Night 3 Fragment 1: …/There’s something about a game that’s taking place that look like football-soccer although with different rules. There’s no ball. I’m not sure if I’m taking part of it or just expecting on the side. I’m immerse into collecting stuff or looking for it. There’s something about a shaving foam bottle/… I shortly wake up to dictate the notes to the voice recorder. I pressed pause for short periods as I try to recall more details. The last pause was too long and I was already falling asleep. I had to look for the recorder that got lost between the blankets. After that one last note I went back to sleep while trying to remember more details of the previous dream WBTB NL fragments: …/I’m setting up a game board. Now the soccer-like game looks more like a game board and the players now are only action figures. Now I see there’s stuff arranged on different points of the field. There’s some military vehicles as well. Some of the players sit in an office on one side of the board like it was a special feature/… …/I see R working around with his writing board on his hand. The place is gray and he moves slow. I feel uncomfortable seeing his expression. He acts like something is not right and goes somewhere else. He’s wearing a pale light brown pullover/… I was about to ignore this detail because of R is a recurrent DC that shows up every now and then at my dream work place …/I see the shadows of trees falling down against the sunlight. It’s like a machine is cutting them down while I move along the highway. I’m heading to the sunset with the sun slightly to the right side of the horizon/… …/There's something about meeting a girl I’m just looking for/…
Smaller part of a long dream that I can barely remember. I'm sitting on the couch scrolling on my phone, when I see a notification appear at the top of the screen. It's from a girl whom I'd had an upsetting falling out with a couple years back - most of my dreams seem to be about her. I click on it, and text back "hey", for lack of words to describe my shock. She starts by apologising, which I return, and we continue chatting for a bit as if not a day had gone by. We then agree to meet up in person. We meet, maybe in a park or outside her house I can't really remember. And then we just talk some more, and laugh and gossip and share our lives. It's the happiest I've felt in years, I feel closer to her than I ever had been. And then I woke up. still miss you mads
My wife and I had recently decided we wanted a change of pace, and moved to live in the woods. Our house was big enough and was completely removed from the rest of society, secluded and peaceful. As far as we knew, we lived alone out there. A few weeks after moving, I had started to hear a tapping noise coming from outside. I assumed this was from trees outside banging into our walls, as it often got windy out there. Over the course of 2 or so months, the tapping got louder and louder. We wake up one morning before the sun had risen and I say goodbye to her as she heads off to work. I sit in our room as I listen to her car pull out of our gravel driveway and drive off. A few minutes later, I hear knocking at the door. I'm thinking maybe she had forgotten something, so I answer it. But no one's there. I try to see through the darkness and fog of the early morning out to our driveway, but I don't see anything parked. I look to my left and spot our black dog laying on the veranda playing with his toy, so I assume it was him who had just been scratching on the door. As a soft rain starts to fall, I go back inside. I close the door. Inside the living room, I hear that familiar tapping on the window, now the loudest I had ever heard it. Like a knock. These taps were too evenly spaced together to have been from any kind of tree being blown about by the wind. The rain is picking up now, coming down hard on my tin roof. Suddenly, from the other wall of the living room I hear that same knock. Outside I see the dark silhouettes of trees surrounding my house thrashing and waving back and forth in the storm's howling wind, and paranoia starts to fill my gut. I try to calm my nerves, reminding myself that I am the only thing out here. As waves of hail and rain come down on my house, I walk back to my bedroom. I look under the bed, the space between the frame and the floor too small for anything to fit underneath. The closet, full of clothes. Under the desk, nothing but lint and dirt. I go to check behind the curtains. As I start towards the window, I hear footsteps coming from the front porch and my heart starts racing. I pull the curtains back, and peer ever so slightly outside. The sun had started to rise, light creeping across the forest floor. I squint to see who is out there. A warm wave of relief washes over me as I see my wife and I's dog, toy in mouth, bowing at the front door, his dark coat drenched in mud and rain. He notices me watching him from the window and runs over excitedly, whining at me. His puppy dog eyes put a smile on my face, as I'm reminded that everything is as the way it had always been. I walk back to the front door, but hesitate for a moment. I recall my wife telling me not to let the dog in the house after it had been raining, as he'd get our carpet dirty. But hearing his whines, I tell myself she'd let it go just this once, and I open the door to let him in, quickly shutting it to keep the rain out. I sit down on our doormat and hug his muddy fur as he jumps about in my embrace. He shakes himself clean, now safe inside the warm house. But still his whining quickens, coming out in loud gasps as he drops his toy. The dog turns and takes my hand in his mouth, shaking it urgently. His whines are so loud, it sounds like a faint scream. I pull back from him and look into his beady eyes. As he stares back at me with a fearful expression I try and ask him what's wrong, but he continues to scream. Then his black eyes look somewhere behind me, and his gaze turns wide and white. In the reflection of the door's wood, I see two large, yellow eyes, staring right back at me. And then I woke up. ---- I'm not the best writer but I tried to capture the absolute terror I felt last night after being awoken by the first real nightmare I've had in years. Couldn't go back to sleep after this one.
looked through an old dream journal i kept before i found this website and saw this: 6/4/23 (6th of April) "i was walking down a sunny neighbourhood street with a group of people my age that i didn't recognise. Then i walked off with one of the girls from the group and ended up at her house, asleep in her lap as she watched a video in the middle of the night." I don't remember this at all, but I thought it was cute :- )
Working the Earth I'm on a grassy hillside area, tilling some dirt. It's a sunny Summer day. The tilling tool is small. Like a kid's sand rake. I am on my knees near the ground. I work at a monastery of some kind. I'm with a girl that I like, but it is a forbidden romance-type situation. Will-they-won't-they scenario. We are working together on the soil. The temple is down the way, to the left of our viewpoint. We're talking about our friend (waking life BP). There is some project involving computers that we are part of with him. DJ is also involved. Fragment I'm up extra early for work today. I reflect how nice it is to experience some cool morning air in the normally oppressively Summer heat.
Updated 06-27-2023 at 02:24 PM by 99808
I actually had this dream yesterday but forgot to post...oops. I'm sitting on a catwalk outside somewhere (the industrial kind, not the fashion one) reading letters a girl has been sending me. I'm guessing this girl is my dream girlfriend, and she is beautiful. Medium length brown hair, wide face, green eyes, it's all I can think about as I read the letters she's sent me. With them is a drawing she made for me and a photo of her. In her letters she tells me about the drawings she's been doing and how much she misses me, as I've gone to war. I begin writing a letter in response to hers, and I barely have the heart to tell her how bad it's been, how I might not come home, so I instead write about how much I loved her artwork. As I'm sitting on this catwalk I look around and see I'm in a green garden outside of my Grandmother's old house, which is a place I dream about a lot. The sun is shining so bright the reflection of it off of the bright green grass blinds me. Then, behind me, I hear shouting and gunshots being fired. I turn around and see the door to an abandoned building, which the catwalk is connected to, being blown off as smoke comes pouring out of the doorway. Soon after that, soldiers come running through, firing at everyone around them, and all I do is watch while holding the letters in my hands. And then I woke up. The girl in this dream is the same one from my school ghost dream I posted a month ago, I guess I have a type.
I can recall very little, but: I'm a ghost, haunting a school which I've never been to. The school's cafeteria area has the make up of an aquarium. I enjoy messing with people, and as I walk past those who are still living I see them get cold shivers. I do something along the lines of that for a while before I meet a girl who stares straight at me. It scares me, before I realise she can see me. All I remember about her is that I was very happy to see her, or for her to see me.
I dream I am at work sourcing many assemblies. C is there asking me to work all night and all weekend and says they will pay me for two weekends. I say no way. I am tired. I get really sleepy and fall asleep at the desk. I wake in the source room. There is a bed. S and L are there. I am somehow using S bed but I also associate it as her desk. I feel awkward about it. S and L are talking to me like no big deal. I feel so sleepy still but make myself sit up. I tell them I need to just go home. *Partially awake* Watching some version of Star Wars. It looks extra high defection. I think this is odd. Then it goes to a scene with an obvious green-screen background. *partially awake* Thinking about how odd is was that portion of a dream could be so HI-DEF. Reminds me of some conversations on DV about that. Lucid dreaming.... I am walking into some sort of public restroom with some guy and woman. I see a full body mirror. I am still thinking of lucid dreaming. I practice some visual awareness and remind myself how wierd mirrors and get in dreams. At that moment everything is the mirror get all wavy and out of focus. I become fully lucid. I become very happy and excited. I turn and see the woman. She is not all attractive. I don't know who she is. I ask her what we are doing. I say LUCID DREAMING!. She doesn't talk. I knew I had a goal but cant remember. For some reason I slap one of her boobs. Then that starts something but I quickly push her away. I say I don't want to waste dream time with this. She says something about how she wants me so bad but I tune her out and walk away saying, NOOOOOPPE! I am walking down a hallway. I see a boy with harry potter looking glasses. I rub my hands together to increase vividness. The dream is pretty solid but I want to maintain. I pat the boy on the cheeks and say "hey buddy" he doesn't respond so I move on. I take in the detail of the dream. Very vivid still. The hallway has such bright red carpet with gold trim running down the hallway. I continue walking. The hallway morphs into an outdoor courtyard. I see a girl walking toward me. I'm not particularly interested but then I notice a flutter. When I focus on her she has morphed into at bright red bird. She flies to a ledge on the adjacent building. I call out to the about about the girl that became a bird but he's not around. It's dark now but I ignore that. I call out to the girl/bird and ask her to come back. She ignores me. I try to fly up to her but I quickly fall down and land on my face. I laugh at that. No pain. I can't see the bird now and the dream is becoming very unstable. There is a sign on the building like a black twitter symbol. I call out again. I see a brown sparrow fly away with some grass in its beak. I think this is her but the dream is crashing and going black. I decide to let it go and wake up so that I will remember the dream.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Driving near my home, on the street perpendicular to the one with cat colony, and I spot an airplane flying very very low in circles. At some point I am sure it will crash. It is flying on its side and one wing hits an old stone wall on the edge of a plot of land. Miraculously, the plane doesn't crash right away and the pilot manages to straigthen it up and land on the narrow road besides it. But the airplane is all crumbled and broken. Some populars gather around to see and comment the situation but nothing agressive. Still, the pilot, who comes out unharmed, feels attacked and starts shouting and insulting everyone and telling them to go away. Somehow in the middle of this crowd I meet a time traveller. A guy tells me he invented time travelling and it's fine to go back and even meet yourself. I tell him I want to go back to some moment in the past. We land at some day when I was a toddler and my parents left me at the care of my grandmother. We knock at her door pretending to be salespeople. Back then everything was so much more simple and people trusted each other, so she invites us in and shows her she is feeding her granddaughter grapes. As my colleague sits down to talk about the fake deal with my grandma, I ask if I can hold the baby and feed her. She allows and I sit at a table holding my chubby toddler self and I feed her grapes. But I find the grapes are way too big and I might choke on those, so I chew them into smaller pieces, but my baby me rejects those. I ask my grandma why she is rejecting since it is easier to eat and swallow and she says she probably just doesn't want anymore grapes and that she has some sweets for her now. She hands me down some type of cake that has a crunchy white outside and is filled with a yummi creamy brown interior loaded with nuts and almonds. Once again, I don't think it is appropriate to feed these to the baby, both for the sugar content and the nuts she can choke on, so I again bite smaller chunks to feed the baby and in the meanwhile, I eat most of it myself because it's really yummi. Back in the future, my new friend has his machine and a big white board with formulas and notes in some small garage owned by some other guy. Incredibly, this other guy doesn't believe he actually time travels, so he goes back just a little bit just to write something on the white board and we in the present see it magically appearing on it. The time traveller guy had also been to the future recently and checked that his friend will still be offering him shelter in his garage for years to come, so him believing in it or not is irrelevant, he just needs a low-key place to keep it discreetly away. Parking with Riverstone at a parking in front ot some buildings, I am approached by a little girl who looks like a gipsy in ragged clothes. She asks for something, I can't hear exactly what. I have nothing I can offer, but I tell her I will bring something next time. Then we go inside the building, and the house we're in is similar to my mother's. We sit on the bed of my mom's room watching tv. The kid returns and I invite her in, because I want to know more about her needs. She is amazed at all my dolls and plushies. First, I think about letting her chose which one she wants, but then I recall I have lot more others in storage that I don't like as much and I prefer donating. So I ask her where she lives so I can go there one day with gifts and she takes me downstairs and around the building to show an apartment tower just behind us. Some windows on like the second floor are open and I see a large family inside, some of them at the window. I tell her I'll give my phone number to her so she can call me but she says she already has my phone. I wonder how. I am taking a shower at some place I don't recognize, but feels like home. Someone comes inside the bathroom and because my shower curtains ar way too short and don't close well, I see it is my *** . I feel embarassed and focus on pulling the curtains to close them as much as possible, but he pushes them a little open so he can peek. I feel awful and angry and I tell him to stop. He feels entitled to do it and I don't understand. I want to run away, I grab towels and cover myself. Then I remember I am a fully grown adult now and I really don't have to put up with his shit. So I tell him that and threathen to beat his ass if he doesn't just disappear and leave me alone.
12/1: It's the Showcase round on The Price Is Right, however, like the latest edition of the video game, Decades, the top winner and runner-up podiums are switched, TW on the left, RU on the right. Drew Carey reads the actual retail price of the Showcase of the player on the left, revealing that he had overbid. He reads the ARP of the player on the right's Showcase, an attractive brown-haired girl, and she ends up winning about $45,000+ in cash and prizes; apparently both of them had a good day in the episode. The scene after the Showcase reveal made no sense, but I do remember George Gray (the announcer on my country's version since Season 39; got the job permanently in April 2011) announcing a line similar to Jeopardy! long-time announcer Johnny Gilbert (a legendary game show announcer now in his 90s) since mid-Season 38 (currently) of that show, "From the famous Bob Barker Studio in Hollywood, this is George Gray speaking for The Price Is Right, a Fremantle production!" A scene later, I find myself in the passenger side of what appears to be my dad's car, parked in front of a shopping center with what appears to be other cars with numbers in the upper-left corner of their windshields, likely tuners, but nobody was inside. Skies were overcast as well. This scene reminded me of dreams I had in 2012 where I was sitting in the passenger side of a car and random things happened. 12/3: Students, likely middle to high school-age, were walking with their backpacks in the street that looked eerily similar to the road that leads to my apartment. In reality, there's a community center and a multipurpose center nearby. L.L. Bean was the manufacturer of some of the backpacks, as those were the ones with the wearer's initials on the top, as I saw a lot of students in middle school with these. I didn't see any of these in high school, however. The dream then focuses on a student's backpack with the initials "LEK", a female. I didn't get to see the rest of the dream play out as my alarm clock buzzed and my phone vibrated. (That kinda explains why I have a Google Images tab up in Firefox searching for the L.L. Bean backpacks with the students' initials on them since this morning.) -WM86/DFW
Church. Had a dream I was sleeping in some old church or something. A girl was with me. i flew up to the ceiling though I wasn't lucid. I had a little room with a bed set up. We ate something. She was a white girl with red hair??? anyway we flew somewhere else and wound up in a stairwell that was also an elevator. We couldn't climb because of a construction crew? So we somehow jumped up past them and into a hallway. Wound up in some room and She was playing a piano... but was sitting on top of it and playing the keys reversed. She made this amazing sounding music and I felt live falling in love. Then we got up and left somewhere. No kids Another dream where a young girl asks me about sex or something. And i get kinda pissed off and say that children should not do that. It's really damaging to them, physically and plus lifelong emotional disorders. And i said that the adult in that case would get thrown in jail and murdered by inmates with children, so it's no good for anyone involved. Really odd dream to have. End of the world. I'm driving with my brother. At first we see a huge volcano in the distance going off. And I get really scared. As we drive into calgary I see a bunch of nuclear missiles from North Korea in the sky. My brother just laughs and says nothing is going to happen. I forget what happened after. No jamie dreams.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP A dream inspired by Loki the TV series. First I am just watching some scene with Loki. There are two of them, the main one and another who could be his younger brother and they are disagreeing on how to proceed about something and they almost fight. But then the younger one recognizes that he made some judgement mistake and turns around completely. As they follow the main Loki plan, I watch it unfold, Then I also have a mission in which I have to go with a colleague to the 50's, looking for an anomaly in the timeline. We enter a bookshop and I immediately spot a book on the display that does not seems to fit the time. It is a used book, illustrated, very damaged. I check it and it contains short stories with concepts way advanced for this time and even historical references that don't belong here. As I read it, a couple with kids comes in and I try to not interact with them, but straight away they get curious about the book I am reading. I try to deflect their attention, but they insist, so I kinda explain what it is while skipping the most problematic stuff and I say I am buying it, to see if they lose interest. And then the couple starts fighting or something over one of their girls running away. They ask for our help, They say she is a problem, lives in her own world. Ask me if I wanna take her. I find that odd. But then I meet her. I find her at a nearby beach, on a ruin in the sand. There is some kind of broken metal tower and she is sitting in a hollow space near the top. She has a small device in her hands, like a handmade radio and explains to me she uses it to capture the signal that comes from the moon. That signal is ours. She says there is a whole reality people don't know about and this transmission is proof and she wants to decode it. I understand we actually have to take her. She belongs with us.
Well, it's been a couple of years. I've found my way back to this forum, inevitably I suppose. The dreams I've had over the past few weeks and months have mostly been either too nondescript or too non-memorable for me to derive any meaning from them. On another level, I also have had ones too horrific, in that I try to forget them immediately. These ones find me on nights in which i fall asleep in a state of higher sobriety than usual. If i've partaken in drink, I typically fall asleep with ease, and with no dreams. It's nice in a sense, but does not produce the wondrous dream state which I have come to crave recently. Anyway, last night, the night of my 26th birthday, was the first time in a very long time I had a series of dreams which I felt were worth recording in some way. Not only were they incredibly vivid, but they seemed to touch me in a serious manner that was not to be ignored.... They could be seen as standard in that so very many things happened.. so many events and sequences with profound emotional impact on me, but i remember so little of the details. I'm sort of sad about that. But I do remember certain particular instances, and I will cling to those with everything I have. The main instance was a sort of summer camp.. and so many of my family and friends and lovers were there. We were all there in harmony and happiness. It was so beautiful. I experienced none of the usual anxiety or fear that would normally plague that kind of scenario in real life. I only remember one moment vividly, of many moments, that must have been the one meant to be remembered. I was sitting with a crowd of people, and next to me was Courtney, a friend from my youth who i had a big crush on in my adolescence. I was holding hands with her, feeling the warmth and comfort of her being. She was blonde and tall and lovely. All of us were watching Hana preform her song 'Cowgirl Bebop' (This is a real life song btw). Now, it's worth noting that in my dreams, I typically never experience pieces of art in their real life true form. However, this dream sequence was a rare exception. She preformed the song as it was exactly recorded. And I wept, as did Courtney and Hana, as did Hana's father, who oddly was also in attendance. It was truly a beautiful experience for me. I hold it up as one of the most cathartic dream experiences I've had so far. Everything just seemed so meaningful and harmonious. The dream was also punctuated by a murder mystery situation. Initially, I was confident that I knew who the murderer was. And this person was eerily beside me the entire time, and there was certainly some tension between us. However, he was not the murderer. I then thought the murderer may have been me. But then occurred an instance in which I peered through a wall that had been blown through completely, destroyed by some kind of explosive. On the other side, I saw a diminishing flame, it may have been a tiki torch. For some reason, I then knew that I was not the murderer either. His identity was never revealed. All in all, I'm looking forward to recording my dreams again. I don't know why, but it is important to me and my spiritual development. I experienced sleep paralysis upon waking about a week or so ago. It was horrible, being completely paralyzed while a sinister being loomed over me for I don't know how long, and i was unable to move or do anything about it, just cry in fear until i regained control of my body. I hope it never happens again, and I hope intentional dreaming, recording dreams, and perhaps even lucid dreaming, will prevent it.
Strong magic dream I seem to be a girl with strong magical powers. There is someplace where I am at some sort of grave, deep in the forest, reaching to grab something. At some point, somebody wants to research on my powers. I demonstrate with a copper coin and telekinetically fling it through the room and back, and then a very bright cloud of golden fumes fills the room, and it appears that my thoughts manifest, anything I want to move moves and anything I would want to disintegrate would just disintegrate.