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    1. 05/03/11 Oceans, Swamps, Schools

      by , 05-03-2011 at 10:19 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Ocean Life Museum
      I am with my mother and my grandmother, we are going through a place that seems very familiar to me, it is a small museum / zoo dedicated to the animals and fish of the sea. There are many aquariums filled with exotic fish, but the largest area is dedicated to a pair of dolphins. The dolphin enclosure makes up the major part of the museum, the owners of the museum have taken extensive effort to make the enclosure emulate the dolphins' natural habitat. Transparent tunnels cross the enclosure where people can walk through and observe the dolphins in their daily lives, the effect is that it looks almost like being underwater with them. Of course the dolphins aren't there alone, there is also a wide variety of fish, some of which are sources of food for the dolphins. A smaller area of the museum is devoted to the 'sea of stars' above us. There is a virtual reality ride that goes through deep space on a thrilling journey through space, or that's what the advertisement says. My mom buys me a ticket for that, but the ride turns out to be quite disappointing. The video is pretty good, but it is in no way virtual reality. When I get out I can't seem to find my mother, but I end up in a room with several sea lions that want to play.

      Gollum and the Pervert
      I am in a swamp somewhere, the place is dreary and wet and pretty unpleasant. I don't feel like myself, in fact I know I'm not myself… I have absolutely no awareness of my waking life self. I am Gollum from Lord of the Rings… and that seems perfectly normal. I look around the area of swamp I am in and see a pair of hobbits lying in one of the few dry (relatively dry) places, sleeping uneasily. Frodo and Sam. Frodo has the ring, the ring that I both want to have and am afraid of at the same time, it's like an addict's drug when the addict is trying to go sober… it offers both salvation and doom at the same time. I decide I am too close to the ring, I had better get farther away, take a break from its presence. I move off into the swamp, looking to put a bit of distance between myself and the cursed item. I hear someone following me. It's Sam. He asks me where I'm sneaking off to. I am tired of him always being suspicious, so I come up with a reasonable excuse to be going off on my own. I say I have to take a crap. He says he's going to watch. I just look at him for a bit… you want to watch me take a crap? He says yes. Err… I feign taking a crap, and he does watch… he watches closely and asks why I didn't go. I say I can't go with an audience. We go back to the clearing where Frodo has just woken up. Frodo asks where Sam and I have been. Sam says I am a dirty sneak, and he saw me going off to do something suspicious. I say being a sneak is better than being a pervert who likes to watch other dudes take a crap… maybe Sam needs to come out of the closet?

      Schoolyard Bullies
      I am in the playground area of a school I don't recognize. It is a Jr. High School, and I am the appropriate age to be a student there. One thing makes this better than my original Jr. High School years, this time I am fully aware of some cool powers I have, psychic powers… telekinetic powers… pyrokinetic powers… I am playing with my telekinetic powers by moving rocks around using my mind. Most of the other students in the school seem to sense something weird about me so they avoid me. I am rather lonely, I keep my mind occupied with my powers. I see a few large boys chasing after a much smaller boy, the group of them run across the playground over towards the school where the smaller boy finds himself cornered by the school. I hate bullies, having been the target of teasing and verbal bullying most of my life, so I go over to interfere. I have no fear of becoming their target and getting hurt because I have my psychic powers. I go over and start making fun of the bullies. Wow, it sure takes a brave group of guys, grouping up five against one to push the smaller boy around… The bullies aren't pleased with my interference. I recognize the people… the smaller boy is Harry Potter, one of the larger ones is Duddley Dursley. Of course I recognize them… they are classmates! Duddley tells me to stay out of it, he's not opposed to hitting a girl. I say he should waddle on over and do it, then, fatso. He looks at Harry, then at me, then starts walking towards me. I use my TK to make him walk in place then make fun of the fact he can't even walk properly. I tie his shoe laces together with TK… he face plants right in front of me, I add he apparently can't tie his shoes properly, either. He is mad, Harry laughs a bit. Duddley threatens Harry and tries to get up. Too bad his feet don't move from the ground… he face plants again. He is confused, he gets up and his pants fall down. He tries to walk before realizing that… and face plants for a third time. Duddley's friends just stare. Duddley tells them to grab Harry. All of their pants fall down, now the rest of them face plant beside Duddley. The school bell rings, and a bunch of students rush out. A crowd gathers around us, everyone points and laughs at the big guys on the ground with their pants around their ankles.