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    1. Night of Friday 9/8/23 (Comp Night 8) Lucid!

      by , 09-09-2023 at 04:55 PM (Dreamlog)

      Frieza from Dragonball Z is at a Home Depot store.
      Recorded at 5AM, at the beginning of sleep cycle 5.


      During my 10 minutes of wake-time, I planned what I would do if I had a false awakening at my home. After taking the 8mg Galantamine and using the bathroom, I walked down the hall doing my series of reality checks. Then I rubbed my hands together. I also decided I should interact with the environment in some way, so I licked the wall. Yep. Gotta commit man. I wander around the house a bit, and decided I should find ways to teleport to the forest (step one of "The Plan"). I decide that I will summon an image of a forest on the living room TV and then step through it. Path forward established and my 10 minutes spent, I was content to lay down in bed. I tossed around for awhile and thought about just about every current life problem I have. Maybe I was too awake. After what felt like forever, I finally drifted off. No WILD though unfortunately.


      Seeking The Elusive Fantasy Forest™
      I'm waking up in my bed, and I immediately think to check for a false awakening.
      I can breathe through my plugged nose.

      I'm dreaming!
      I decided to cycle through some more RCs just in case.
      I look at my hands, and I have far more than five fingers on each hand. Yep. Dream.
      I tried to see my nose on the left and right sides and I can. So according to that check I am awake.
      To be fair I've never done that RC before so I didn't really know what to expect.
      I default back to another nose-plug RC and I can still breathe. Definitely dreaming.
      I recalled my plan from the WBTB prep, so I rubbed my hands and licked the wall. Yep.
      It tasted like the real wall. Like paint.
      I then find myself back in bed. Another false awakening.
      I repeat the RCs, but this time my vision isn't quite coming to me.
      I try to will my eyes to work. Nope.
      I say "Heal my eyes!" It works a little bit. I say "HEAL MY EYES TIMES 1000!" It works a bit more.
      This goes on for some time, and I'm getting annoyed.
      I recall another technique where I "take off glasses I didn't know I was wearing".
      I do this and clarity improves a lot.
      Eventually my vision stabilizes to the point where I can focus on other things. Like my goals.
      I can recall "The Plan" in it's entirety. Step one is to teleport to the fantasy forest.
      I wander over to my living room, which now resembles a mixture of my actual living room and my friend M's.
      My girlfriend S is there on the couch. I decide to play it cool and not tell her this is a dream.
      Instead I say "Oh hello! How are you? I'm going into the TV now!"
      I don't recall actually going through the TV, so I may have wandered away.
      I find myself lucid in the garage later. I'm looking around for the Elusive Fantasy Forest™.
      I look down, and hope that when I look up, the forest will be on the other side of the open garage door.
      Vivid green grass and neighborhood. At least that is consistent. It looks similar to how it did in my previous lucids.
      I checked around the garage some more, looking for a door or something else I can use to teleport.
      I find a storage cabinet and try to teleport Narnia-style, but no luck.
      I lose my focus for a bit, and I end up walking out of the garage door and preparing to fly.
      I kick off the ground hard and take flight. I specifically notice that my right leg doesn't hurt as I jump (In waking life I am recovering from surgery so jumping is normally out of the question).
      I zoom around and enjoy the view. The grass looks even more vivid from up here. It takes on a pastel-like painting aesthetic.
      As I take in the view I come to a realization.
      There is nothing other than vivid green grass and dots of homes that look like legos from this high up, for as far as my eyes can see.
      Maybe the reason I can't find my forest is because this entire goddamn dream-plane is a neighborhood.
      I zoom around some more, and find myself using air-swimming to control finer turns. Haven't tried that before.
      Also unusual, I land without losing lucidity. I remember that I still need to try this stupid teleporting thing.
      I'm back at my garage now and I remember reading a tutorial somewhere on DV about "scrolling the world".
      So I raised my hand as if I was about to swipe the world like an image in my phone pictures gallery, not really expecting this to work.
      Except, against dream-rules, it does work despite my negative expectation. The entire world, my current view of it anyway, swipes to the left, and a new image slides in from the right, teleporting me somewhere new.
      But of course, not the elusive Fantasy Forest™.
      I see a big, vivid, blue ocean in front of me. The waves are almost caramel-like. They move too slowly. In other words, their viscosity is higher than it should be. They crash down lazily.
      My family may have been there too, I can recall my Dad being present for sure.
      I briefly consider exploring the bottom of the ocean because who knows what my brain would put there!
      But I ignore the ocean and my family: I am on a mission dammit!
      I turn to walk away from the ocean and I notice it is raining behind me, and there is a forest in the distance.
      But then a car drives by in front of it. IT ISN'T A FANTASY FOREST! IT'S A REGULAR PRESENT DAY FOREST!
      I start to think about other ways to reach the forest. In particular, I imagined it might be easier to seek out a campfire and go from there.
      But despite my best efforts, before I reach the Elusive Fantasy Forest™ I find myself waking up, thinking I should try to record before I lose memory of this dream.
      I wake.

      Recorded at 7:45AM.

      Updated 09-13-2023 at 11:45 PM by 99808

      dream fragment , lucid , false awakening , memorable
    2. Forgive Yourself

      by , 11-09-2022 at 04:26 PM

      Updated 09-07-2024 at 02:17 AM by 99032

    3. 13 Aug: Tsunami in Southeast Asia and doomsday recovery facilities

      by , 08-13-2022 at 05:39 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      With Riverstone at some tropical paradise in Southeast Asia. We feel an eartquake, I look at the ocean behind us and say maybe we better assume the possibility of a tsunami. We run to the hotel, which is a 50 storey high building. But it is by the sea, so I don't know if it will hold up, but there is no time to go anywhere else this high. It has an elevator, with entrances outside the building, from a balcony facing the ocean and it is a scenic elevator with glass walls. A giant wave is already coming in the distance. Riverstone is freaking out, so I tell him to stay calm and I push him inside the elevator when the door opens. I press the button for the last floor and I hope the elevator is fast enough. It is very big. It has 3 doors frim the side we came in (instead of 3 elevators side by side, there is one giant elevator with 3 doors that take in people all at once) and it has 3 other doors on the opposite side (from inside the building).
      The wave was faster than we expected and it hits the building when we're half way, enveloping us in water like a reverse aquarium. The elevator keeps going up, but on the 18th floor we start seeing water coming in through the door gaps and it continues for the next floors. We are afraid that the water will shut down everything and we get stuck in a flooding elevator, but it keeps going and then we enter an area with cement walls and the water stops flowing in. The elevator stops and I can't tell if we reached the top floor or we just got stuck. I think that at least it is a very spacious elevator, not very claustrophobic and we don't seem at risk of drowning.
      But then one door opens and there is a large hallway with stairs going down to what looks like a waiting room. A couple people welcome us and asks for our names and says we have to wait to be called and then they'll test us for intelectual and physical abilities, as they only want to keep people who can contribute. We have no clue what is going on, but apparently this is some kind of rescue operation for a few lucky people who know about it. Other people sitting down tell us that the space is limited, so only the useful ones are taken in, everyone else is kicked out again. I ask what happens to those who don't pass one of the tests but they don't know or dont say. Then my name is called and I have to cut through a bunch of people in a corridor to reach a lady repeating my name. But she only called my first name and I wonder if it's really me she wants. Then she says the last name and it isn't me. But she couldn't care less. She takes me to a warehouse where I see boxes and packages and she asks if I could carry those. First she hands me what appears liquid detergent bottles, but quite large and heavy. I manage. Then she shows me a cardboard box full of something and I also lift it without big issues. I explain that I am strong but I have fibromyalgia and therefore won't be able to do continuous efforts for too long and maybe I'd be more useful in an intelecrual role. She scoffs it off and says they need me here now and I have to accept, or else they might cut me off. So I accept.
      I then go around the warehouse trying to get familiar with the place and I spot a weird dangerous looking animal which looks like a cross between a spider and a scorpio. She is big, like 20 cms and has a squid like head, the torso o,f a spider and a long abdomen with two long appendices extending in the back. The spider thing locks in on me raises up one of those appendices, which looks like a tube with an opening on the tip. Then she shoots a dart from it, poisonous I am sure. I manage to escape it and to protect others around from also being hit. The spider then hides and when it comes back from another place, she has both appendices raised and shooting darts left and right. I use some plastic to protecf myself and someone else. Then wonder how this bug is allowed to plague these facilities and I think I will work on a plan to kill it or else I won't be able to focus on my job.
    4. Sunday, June 5

      by , 06-16-2022 at 09:31 PM
      I’m in a large house on the ocean shore. It is Dad’s birthday, but Makayla and I jokingly run away from him when he shows up. He takes it personally and the look on his face says so. I’m going to try to find him a book here to make up for it. This room looks like a large foyer, books lining the top of every wall on a high shelf. They all look like Franklin Library or similar. Some are more ornate than I’ve ever seen. There are a couple of thick Dostoevskys, the binding looking like his portrait in stained glass. I think about getting these for myself. I know that Dad wants [a certain title] that has to do with maritime, so I search for it. I do find the title, but it’s combined in one volume with The Red and the Black by Stendhal. I open it to find it’s in a weird font that is pre highlighted, I think each character in a different color. I don’t like it. I find one more pre highlighted and spiral bound. Again, I don’t like it. Al shows up now and offers to help. Looking to the shelves, I tell her I’ve looked through every single title. She hands me a book on the old west as a recommendation. I flip through it and see some familiar figures in the illustrations/photographs, such as Judy Garland as Dorothy. Appreciative, I tell her I will take this one. Now, through a window or open door I see Dad walking along the beach with a beer bottle in hand and talking to himself. It is dark out. He’s sad about us abandoning him and, staggering and slurring, says he is going to see [someone]. I feel really bad about this. Now, Julia is here and it feels late at night. She says something and I say “these shrooms are starting to feel good” (I must’ve taken them a bit ago). I go into a room here, hers?, that has a nicely made bed with a fuzzy gray color theme. The rest of the room has the same aesthetic.

      *Melissa asked last night what I’m getting Dad for Father’s Day and I told her I didn’t know. She then brought up Carlos’ birthday. I commented on the Franklin Library copy of Ulysses I’m reading and grabbed a Franklin Library copy of Crime and Punishment at work. The things in brackets are specific details present in the dream that I’ve since forgotten.
    5. Monday, May 16

      by , 05-26-2022 at 01:27 AM
      I’m at a beach with what seems like some of the family. It is definitely a beach on the ocean coast. It looks like Hawaii or the California coast. The sand is long and also very deep, sloping down to reach the water. The waves come in large but not violently. It is dim out but the scene seems to be lit with some glow, maybe twilight or moonlight. I’m in the water now, with Dad and Stella. Stella swims after something - a toy?, not an animal. She dives down quite a ways after it. I’m apprehensive at first but then relax when I see how well she’s doing.
    6. Akashik library; Past life; Ocean; Sx

      , 09-28-2021 at 06:47 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Finally, thank you Lord! I have much less stress in my life.

      I'm able to spend some time LDing and meditating. Mostly focusing on my betterment, healing, creating my own future... based on spirituality and it's link to science.

      In my absence, I have had a random DILD here and there and some WILD experiences. Mostly recently, after I started focusing on it again.

      Last week I watched youtube videos about meditating, past life regression, healing and creating our own future with power of our mind. Then I WILDed with intent of visiting a past life.
      I had a bunch of exits. One of them took me into a village with some women and kids in front of an old house. I didn't see the surroundings, but I felt that we are inside of castle walls. I walked up to them and wanted to shake her hand. I asked her what's her name. But she didn't reply.

      When I woke up, first thing I did was say Irene Ridel Stone. I have no idea why I said that and I don't recall having any dream with that name. Just for the heck of it, I googled that name and one result came up. Woman living somewhere in US, who died 4 years before I was born.

      Yesterday (monday) I watched some youtube videos for relaxing, healing, creating own future, akashik records, past lives...
      Took 3x300 Alpha GPC at 6:40am
      Took 2x4 galantamine about hour later.
      WILDed to deep relaxation video.
      Woke up at 10:30 from what I estimate was 1hr long event.

      I remember I couldn't get up or float up or wiggle myself out to roll out. Nothing worked. Everytime I was just there. In between, I realized I'm still asleep and I entered another landscape.

      1. I'm flying at night close to the ground with ocean on my left. I'm trying so hard to steer that way but the force that's flying me is so much stronger and it won't let me go there. (I love ocean).

      2. Nighttime again. Someone points out the Moon. I look at it with amusement, knowing, that I tried so many times to get there, but never succeeded. I'm not gonna try. A man behind me dressed in black with old fashioned hat tells me that he can get me there. I understand that he has powers. He grabs me and I jokingly say "oh, you gonna just throw me there"?. He does that, but it doesn't work.

      3. I'm asking to see my past life. Another exit and I'm so happy. It's daytime. Sun is shining bright and it's a beautiful day. Everything so clear. I'm in front of my parents house. Instead of a small thick forest with lush trees and grass there is a small forest with palm trees. But there is no grass and sandy soil is very dry. Short palm trees are all laying down in all directions, as if from drought. I'm thinking that this is not past, but maybe future. When after climate change it will be warm enough for tropical plants to grow in Europe, and it will be dry.

      I'm happy to have this what it thought will be the last lucid.

      4. But then I materialize in a huge hall. A man walks up to me and hands me about 10 folders. Shows me a desk where I can look at it. It's my past lives. He says "if you need more, guy in Istanbul can tell you more". (just before WILDing, I read a few entries from my DJ. I know I have many dreams from Peru and from Istanbul. Not sure what came first, haha. Me living in Istanbul in a past life and that's why I have so many dreams from there, or I just read my dreams about istanbul, that's why the guy in this lucid said it).

      But I ask him if I can look at the library instead. The wall on the left is huge, full of books and it's fascinating. I start walking around. A hallway that looks like in a theater takes me to a short stairway leading down. There is some people standing next to it and I understand it's not advisable to go down. That's where dead people go. I see some people down there and I know they are dead, and also a lady standing on top where I am. But for some reason she didn't go down yet.

      5. Oh yeah. There was another exit. This time to a sunny ocean view. Beautiful tropical see, I fly to it and this time I'm able to go and enter water while grinning ear to ear from happiness.

      6. Also, got lucky in 2 separate exits. : )

      I'm super happy about my experience. I know there is something more to this life than what we see.

      Lol I got logged out while typing this. Thank god it got saved : )
    7. 19 Aug: Surreal backrooms and lucid swimming in the ocean and creating garden of Eden

      by , 08-19-2021 at 08:33 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      The big news is that it was made a first successful human head transplant and it was made by switching the heads of two persons. My mom tells me this could be good for Riverstone because they can just switch him to a new body. I am wonderding if he'd do it and struggle with the idea of having my head severed and plugged with tubes and being attached to a replacement body.

      At home with Riverstone and I am butt naked when I spot my dad through the window, bringing someone else with him. I look around for a robe to wear and find nothing. Riverstone is already at the door to open it, so I can't sneak out to my room, because I'd have to come near the door. I have a very long t-shirt and a cardigan in my office, so I put those on. But I am not entirely comfortable as I am wearing no underwear. My dad comes in and finds something strange in my attitude, then I see my uncle Fernando is the person he brought along and I rejoice seeing him as I never got so say goodye when he died. Then I see Rui and I am over the top thrilled. He looks younger and healthier than when I also last saw him and I hug him tight. I ask him to join me outside while my dad and uncle talk. He holds my hand and I take him through a door which instead of taking us outside, takes us into a sequence of surreal rooms and storages, until we get to a small room with victorian decor and a velvet green sofa. We lock the doors on both ends and we kiss and make out sitting on that sofa. But when I stop kissing him for a while, he turns into some girl with black hair. She is cute and all but not whom I was engaged with, so I let her go and leave to the surreal corridor behind the door. I start being chased by a ghost. I can feel it and sometimes even see it as it creates a distortion in the background. I grab a stiletto shoe I see on a shelf and start hitting it when it comes too close. It is invisible but has mass when I hit it. It gives up hiding and appears in a visible form. It is a very big frog and it was just trying to protect something and not attack me. I look behind it and I see what seems like a shop with everything related to frogs. I find it absurd. Then I look around and see now that I am at some huge mall. There are people entering a big supermarket, there is a floor with just cinemas, there are many shops... I don't know what triggers me, but I feel upset with the mindless consumerism that I see, so I raise my hands in the air to destroy some billboard or screen with telekinesis power and I watch people freaking out and panic
      . I become lucid and know I won't hurt any real people, so I start making everything collapse into dust. Then outside I see other big buildings, cars and machines and I turn them all to dust. I want to experience a world where none of this exists anymore amd soon I am walking around in an idylic paradise. Looks like the garden of Eden, food grows in beautiful gardens full of flowers, lambs lay down in the middle of the flowers, people are sitting everywhere in the grass and around lakes, just enjoying themselves and the sun and beauty of the world. Seems wonderful and after a while also quite boring. Nobody does anything but contemplate. The weather is fantastic, food is provided abundantly, no one has to do anything which is great, but then I think maybe a couple cinemas and other entertainment here and there would not be so bad after all, if people kept a healthy balance.
      Anyway, I decide to jump to some other random place/dream so I use a puddle of water as a portal. I plunge into it and as I do, I remember some friend had asked me if I had ever swimmed under water in dreams and how it felt, and I think I did but here is a good chance to try again. Instead of coming out on some dry place, I just dwell on this water and swim away. It becomes an ocean and I see corals and sea urchins and I concentrate on the sensations I am feeling, like breathing under water and the sensation of water in my hands as I push it. It does not feel exactly like the real thing. It feels much more like I am actually flying over the water and what I feel around my body is thicker air and not really water. But I plunge deeper and manage to get a more realistic sensation. I even hold my breath to better simulate the experience.
    8. 20 Mar: Rescuing cats, parasites and toxic bugs, superman alter-egos

      by , 03-20-2021 at 11:42 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At a house which appears to be Carla's home. There's my mom and my grandpa along with a bunch other people, as if they all live together there. There is an earthquake and I suggest we get out while it is happening, but my mom points out that grandpa can't get up and walk on his own. So while we're doing our best to lift him, the earthquake stops. People feel like it is ok to stay, but I go check the house and some rooms look dangerously affected, with awful cracks on walls and ceiling. I insist on evacuating everybody and I manage to grab my grandpa on my own over my shoulder and take him away, but then mom and a friend remind me about all the cats that live there and especially like to gather on the rooms that are most damaged. I tell them I will get them all to safety, and I start grabbing them two at a time and putting them in improvised boxes and containers to a safer area of the building, and closing these rooms shut. But there seem to be more and more cats popping up. At some point the corner room that was more damaged, is really coĺapsing and the cats are just there hanging out like totally oblivious of the danger upon them.

      At some modern house with glass walls and straight lines over a grassy hill. There is a bunch of kids that come over for activities and I am somewhat responsible for them. We are playing with a radio broadcaster or similar and I am thirsty so I go drink a glass of water. It tastes horribly and I notice it is orange like it has rust in it. I go check our water source, some kind of well, and it is poisoned by two kinds of dead processionary caterpillars, one of them which is orange and black and I've never seen before. Doesn't seem very safe. Meanwhile I spot a bunch of them on the ground and before the kids or dogs touch them, I rush to pick them all and put them on a bucket. But on doing so, I grab some soil that is infested with different bugs and worms and there are some thin long ones that I think are baby earthworms, until one gets between my fingers and finds a way through my skin. It is so thin and slimy I can't get a hold of it and it enters inside my hand. I can feel it moving and it is exasperating and painful. I go to the doctor immediately and she gives me really grim news saying I just drunk water with a deadly toxin and have inside me the worst parasite that grows the larger of all. She says I have also been bitten twice by a black widow and I'm like "when was that, because I didn't complain about any of that?". She starts me on treatment but says the prospects aren't the best. I cry like a baby and say I'll never again even step outside the safety of a city.

      Me and Riverstone run a little shop with everything from new and used clothes to a books and antiques and we also have a few boxes with stuff for free that people can just take. Some lady is interested in used baby clothes as she can't afford brand new clothes and I am having difficulty in finding it in the middle of the mess the shop is in at the moment. She asks if some stuff she likes can be taken for free and Riverstone says yes, because he is overwhelmed by the excess stock we have, but I think it is very sellable stuff so I say no to her. Meanwhile the lady is waiting regarding the baby clothing and I tell her to come back the next day and I'll have the stuff she wants. That's when I notice she is a little person.
      Then I see some other customer sitting on a stone slab outside where some slug like creatures are sneaking behind him and because of my previous dream with worms, I panic and warn him about it. Still, one of them hooks itself on his back, like a leech. Fortunately we manage to unhook it. Then some stupid ass idiot comes by with a bunch of these worms in a jar, throws them at me and runs away. Everybody freaks out and helps me shake them out of my hair and check if any has latched on my body, but we think I am in the clear.
      I then get possessed and chase that mf down. Turns out it was a girl, she teases me like "so what? what will you do?" and I go full "Kali Ma" on her (Indiana Jones ref) and plunge my hands in her chest ripping her organs out and then to finalize it, I intend to project flames from my mouth, like a dragon, but instead I project hot green vomit on her, like the possessed girl in the Exorcist.
      When things calm down a bit, I sit with Zilla, Vera and a couple other friends at some outdoor café to drink something and relax. There are familiar faces around from my school past. I hear some music that makes me smile. And Vera interprets that I am smiling because I saw a guy on the next table, she assumes I have a crush on. So she takes a photo of him with her cellphone and goes around telling everyone he is my crush. He actually is a guy who bullied me a lot in middle school, his nickname was "ass-bomb" because he once farted in the classroom or something.
      I am fully aware now and tired of silly games so I explain to her what I was smiling at and whom the guy is and decide to go for a walk and do something with my lucidity. The area is like a kasbah, very tight streets with earth-rammed houses and vendors' tents. I soak in the diversity while thinking what to do. I see a few more familiar faces from middle school, another couple bullies for whom I actually feel tenderness, not so much from what they did but just to see them as they were back then, kids who haven't aged. I find it precious that I still keep their faces stored in my memory. Then something odd happens.
      Superman falls from the sky onto some iron structure like the entrance to a train station or something. He seems to struggle to get on his feet, then he is attacked by what seems another superman who looks more like a super butch superwoman, way more muscular than the original, but with a female face. And she beats the shit out of him. Then comes an emo superman, very pale and skinny and scared. He doesn't really do anything, just watches, confused, I am also confused. I decide to fly up where they are, to watch it better and maybe help the real superman, I don't know. But they kinda stop fighting and look at me surprised, like "and who the hell are you?". I feel like they now might pick a fight with me, so I just let go and fly away and let them sort it out.

      I keep flying but now I am actually on a plane over Florida. Instead of landing in the airport, it lands on water but not as an accident, apparently it is an hydroplane. The sky is so bright blue, no clouds, sun is shining bright, wonderful weather and beautiful light. When we land on the water, people are then taken to some water taxis and escorted by jet skis who are there as a backup (they have rafts for taking in people if necessary). I find it a bit too much of a precaution, but I am impressed with the organization. Some kid is looking at me and I smile at him. Most people are families with kids and I feel they are going to Disney World.

      Updated 03-20-2021 at 11:50 AM by 34880

      non-lucid , nightmare , lucid
    9. 19 Mar: Buddhist Lama and attempting TOTM

      by , 03-19-2021 at 10:41 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      In the countryside, there is a lake and I am staying there with some friends. One of them is apparently developing feelings for me and because I am not interested, I decide to keep my distance from him. Literally, when he is on one side of the lake, I am at the opposite, and every time he tries to reach me, I move away. Our other friend comes to tell me he thinks our friend is depressed and he believes it is because of the recent racism escalation so he wants to throw him some lunch party or something and I find it a bad idea because his problem with him is uncorresponded love, but I tell him to go ahead, just don't count on me.

      Then I am in the mountains. At a wooden cabin. I hear gunshots, probably hunters, which I detest. I go check on my dogs who are outside within a fence, but hunters sometimes don't care, they shoot anything that moves, so I fear for their safety. I see a couple Buddhist nuns passing by, and ask them if they've seen hunters around. They say they heard the shots and are saying prayers towards the animals at risk. Then some larger group passes right in front of my gate. The main figure is a Buddhist Lama and he comes surrounded by many monks, one of them by his side carrying a golden metal piece I can't identify. When passing in front of my lawn, the Lama grabs the piece quickly and drops it heavily at our entrance and apparently that means something important. They all come onto the lawn and sit around the Lama who is facing the golden object doing prayers. Then he makes some unintelligible prediction about a baby. Riverstone, whom I haven't noticed before was there, claims to hear something like a baby crying behind a wooden wall on our backs. It's supposed to be a hollow space for storage under a staircase or something, which has a door on the back that I know is locked with several locks. He is kinda out of his mind so he rips a board from the wall, not even letting me say there is a door. Inside this space is an altar covered in brocades and inside some covers is a baby girl that he picks up in awe and shock and brings to the Lama. Everybody is thinking of miracles but I know there is a door at the back of this pillar and ask Fernando S., who is also there, to check if the door is unlocked. He quietly confirms that it is unlocked. I get a bit pissed about the whole show, I don't understand the need for faking this whole shenanigan and I go outside the fence to the beginning of the hill descent. It's dark but I can see there are many other cabins and lots of activity going on, fires and prayers. It totally looks one of those Tibetan Buddhist settlements in the mountains, around monasteries and I think of my guru.

      Literally I am telling the previous dream to Riverstone. I get to the part of the monks sitting at the garden. And he is so excited to hear it, just as he was in the original dream to live it. He is grasping for a meaning and I can tell he will be disappointed in the end. Anyway, I didn't reach the end of the story.

      I am sleeping at some kind of attic at some family gathering. My dad, my deceased uncle Fermando and his wife are in that same house but they wanna leave, so my dad comes to wake me up to join him in offer them a gift before they go. I was pretending to be sleeping, cause I didn't want to be involved, but I notice them coming to check on me, so before they see me, I sneak out of bed and hide between an opened closet and remember I had more interesting things to do.
      I get lucid and teleport myself to outside. Remember to do the TOTM but cant do the ceiling fan thing because I am outside now, so I go for the surf thing. I visualize the ocean just over the end of a hill nearby and I start hearing the water. I go there and half way walking on grass, the ground beneath me disappears and I fall from the sky into the ocean. Amidst the waves, I try to visualize a surf board but it does not work. I kinda feel it but I do not see it, so I catch a wave in an invisible board. Then i see some kids surfing. One of them fall from his board and I "borrow" it. They are pissed about it, but I tell them it's just to catch one wave and I'll give it back. But the waves are really flat. I catch two, but have difficulty in taking any pleasure in the experience. Feels more like sliding over flat water, than actually surfing, as the waves are so small. The last wave pushes me into what seems a small cave but then it is a room.
      The dream shifts and now I am with kids in a room and they are waiting for the educator to come back. They say she'll put me in detention for making a mess. Indeed I am all wet and spread mud and water all over the pillows I am supposed to be sitting on. But when she comes in and before she manages to say anything, I sneak out and think I wanna surf more, but I am in the countryside again. I visualize an ocean bay and I head there. I am on top of a cliff where people watch beach goers down below. I then see Fernanda in a modelling gig shooting pics at the other side of this cliff, where there is some kind of canyon or canal and other people leaning over a rail, watching it. I ignore, because my goal is to surf again, so I turn again to the bay but it is gone and now in its place is a walk-in water fountain in a park with kids playing. Damn.
      I walk a few more steps towards the end of this park and someone calls my name excited. It's a friend of a friend (who actually does not exist in RL). I come back to say hi and she is very unpleasant, asking what I am doing here as I should be with my family or something. Then she has another friend with her, whom I never met, and she insults me too, saying maybe I am fooling around with some guy as I did with that guy in Italy while my boyfriend was at home. I did not do anything like that in RL, but in the dream I felt like I did, so I ask why this bitch knows about this and how many more friends of friends know. But then I say it doesn't matter because I don't know them anyway and I couldn't care less. I turn around to leave and they also leave still laughing and insulting me. I just go back two steps to tell the lady that I actually thought she was a nice person except for the part where she is a fucking cunt. They went down some stairs and when I look around I am inside some house again, seems like a clinic. There are rooms with patients and rooms with professionals apparently receiving training. I feel I am intruding but the patients gathering at some leisure room are very welcoming. Then I realize they all have back problems and are there for some physical therapy. I see something in the walls that catches my attention: intricate living landscapes. Each frame has divisions with small landscapes like lakes, ponds, ocean. You can see tiny rocks in it, mosses, algae, all real but in tiny size and most incredibly they are all covered in water that stays vertically in the divisions without anything holding it. Also, we are encouraged to touch it and make waves, make the water muddy, etc. Then I recall again my objective and I am considering choosing an ocean landscape to jump into it, but I wake up.

      Updated 03-19-2021 at 10:47 AM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , task of the month
    10. Epic Dragon Escapade

      by , 01-27-2021 at 06:39 AM
      Monday Night, 1/25/21

      I was basically Sam Winchester from Supernatural. I was returning from a mission with a group of fellow hunters where we'd had to translate between various languages. I walked up to a linguist guy and asked, "Do we ever translate messages from the 21st language over the phone?" (I had knowledge from the dream the the 21st and "final" language was demonic and therefore forbidden, with few people who could translate it, but we needed it nonetheless.)

      "Yes, we have to sometimes." The linguist told me.

      "Right." I realized our plans and knowledge were probably being constantly intercepted, which would explain a lot about our recent troubles. I quickly cooked up a scheme. "Alright, we're going to steal the book from the source so we don't have to pass information over the phones anymore. Come on." I grabbed the linguist by the arm and led him down a corridor. The section of floor we were standing on was actually an elevator, which transported us rapidly below ground.

      "Wait, where exactly are we going?" The linguist asked with great confusion.

      "Just popping over to hell real quick. Don't worry, I do it all the time."

      "What!" The elevator reached the bottom and opened up into a series of corridors. "I didn't sign up for this..." The linguist complained but I shushed him. The place looked more like the version from Charmed than Supernatural. I scurried down a corridor, apparently knowing my way around very well, and the linguist trailed reluctantly behind me. I came to what looked like a dead end. I put my hand on the wall and it opened to the central chamber with the book. Unexpectedly, the room was packed full of bad guys, as they were in the middle of a major ritual. Oops. I ran back down the corridors pushing the poor linguist back in the other direction.

      We made it back to the elevator, which took us back to ground level. "Split up!" I told the linguist, "They'll recognize me but they haven't seen you yet." I ran off to the left while he ran right. I made my way down a long hallway and then went outside. Now I could see that we'd been inside a large, black castle. The kind you'd expect villains to live in, with intimidating Gothic arches and lots of spires.

      I morphed into a young boy and clambered over the rocks surrounding the castle. In front of me was the sea, stretching out into the foggy horizon. I found myself climbing on the Statue of Liberty... or perhaps a replica of it, since it wasn't to scale. It looked like it had seen better days but it was more or less intact. I worried that I would be seen and hoped the bad guys couldn't look everywhere at once. I scaled down to the base of the statue, where I discovered that mermaids were carved into the green stone. They looked like they were just part of the statue but I knew from my dream memories that they were real. "Hey, remember me from years ago?" I asked one of the mermaids. No response. They appeared to be sleeping. Good. I recalled a group of allies warning me that when these mermaids smelled blood in or near the water, they could attack viciously. Is there any blood around here? I wondered nervously. It was late in the evening and I was crouching on the shady side of the statue, right next to the water and a sleeping mermaid. I couldn't see very clearly. I pulled out my phone, looking for the flashlight app. It took a while to turn it on since droplets of water kept getting on the screen. I was eventually able to confirm that there was no blood, however.

      Relieved, I turned the light off and looked back out toward the sea, wondering about my next move. My phone morphed into a wizard's wand. Maybe I could use the flying spell? How's that work again? Then I recalled an in-dream memory of my "magic mentor" laughing and saying, "The so called flying spell is completely useless! It's a joke, really. If you want to fly, what you really need is a dragon." Oh, right. But where would I get a dragon? I happened to know that the bad guys had stolen all the dragons in the country and were keeping them locked up deep underground. However, there is one dragon I could get to. I looked back to the castle and craned my neck to see a large black dragon chained to the highest spire of the castle. This was, apparently, the personal dragon of the head bad guy, aka "the Night King". That is, he was magically bonded with the dragon, allowing him to command it.

      At some point I morphed again to resemble my waking self. Somehow I managed to scale all the way up to where the dragon was located. I crept around to the side of the dragon at first, trying not to be noticed by it just yet so I wouldn't get fried. "What are you doing here?" The dragon asked telepathically.

      "Getting you out of here." I said quietly and unhooked the chain around its neck. The dragon grunted in response, seeming disinterested. Dream logic said I would have to ride the dragon (without a saddle I might add) and that the only way to accomplish this, since I wasn't bonded with it, was to command it to fly first and then jump onto its back while it was in mid air. "Vlar!" I shouted, and the dragon spread its wings and launched itself into the air. I flung myself from the spire, flailing wildly in midair for a while before just barely landing on the dragon. This seemed to destabilize it for a few moments, but I hoped that as a relatively smaller woman the dragon would have an easier time carrying me than the Night King. Sure enough, the dragon's flight smoothed out soon after.

      We were traveling in the opposite direction of the sea. I only had minimal steering control of the dragon, who informed me his name was Rijik. He was flying close to the ground and we were narrowly missing obstacles. I hope he accounts for the trees that could knock me off. I thought.

      "Trees can't hurt us at the speed we're going!" Rijik replied, "They're like bugs in the wind."

      Easy for you to say. You've got armored scales. And you're a dragon.

      Rijik laughed but flew a little higher. "It's these pillars you should be more worried about." Sure enough, we narrowly avoided a series of tall, white pillars. By this point I suspected the dragon was purposefully messing with me. "Doesn't it feel liberating to have that castle so far behind you, a tiny speck in the distance?"

      I glanced back at the castle. It did look a bit smaller, but we'd only escaped about 30 seconds ago and it seemed a little soon to be celebrating already. I would like for it to be much further behind us and much tinier looking.

      After traveling a while in silence, I was about to suggest we fly up as high as possible, enough to get some cloud cover so we wouldn't be seen by any potential pursuers. However, I noticed a strange looking tree out in the middle of an otherwise empty field. It was dead and it had strange branches that curved out and then straight upwards like many fingers reaching towards the sky. In the center of this circle of branches was a big hollow with stuff piled inside it. "That's the Knob Tree." Rijik said.

      "The what? Uh, that sounds kind of..."


      "Never mind."

      "It's called that because of all the doorknobs."

      "Oh right. Of course." Upon closer inspection I could see that the stuff inside the tree was, indeed, a pile of many doorknobs.

      Psi Power Tutorials-weird_tree.jpg

      Up ahead, there was a gigantic palace in ruins. It looked as though it had been sliced vertically in half such that all the interior rooms were exposed, on every floor. Despite its condition, it loomed over us and gave me an uneasy feeling. It must have been nearly twice as tall as the black castle we had fled. It was built upon a mountain of rock, which functioned like a wall that even the dragon would have a hard time clearing.

      A narration began, describing an event that had occurred long ago. Decades ago? Centuries? The Narrator said that the palace had been inhabited by an evil ruler. One man had, little by little, betrayed his own people in an attempt to appease this ruler. Each time, the man had a chance to redeem himself by recognizing how far he'd strayed from his moral compass, but each time he only sank deeper into self delusion. Finally, the man "fell beyond saving" (presumably in a spiritual or moral sense), and his last betrayal led to horrific atrocities. All the remaining people banded together and ultimately sacrificed themselves in order to ensure the evil could not persist any longer. They broke down every door to every room and placed the doorknobs of each door of the palace into the tree. I glanced back at the dead tree in the field and saw a sort of time lapse animation of the tree's hollow going from being empty to being piled high with so many doorknobs that they fell to the ground around it.

      By this point Rijik had to fly almost vertically upward because we were so close to the palace. I got a closer look at what was inside the faded and crumbling interior. I was horrified to see that each room contained one or more pictures of smiling children, some so many that they were stacked on top of each other. Sometimes there was a photo of a parent next to them. In a few places there were cubbies containing small caskets. I realized the whole place was like a cross between a war museum and a mausoleum. I could see debris, leaves, and tiny spiders strewn about the floors and I wondered who had set all this up, how long ago, and whether it was still being maintained.

      At last Rijik and I reached the top of the palace, but there was only more mountain and no clear way over to the other side. Climbing down to the roof, I saw an old woman. I realized she had been the one narrating the story. "Quickly, through here!" She said, revealing a hole in the rock covered by a curtain of vines. "They've already opened a wormhole to get to you." Great, wormholes? I thought, Now they'll be able to get to us just by knowing where to look and we won't be able to simply outrun them. So much for putting as much distance as possible between us. "There is one location that's safe from them," The old woman continued, "But the only way to get there is via a specific bus. There's a bus stop right down there." She pointed. "The next bus leaves in 3 hours."

      I lay flat on my stomach and rolled through the hole in the wall, barely able to fit. I lost my grip and fell but luckily the drop wasn't far on this side of the palace wall. I could actually see the wormhole nearby (kind of like the ones from Stargate but without the gate) and I hoped I hadn't been seen already. Rijik must have found a way over the wall because I saw him fly past. The bus stop was tiny, and there was nothing at all next to it except for a little bush. Three hours waiting at a bus stop with the bad guys here any second? How can this work? I considered taking Rijik off in a random direction to kill some time and try to shake the tail, then circling back in time to catch the bus, but then I decided it would only increase our chances of being seen. We'd have to find a place to hide, much as I disliked the idea. I crouched behind the bush and started digging with my hands in the dirt, hoping to find a secret passageway or something. It seemed unlikely so I gave up shortly after.

      I scanned my surroundings for other options. The coast looked clear, so I entered a random dark garage, as one does. A small metal case was sitting on the floor. Intel! I thought, and scooped up the case with delight. Suddenly light shone in from an opened door and two men in suits walked in. They looked kind of like Yakuza. "Hunters are so stupid." One of them said, laughing. "They're so good at picking up our little 'gifts' but not so good at finding anything of actual value." I'd be offended, but he's kind of right. We never questioned the conveniently located cases of intel. Darn.

      Looking past the Yakuza guys I saw that Rijik had been captured. He was being forced to battle a red dragon in an outdoor arena. I assumed other dragons were in the area as well. The Night King must have brought them all here. I started hatching a plot to try to break them free and escape again, myself, in the process. Of course, my options were limited at the moment. Perhaps I could get close to the arena and convince Rijik to turn on the Night King despite the magic bond and then help free the other dragons? Rijik knew me a little now, after all, and the Night King had been abusive. I didn't know enough about dragons to know if that even had a chance of working, but it was my best shot. Unfortunately I woke up before I could try saving the dragons.

      Updated 02-08-2021 at 05:07 AM by 17503 (added tree drawing)

      non-lucid , memorable
    11. My cousin is attempting to do something hardar than impossible

      by , 09-25-2020 at 09:32 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm playing some kind of Wii similar game. I'm throwing a frisbee in the game and Jonathan is complaining that I'm really slow. I do it as fast as I can but he is still not content. I have finished the game after some time and now it's Jonathan's turn. He is so fast it's ridiculous. Everything he does in the game is amazing. After some time there is a voice that is commentating on what Jonathan is doing. My vision is now in the game and I see Jonathan's game character swim in the ocean. The commentator is going crazy and is screaming that Jonathan is about to do something even harder than the impossible. there is a great big whale fish that bites Jonathan's character. The character grabs a hot air balloon that is just about to rise from the ground. The air ballon lifts Jonathan. The very big fish is still biting Jonathan and is going up into the air with the hot air balloon. The commentator screams that Jonathan succeeded in fishing a big fish by using himself as bait. The very big fish suddenly stops biting Jonathan and falls into the water. The commentator says that Jonathan unfortunately failed.
      Tags: cousins, fish, game, ocean
    12. A Leaden Lucid Fragment

      by , 09-15-2020 at 12:19 AM
      Sunday, 9-13-20, Core 2

      After a couple of long, regular dream fragments I found myself in the upstairs bathroom, sitting on the toilet. It was night and I was spacing out a bit, staring at the fan grate in the wall (which was on the wrong wall though I didn't notice at the time.) For a few brief moments, the grate I was looking at blurred and faded, and in fact everything in my visual field seemed to "glitch" and become less solid. I stared hard at the grate to try and unblur my vision, and it seemingly popped back into existence, becoming even more sharply defined than before. This whole experience was very similar to common waking life experiences where one might defocus one's vision when tired or consciously refocus on an object in order to sharpen one's vision on it. However, I found the extreme degree to which this happened here unnerving as it seemed as though the reality around me was liable to disappear altogether without constant attention to it. This is very likely a dream. I thought. My mind threw up the requisite resistance in the background due to the realistic, mundane nature of my experience up to this point. No, this could be a dream. I insisted mentally. I thought backwards, remembering the previous two dream fragments as if they were part of my day, then thought back further to remember myself getting into bed for core 2. There had been something a little strange about everything after that point, when I thought about it. I haven't woken up since then, I realized, I am dreaming!

      I decided to test gravity by seeing if I could think myself into floating, as I habitually do upon first becoming lucid. However, this time I felt heavily weighted down, as if my body were made of lead. Everything was vague and I knew I needed to stabilize the dream. I went to raise my hand in front of my face so I could stare at it to bring more clarity, but I couldn't raise it a single inch. I was genuinely surprised. Why do I feel so heavy? I asked myself, If it's just my expectation I should be able to change it with a thought... I tried this and failed. I then noticed that I could seemingly sense my waking life body where it lay. I could even feel where one of my feet was hanging off the end of the bed. The sensations mapped to the position I remembered falling asleep in. REM atonia? I wondered. Am I closer to a waking state than in previous lucids, but still deeply enough asleep for the atonia to be present? Is my brain translating my bodily sensations into this dream experience of extreme heaviness?

      I looked around again and realized the dream had faded more. Brute forcing things wasn't working. While I didn't feel close to waking up in terms of sensation (the level to which I could sense my body wasn't changing), I was reluctant to sit in a blurry dream scene for an extended period of time. If this is due to atonia, maybe I can work with that. I'll let images come and go they might in a WILD, observe them and wait for them to stabilize to a more solid dream. After a few moments, the fully blurred out scene randomly gave way to a vision of water, waves, the surface of an ocean.
      Before the scene could fully form, however, my consciousness lapsed. I know I dreamt some more before waking, though I don't remember the content.

      Spoiler for Additional Notes:
    13. Subnautica related dream with intense feelings | [??.??.2019/2020]

      by , 08-01-2020 at 05:11 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Subnautica-like dream
      I am in some sort of very dark abandoned hospital, nearly everything made out of stainless steel, even floor and walls, with no sign of decoration or anything else that would make one feel in any way happy, or even at all positive. There's blood everywhere, and it's too silent. I walk through it, and I think I discover another person.

      Next thing I remember is looking for something outside in the water in a small submarine, like the seamoth, in some sort of kelp biome reminiscent of Subnautica, but different. I get whatever it was that I was looking for and go back to some sort of base, which you enter by going under a sort of large hydraulic opening which opens as you approach it, and you go through to the surface of the water, and it closes again, and you are inside and can swim a few meters to dry land. There were other people, and we were working on something.

      Then, the next thing we do is go to some exceedingly exceedingly large cave, in which a creature just a bit smaller lives. It's literally many many kilometers large and we do some sort of research mission. Then I wake up.

      During the entire dream I felt really curious and excited, and in the hospital part very disturbed, hence the title.
    14. Saturday, July 4

      by , 07-11-2020 at 05:25 AM
      I am in Germany with Mom and Makayla. The first place we go to is a small, unassuming office building. Inside, it looks more like a home that has been converted to an office space. It is a perfect blend of the two. For a short period of time, Makayla and I can’t find Mom. At one point, I see her with a glass of non-alcoholic beer with a few sips missing. Part of me thinks ‘Already?’ There are two German ladies here. They are short and squat, older and very friendly. They speak English with a faint German accent. They work here but do not come off as an ‘employee’, eradicating any ‘us vs. them’ and promoting a genuine sense of helpfulness. The music that is playing here is odd and definitely nothing I’ve ever heard in any office building. It’s fairly loud, a slow and melancholy beat with droning female vocals. Through a window, I see that it is overcast out. One of the ladies says they should do something when it lightens up, gesturing as if she’s parting clouds. Now, I am outside with a different lady. We are sitting on a rocky shore against what must be the ocean. As I sit and observe the scenery and feel the perfect temperature, I am overcome with both grief and something close to euphoria, knowing that this is where I belong and that I’ll have to leave. I think I almost start tearing up. The scenery is rocky, but of soft soil and greenery where it is not. The ocean is calm and dampens the temperature to what I would call perfect. I talk to this lady as a small, wooden pallet drifts this way. There are a few seagulls on it that seem to be steering it. It becomes overcast. I think part of me is aware that Germany is not an island. The lady is showing me a map, pointing us out (a clear island), and showing how close we are to the very southern end of the ‘Hawaiian archipelago.’ There is a succession of maybe ten or so tiny islands to the North until I see the familiar cluster of Hawaiian islands. The rest of the map looks like a bunch of green islands close together on the deep blue of the ocean. She is now showing me where I’ll be staying. The house is two stories, wooden, and facing the ocean. It looks like the entire second story has a deck; we’re walking on it now. We see into one of the rooms, and she is nonchalant, but I’m not sure I like what I see. Looking down into the plain room, I see what looks like a dog bed. On it is a dog collar and some rod-like object. The unsettling part is that I think this is for a human )a captive?). Along the wall to the left there is an open cabinet. Attached to its door are about three black sheathes with different knives. I am disturbed because I thought Germany would be completely pleasant and not at all like this.

      I’m outside somewhere that looks similar to Midtown, but I think more residential. From a third person perspective I am watching Donald Trump and his advisor jogging. It seems his ‘advisor’ is trying to keep up with him. Now, I am jogging with them. His pace is fast, and I think of his old age. We turn a corner and head down a straight away. For some reason I imagine someone attempting assassination and how it’d be easy right here; I don’t think he currently has any protection. Now, I am home (the house seems unfamiliar) and I hear some activity in the doorway. There’s a member of the press just inside the door, interacting with someone just out of sight outside the door. He steps into view - it’s Donald Trump. I think I’m naked and/or don’t want him to see me yet, so I hop into the ‘shower’, which is actually the refrigerator. I shut the door and just barely fit in here - I think door’s actually still open just a bit. Pressed up against the sides of this ‘fridge’ with nothing but me in it, I don’t recall my ‘shower’ being this small. I turn the water on and it comes out cold.

      I must be performing auto fellatio. I am alone in an almost pitch black
      space, feeling the sensations of both giving and receiving oral. It is slow and passionate.

      I’m in a store with Mom. she points out a case of beer - it’s all of the World Beer Cup gold winners. The white case is probably almost as long as me and I think $15. Though I know it would be a good choice, I just don’t really want to get it.

      Updated 07-11-2020 at 05:28 AM by 95084

    15. Sunday, June 21

      by , 06-24-2020 at 04:56 AM
      I’m on a walk. I get to the edge of a driveway, where a Black man has met and is talking to a white, male police officer. I get the impression he has come down here so the officer won’t go on his property. Now, another Black man comes out and does the same thing. The officer leaves amicably and then the first man turns to me and starts handing me some cash, a few crisp bills. He has short hair and seems very genuine. I think it’s a few 20s and I don’t even know what it’s for, so I say no, I can’t take it. The second man, with shoulder length dreads and baggier clothes, tries doing the same, and I think I give in. I think at the beginning of this, I put on headphones to listen to a Tedeschi Trucks Band show (the song was ‘Laugh About It’ into a drum segment). The weather was cooler - I had pants and a long sleeve. I was walking on the right side of the roads [sic] as two girls were coming towards me. I noticed a car coming from behind them and from behind me as I had to go around them to the left, thinking it would leave very little room for the cars.

      I’m walking into a store with Sage. I think it’s a reptile or animal store. On the left, I notice three tanks on stands that’ve been covered with a black film or cover. Two older ladies working here say hi and then I think profile or customer service me. This irritates me as we walk into a larger back room, Sage way ahead of me.

      I’m on a walk and have ended up on what looks like a sandy hillside that overlooks a beach and the ocean? It is sunset and the thick and vivid layers of deep reds and oranges are absolutely beautiful. There is some kind of electronic trance music playing and it makes for a very ethereal moment. I’m now down on the beach and there are a bunch of people dancing to the music. The sunset is the background, but there are also strobe lights. I think I start dancing.

      Granny has died, but I feel comforted knowing that she had the opportunity to say bye to everyone and also that she came to me in a dream (*this seemed very real, and I was recalling pretty much exactly our visit with her yesterday).
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