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    1. Another brief lucid

      by , 03-03-2011 at 06:42 PM
      My dream recall's been a bit poor ever since my massive recall the other day. Last night saw a small bit of progress, but probably my second worst lucid dream so far.

      I'm at my original home and it's my birthday. My parents aren't there for it but contact my via a video link and apologise and tell me that they love me very much. I see at the bottom of my bed that they have left me a present - it turns out to be a huge packet of jelly beans (note - my bedroom is in its pre-decorated state). The next thing I know, I am walking past Costcutter (again! dream sign?) with my sister Z_ and B_. We're discussing the delicious of nature of pork pies. As we pass the shop I see someone I recognise, I double take and sure enough it's Charlie Sheen. I instantly know that I'm dreaming and panic. I scramble about from side to side to find something to ground myself with but much of the dreamscape seems to have disappeared and is largely a blank, white space. I find myself in what I know to be a dream bed and RC again, but it's too late and I awake in my real bed.

      At this point I tried to DEILD, successfully keeping my eyes wide shut, however the extent to which I dipped back into the dream wasn't enough so i carried on sleeping normally.

      During the day today I decided to have a WILD attempt as I've really been slacking off with this since the start of my LD efforts. I managed to get some very subtle WILD sensations and almost felt myself float out of my body. Again this wasn't enough to completely disconnect or start a lucid dream.

      So all in all a day and night of mixed success. At least I managed to become lucid, even if it was brief and at least I began to feel WILD sensations again.