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    1. 20/April/2014: Really?

      by , 04-20-2014 at 05:10 PM
      Early dream: I saw people leaving a church and then the Pasteur went to the back end and blessed two corpses that were in coffins; One on her left that was rancid in a lot of ways and was in a wooden box or crate rather than a fancy coffin, The other on her right (was) in a coffin (and was not rancid.) I then talked to her and later it appeared that I did something else alone but that's not posted here.

      EDIT, UPDATE 19-9-2014: Two people who I met who went to church died this year. Are they the two mentioned in the dream? Do I know which is which, if so?


      I also saw a neighbor of mine (A man named Bob Wilson) then later he was in my house and he had to leave through the front door.


      Much later I dreamed of being in Church and thinking of the recent, Prior dream I had of the Pasteur while there along with another one (From 2013) in which I dreamed of her smoking marijuana with a painter (Which I wonder if it applies now in ways it did then,) And then I was facing backwards towards the entrance/exit to the church building; Then a man in a peach colored (Or somewhat colored like that) coat walked up and handed to me a golden trophy and I was wondering if it was really meant for me and I was wondering if it was a mistake, And I voiced my thoughts of the matter.


      Then I (Or "I") was in a building stealing something and after various things I tried getting out of the building by a window; I thought I saw myself fall to the ground in the bushes dead but that must have been something else unless it's symbolically a body that left me. The stuff I had stolen was stuck around my neck rendering me unable to move, And I was caught; The SWAT team found me next to an open window. One of the guys asked me what I'd like to do; Live or Die and I said Live which he said he liked because it saves energy and I said "I agree", Then he or they said to call my employer who put me up to this and I called and it ended with getting to my mother's work place answering machine which I didn't hear the recording fully in-dream but I thought it was re-routed so my mother would be framed. Yet at the same time, if it is her I shouldn't listen to any lies.


      Well I posted it this way at least...?

      Updated 01-10-2015 at 07:04 AM by 61868 (put (was) and (and was not rancid) in for more context.)
