I would have meant it then." And wouldn't now, is the implication. But she stops him from moving away from her by grabbing him roughly by the hair. She tells him her plan is to find her ideal world this time, with the money that Regina left her, and with him, as they're stuck together due to a previous deal. He reminds her that he's no longer capable of appearing human, which will cause difficulties in many other worlds. "I'll work with it," she says. A previous deal requires him to leave at least a piece of himself in this current world, and I see an image of his hand chained to the sand, in the surf.
I feel myself being woken up, my eyes began to see that it is my mother. She is standing next to my father and brother. After I get up I see they had white bags in their hands. My mother grips my shoulder and begins telling me I shouldn't sleep so much. I told her it's ok , I'm lucid now. I then turn my head to the vcr to see what time was label on it. It stated 1:11 and judging from the lighting in the room, I'd say it was the afternoon. I was stun to see it is a complete replica of the actual room. I begin feeling confuse by this and woke up. Lucidity Time: 10 seconds
I haven't posted in a little bit, but I have been keeping track of my dreams! Alot of them I have been writing in my paper journal for lack of time online, and when I couldn't do that I have an emergency "sketchbook" style notebook to write quick notes in. Realistically I have alot of these sketch-style notes that need to be transformed into journal entries. But here I will tell you about how I got Lucid FINALLY after recording and obsessing about recording! In it, my dream journal, the thing most on my mind lately, became my dream-sign. ------ 3.30.2015 It starts out on a farm my landlord owned in my dream. I was looking after it for them with a dream-sister, although there wasn't much to take care of. All the animals they owned had disappeared without a trace, and no one knew what happened to them. I think this mystery, among other things, is what caused them to keep away from the farm and ask me to watch it for them. The farm was a very dull and bleak looking place. Imagine a cold winter day before any snow has fallen on the ground, but all the leaves had fallen from the trees. Barren trees, dull orange dry leaves, dull grey sky. It looked like it was 6AM, just before sunrise, all day long. And this appearance permeated through the entire farm, into the house. It was just very depressing. There were other mysteries too. You would hear footsteps of people walking on the second floor, but no one besides me and my little sister were there. I think the farm hands and other people who worked on the farm disappeared along with the animals, so hearing footsteps was eerie. I think there was an understanding that something unearthly occupied the farm, although I am not 100% sure. As to my dream-sister, she looked nothing like my actual sister in real life. I might add also, that alot of times in my dreams I am accompanied by a dream-friend or a dream-sister or my own sister in real life. I am rarely alone in my dreams. I like to think its my dream guide. This particular companion was a young girl of 10 or so, with blonde hair done up in pigtail style braids. She wore an old fashioned dress. I remember a couple scenes in this house. I remember me and my sister in an office type of space attempting to hook up a laptop so we could use the internet. The only part of this room I really remember is the desk the laptop laid on, and the laptops themselves. The desk was that cheap particle board style desk you see in offices, with the base of the desk being made of beige colored metal. Everything was dusty, too. There was a main section of the desk where the "main laptop" would sit, and two fold out wings, slightly lower than the main portion, where smaller laptops sat. It was designed for a team to sit at the same desk and work together side by side. We were very excited to try and get it to work, but like I was quite dusty and unused. I don't think we could get the computers to even power on, or there just was no internet in the area. I remember walking through a small dark hallway in the home to get to a bedroom with my sister. A greenish yellow light glowed through one room to accent the darkness, like a painted yellow window bringing in the dull grey atmosphere of the outside into house. The bedroom, too, had a dusty, grey, old feel to it. The bed looked like it came out of the 1980s, infact. Another particle board mess, very low key and geometric, Blonde "wood", and pastel colored sheets. I think the whole reason I went lucid was because of what I did next. I was acting as if I was awake, and I had to go to sleep. My sister suggested I lay down, and I did. I laid down in the 1980s bed, laying in the same position I use in waking life, to my left side facing a wall. This is where I heard the walking and banging upstairs as I tried to fall asleep. My landlords in real life live above me in my house, and it is an actual thing for them to make lots of noise when getting ready for work at 4 AM. I think my mind was recreating this, only in my dream, ghostly things were stomping around instead. I did my best to ignore it, covering my head with the blanket and closing my eyes. Very weird to try and sleep when in a dream, but it was just as it was in real life. Nothing zany happened when I closed my eyes, just the usual darkness. The banging continued, but I just ignored it and continued to focus on falling asleep. This next part, I don't know in what order of the dream it occurred. Maybe here! I remember I had wanted to grab my dream journal and "emergency" red journal from home, because I knew I would be staying at the house for a while and wanted to use the opportunity to write down all these dreams I have been stockpiling for the past few days. I remember going to my boyfriends house - not my house! - and searching for them around and under the cushions of their living room couch. I reached under the leftest most cushion and..voila! my dream journals! Just as I found it, a little funny gremlin looking demon appeared to my right, in the fireplace or floating near it. He wasn't a menacing monster, just something you would imagine seeing in a kids book or a cartoon. Ugly, but not scary. He popped in to taunt me about my sister, how I left her all alone. He told me she was in danger in a mocking way. Maybe he even implied HE was kidnapping her! I got angry and nervous, and decided to get my butt back to the farm house to make sure she was ok. I vaguely remember the demon showing me a video of my sister. She was sitting with other kids in a daycare setting (the same grey dullness), doing some kind of craft project on little circular tables like you'd see in a school. Suddenly someone called to her, and she got up and walked off camera. So, I rushed to her rescue! I guess my sister was taken to the usual place bad stuff happens in my dream, my childhood home, "B Street". Always, no matter what, I find myself back in that house with its spooky basement full of ghosts! Anyways, I had to take a train there to rescue her, but I missed it completely. Rather than give up hope, however, I said "why don't I just fly there?" This is where things get weird. I cant figure out how all this worked out in my dream. Maybe it just doesn't make sense! I am back sleeping in the 1980s bed, or maybe I woke up a little in real life, or maybe I was just dreaming of dreaming again. Whatever the case, I was back to having my eyes closed like I was trying to go to sleep. When I suggested to myself to just fly there, a flash of purple and pink lit up my blackness, and the desire to fly to where I needed to go went from just a mere thought in my head, to a visualization, to a dream. I saw myself sliding down a steep hill like a videogame character, and saw myself glide over a gap at the end of this hill to a platform on the other side. (Very videogame-like. Just imagine Mario64 styled levels or Banjo Kazooie. Very polygonal, this section.) At this point I was having trouble. Its always a gamble with me when it comes to transitioning from "vague idea/visualization" to "holy crap I am dreaming!" because at some point you need to "open your eyes". When visualizing the gliding/flying, my eyes were "closed". I flew from that platform I glided to, and flew a little more to land in a small polygonic valley on the other side. I felt the sensation, that wonderful sensation, of dream flying while I did this. But my eyes were still "closed". I landed all cool in a fancy crouching pose, and just stayed there for a little bit. "You have to open your eyes, you know." I thought to myself. "Its always a gamble, but you have to try!" So I did. The first try, I opened my eyes to a faded black scene, like a stage set where all the lights are out. You can just see the vague shapes of the things around you but nothing concrete at all. It was because I was trying to go to B street, still determined in my mission. I was trying to visually construct that place with my consciousness, but I just sucked at it. I saw shaped of trees, and the valley I was in sort of transformed into a little side lawn on a side of a house that actually was on B street. But it was all dark and formless. So I closed my eyes again, and thought really hard. "You're in B STREET!". I opened them again. Same thing. I closed them again. As usual when in these kind of pickles, I said "screw it, let me just let the dream take me where it wants me to go." After coming to terms with my suckiness, I opened my eyes one final time. Oh sweet goodness! So wonderful to open your eyes when lucid to a new world! I was not in B street at all. I was in something that looked like it came out of the newer Willy Wonka movie. I was still in my little valley, and it was still kind of dark like before, but past this was a vividly colorful hill, a bright spring green. It was framed by bright red velvet and gold tasseled stage curtains, and it went up in steps to a scene on the tippy top, like a big green staircase. At each "step", red and white candy cane looking swirlie structures decorated the hill. There were yellow and white flowers, too, and maybe a cobblestone walkway. I was, as usual, in awe of the clarity of being here, and just took it all in. I tried rubbing my hands to get more in the moment, but it didn't really bring any texture or more realism to the situation. I usually don't bother with sensation alot anyways. I find constantly rubbing my hands to be distracting, but I do try it from time to time. I saw on the top of a hill, a little scene. Maybe a tree in shadow, with a park bench sitting besides it, and someone lounging in it, like they were sleeping. It was either my sister fainted from being kidnapped, or the bad guy in the plot lounging in a smarmy sort of way. I couldn't see the top immediately, so I focused my eyes (go me for doing more than one focusing technique!), and as I did so I began walking up the hill. Like a dream does, as I neared the top, the scene transformed. I also got a little more numb the closer to the top of the hill I got, but I was still using my conscious mind just fine. The top of the hill transformed itself into a medieval/fantasy looking church, and waiting inside for me was the villain. The church was completely open from where I walked into it. Inside, it had a lobby sized area for maybe a couple of people or parishioners to sit. It was small by cathedral standards but it also fluctuated in that respect as well. To the left of the "parishioner" area was a rounded room, almost a large alcove. It was completely walled in glass windows that gave a view to a forest outside. In front of the parishioner area was where the priest would usually go. In the dream this section was only a few steps higher than the congregation area, whereas in real life its usually a little taller I think. There was a big rounded stain glass window here like a traditional church, but the exit door to the other side of the church was there too. The right side of the church was just a wall. The entire thing was in light grey stone, with pillars and steps and all the nice things you'd find in an older church. Where the priest's place was stood the villain. It was a taller 20 year old with brown-red hair and pale skin, wearing black. She was a vampire. She kidnapped my sister and was going to feed off of her and turn her into a vampire, too. I am not sure what ended up happening to my sister in this struggle. the brunette vampire was, I think, behind her and sucking on her neck or threatening to. She might have even turned her into a vampire already and I had to fight her off. Whatever the case, my sister was getting in the way of my battling the evil vampiress. Either I had to break her neck and push her into the window alcove, or the vampiress threw her in there after sucking on her blood and she passed out and fell in there. In the dream, as in my favorite show "Vampire Diaries", cracking ones neck didn't kill them immediately. It just sort of knocks someone out. (I was still SLIGHTLY lucid btw.) I tried to punch at the vamp while she hid behind my sister. My punches connected but they did little to her, and she laughed them off. Once my sister was out of the way, I kept trying to punch her out and stop her from killing her and me. I didn't want to kill the evil vamp I don't think. I wanted to either cure her or just stop her from hurting other people. If there was a way to end it in a peaceful or less definitive way, I was willing to try it. However, my methods were not working, and I decided I had to worry more about my unconscious sister than keeping this woman alive. Now that I think of it, I think my sister was going to turn into a vampire, so it was a race against time to stop the villain before she turned. I think I needed the evil villain's blood to stop the transformation, or killing off the villain stopped it. Since I was so stressed for time, I reach over to the brunette vampire, said "Ah screw it!", and snapped her neck. Instantly she crumpled to the floor, completely defeated. I ran over to where my sister was laying and helped her up as she came to. Did I give her blood? Not sure. She looked differently at this point, though. What was once my blonde, fancy dressed little sister was a squat little anime chibi dressed in kimono. She had a big bobble head, and her hair was black now. She stood up and was fine. After that I woke up and happily wrote all this down! Yay! END ---- Influences: VAMPIRE STUFF: Definitely Vampire diaries! One of few shows I watch, I guess I was thinking about it that night. I even thought perhaps the bad guy of this show, "Claus", was in my dream! Stompy stomp stomp above my head!: My landlord's wonderful habit of causing ruckuses every morning. Its why I wear earplugs. Getting to sleep: I have been OBSESSING with going to bed at a good hour since restarting my Lucid dream mission! And of course, my dream sign was MY DREAM JOURNAL because of my recent obsession with writing in it. Having it in my hand in the dream made me think of dreaming, so I was able to easily figure things out. Dreaming was on my mind, so it was an easy transition, and my journal was the reminder!
Updated 04-01-2015 at 08:57 AM by 82463