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    1. Another Lucid and more failed WILding

      by , 05-07-2011 at 02:28 PM (Lucid Series-Adventures Within The Mind: Izanagi's Dream Journal)
      It all starts out slow I can barely fall asleep I don't know why. I have my clock set to wake me up 6 hours from that time even though i know i'll wake up a minute before that happens. I finnaly fall asleep and i have a dream where I'm really small like 3 inches or so and the woman who is like a witch is holding me captive in her house. I do some epic parkour to get from her Bed into the living room she was in the bathroom (i think) when i was trying to escape when i entered the living room I noticed a the window was cracked I pulled off some more epic parkour from a chair to a table to a cabinet and finally the window and i climbed out. When i got outside it looked like i was in some trailer park but the trailers where like 3 stories high and really cool looking. I then noticed I was my normal size and questioned it. After a few moments pondering it I concluded that i was dreaming and kind off whispered it to myself I got really happy and ran through the trailer park like " I gotta find my dream guide" but once I passed a few epic trailers i woke up because it was 4 minutes from my alarm going off. Then i stayed up for a little bit and when to wild where i only fell asleep I find that if I try and WILD and it fails then i don't have intresting dreams or don't remember them. Well better luck next time
    2. ... *insert swear word here*

      by , 01-14-2011 at 03:33 PM (Brainy Vapours)
      So the plan was to wake up at 3am after a DILD attempt to try a WBTB WILDy... attempt thing.

      I had it all lined up, some subliminal video directly before sleep, lots of B6, big glass of apple juice, nommed on some dark chocolate, subliminal music playing in my ears. Off I go to sleep, affirming over and over again I WILL reality check, I WILL become lucid!

      ..... Aaand there's my alarm at 3am.

      Ok, wait... dream recall, what did I dream in those 4 hours? *draws a blank* Come ON! Really? Nothing, brain? You've got nothing for me? What about last week when we were having crazy dreams about canoes with on board toilets? And now? Seriously??
      Au! du Scheiße! You have to be kidding me!

      Fine, whatever, I'm over it. Will wake up now and concentrate on some DV posts, hope the old brain gets the message before I try my WILD.
      Lots of RCs, check, more subliminal music, check, comfy memory foam pillow and alert brain, check! We are GO!

      ..... Aaand SP evades me. An hour goes by. Still laying here feeling numb but floaty, the fuzzy vibrations seem to threaten to come get me then piss off as soon as I see them coming. It's like they are taunting me, sadistic buggers. All I see is blackness, not even a decent HI to be seen.
      Eventually got fed up and rolled onto my side to go to sleep.

      *tags this post with a triple FAIL*
    3. Failed Nap WILDing

      by , 08-22-2010 at 04:14 PM
      ailed WILDing 4 times during a nap.

      Attempt 1: Got to sleep paralysis. While doing that, I see a coffee pot tip over with dolphins flowing out. It ends with me conscious that my body is paralyzed. I hear the TV in the living room, and I can't go deeper. I can't really even remember HOW to get to the dream phase =\
      Attempt 2 and 3: Don't remember much, but I fell asleep while going lucid. Fiancé woke me up.
      Attempt 4: It came after long dream where I wake up in a room with an elderly H.P. Lovecraft. He wants to get a new novel published about Dagon (his first novel, to be precise), and he's weary of the process. His inner sanctum turns to me and gets me to solve it and remarked "Pray to Cthulhu you can do this." I remarked "You mean Dagon."

      Next scene is me buying an antique shop, and I find a girl in deep debt. I offer to make I go away, and she assumes sex. She's my sacrifice to Cthulhu. The shop keeper demands that I let him join the group. I agree, but it's implied I will kill him.

      I go to begin WILDing, get to paralysis, but I'm awoken before going further.