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    1. 01/28/13 River Crossing Invasion

      by , 01-29-2013 at 03:06 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      River Crossing
      I am flying over the Nile river when I decide to go for a Dark Tower dream shared with MoSh. I land on a beach and let the dream stabilize before opening a portal. I realize I am not alone on the beach. There are people there, and it looks like they are attacking me. They are all armed with swords, axes, and other melee weapons. I go through the portal and shut it in their faces without giving them much attention. On the other side I am in a field with MoSh. I get his attention and tell him we can go to the Dark Tower now… when I left them they were almost to Ludd. I open another portal and go through. I take MoSh with me. Now we are in the small town just outside of Ludd that is called River Crossing. There is a gun aimed at my head.

      Roland, who had aimed at me, lowers his gun and says popping in like that is a good way to get myself shot. He adds to MoSh and me to keep our eyes open, there are others in this town and we are being watched. A couple of really old people come out of the buildings to greet us. A man leading a blind woman. He seems to be in awe of Roland, exclaiming about finding a gunslinger after he thought all of them had passed from this world. The woman seems worried that we might be harriers. Everyone is in agreement to get off of the main road, so we go into the buildings. The interiors of the buildings are much better cared for than the outside, no doubt to camouflage the presence of these people. I look out of a window and see a good view of the road below. They were surely watching Roland and the others from shortly after they entered town. I see there are people out there, and I think they are the same people that tried to attack me on the banks of the Nile. The man is watching them, he says he doesn't like the look of them. Harriers, most likely. Not to worry, the harriers never hang around here for long, they are heading for Ludd no doubt. The blind woman shudders, the man reassures her that it is certainly safe here in the presence of a gunslinger. He says it was harriers that blinded her about 25 years ago, they used a fire poker, and they did it because they said she looked at them too defiantly. The woman shudders again. We go farther into the buildings, the man says they have lookouts that will tell them if the harriers get closer. I think maybe I should go out there and get their attention… after all, they were after me back at the Nile. They couldn't be ordinary harriers. I don't want to lead my enemies to the people of River Crossing. I tell MoSh he can stay with the others and enjoy the dream, hopefully remember something of it… but I'm going to lead my uninvited guests away. He does not object. The old people say there is no need to do that, the harriers will leave on their own. There's nothing left in River Crossing to keep them. MoSh is talking to an elderly woman about dreams. I turn and leave the group of people, sneaking out through a small hole to avoid revealing the main entrance. I call to the intruders and tell them if they want me come and get me. They yell that there she is, and they all come after me at once. I run down the street for a ways before turning a corner away from the place where the people are hiding. The harriers follow me. I open a portal and go through it, not really caring where it goes. I never find out where it leads… I wake up.

      Home Invaders
      I wake up in bed, not realizing I am dreaming. I roll over to go back to sleep but I hear noise in the other room. I grab a pole that I have near my bed, I keep it there since for a short while I had been trying to learn to use it as a staff, and I sneak to the door of my room.

      There are people in the other room. I think I need to call the cops. They are tearing the place apart, throwing stuff all over, emptying drawers and cabinets. They seem desperate to find something. They are breaking stuff. I go to get my phone to call the cops, just then one of the men pushes past me into my room as if I am not even relevant. They don't seem to care at all that I have seen their faces. The man starts tearing my room apart, which pisses me off. I jab him with my staff and tell him to cut it out. He seems to notice me for the first time. He says if I would return what I stole then they wouldn't have to look for it. I can't think what I stole. I can't remember stealing anything from anyone. The man resumes his search. I jab him harder with my staff. He pulls out a sword and cuts right through my cheap staff. He points the sword at me and tells me to return the artifacts. I tell him I have no idea what he is talking about, which I don't since I am not lucid. He laughs and says something about me not being dangerous, they must have just sent a bunch of incompetent morons before. I see a Templar symbol on his sword. Templars… reality check time… I pinch my nose and find I am dreaming… and my home is being invaded by Templars! I drop the remaining piece of my cheap staff. I form Witchblade into a sword.

      I tell the Templar to get out of my house, and he is the moron if he thinks I'd really keep anything of value hidden here. He glares at me. He tells someone to get me out of the way. I see motion behind me and I turn just in time to dodge an attacking sword and do a counter attack of my own with my Witchblade sword, running him through. I hear the Templar behind me say that there is nothing here. He tells me I won't have a moment of peace until I return what I have stolen. They start leaving through the front door, I am thinking I will have to clean up this mess before my mother wakes up. Instead I wake up.