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    1. A weird dream with its own world and history

      by , 12-26-2023 at 07:57 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      It felt like I'm in the middle of a Konami game, think resident evil
      I remember we were preparing for Christmas when we got warned that some sort of paranormal army of zombie like monsters emerged due to a catastrophy of some sort and we only have just ten minutes left to hide, somehow censuring any sort of human information mattered, somehow this isn't the first time it happened, at a point I chosed a character, it was a brunette woman with mid-short hair but halfway I was still me, kinda like in a different body as a player idk, some chaos ensued in the streets while some characters of a crew of some kind came to help me and my family prepare,, they had weapons too, so i grabbed my boots, and coat, when i started to hear one of the enemy approaching having some sort of evil monologue about how they will find all of us and we can't hide and about the event in the world that made things the way they are, regarding the catastrophy
      So we bolted for an attic some sort, my house and street was different this time there were some sky reaching structures there, so we entered an attic a very big and tall one basically a tower, in there it was dark, on a large wall of weird wooden ladders we started to climb up just when the enemy came in it was scary as shit, somehow we had fleshlights, as we went up I started to see all kinds of weird murals , dragons and idk what kind of entities on a large rug holding something with many colours that pours water out idk, and I saw little notes on the walls hanging too and I thought those are the stories of the life of others, or at least pieces of them, then i remembered that the catastrophy somehow affected the stories of everything, hence the world setting, then we eventually got up on top of a tower that's pretty much s skyscraper , then i got separated from my character again, i just looked around, more there were guns, it was like i was on the tutorial part, but then my supposed character started to argue about the right for a normal life with the crew, it didn't lead anywhere, she cried, and then i guess we started to get used to the new way of things,
      At this point idk what happened but a little bit later everyone returned for Christmas shopping but this time the main information on pretty much everything was blanked out with white paper, I was in Tesco, it was dimly lit now which have the whole place even more of a Christmas vibe, I got in a talk with a woman there about the whole event, how they shouldn't let us in after this recent event and how blanking out "human information" really does nothing, which supposedly makes raids like this less likely to occur and that's basic procedure made by the gov for safety,
      And then I woke up
    2. Night of Sunday 3/19/23

      by , 03-20-2023 at 04:40 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm getting married. Scene is similar to SP and GP's wedding from last October. Grass is vivid green. I see who is meant to be the father in law up ahead, but I don't recognize him.
    3. 1st Lucid of Comp! WBTB Night of Friday 3/10/23

      by , 03-11-2023 at 04:44 PM (Dreamlog)
      Pre WBTB - Winter Neighborhood

      There is some muggy jungle scene but I can't recall much else.

      I'm at a neighborhood street in the winter time. It reminds me of one I used to run as part of a route in college. Unlike how I remember, there are homeless people struggling to stay warm all across the street. The group I'm with don't have anything to give them so we feel bad.

      Post WBTB - Zoomin' Through Space and Fun at the Sand Shrine

      I take the Yuschak primary trigger supplement combo and get back to bed within about 10 minutes after reviewing WILD entry techniques. I lay down for sometime and wait for the vibrations. They eventually come and are fairly intense. I feel two waves of them, but no images ever form. I eventually slip off into normal sleep.

      I'm back at the same neighborhood but this time it is a warm summer scene with a thriving community. I'm living with some friends of S and I. Three couples. SP is sort of the mom of the group and we're following her. We are coming home from driving somewhere and get into the house. The inside reminds me of my Grandma M's house. Specifically the bar we sit down at is reminiscent. We start unloading bags and everybody gets something. I get a giant jelly candy brick. I get up to look around the house and use the bathroom. SP or one of the other girls nearly walks in on me while I'm using the toilet, but luckily I'm standing and facing away from the door. When I go back into the hallway, I do a nose reality check out of habit. I'm lucid now.

      Since a house isn't the most exciting place in the world, I decide to go outside. I leave the front door and the green grass is super vivid. I decide I should stabilize, so I rub my barefeet on the grass and the dirt. I lick the dirt for good measure and rub my hands. I do a few more nose RCs just in case. Well, if that check failed I would have looked really stupid. Oh well. Good thing I can breathe through my nose. I decided I want to fly, so I took off superman style. I hit a set of tree branches above me like a total chump immediately but it didn't hurt too bad.

      Flyin' high. Made with a combination of Bing and Nightcafe image generator AIs.

      I rose up into the sky and enjoyed the view of the neighborhood. I wanted to go explore more, but the world started to zoom out. Oh shit. It feels like I'm moving super fast. The world zooms out so far that I'm now in space looking at Earth. I think about the Outer Wilds Travelers' Theme song and laugh while saying the first few notes of acoustic guitar out loud. Naturally, the song starts to play. Zooming through space with music.

      Outer Wilds Travelers' Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR_wIb_n4ZU

      The vacuum of space. Made with Nightcafe AI.

      Into the universe I say "So, where are we goin'?" like Pippen at the council of Elrond from Lord of the Rings.

      As if in answer, a pale blue cloudy planet comes into view on the space horizon. I remark that this definitely isn't earth. It doesn't have any green on it. At this point I'm just super happy I have been lucid this long. As I'm sent closer to the planet I confirm it isn't Earth. This is a desert planet.

      My feet lithely (not a hint of my waking knee pain) land at the top of a shrine in a desert. There is a book with golden pages atop a pedestal. I see an attractive purple haired woman across the way near the top of the stairs leading down to the sand. She's wearing skimpy clothes, black leather with her chest showing. Her legwear isn't covering much either. No complaints. I get the sense that she is an experienced traveler, or she can guide me in some way.

      "Woah! This place is so vivid!" I say.

      "Yeah, it's pretty much always like that," she replies over the desert wind.

      I start to follow her down the stairs and then try to pull her closer to me. She doesn't seem into it so I back off. We continue walking down the shrine area. I look at her clothes again.

      Spoiler for Spicy Content:

      The dream gets unstable after that and I go into a false awakening. My body feels heavy. I try to rollover but still feel something like sleep paralysis. I have a few more false awakenings, but I eventually decide I really want to write down dreams, so I wiggle my toes and rollover. I wake up for real this time.

      Supplements: Yuschak Primary Trigger Combination (3rd Attempt)
      Galantamine: 8mg
      Choline Bitartrate: 250mg

      Default = Commentary
      Blue = Dream
      Dark Orange = Lucid

      Updated 04-10-2023 at 07:15 PM by 99808

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
    4. Almost Lucid at School, Aircraft, Washing Up, Salt Levels

      by , 01-04-2023 at 02:54 AM
      Night before Monday 2nd January

      The second of these two dreams I had great progress, as even though I woke up in that one just before becoming lucid, this marked the most times I've managed to do reality checks in dreams in 12 months. The scene, which involved a recurring theme about school, was unusually vivid this time.

      * I was about to kiss a woman I knew from long ago, at my Mum's dining table, and weirdly we both put on these very small imitation glasses cut out of white paper. Mine had spirals cut into them over the eyes. I paused just before the kiss and realised that I wasn't attracted to that person. The dream scene [and perhaps the dream] ended there.

      * I was on holiday with my Dad and he had been driving us down south but we suddenly arrived in a northern, beautiful mountainous part of the world. It was a green natural space with mountains in the distance. I think they were green too, the bits I remember noticing. The sun seemd to be out [mainly going by level of daylight I remember] but it seemed like very late afternoon, early evening (though not a noticeable sunset). I had in my mind that it was Canada.

      I asked Dad as we had been heading south why had he diverted [or turned around?] and come so far north? He told me he had cows up here and needed to give them water. I think I asked how we got here so quickly and he said he made great time and did it in two hours. He mentioned how economical it was pointing out that it was costing him less than a flight up there. At this point I remembered it was in his old car and given how worn out the car was, I wondered if the wear and tear on the car would end up costing him more [Interesting I was asking QUESTIONS a lot / good CRITICAL THINKING].

      We started walking through a grassy area with a worn public dirt path. It was obviously a natural space popular with lots of tourists. Dad's cows seemed to be roaming free here. At this point I wondered why he would need to drive all this way to give them water and wouldn't all the people around give them drinks [Not the best dream logic, but neither is looking after cows hundreds of miles away and driving there unplanned to provide water].

      After that I thought about how long we were staying in that part of the country before we had to move on and decided I had enough time to drive somewhere [for the evening? Also where did I suddenly get my own car from up here? I thought I came in Dad's?].

      The dream seemed to cut to me having arrived in the road by my old school. [SCHOOL: Huge DREAM SIGN]. I seemed to know that I wasn't a pupil at this school anymore [I didn't really reflect on this, I just knew like I would when I'm awake, like I knew that I'm older now and don't go to school anymore, without actually thinking those thoughts specifically. This is a big step from my usual dreams about school where I almost invariably don't know that].

      I saw the pupils walking around. For some reason I had to attend lessons at the school today, even though I was now a guest. I started to think about which lesson I needed to go to first (as I had no timetable) [SCHOOL: Not knowing where to be next / missing / incomplete timetable, one of my biggest DREAM SIGNS]. I immediately thought to myself that this is what normally happens in my dreams - I think I thought it a couple of times - but I didn't immediately become lucid because this dream was one of the most vivid I can remember and I can still remember how strikingly it felt 100% real. The visuals were very vivid and clear. [I don't remember noticing temperature, any breeze, really noticing any noise but that's because I wasn't paying attention to any of them, just where I was and where I needed to be next].

      I remembered what I needed to do to find out what lesson I needed to go to next, as I dream about the problem so often, that I needed to go to the classroom where my tutor was who was responsible for dictating my timetable at the start of the year. The very next thing I knew was I was pinching my nose to do a REALITY CHECK - but I have no memory of deciding to do so. I couldn't breathe when I held my nose and I remember instantly trying to make sense of this [I guess thinking it's not a dream or it's not a lucid dream or similar] whilst at the same time noticing that the dream had just disappeared and I saw the blackness of my closed eyes and realised I was awake.

      Night before Tuesday 3rd January

      * I was sitting on the right hand side (maybe 3/4 of the way towards the back) of what could have been a coach but later turned out to be an aircraft. I had a number of belongings that I was trying to gather up on my lap - I think articles of clothing, a rucksack and maybe some other bags. I think it was almost time to leave. I seemed to be worried that a guy to my left would try to mess with or steal some of my stuff, so I was trying to pack it all away in a way he wouldn't be able to get at it. I think I decided I was going to have to clip or tie something - maybe another bag - onto the back of the rucksack and I was worried he might try to steal from it when I wore it on my back.

      * I was in some big canteen or cafe with some young guys. We had to wash the food off the dirty plates but we weren't doing all of the washing up work, we just seemed to be doing one step to make other people's jobs easier. I think we were supposed to take them and put them somewhere or do some other extra step and I think I was trying to skip that step (to save time and effort) and the other guys were telling me not to.

      * In some very incoherent scene someone was wearing an LCD display. I think it was on their lower chest. It showed something to do with a salt level I think - but in this dream I'm pretty sure it wasn't anything as meaningful as the salt level in their blood (electrolyte balance). I had a task I had to keep repeating [which I can only remember very faintly and was probably very vaguely defined in the dream. It could have changed from moment to moment] which might have been getting table salt, presumably to influence this reading on his screen.

      Updated 01-04-2023 at 04:16 AM by 99564

    5. digital mesh field

      by , 06-14-2021 at 05:51 PM
      I was in an open area that had incredibly rich color. I realized that I was dreaming and recalled that it had been a long time since I was lucid. I was very aware of the dream, and it immediately felt far more stable than my usual lucid dreams. The scenery was also far richer than I am used to. I was in a wide open field with bright bold grass on flat green hills, like a digital place. The single tree next to me had very green leaves and red apples, but nothing had texture to it. Everything was more like a surface mesh made of triangles. I was astounded by it and took note of how lucid I was, how stable it was, and how fantastic the perceptual experience was. I was enjoying perusing around this weird digital mesh world for about two minutes until all of a sudden another character showed up. A building appeared, it was a school, and we walked in together right before the dream ended.
      Tags: stable, vivid
      lucid , memorable
    6. Picking up recall

      by , 10-26-2020 at 11:00 AM (Nef's dream journal)
      My dream recall's been getting better ..this morning I remembered 2 dreams , ones from my first sleep, then the second one that was after I fell back asleep...
      First dream was about a show that documents weird, eccentric people, I was in the show as interviewer... the guy I was interviewing was a cyborg I think, he looked like he's in his 30's ,living in an attic
      asked him ,whats weird about him
      -if I told you , you wouldn't believe it.
      -but what is it ?
      -I live as 3 age groups at the same time

      Then a supposed grandpa enters
      "hello grandpa"
      he looks just like him , the same cyborg features around the eyes , the same face structure... I was like wtf
      we tried to talk to him too, but he was way too eccentric... He had hand prosthetics that broke easely, and he broke them right infront of us just for the sake of it...then went into another room to fix his hands..
      I said " dude should get plastic hands, or something more durable"
      to this he dashed out and said " did you just intentionally kill yourself?" as if suggesting to him to get more durable hands was a deadly mistake...
      he walked towards me , and I was like " OK NO NO SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO " then he threw a plastic shelf at me or something and went back in ...

      Second dream was about tornadoes
      A "hurricane" was approaching the suburbs I was living in
      I don't remember much
      but when it was arrived , it was an amazing sight, I had a vivid vision, no better way to describe this ,I seen it in 4k , as tornadoes where whirling around the mesocyclone right above me but somehow didnt hit me
      I ran into a restaurant, hide under the counter ,then it came, one tornado struck the place I was in , things, and people were flying around, but it looks like the crew survived, then I continued running towards my home...
    7. Failed Gravity

      by , 05-17-2020 at 12:44 PM
      Bed time routine: screens off at 10, in bed by 10:30. Drank honey and MCT oil mixture with tea brewed from Calea Z, mugwort, damiana, bobinsana, blue lotus. No galantamine or DreamLeaf supplements this time (wanted to see how the herbs alone afffected me). Mindfulness meditation just before sleep.

      I'm in a house with some strangers in an unfamiliar city. Someone was coming for us,but right as they arrived I slipped out, walking right by them and acting natural. They come for me, and I cannot escape. They threaten me, I don't know why. I wake up, 1:55 AM
      I am with my sisters, Lisa and Tina. They are taking me somewhere, even though I am tired. I sleep in the backseat of the car. We arrive at a swimming pool, they jump in without me. I jump in next, but I jump too far and am above the concrete on the other side; I float back to the center, and am not falling into the water, so I push from the ceiling into the pool. When I climb out, there are other people in the pool, and I'm self concious of the way they look at my scars. I remember I had my tattoos in this dream.
      I tell Tina that the gravity above the pool wasn't working right, and that I had to check to make sure this was in fact real. I look at my hands.
      OH! LOOK HOW MANY FINGERS! This is in fact, a dream! Tina doesn't seem excited by this revelation. I tell Lisa, she thinks I'm being weird. "Thats why the gravity didn't work! And thats why YOU (Lisa) aren't pregnant right now! None of this is real! My right eye closes, and the dream starts going dim. I ask Tina to lead me back to the car because I can't see. On the way to the car, my vision is replaced with a 3DS screen map, showing my location and movement. I try to explain this to my uninterested sister as we step into the car. Except now its a train car, its WWII era, many men and women sit in the car with us. Everything is so vivid. To my right, a very young and handsome Steve Rogers orders some food from the lady with the trolly. He turns to me and smiles. I know dream are all about expectations, so I try very hard to believe that he will kiss me. The dream fades and I wake up. 5:54 am.
      Back in the dream, I immediately look at my hands. Too many fingers. I'm at the pool again, but as I leave it is now a restaraunt.I am old, and make a scene so that we will get kicked out. I lose lucidity as I follow the dream plot. We leave and are now shopping for shirts. I have to pick something for my husband, he is helpless. Also younger. I am now myself, in line to buy a shirt. A young boy is in line ahead of me, trying to use a credit card. The cashier asks for ID, and he shows her a picture of an ID on a tablet. She asks again if this is really his card. He admits its a joke, but she pushes a button and an alarm goes off. We are now waiting for the police. The people behind me are crowding, and I ask them to back off. An attractive girl with turquise braces and several tattoos apologizes. I compliment her tats, we have a conversation about them. I tell her I love the little peace sign she has, that I want something similar, that I want it to be a reminder for me to Smile and Breathe. I wake up (6:55), and draw the peace sign on my hand. I've been trying to figure out what symbol to use for this reminder, and the dream has just given me the perfect idea.
    8. Riley | Two Day Vacation

      by , 04-19-2020 at 01:26 AM
      Dreamt about a person whose name is one used for both guys and girls. I don't know how he was in my hotel room, but he was and we talked as if we'd known eachother for a long time. The hotel had the left window face to the streetfront where there were lots of clocks and weather screens, the right window (same wall) faced over the pool room. Mom and dad's room was next door to mine, so through that window you could also see their balcony. I knew I was dreaming the whole time. The entire dream was very vivid.

      Riley! That was the name! Riley looked like that guy from Instagram tiktok. (Just looked it up, Noen Eubanks.) Red hair, tired eyes.

      The next day, left hotel and looked around the building. Very big building. Eventually went outside, saw a playground and sat around there. Then to the forward-right, across the road, was a large castle/university like building. Crossed the gardens, went inside and wandered around. Went down hall's like D's school, I somehow knew where the gymnasium would be and turned down some teachers only corridors. I talked to the teachers as I went by, making it sound like I was supposed to be there. Got to gym, and it was the same room as [my church] sanctuary, just with gigantic grey-brown curtains blocking all the walls and 3-40 feet in between wall and curtain. There wasn't a stage. There was a glass plant growing/ plant selling/ concession stand thing in the middle of the room. To the left were some people, around where the lighting balcony is irl. I skirted around the right edge and got to the place where the stage wasn't, instead there were blue closed/collapsed crowd stands. We were there and talking a bit, then another guy who looks a ton like Riley but with blue hair comes up and scolds us, so I follow Riley out the other entrance (the one that leads to the offices irl). We decide to just walk around, and we came across the same playground on the way back. It was (and to the best I could tell, everything else was) in the same place as they had been on our way there. I walked towards the playground while Riley lagged behind. I turn to check how he's doing, and he's a girl with red hair up in a ponytail, tired eyes and shadowy eyeshadow. She told me to do a pose, and I did, and I took her picture too, with a tiny hope it would somehow be on my phone irl. I got the sense that she was much older (like centuries) than she looked.

      Later, we got to a bus stop and I was just taking in the scenery, then Riley rode up to me on a bike and said see you tomorrow. I was very sad about this, because I knew I wouldn't, as I was dreaming. I considered just acting like I did belong to their world, but I decided to say it, that I was dreaming and wouldn't see her tomorrow. I was teary, and felt very very sad about it. Riley had an understanding and compassionate look, and a white-haired grandma passerby noted to her something about "I feel so badly for the first lifers, this must be so difficult for them". For the moment she was talking, they were both very old, white haired ladies. I don't know how they kept changing in front of me without my noticing the change, but Riley was back to a red haired girl. She apologetically said she really had to go, and kissed me before biking off. The dream went black, so I got up to write it down. I forgot Riley's name, but remembered it was a unisex name, when I recalled it I kept repeating it over and over in order to remember it. I wrote everything down, including things I forgot and therefore didn't write here. It morphed into a different dream which I don't remember, and then I woke up for real and wrote this down.

      Updated 04-19-2020 at 01:47 AM by 90195

      lucid , false awakening
    9. Strange dreams about Astromana

      by , 02-10-2020 at 08:06 AM (My Robotic imagination)
      This encounter started with a nap dream. I was walking up a road at what looks like the Saint Demetrius bingo or Lake Shore Apartments. It is daytime and I was doing something maybe talking with someone or just walking alone. All I know is that I suddenly see Astromana who is a bad girl in rangers in Space pass me up on the other side of the sidewalk. She had pink and light blue hair and appeared to be stumbling as she walked she was in her combat gear and didn't look at me. I turned and watched her as she continued on her way, stumbling all around, trying not to fall from what ever has happened to her. While I was looking at her I was suddenly pushed back by my partner DC as an angler, grey car that looked like it was stretched out came zooming between us, just missing us by inches.

      Woke up.

      Second dream. I was in the process of being chased by one of Astromana's monster. It was an acidic type and was all green and blobby. "I must bring you in." he garbled through his molten lips. "Then I'll show humans who is the boss here." I ran from it and up a sidewalk then realized that this was a dream and got semi lucid. If things are gonna get any better I'll need to let myself get captured." So I stopped running allowing him to get to me and "capture" me. He put me on to a boat and as he did that I seen a man with a mop bucket began to mop the steps I came upon, with green acidic liquid. I got away from that and saw that the water was slowly turning green. I seen astromana on the ship as well and I was able to see close ups of her hair. It is very curly like jerry curls and it is a brownish purple color.

      Woke up and chained it into a long lucid.

      I go into SP and have an FA in a huge dark room. It was nearly pitch black and impossible to see anything all I know is I woke up in some kind of cot and was able to see the out lines of many other cots indicating that I was in a hospital.

      I got up, felt around and as I did that I ended up warping to another part of the dream.

      Now I'm at Duane drive and I am on my way outside. I see my brother there and he follows me to the basement door before I get it open. He doesn't do anything and I go about my business. It is daytime and I see that there is smoke around and things are burning and on fire. As soon as I seen it the Gemini man from mega man starts to play. One of those dreams I thought. Then I see Astromana running across my view as she is being pursued by power rangers. It was Zack, Jason and I think Trini not sure, but they caught up with her and started fighting her. I became her and was kicking and punching at the rangers. they blocked every shot and I had to duck and dodge away from them as they almost caught me with the laser pistol. Fire blew up in the background and now I'm in a new place, watching Power rangers. It is a cafe like place and I'm at a vending machine. There is a screen where the buttons and displays should be it, instead it is a TV displaying me watching it. It shows the zord Sequence and on it is Travelion. He is combining into his megazord form. It shows his legs folding out from the furnace part of the train and him standing up. He poses and gives a thumbs up. The screen seemed to be tilted and messed up and the image was to the bottom left part of the screen with a black background. My sister came up and started getting something out of the machine and I can also see more of the image there as well. it was a daytime screen and then before I can see what it was the dream shifted again. this time I was in my brothers room and I was standing up next to him, watching power rangers on his TV. I looked to him and said "Why are we watching power rangers in a dream instead of going there?" I shook my head and then seen a paint canvass. It had gobs of thick paint on it. I tried to paint with his but it was just way to think like one inch thick of oil paint and ended up smearing it a bit, luckily it was part of the sweater on the image and didn't hurt it too much but the color was a weird brownish purple color like with Astromana's hair I saw earlier in the dream.

      Updated 02-11-2020 at 10:08 PM by 13650

    10. Most vivid lucid dream I've ever had

      by , 02-04-2020 at 08:13 AM (Nef's dream journal)
      After a somewhat subconscious,passive initiation of WILD I found myself in a paralysis, in which I didn't realize that I'm already dreaming.
      It wasn't very intense, and I thought this would be the end of it, and I would wake up but despite this I kept waiting.
      There was a bit of pressure in my head ,and the usual loud noise, I started to see through my eyelids.
      Actually I was already in a dream that time I think, since I was lying in the other bed, not the one I lied back in this morning, but I didn't realize that then.
      So I got up and it was kind of vivid but unstable, thought why not, I'll just try to jump through the window. It didn't go well. I thought this will be the end of it ,but I held hands together and concentrated,
      maybe a new dream will start, and that's when it happened.
      I found myself in the middle of a green pasture, nice green hills around, perhaps even mountains. EVERYTHING was vivid and clear, I couldn't believe my eyes, it was all vivid, from my toes , to the horizon, the sun was shining, the plants , everything made sense, there was no random patterns or fuzzyness. Everything was as vivid as this reality. I was amazed but I kept my cool, walked around . THere were some gardeners working.
      I walked towards the nearby forests. The dream switched again. I did the same and waited. and now I was in a night time party scene ,somewhere in a city.
      I kept repeating "clarity" until everything was back to usual. I met some drunk british chav who wanted to fight me for some reason to which I just smashed a bowl on his head, then his taller friend (who was not a chav) came and then the chav knocked him out with some object and said something funny...
      I then went around and came to a room, looked more like a classroom, there was a woman..looked kinda like Meghan Markle but was shorter and had freckles.
      I asked her if she knows that this is a dream...before she could answer the connection was cut , and I woke up

      but damn, everything was so vivid and so real, I've been to another world for a brief time
      I think this "stillness of mind" I've developed in the last few weeks may have contributed
      Also my recall is terrible, even if I just woke up a few minutes ago as I write this , I already forgot a lot

      Updated 02-08-2020 at 09:12 PM by 92016

      lucid , memorable , side notes
    11. A vivid af lucid dream

      by , 12-02-2018 at 06:08 PM
      Notes: sooo I haven't gotten lucid for some time now, even though I thought I was coming closer and closer to a more consistent induction technique other than dild..... well tonight I got lucid using dild.... a lucid dream I said a lucid dream I guess lol

      Dream: the dream kinda started out in a climbing gym. I had been working (route setting) for the competition that was taking place in the gym. I remember a ton of my friends participating in the competition.
      Some time later, I find my self in a car. I was driving towards a town or something. (In real life i often RC while in my car , since I spend a lot of time driving. I often also think about what I would do if the RC would work some time lol). I RCed, since that what I normally do in my car. I didn't think much of the result of the RC. Ohh wait, didn't that RC just work??? I tried again and felt the air going through my nose (I did the nose plug RC). i got lucid!! (In waking life, I often thought that if I got lucid while driving, I would fly through the windshield or crash the car on purpose, just for the lolz) I though about flying, but didn't want to lol. So I parked the car. I actually just pulled the handbrake in the middle of the road hehe. I opened the car door and noticed I had my seatbelt on.i tried phasing through it. But it didn't work, so I just clicked my self out lol. I kept reminding myself that this was a dream, and rced a couple of times. I walked a minute or 2, towards this big house. (In my previous lucid dreams, the gravity has been weird, however in this one it was just as in waking life. Nice). I opened the front door of the house I was walking towards, and saw a big mirror in the entrance. I looked into the mirror to get a glimpse of my own reflection. I was wearing some kind of post apocalyptic clothes. And also I was wearing a fly mask / gas mask thing, and glasses. I couldn't feel all these head accessories on my face, so I just lolled and went into the next room. There were 2 dream characters in there. A woman with blond hair, and a girl with brown skin and hair. I said hi, and they said hi back. I went upstairs. And I woke up.......
      I rolled over on my left side, picked up my pen and dream journal and wanted to write down the lucid dream I just had. But I couldn't remember the dream I had had before the lucid dream. Wait.... the dream before my lucid dream, was SOOOOO vivid. I should be able to remember that dream lol... I woke up, rolled over on my left side, picked up my dream journal and wanted to write the lucid dream I just had... WAIT.... didn't I just do this??? Hahahha the FA got me good this time....

      Normally I tend to catch on to the FAs... but this time I didn't lol.
    12. lxii.

      by , 11-01-2018 at 12:48 PM
      Non-dream stuff - Woke up at about 8:20 or so with one of my alarms, but went back to sleep. Woke up again nearer 11:00. Was having a semi-vivid non-lucid dream, some details lost now because I had to get up to do other stuff.

      I remember my computer screen. I was sitting down to do something and then some weird pop-ups and music started. I couldn't find out what was causing the music to play so I started looking at the list of processes, finding a few things that looked out of place. I was a bit startled to find this was some sort of malware playing the music, and causing these pop-ups, which for once were mostly innocent (and somewhat detailed) drawings of several themes.

      Even so I was feeling under threat or stressed and I looked at the file location for the suspicious processes, continuously closing these pop-ups as they appeared. The music was sort of calm, nothing intense, but it didn't feel any less unnerving in the dream. I found the files for the music-playing program and there was a file without an extension called "about"; I opened it up with NPP, which as expected revealed a few lines of text, including the motivation of the person that made this malware thing. Apparently it was from a Swiss games company, which I thought was very odd. I remember an e-mail address and some other details.

      I remember thinking it was my own fault for not having an anti-virus installed and I was showing the malware to my partner (H) I think. But then I noticed a little tray icon for Avast or something like that and I said to H "see, it doesn't detect it...", referencing the lack of any alerts.

      In the end I think I was going to delete the files of the malware programs, as they didn't look like they'd been protected in any way, but I can't remember what I actually did do.

      Then some transition. Remember being in a town or city. In the US maybe? I was walking along with H and I think it was dusk or day time, but we went into this fancy modern/futuristic-looking building that was like a big surface tunnel; inside it looked kind of like a mall and was a bit busy, and I remember H interacting with someone. A guy that was working at a restaurant dropped something while clearing trays and H helped.

      Not sure what happened next. Transition?

      Outside, slightly sloped area, evening/sunset. Some houses. Thinking about the malware again? Faint memory of the music again.

      There was more, but I seem to have lost recall for the next bits.

      Some notes:
      • The particular vividness of this dream did not seem to make me any more aware or questioning of its nature than usual.
      • The music playing may mean that in waking life there was some other sound. This may have been my alarm or later one of H's alarms. Either way, music playing in dreams often relates to their vividness for me, though they are not always implicit to each other.
      • The drawings were of things like classic representations of landscapes but also of "furry" themes and still life.

      + Previous score: 62.0

      + This DJ entry score (breakdown below): 2.0
      ++ Recall a non-lucid dream: 1.0
      ++ Ask for advice: 1.0 (asking H for help with the malware)

      = Total score thus far: 64.0

      Updated 11-06-2018 at 12:38 PM by 95293 (Score typo)

      non-lucid , side notes
    13. Vivid NLs - October 26

      , 10-26-2018 at 04:28 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Had a vivid, long dream about a list of words, one of them being vacuum. This transitioned into a dark city scene with a high train raised above everything else.

      Had a vivid dream right before waking about being at a beach with F. We were looking at a sandstone or just time-worn statue of Cleopatra which was very beautiful. There was a youngish Asian couple (early-mid 30's) who were standing next to the statue, petting a fish. There was a gigantic fish which the man was petting near the statue, and it swam away. F gave me two rings to hold and went to get a drink from a stand.
      non-lucid , memorable
    14. Bunch of Fun, Vivid Semi-Lucids and NLs - August 24

      , 08-24-2018 at 04:39 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Aug 24 2018

      Yesterday afternoon I discovered SAT which pretty much describes what I called "relaxed ADA" in previous posts. I did this throughout the day, and started doing more consistent RCs (noseplug, question surroundings and past actions for ~30 seconds at least, then finger through palm to make sure) throughout the day. Before bed I didn't do meditation or anything, just progressive relaxation and a little MILD. I also did some autosuggestion that I would do an RC every time I woke up, since I've been having a lot of FA's lately and wanted to convert them. Then I fell asleep pretty quickly (and pretty early).

      My first dream was of a huge, squarish/adobe-style mansion. I had the understanding that it wasn't mine, but rather I was staying at it. My fiance was staying there with me, and we had some R&R in our shadowy corner of the mansion, where we could still see some sunlight on the terrace. She was wearing an outfit I'd seen recently IWL. Occasionally we went on the main grounds and met with others staying there (non-WL DCs, but they were friends, not random lodgers). I remember semi-consciously shaping events and character actions, but I definitely wasn't fully lucid and never did an RC. It was a fun dream though, one of those simple and joyful NLs that you remember fondly afterwards.

      I woke up after this dream and didn't do much MILDing, fell asleep pretty quickly. I'm a kid with three sidekicks, young Hermione and two other kids our age. We're all walking around an outdoor/indoor farmer's market that morphs into an oversized shopping mall. We start avoiding Darth Maul and his gang, they're trying to catch and kill us, or rather wipe out our existence. At one point we're flying around near the ceiling of the mall, dodging slow-flying homing darts. We're also avoiding the big stinky guy from spirited away (not noface, the stinky guy that turns out to be a river spirit). He apparently has the power to reverse-age us if we get to close to him. We eventually find our way into a room with a closet/armoire named Percy. He can take us back to some years ago before this happened. I think this part of the dream happened twice, in different ways. The first time, we all got in and were saved. The second time, only I made it into the armoire and shut the doors tight, with Darth Maul's fingers gripping the edge of the door. He was making some kind of persuasive argument, appealing to my emotions, and I felt sorry for him, but in the end I was able to shut the doors and I made it out. Flash-forward to several years later. My friends who didn't make it out were reincarnated and are the same age as me now (several years older). We are all at a smaller outdoor farmer's market. They are all the opposite genders now. One of them has discovered a new strain of blueberry, which is oblong.

      Our curtain dropped IWL and I had to put it back. I went back to bed quickly after that. My next dream was an NL. I was in my high school gym and it was the last day of high school. I was in the top row of the bleachers joking around with my friends during an emotional and apparently important speech by Coach M. I got called out and cried in the dream. Several of my high school friends were there also, and they're some of my dream signs, so I should have recognized them. Despite this, I didn't question anything. I walked towards the exits and on the way out had a heart to heart with Coach M. Once I was out, I walked under the overhang and got made fun of by my friends for crying, but then we were all cool again.

      Slight dream scene transition and I'm in the HS parking lot, where I see someone taking my dog into a black SUV. I run after them and I am flying on the street (I think I was semi-lucid here but I can't be sure; again, I definitely didn't do an RC or anything). I see one of my WL coworkers in the air on a flying machine (think chitty chitty bang bang). I ask him for help. As I fly forward and he flies towards school, I communicate with him telepathically and have him drop down some electronic turnstiles/gates to allow me access through where this black SUV is taking my dog. The gates and general scene remind me of the new Jurassic Park movies for some reason.

      Somehow from here I end up in a version of Disneyland with fiance. Again, she's wearing an outfit that I saw IWL recently, a business-ish dress this time. Everything is frozen. There's a huge blue bioluminescent flower that's completely frozen. The entrance feels more like a shoddy amusement park than Disneyland -- the sign for it is like 8.5x11 and just says in small Denny's-like font "Disney". Fiance is wearing ice skates, I'm wearing her thin slippers from WL. I get a strong sense of deja vu as we enter and hop over a cold puddle. I can feel the ice crunch underfoot and feel the cold, but not in a bad way...very vivid. I make a comment about taking a swim or something similar

      From here I end up at a pot luck that looks like a huge Thanksgiving feast. I brought my own meal though, and I feel bad about it because it's not enough for everyone. I say my hellos and then head to the back where there's a darkened living room (fireplace behind/to the righ of me) and I'm in a chair/recliner. There are some older folks and family members around me and fiance eventually joins me.

      *Note: Mostly slept on my sides last night. I think this results in more vivid semi lucids and non lucids, which can be nice every once in a while Interestingly I don't think I had any FA's.
    15. Day 20: 20/20

      by , 03-06-2018 at 04:47 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 11:30 PM

      Woke up at: 6:30 AM

      Dream 20: Damn QTE's...

      Laying on my bed during the daytime, early morning I'd guess. I'm playing a sort of Heavy Rain styled game on my 3DS with a zombie apocalypse setting. My character is limping away from a horde of zombies as both of his legs are broken. The button prompts are faded and move around on screen, obscuring my vision as I try to determine what button it wants me to press.

      For some reason, I had a really terrible time trying to get past the QTEs. I distinctly remember my character getting chomped on by zombies two times because of failed/missed button prompts. I got real pissed off and just turned the game off afterwards.

      This is one dream I really wish I had gotten lucid in, honestly. The morning sky, vivid imagery, and near life-like setting would have been an amazing world to play around in. It could have very easily turned into a level four lucid dream if I tried.
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