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    1. Night of Friday 10/27/23

      by , 10-28-2023 at 07:45 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 12:30AM.


      Shitty Future Cars:
      It's night and I'm riding in a van. The streets are very narrow, similar to a previous dream with LM I had a few months ago.
      The car hits a bump, and a futuristic AI voice says "that will be $7 to repair, and $70 for your injury."
      I reflect about how shitty the future of cars is going to be.
      I'm now at work, telling my coworkers about this event, and how shitty the future of cars is going to be.
      They agree with me, and we decide that we should just drive old-ass cars forever.
      But then one of them tells me that their Mom just died from a similar bump on the road.
      It was one of those awkward moments, because we were just joking about such things.
      But looking back, it didn't make sense because that same person was just laughing about it.

      Woke for WBTB at 6:30AM.

      150 words for the night.

      I stayed up for about 20 minutes, went for a walk, and watched a meditation video about a fantasy forest. Then I returned to bed.

      No recall.

      Updated 11-10-2023 at 06:07 PM by 99808
