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    1. Tuesday 11th September 2012

      by , 11-25-2012 at 11:54 PM
      Last nights semi-lucid dream.

      I'm with a girl and we are walking up a road by my moms house. I decide to fly instead of walking and I say to the girl "come on, fly!"
      After a few minutes I say "I can see lots of clear, floating things like orbs, can you?" The girl says "no I can't" I feel amazing and very, very spiritual.
      It's night time and everything looks so much more beautiful and amazing than normal. We now get to town and I say "come on, I wan to go to Dunelms"
      We get inside and it's different. It's beautiful in here. We walk past some kids, but they don't look real to me so I say, "I need to touch them to see if there real and not spirit" so I touch them and find that they are real, they were sort of see-through but then they turned solid. . We now have to go up some steps and again I decide to float up them. I say to the girl who's with me "this is probably a dream" and she shakes her head like I'm a mad woman . I now know that I'm dreaming but I don't have full control, so I just go along with the dream plot. The girl with me says "why can you see spirit?" I say "I hypnotised myself and they said ill see spirit, and I need the stone in 4 days and this is day 4, so now I know I'm ready!"
      We now reach the top of the stairs and come to an amazing room. This room is bright and shaped like a half-moon. In the middle of the back wall is the most beautiful and clear fish tank I have ever seen. On either side of this large tank there are green stone pillars carved with the most beautiful carvings. They are a light green colour and reminded me of a crystal called malachite. The colour and everything is bright. It's like a 3D fish tank lol. People are sitting on a half circular sofa and they are admiring the large tank. I think they were waiting for something or someone. We now go outside the room into another part, but I have to just pop my head round to take another look before I go on lol.
      We now come to a lady at a till and she give me 2 small, thin tubes. 1 tube has sea salt in and the other has another substance in. The lady says to me "you look after yourself". I put the tubes into my coat pocket to keep them safe because I know they are important.
      We now come to another area and 2 women are here. I say to the girl I'm with "I'll get my stone from here" ((meaning my green crystal)). I now realise I'm only holding 1 thin tube and panic. I panic because I need to swap these for my green crystal. I search my pockets but I can't find it or feel it anywhere. I now think to myself "it MUST be in my coat pocket!" I again put my hands in to feel for it and suddenly it's now there lol