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    1. Dream Sharing Experience.

      by , 12-25-2013 at 01:10 AM
      I had experienced a WILD and "teleported" to the outside of my house. The warmth of the sun felt amazing on my skin and the wind blowing through the trees made me really think about the reality of things. Anyway. I take a step and just think, " who wants to walk in a dream?" so i bolted to the sky. I notice below me a couple of people i know from school standing around a gas station. I land right next to one, namd Jeremey. I begin to shake him and tell him its just a dream, that he has to wake up. He just gives me a crazy look and i just say goodbye and fly off.
      Two or three months later, Jeremy came to my house and told me about this dream he had and almost blew his mind, somehow we shared a dream and i woke him upon within the dream, he said as i shook him, he realized he was in a dream and was the most vivid dream he has had in his eniter life. LOL.
      Crazy things are possible.