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    1. First 2 LD's

      by , 12-17-2016 at 07:28 PM
      First RC was triggered by my dream partner saying "This is weird, it's like a movie" about the way another dream character was acting. I got so excited when it worked that my whole dream body began to tingle intensely. Things began to gray and I attempted to stabilize by staring at my hands, they were grayed out and hard to see. The funny thing is, is that I thought my waking life's hands were doing it alongside my dream body hands- there was some lapse in logic here. Maybe it's because it felt so real? When I woke up though, to my surprise, my hands were crossed and folded and stuffed in the sheets and I realized that I couldn't have just been holding them in front of my waking life face.

      During my second successful LD, I stabilized and then decided to keep taking notes (which is what I was doing before i did a RC) so as not to disturb or excite my mind too much- I didn't want to lose this one again.... Then I couldn't help myself and decided to fly . I floated upwards and soon enough, everything grayed out. Then I had a semi false awakening type-experience and told dream characters I just had a lucid dream! What I mean by "semi false awakening type-experience" is that after the dream world grayed out when I was flying, the same setting came back but I was on the ground and when I was running around telling people I LD'd I wasn't fully lucid anymore and I think that my dream brain thought I was awake? I'm not sure!
      I have this impression that dreams are supposed to feel as vivid and sensory as waking life. But when I awoke from my LD's, upon remembering them, they felt distinctly different than real life in that they did not feel as vivid, at all. I wonder, and maybe y'all will have insight to this as well, if it was because of my over-excitement and the resulting graying-out? I'm not sure what to think. Maybe I'm just prone to fuzzy dreams? Is that a thing? I hope not!

      Updated 12-18-2016 at 05:30 PM by 92324 (adding category)

      Tags: kalene