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    1. lucid slightly again

      by , 11-02-2020 at 09:01 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      All i recall is her telling me she's planning to reach out to me. Hm... Trying not to get my hopes up for that. I mean isn't BPD devaluation FOREVER? Right.

      Bus Lucid

      I was downtown by a park or something. A bus pulled up in front of me. A girl I seemed to know came up to me from the bus, she wore a hoody. I wasn't interested in talking to her since she had a boyfriend who was driving the bus. I began to walk away but the back end of the bus swung toward me. I was suddenly inside the bus with no transition and became lucid. I figured the people on the bus for DCs so I picked the girl up and carried her to the back of the bus to have sex with her. She became docile like a blank DC. I began unzipping her pants when the driver said something to me. The girl had vanished but i didn't notice or care. I asked the driver if he knew Jamie and if he could take me to her. He said,"yes," I saw someone with long brown hair that reminded me of Jamie suddenly appear in the passenger seat next to him. The person turned around, it was a girl with brown hair but her face wasn't Jamie's and it didn't feel like it was her. But she smiled at me. i woke up then.

      Engineer Bob

      i fell asleep listening to The Dark Tower books again. I must have been hearing the story of Charlie The Choo Choo. Because i was walking around a train station with a guy called engineer Bob. i kept arguing that my name should be Engineer Bob, Because My name is Robert and I always wanted to take a cross country train Ride. Bob laughed and said he is the real one.
    2. The Dark Tower: Hijacked Door

      by , 12-06-2019 at 05:10 AM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 12-05

      The Dark Tower: Hijacked Door

      Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes

      I am playing a game of Ratchet and Clank VR. I am wondering where I managed to find such a cool game. I am thinking it's a prototype and I'm testing it. The strange thing is I am not playing as Ratchet. I am Ratchet's partner. He has Clank on his back as usual, and I am also working with him. I still get to use all of the same cool weapons from a Ratchet and Clank game. We are on planet Pokitaru in some kind of factory. We are making our way through the factory to shut down the production of evil robot clones that are programmed to kill on sight. Right now I am thinking Dr. Nefarious is behind it. There are two levels up ahead. Ratchet makes use of Clank’s helipack and they take the second level. I am on the lower level blasting enemy robots that are coming from both sides. I glance up and see Ratchet cruise across an opening with Clank’s help.

      I come to a door and go through it onto a beach. My blaster is out of ammo! I put it in an interdimensional pocket as I look to see where I am now. I see a man up the beach a short way. I head in that direction and I find the man is Roland Deschain from the Dark Tower books. He is getting quite sick from the poison of the lobstrocities. I healed his hand, but the poison remains. I use more healing energy on him to help him feel better, but it will not heal the poison. He will feel better for a while but will get sick again. In order to make him truly well we need medicine from Eddie Dean’s world. We soon come to a door with the words “The Prisoner” carved on it. This is the door! Roland, feeling quite a bit better if only for a short time, opens the door. Before either of us can react black tendrils reach through the door and grab both of us. We are pulled through the door and it slams closed behind us.

      We are on a vast and desolate plane surrounded by a strange group of assholes. Taheen and Can-Toi from the Dark Tower books, Thalmor from Skyrim, and Templars from Assassin’s Creed. A Taheen with the head of a bear says we should have let go of our quest for the Dark Tower, but now they will have to kill us. I focus on creating an Immortal Fire from the song Dark Power of Abyss by Rhapsody. “Suddenly, the unreal silence is broken by a lament… a lament coming up from the deepest, darkest abyss. And from the seven gates of the dark fortress, the dead come back to life to face them… this is hell!” The bear Taheen tells me to shut up, but it’s too late. “Immortal Fire, now rise, light my heart, light my way through the darkness, a guardian of space and time!” A wall of light fire explodes out from Roland and me, incinerating all of the enemies in its path. There could be more enemies, Roland is thinking the same. He runs for the door and goes through it. I follow him, hoping the beach is waiting for us on the other side. But instead of getting there I wake up.
    3. The Dark Tower: Thalmor Ambush

      by , 11-06-2019 at 12:22 AM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 11-05

      Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes

      The Dark Tower: Thalmor Ambush

      I am in an underground passage with some other people. The passage is very small and I am feeling claustrophobic, but the other people don’t seem to think anything of it. They must be used to it. I know they have resorted to living underground like this to avoid some dangerous enemies on the surface, but I don’t want to stay here any longer. I am asking people how to get out. They finally show me the way to an exit. They are cautioning me to be careful, but I tell them I can take care of myself. I am clearly remembering my dream powers but I am not thinking about the fact it’s a dream, so I am now semi-lucid.

      I have to crawl through the tunnel and some thick foliage to get out. I look back to see the passage is completely hidden by thick dead looking bushes and under a rocky outcropping. I see that the rocks are not far from a beach. I head towards the waves. It is shortly after dawn and the sun is rising behind me. I see a man on the beach. I approach him, he doesn’t look good. I see it is Roland Deschain from the Dark Tower books. He has his right hand wrapped in a bloody rag and I realize this is in the second book shortly after a lobstrosity bit two fingers off. I approach Roland. He seems unsure if I might be a mirage. I tell him I can heal the physical wounds, but the poison may still follow its course. I carefully remove the bloody rag and focus healing energy. The missing fingers regenerate slowly.

      Roland seems better now and more able to continue. He thanks me for my help, though he’s unsure of how I did it… the man he’s pursuing can create the illusion of healing. I say I don’t use illusion, I use the light energy. I look Roland over and I note that he has the Horn of Eld hanging around his neck. That is good, so at least there’s a chance of this not looping again. Roland is ready to continue down the beach, so I go with him. It doesn’t seem long enough before there is a door in front of us. I look at the door, expecting to see the words “The Prisoner” on it. Instead of that I see the word “Skyrim” on it. Roland asks what that means and tell him I have no clue, it’s not what I expected.

      The door opens and three Thalmor come through. Two are mutant Thalmor that look like the hulk, and the third one looks like he’s been assimilated by the Borg. Borg Thalmor says Roland and I are becoming a pain in the arse, how many times do we have to be sent to the start before we realize it is useless to resist? He says to give up before they make things more difficult than a simple time loop. Roland says he will never cry off. The Thalmor says he expected that response. He tells the two hulk Thalmor to see how Roland and I like having our limbs ripped off to die in our own blood. I form my arm into an Alex Mercer blade. A hulk Thalmor comes at me. My blade cuts right through his sword and through the arm wielding it. He seems to not feel any pain, but the removal of his head puts a stop to him. I then remove the head of the other one as he is approaching Roland. The door collapses and turns to dust.

      Roland looks annoyed. He says he now has his answer about his bullets getting wet, now there’s no way to know how many or if any of his remaining rounds will fire. I am not entirely sure what to do. Will bullets stop those weird Thalmor? Shooting them in the head should still work. But before I can do anything about giving Roland more bullets I wake up.
    4. The Dark Tower: I F’d Up In One Place

      by , 10-03-2019 at 12:18 AM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 10-02

      Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes

      The Dark Tower: I F’d Up In One Place

      I am in my bathroom. I am getting ready to go to bed. I am brushing my teeth. I look down and I see my kitty Shadow sitting in front of the tub. I know Shadow has crossed the Rainbow Bridge so I think she is a ghost. I go over and stroke her soft fur. I note how soft and silky the fur feels and I hear her reply with a purr. I keep petting her and she purrs louder. The bathroom door flies open and a man in robes who looks like Obi-Wan Kenobi rushes in, opens the toilet, then hikes up his robes and sits on the pot with an audible sigh of relief followed by some obnoxious noises. Shadow hisses at him and leaves the room. I am about to scold Obi-Wan Kenobi for scaring my ghost cat away, but I stop when I realize how absurd that sounds. Instead of getting mad at Obi-Wan Kenobi I pinch my nose to do a reality check. I am dreaming! Well that explains a lot…

      I want to get to the Dark Tower world. Doors are frequently used as portals in the Dark Tower world so I close the bathroom door and focus on the idea it will lead to the Dark Tower world. Then I remember I said I’d try to get MoSh in on the dream so I change my focus to MoSh’s inner world. Obi-Wan Kenobi makes some more obnoxious noises and a foul stench wafts from the toilet. I really want out of that bathroom now. I open the door and hurry through. I look around now and I see a place I don’t recognize. It looks like a normal neighborhood. MoSh is there, I go tell him it’s Dark Tower time. He asks if Jamie can come. I can’t remember who Jamie is. I ask MoSh if Jamie can handle herself if things get ugly. He doesn’t seem to know. I tell him I’m heading for the Dark Tower, or that’s where I hope to go. I look around for a door. I don’t see any door standing alone so I go to the door to a house. MoSh says he doesn’t know who lives there. I say it doesn’t matter, it leads to the Dark Tower.

      I open the door and step through into a field of roses. I am on a path leading through the roses to the Dark Tower, which is standing tall and dark at the end of the path in the middle of the roses. I hear a strange sound coming towards me from the tower and then the sound of Roland’s gun firing. There is an explosion not far from me as Roland tells me to get to cover for my father’s sake, he’s throwing sneetches! I look for MoSh and I see him there with a woman, they are headed towards the tower. The Crimson King is up on a balcony of the Dark Tower, I can see him in his red robes and hear him laughing like a maniac. Now he throws two of the spherical sneetches at once. I form each arm into an Alex Mercer blade and use the flat of the blade to knock them back, they explode safely in the distance. The Crimson King is having a tantrum. I look around again and I see some strange mutant Thalmor. When the Crimson King throws three more sneetches, I use my blades to knock them in the direction of those mutant Thalmor. Three of them explode in a bloody mess. Yuck.

      I see MoSh off to my left fighting with a mutant Thalmor that has a tiny little head and huge arms, but I can’t focus on that much because the Crimson King is getting hugely frustrated with his inability to hit me with a sneetch even though I’m out in the open. He keeps throwing more and I knock them away, and if I miss any Roland shoots them out of the air. I loudly ask the Crimson King if that’s all he’s got, because if it is then he’s more pathetic than I’d originally thought… and I’ve always thought he was pathetic. He has another tantrum as I get closer to the Dark Tower. It really seems as if all he’s got are sneetches, as he throws more of them. Now I am aiming them back at him. This is a bit more difficult to do so it takes a few tries before it finally works. One explosion on the balcony leads to a much larger explosion, probably the rest of the sneetches getting set off by the first one.

      Then I find I am with a couple other people at the base of the Dark Tower. Roland is there and he has been yelling a bunch of names, I don’t remember what names. Roland opens the door to the tower. I realize I still have the Horn of Eld. I’d hung on to it so it wouldn’t get lost before Roland reached the tower. Roland walks through the door to the tower and I quickly follow him to give him the horn. But when I get into the Dark Tower there is no sign of Roland. I am alone. I look around and start climbing. As I see familiar scenes in the rooms off of the stairway I realize that each person entering the Dark Tower would seem to enter their own instance of it… so I won’t be able to find Roland! Shit! I hurry up a few more levels until I have confirmed that I have fucked up royally. I focus on getting to wherever Roland is. At first it doesn’t work, but finally a door opens onto an endless desert. Roland is there and looks surprised to see me. I give him the horn and tell him if he wants to shoot me for my stupidity then go ahead. He just looks puzzled as I wake.
    5. hmm

      by , 10-01-2019 at 12:08 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Post a quick entry. I have 2 weeks off work so I'm not sure if my recall will improve or not.

      Had some recall but forgot it


      Another naughty dream. I'm glad she is being persistent, and is one of the great qualities I love about her.

      vague dreams i can't even describe

      Dark Tower???

      Big epic dream that I can't recall because it's like trying to comprehend a movie or something while watching it on Fast forward.

      Me Jamie and Raven, are in A large tower. Every room seems to branch off into a different dream you can get lost in. A guy in red with a glowing orb in his hand Is fighting Raven... and Jamie? Not sure Jamie was there and then suddenly not there. Raven was gone too, And I was alone fighting some guy with a face growing out of his neck, Kind of like the guy from Total Recall (The arnold one). We fight for a while and then I wake up.
    6. Dark Tower: Parting of the Ways

      by , 09-27-2019 at 10:22 PM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 09-27

      Dark Tower: Parting of the Ways

      Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes

      It is night, I am standing near a campfire with Roland, Susanna, Eddie, and Jake from the Dark Tower books. Eddie and Jake are transparent. Susanna is holding Eddie’s hand and Roland is holding Jake’s. There is a young man there I don’t know. He is drawing on a pad of paper. He shows his drawing, which is a work of art. The drawing is of Eddie and Jake. As if by seeing the drawing Eddie and Jake become solid. Susanna and Roland reluctantly let go of Eddie and Jake. As they let go Eddie and Jake start fading again. I look at the drawing and I see that is also fading… but why? Roland says it’s because they’re not really supposed to be here, that’s why. Susanna grabs Eddie, Roland grabs Jake, and they stop fading. But they don’t become solid again…

      I ask what is going on with Eddie and Jake. Roland says ka is trying to reassert itself. If Jake and Eddie don’t go to the world they belong in soon they might completely fade. So far they have only been able to remain in this world because of their connections. I realize that is why Susanna is holding on to Eddie and Roland to Jake, to try to anchor them in this world. Roland says there really is only one answer, Eddie and Jake have to go to the world they were meant to be in. And Patrick (indicating the man with the drawing) is the only one who can make it happen. Susanna goes over and whispers to Patrick for a bit, then Patrick starts drawing.

      I hear something out in the darkness, it sounds like something is creeping about out there. I feel a sensation of being watched. Roland sees me and says Mordrid is out there, and Mordrid’s a-hungry. I say no, it can’t be Mordrid, MoSh killed Mordrid. I am sure of that. Roland says something is lurking out there. I stare out into the darkness, trying to see what’s out there. I see something is reflecting the firelight. I slip into the darkness, ignoring Roland saying I shouldn’t. I use my night vision and I find the thing. It looks like a cross between a giant beetle the size of a large dog and a praying mantis. It attacks me, but I form my right arm into an Alex Mercer blade and slice it in two. The thing melts into a strange black fluid that flows off into the darkness.

      I return to the camp and now there is a door standing near the edge of the campsite. Susanna is looking at the door, still holding Eddie’s hand. She opens it and lets go of Eddie. When Eddie and Jake get near the door they are solid, but they start fading when they move away. Eddie says that must be the place. He is reluctant to leave because he wants to reach the Dark Tower, but he knows if he stays here he won’t make it anyhow. He and Jake will fade. After some debate it is decided that Susanna will go through the door with Eddie and Jake. Roland seems worried that the door is a trap that leads to toedash space. I say if it does I will get them out. I think Roland just doesn’t want them to leave. Susanna, Eddie, and Jake go through the door. After a brief hesitation Oy follows Jake. Patrick stays behind even though Susanna tries to get him to follow.

      The door closes with a resounding thud. Now there is only Roland, Patrick, and me at the campsite. Roland looks depressed. Patrick curls up and appears to go to sleep. Roland sits by the fire and stares into it. He says maybe I should have gone, too. I say it would make no difference, I will wake up back in my prison dimension where I have no skills, no talents, and no abilities. Roland says he doesn’t believe that. I say yes, I always end up there. He said no, he meant he doesn’t believe I have no skills, talents, or abilities there. I don’t answer. He looks more depressed so I put my arm around him and give him a hug. I say I’ll probably wake soon, but I will be back, I am sure of that. I want to see the tower… if the roses around the Dark Tower have the healing properties of the one in the vacant lot then maybe it can even overpower my depression. Maybe both Roland and I can be free. I wake up here.
    7. The Dark Tower: The Laughter Vampire

      by , 09-26-2019 at 07:52 PM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 09-26

      The Dark Tower: The Laughter Vampire

      Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes

      I am in a strange place. It is snowy all around, but I don’t feel the cold. I draw the conclusion that I am playing Skyrim VR since I can see the snow and feel a breeze but I’m not cold. It is getting dark out and the snow is starting to fall. I see a plowed street and a small house with smoke coming from the chimney. I head in that direction. I hear roars of laughter from inside. I look in the window and I see Roland, Eddie, Susanna, and Jake all laughing their asses off. There is also another man there that I don’t recognize. Something about him looks fake, though… like he was an illusion. This feels off, so I try the door. It is unlocked so I let myself in, hoping to not be seen as too rude… after all, no one would hear me knock over the laughter and for any normal person it would be bitterly cold out.

      When I get inside and close the door behind me I see that none of the people laughing have even noticed me enter. The man I don’t recognize sees me and makes a lame-ass joke about my arrival. I don’t remember the joke, just that I found it about as funny as vomiting. I am the only one who finds it unfunny, though, as everyone else in the room roars with renewed gales of laughter. Susanna slaps her own face while laughing and a sore at the corner of her mouth starts bleeding profusely. This puts an immediate damper on Eddie’s laughter, and as the others look over they also stop laughing. The man telling the bad jokes, they call him Joe, looks annoyed. How dare Susanna interrupt his jokes with her bleeding!

      Susanna gets up and excuses herself. Eddie wants to go with her, but she insists she’s fine and just wants to clean up in the bathroom. Eddie nervously watches Susanna as she goes. He mutters something to Roland about that sore not being a pimple, and he and Susanna should stop bullshitting a bullshitter. Joe tells a joke about bullshit. Eddie gets mad at Joe, saying his wife is bleeding, this is no time for jokes. Joe makes a joke out of that, too. Eddie laughs in spite of himself, Roland laughs, and Jake is on the floor laughing. I still find nothing funny. I think I will go check on Susanna, but then Jake looks like he’s choking so I go to him and try to get him to stop laughing. Joe tells another bad joke, making the laughter worse. I tell Joe if he wants to see something funny, watch this… and I fus him in the face. FUS-RO-DAH! Joe flies across the room into the far wall, falling to the floor in a mess of objects caught in the fus.

      I am trying to help Jake and Joe makes a joke out of my fus’ing him. This especially gets Roland laughing and now Roland looks like he’s choking. Joe is clearly an energy vampire and he’s stealing energy from their uncontrolled laughter! I am about to do something a bit more permanent than a fus when Susanna comes back from the bathroom. She has her Witchblade formed into a sword which she uses to remove Joe’s head. The headless body doesn’t die. It stays on its feet and starts transforming onto something that looks more insectile than human. The strange thing blunders around for a bit before collapsing into the fireplace and catching fire and finally dying.

      Susanna and Eddie embrace but then I notice Eddie is semi-transparent. What is happening? Jake is also semi-transparent. I do a double-take. I ask what is going on. Susanna holds on more tightly to Eddie and Roland embraces Jake as if they can physically keep them from fading. And maybe it works, as they become solid again. Roland tells me that ever since Thunderclap both Eddie and Jake have been fading in and out of existence. He says he thinks ka doesn’t like being foiled like I did. He says I saved them both, but now ka is trying to set things back to the way they were meant to be, and that means no Eddie and no Jake. Susanna says she has been having dreams that indicate there is a world where they are supposed to be right now, and they will be taken there one way or another. I wonder how to counter this unexpected effect when I wake.
    8. Dark Tower: Saving Jake

      by , 09-20-2019 at 07:23 PM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 09-20

      Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes

      Dark Tower: Saving Jake

      I am standing outside a convenience store and gas station. It is a nice day. I hear a gunshot from the store and look that way. Shortly after the sound I see a familiar looking man and boy come out with a middle aged woman I don’t recognize. The man is Roland and the kid is Jake, from the Dark Tower books. The three of them head towards an old pickup truck and pile in the front. I have to follow, so I run after them as the woman tries to drive. It sounds like she is torturing a Tasmanian devil under the hood, then she finally gets it in gear and we pull onto the road. I jump into the bed of the truck as it is pulling away. We barely avoid an accident with an idiot in a blue van.

      The woman drives like a maniac, but still better than the idiot in the blue van had been. She drives like she’s late for an appointment she wants to reach, that van had been driving like they didn’t care about getting anywhere in one piece. We drive down a steep driveway and then Jake and Roland are talking to a gardener about Steven King. They finally notice me. I tell Roland I am just there to help out if needed. I usually find myself where I need to be, but I don’t know what I am here to do yet. After a brief talk the woman tortures the transmission of the truck some more and finally rockets the truck back up the steep driveway.

      I stay in the bed of the truck as we speed down the road. We make a sudden turn and speed down another road. I do not recognize the location, but it is beautiful. It would be a good place to live. There is a knock on the window to the truck cab and the woman motions to me to brace myself. I do, and the truck skids to a stop almost quickly enough to throw me over the cab and onto the road. I see a man walking along the side of the road and the same blue van from earlier driving on the shoulder, straight towards him! I see the driver is paying absolutely no attention to the road, he has turned around in his seat to discipline two dogs in his back seat. What a moron! And it’s about to cost the man walking on the shoulder his life!

      The next few things happen really fast, there’s no time for second guessing. The passenger door of the pickup opens and Roland falls out onto the road, grasping his hip. Then Jake jumps over Roland and runs to the man walking in a flash, positioning himself between the man and the oncoming van. No! Jake will not die here! So then I jump over the cab of the truck, landing between Jake and the van and without even stopping to think about it I open up with a FUS-RO-DAH at the van. The wave of force deflects the van away from the boy and the man and into a tree on the opposite side of the street with a squeal of tires and a crash.

      Now that there is time to look around I realize I have seen the man walking on the side of the road before. Stephen King? The author? Roland gets up and rushes over to Jake. I look over at the crashed van and I see the driver is moving. He probably hit his head, but he clearly doesn’t use that much anyhow. Stephen King recognizes Roland right away and also Jake, but seems confused as to who I am. And what was that thing I just did to stop the van? I say I am just a different kind of walk-in, and what I did comes from a video game that won’t be released until 2011. Then I asked if this was sure 1999. Everyone agreed that it is. I wonder if I am somehow in the past of my own world, if I am then I need to open a bank account with some money to save interest until 2019… but even if it would work I don’t get a chance to try before I wake up.
    9. Dark Tower: Algul Siento

      by , 09-13-2019 at 04:46 AM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 09-12

      Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes

      Dark Tower: Algul Siento

      I am in Thunderclap from the Dark Tower books. Roland, Eddie, Jake, and Susanna are all gathered in preparation for their assault on Algul Siento, which is where the breakers are being held while they work on breaking one of the remaining beams supporting the Dark Tower. I tell Roland that I can use a song to remove the brainwashing on the breakers, increasing the chances of them helping. Roland says no, that may help after but for now he didn't want the breakers helping, it would make it too hard to determine who the enemies are. Right now there are only a few people on our side, and anyone else coming at them with a weapon could be assumed to be an enemy. I agree to go along with that plan.

      As we are talking I see MoSh arrive. He looks at me and says that Algul Siento has some serious giant spider problems, but don't worry about it... giant spider went squish. I am wondering if he means Mordred. If Mordred is dead that’s one fewer problems to deal with. I ask MoSh what happened with the giant spider but Roland says the horn will blow soon, signaling the change in shifts. He says we have to be in position by then. It seems MoSh and I don’t have a part in the plan since no one knew that we would be there, so we decide that MoSh and I will just do whatever we can to cause as much chaos among the guards, Can-Toi, and Taheen that we can. And try to keep the breakers safe.

      I think I will stay with MoSh, but I see he has already gone off towards Algul Siento. I try to catch up with him but a couple of guards with guns get in my way. One of them has the head of a rat, the other looks to be human. The human says he doesn’t recognize me, the rat says he’s sure I’m not one of the breakers. I tell them I’m not a breaker, I’m a fus’er. They look confused, the human asks what a fus’er is. I say I’m glad he asked… FUS-RO-DAH! With a sound like thunder the two guards are thrown backwards and they slam into an electric fence, getting electrocution added to the fus’ing. I change my right arm into an Alex Mercer blade and cut through the three electric fences that surround Algul Siento.

      Now the chaos begins. The horn sounds, signaling the changing of the shift. There are explosions from opposite sides of the small settlement. There is the sound of gunfire and someone is sending out a telepathic message to go South with your hands up and you won’t be hurt. I ignore that message, putting up a block so I won’t have to hear it so loud. I have my Alex Mercer blade formed, so I put it to use as some of the Taheen guards are going past me towards the sound of the gunfire. I don’t have a clear memory of the fight, but when it is ending I see the warden of this prison camp, Pimli Prentiss, lying on the ground, wounded. I see Susanna and Eddie celebrating. Then I see Pimli Prentiss raising a gun. This is where he shoots Eddie! I go and step on the hand raising the gun before he can lift it. I say he’s not going to shoot Eddie this time before using my Alex Mercer blade to remove his head.

      I watch Susanna and Eddie embracing for a bit more and then I hear Sheemie running through the streets yelling at the top of his lungs that the beam says thank you, the beam says it’s not too late, all may still be well! This seems to have made Sheemie unbelievably happy. I see he is limping. I go to him and ask if he is hurt. He says his foot hurts a little, but not too bad, and the beam says thank you, all may yet be well! I tell him I want to look at his foot. He says there’s no need, but I insist. He takes off his slipper and I see a nasty cut on his foot. I focus healing energy on that injury, I remember in the book it became infected and Sheemie died from it. Now he won’t be dying from that at least. I wonder where MoSh has gone to. I look around for him for a bit but then I wake up.
    10. Dark Tower of Skyrim: Between Two Worlds

      by , 08-30-2019 at 03:49 AM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 08-29

      Regular Dream - Video Game - Lucid Dream - Notes

      Dark Tower of Skyrim: Between Two Worlds

      I am playing Skyrim VR. I am starting over yet again though I don’t know why. I am in the cart with Ralof, Ulfric, and Lokir. We go through the gate into Helgen. I see Elenwen and I know she and the Thalmor are responsible for my repeating this so many times. I call to her that their plan will fail! The tower will stand, the rose will be preserved, the gunslinger will finish his quest. And I don’t care how many times they make me repeat this timeline! Elenwen looks a bit alarmed, like I wasn’t supposed to realize I’ve been repeating this time period or that their target is the tower. We get off the cart, Lokir runs and gets killed, my name isn’t on the list but the captain says I should die anyway. Then Tullius starts his monologue. Elenwen interrupts and says she wants me executed first. I tell her that won’t do any good. Tullius gets angry and says he’s in charge here, and the traitor will be the first to… then Alduin arrives and torches the building behind Tullius. Everyone runs for cover. I yell after Elenwen that I will find her and I will fus her with a full FUS-RO-DAH! I am surprised when the fus works and Elenwen is blasted from her horse. Ulfric stares at me, then our path to the tower is cut off by Alduin’s flame. So Ulfric and I go into the inn.

      I hurry through the door into the inn and run into Ulfric, who has stopped. I see we are in the lobby of an apartment building or hotel. Ulfric is completely confused by the modern looking setting. I look for the door back to Helgen, but it is gone. The only door leads out onto a busy modern street. I am thinking this must be one of my mods, but it has started too soon! And Ulfric isn’t supposed to be here! I distract Ulfric from looking outside to the busy street teeming with cars, I tell him I will get him back to Skyrim. But I’m not even sure what is happening, though I don’t tell him that. I follow the sound of voices into a dining room that is filled with a black mist that makes it look like Silent Hill. Father Callahan is in the room holding up the scrimshaw turtle. At least dozens of people are looking at the turtle, enraptured. Many of them have purple auras, others have animal heads, and others have red pulsing holes in their foreheads. Vampires, Taheen, and Can-Toi. I quickly tell Ulfric not to look at the object Callahan is holding or he will be entranced as well. I resist an urge to turn my own gaze on the turtle that emits so much light. I say the vampires are about to attack, I have to help Callahan. He won’t die in this instance!

      As I approach Callahan the tapestry on the wall is torn down and the ugliest vampires I have ever seen enter the room. It looks like their fangs have grown wild, they have too many teeth to fit in their mouths! Callahan holds a glowing cross towards them and that keeps them at bay. This shift of focus allows a fat Taheen to lunge at Callahan and knock the turtle from his hand. Now several Can-Toi and Taheen move towards Callahan, their leader seems to be a malformed version of Big Bird. I am too far away to attack directly, but not too far away to fus. FUS-RO-DAH! I fus the enemies coming at Callahan, sending them flying across the room. The fus distracts Callahan, however, and the vampires make their move. They all get fus’d by Ulfric as they attack, throwing them against the far wall. Now everyone attacks. At first I am cutting down enemies with my Alex Mercer blade but then I see the dark clouds close around some of the enemies and I think that can be healed. I call up a crescent moon wand like in Sailor Moon and use a moon healing effect to fill the room with light energy. I telepathically tell those healed to get out since Callahan and Ulfric won’t be able to tell them apart from the other enemies. I don’t see details of what is going on, but I hear more fus’ing and quite a bit of gunfire. I know Callahan had a gun, did someone else join in? Soon all of the enemies are either dead or have fled.

      Now the fight is over, or I thought it was over. I hear a gunshot from out in the black fog and the shot hits Ulfric right between the eyes. Shit! That will break too many quests! It’s a good thing I’d placed a quicksave when I thought the fighting was done. At first I’m not sure how to load that save game, but somehow I make it happen. So this time I am able to throw up a Witchblade shield just in time to block the bullet that would have killed him. I look into the fog but I can’t see who fired the shot. I call out, asking who is out there. But then I feel I am almost out of time. I have to get Ulfric back to Skyrim. But how? I need to find a door… but a door to Skyrim? Is there such a door?
      But I’m about to wake up. Wake up? Is this a dream instead of a game? No time to consider. I open a portal to Windhelm and I go to push Ulfric through it, no time to explain what is happening. There is another gunshot and this time I can feel the bullet pass between Ulfric and me as I push him towards the portal, but I wake up before I get him through it.
    11. The Dark Tower: Ulfric Dreaming

      by , 08-14-2019 at 12:25 AM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 08-13

      Regular Dream - Semi-lucid Dream - Lucid Dream - Notes

      The Dark Tower: Ulfric Dreaming

      I am playing Skyrim VR, I have a Dark Tower mod. I am standing on a dirt road outside of Calla Bryn Sturges. Jake and three other kids leave before I get a chance to approach them. They are creating a false trail for the wolves to follow. I approach Roland, Eddie, and Susanna. I see Susanna is using a Witchblade for legs. Roland says he’s glad I could make it. He asks who my friend is. My first thought is that MoSh is here, but when I turn around I see Ulfric Stormcloak. That was silly for me to think… how would MoSh get in my modded Skyrim VR game? But Ulfric is not supposed to show up in this mod! I am now thinking I’ll be unable to use this mod because it’s broken, including characters that don’t belong here. Well I’ll give it a try anyhow.

      Roland says there’s no time for introductions, they’re coming. He points towards the horizon where there is a cloud of dust indicating the approach of the wolves. Ulfric wants to know what that is. I tell him they’re evil robots… think Dwemer constructs… who are coming to kidnap the children of Calla Bryn Sturges and use them to try to destroy the tower that holds space-time together… it’s the same ultimate goal that the Thalmor have in wanting to break the tower on top of the Throat of the World. That must be another aspect of the Dark Tower, just like the rose in New York is…

      I see Susanna, Eddie, and the others have gotten into a trench to ambush the wolves. Roland is watching for Jake and the other kids. Something is wrong. I tell Roland I’ll check on them. Ulfric is just looking at me, probably when trying to explain things I said both too much and not enough, just enough to sound confusing and more than a bit nuts. I quickly say those enemies are attacking a peaceful town and I’m helping defend that town, so he can either help or just get out of the way. I head in the direction Jake and the three other children went. After a brief pause I hear Ulfric coming behind me.

      I get a short way down the road when I see the four kids. One of them has stepped in a hole and they can’t get him out! I go over to them and try to help. But then the wolves are on us! It’s too soon! The cloaked robots are coming on their robot horses, and they have seen all of us standing out in the open on the road. I tell the kids to keep trying to get the boy free, I have to deal with the wolves. As several are heading straight for us, they are wielding something that looks like light sabers, I fus them. FUS-RO-DAH! The horses don’t go down, but it is effective in blasting the riders off.

      Now the fight starts. There is a lot of gunfire. I think if Ulfric is helping I should tell him to target the dish on the top of their heads, but his axe is charged with electricity so I figure that should short the things out as if they were struck by lightning. Speaking of lightning… I use a lightning spell to strike some of the wolves with bolts of lightning. Their “thinking caps” are like lightning rods! The lightning is also drawn directly to the sneetches. Three of the kids have gotten to safety, Jake is still out and firing at enemies. I hear the whistle of the plates as they’re thrown and I see a couple cut through the top of the hoods of the enemies, severing the “thinking cap” right off. I hear a fus from off to my right.

      It doesn’t take long before all of the wolves are nothing more than scrap metal… with no losses on our side! My lightning struck down the sneetch that had been about to explode Jake’s friend Benny and the wolf that had been about to cut the woman’s head off found itself getting fus’d by Ulfric and then shot by Roland. I see Ulfric is still here. It looks like he is about to say something but then he fades from existence right before my eyes. Roland sees it, too. Roland asks if that’s normal? I say not really, but I think I’m about to do it as well. Then I wake up.
    12. Fus You Again, Eldred Jonas! A Dream Goal Fulfilled!

      by , 06-24-2019 at 06:19 PM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 06-24

      Regular Dream - Semi-lucid Dream - Lucid Dream - Notes

      Fus You Again, Eldred Jonas! A Dream Goal Fulfilled!

      I am in some tall grass looking at a small cabin. I go towards the cabin and I see a young woman in the door. She is sitting on the stoop. It’s Susan Delgado. I ask her if she and her friends are all ok. She says she is, but Roland and the others are going into danger. I tell her I need her help with something. I have a goal I have wanted to complete ever since I saw Eldred Jonas for the first time, but I need her help. I am now remembering that Eldred Jonas is watching Susan through the pink glass of the Wizard’s Rainbow, so I will use that to lead him where I want him to be. Susan says she will help me, but she won’t leave Sheemie here alone. I say that’s fine, but I don’t think we have much time. Susan, Sheemie, and I head to The Drop.

      I tell Susan I’m going to stay out of sight and wait for our guest, but don’t worry… I won’t let anything happen. And Sheemie should stay out of sight, too. Susan hesitates for a bit then agrees. Sheemie and I get out of sight in a clump of tall grass and wait. It doesn’t take too long before Eldred Jonas and a couple of thugs arrive. Susan has been looking out over The Drop and she doesn’t realize he’s there until he puts a gun at her neck. I hear him talking to her and telling her to come with him, she shouldn’t be out there alone. I tell Sheemie to stay put then I step out into the open. I tell Jonas that Susan isn’t alone. He glares at me and takes a couple steps towards me, moving away from Susan. I motion Susan to get behind me, which she does. Sheemie joins her. Now Jonas and his two thugs are between me and the edge of The Drop. Jonas says I’m going to regret messing with the Big Coffin Hunters.

      Jonas tells his thugs to take me out. I ask Jonas if he has already forgotten what I can do. He stops short and looks behind him towards The Drop. He motions his thugs to stay put and now seems like he wants to be reasonable. He uses his most amicable voice when he says there must be some agreement we can come to. I say no, there is only one thing I want to do now. Jonas draws his gun and shoots as fast as lightning. The bullet hits me right in the chest and leaves a red hole, I feel no pain. I tell him he went and put a hole in my favorite shirt! He gets a shocked look on his face. I fus him and his two thugs. FUS-RO-DAH! The fus sends all three of them flying right off of The Drop, plunging to the rocks far below. Susan says she can’t believe Jonas missed! I show her the hole and say he didn’t, but my body regenerates instantly. I show her the unmarked skin beneath the hole. I tell her everything should be safe for her and Sheemie now, but I will return if they need me.
    13. Dark Tower: Seasons in the Abyss

      by , 06-21-2019 at 09:08 PM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 06-21

      Regular Dream - Semi-lucid Dream - Lucid Dream - Notes

      I am in a town that looks like something out of a video game or an old western. I am outside what looks like the sheriff station where there is probably a jail in there, too. I have no memory of how I came to be here, but I know why I am here. Roland, Cuthbert, and Alain are locked up inside for something they didn’t do. A person in oversized cowboy clothing approaches the door to the office. I have to take care of things first, without bloodshed. I can make sure no one gets hurt here. I intercept the cowboy before he… no… she… reaches the door. I whisper to her that I can help make sure no one gets hurt here. She hesitates, asking who I am. I tell her to be ready to continue her plan once I get those officers in there to release her friends.

      Inside I find the sheriff and a deputy relaxing in the main office and I see the three boys I came for in the prison cells. They look up at me with some interest but no alarm. The sheriff asks what he can do for me. I tell him I have come to relieve him of his prisoners. He laughs and says I must be on the devil grass if I think he’s going to just hand over those murderers. I tell him I hadn’t figured he’d do it of his own free will… but still, they’re coming with me. The sheriff tells me I’d better get my ass out the door before he decides to lock me up with those murderers. I tell him those three aren’t the murderers. I saw who did it, it was Eldred Jonas and his cronies. Now the sheriff is just getting annoyed and he says he doesn’t need me to tell him how to do his job. I don’t want to take any longer, so I decide to use song lyrics to create the effect I want.

      Focusing on one of the men and then the other, I use the lyrics from the song Seasons in the Abyss by Slayer. “Close your eyes, look deep in your soul. Step outside yourself and let your mind go. Frozen eyes stare deep in your mind as you die. Close your eyes and forget your name. Step outside yourself and let your thoughts drain, as you go insane, go insane…” A blank look comes into the eyes of the two men, the song has worked. I hear fireworks going off outside but I ignore that. I tell the officers again that I am taking their three prisoners with me. This time they are very compliant. The deputy walks over to the jail cell and opens the door, standing aside to let the boys pass. Cuthbert sarcastically thanks him for being a wonderful host, then expresses his regrets that they will never be doing this again.

      The cowboy from outside is in the room now and I can see she is a woman, it is Susan Delgado. She embraces Roland immediately. She then looks at the two officers. She asks me if they’ll be ok. I tell her this state will wear off in a while and they’ll be fine. Just to make sure they don’t alert anyone too soon I tell them to get in the prison cell and lock it, then throw me the keys. I lay the keys on the desk. Someone will be by to let them out eventually. Right now Susan should carry on with her plan. For now I have to go, but I will help them more later if needed. Be careful, the danger is far from over. She turns to leave and I wake up.
    14. You’ve Been Fus’d, Eldred Jonas!

      by , 05-25-2019 at 05:40 AM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 05-24

      Regular Dream -
      Semi-lucid Dream - Lucid Dream - Notes

      I am in a green place with trees around. I don’t recognize it. I look around and I see an old burned out house that may once have been a farmhouse. There is also a burned out barn and a small cabin. The cabin is the only part not burned. I head towards the cabin. When I get closer I see a man with long white hair pulling clothes off of a line and throwing them in a pile in a muddy patch near a spring. He then proceeds to whip out his member and begins urinating all over the clothes. I approach the man and ask what he thinks he’s doing? Pissing on someone’s clothes? How old is he? Five? Because no one older than that would be acting so immature. The man looks over at me, and in that instant I know who he is. It’s Eldred Jonas from the Dark Tower books, and he’s pissing on Roland’s, Cuthbert’s, and Alain’s clothes! Yuck!

      Jonas doesn’t do much of a double take, he pulls his gun and says it’s too bad I happened to come by here at the wrong time. It’s too bad for me, that is. I just laugh. He points his gun at me and asks if I have any last words. I say as a matter of fact, I do. I have three last words. He tells me to hurry up and say them. So I do. I shout them. FUS-RO-DAH! Jonas is propelled backwards by the Unrelenting Force shout and crashes into a tree, falling into some tall grass. He struggles to get up. He does so and points his gun in my direction. I use another thu’um, the Disarm shout. ZUUN-HAAL-VIIK! The gun falls from his hand into the tall grass. He is saying he doesn’t know what manner of witchcraft I’m using, it won’t save me. He is frantically searching the grass for his gun. So I fus him again since once didn’t get the point across. FUS-RO-DAH! Jonas is propelled even farther away. Now he seems to get the point. He turns tail and runs, clearly deciding my witchcraft is too much for him. I retrieve Jonas’ gun and then go over to the cabin and sit on one of three chairs, I will wait to make sure Jonas doesn’t return.

      After I wait on the porch for a while the three young men return early in the afternoon. They see the pile of clothes and then they see me. I tell them about catching Eldred Jonas in the process of vandalizing their place, but I sent him packing with a fus to the ass. I say I only wish I’d found him doing something bad on The Drop. Then I could fus him right off of the edge! That would be amusing. I decide that will be a future dream goal... fus Eldred Jonas off of The Drop. Of course none of the three young men know what I mean when I say I fus’d Jonas... I’m not sure how to explain it without fus’ing one of them. I don’t have much time to think about it before I wake up.
    15. Miss-Oh-So-Loud-And-Rude

      by , 05-15-2019 at 12:13 AM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 05-14

      Regular Dream -
      Semi-lucid Dream - Lucid Dream - Notes

      I am at a party of some kind. Everyone is dressed up fancy, though very old fashioned. I look around to see what is going on. There is an old man sitting near me and he's getting a bit grabby with his hands. He reaches over and puts a hand on my thigh and starts sliding it upward. I push his hand away, giving him a dirty look. This guy is old enough to be my grandpa! What a pervert! He looks at me strangely, as if he'd expected me to not only allow his touch but to like it. He tries it again, but I just find it too creepy. I push his hand away again and excuse myself. I look across the room and I see a man enter, he is also dressed up but seems to stand out from the others. There are two others with him who look so young they might still be counted boys. For some reason my eyes are held on that man. And it seems he is having the same situation with me, he is staring straight back at me.

      I am distracted from the man by the woman who had been sitting beside me before. She looks pissed. She asks what I mean by rejecting poor Mayor Thorin like that. My first thought of who Thorin is brings to mind a dwarf with a long white beard from The Hobbit. That makes no sense, I don't see any dwarves anywhere in the area. But the woman is angry. She asks what I mean by staring at that affiliation boy so openly. I figure she means the young man my eyes had been drawn to, but since I don't know why I was staring at him I don't answer. This makes her more angry. She calls me "Miss-oh-so-young-and-pretty" which really annoys me. I interrupt her and ask her please not to call me that. She says she will call me whatever she wants. I say that's fine, I tried asking nicely, so now I will call her "Miss-oh-so-loud-and-rude" whenever she does. She turns beet red and for a bit I think she might strike me. I say noting, but the primary thought in my mind is, "Bring it, bitch!"

      I think there is going to be more to the party, people are bringing food out now. I don't feel like staying. I head for the door. The woman calls after me, calling me "Miss-oh-so-young-and-pretty" again and telling me not to dare walk out that door. I call back to her, calling her "Miss-oh-so-loud-and-rude" and I tell her I'm really not feeling well, I'll be in bed. I think the fact I actually called her "Miss-oh-so-loud-and-rude" left her speechless. I get out the door without another word from her, then I wake up.
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