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    Thread: FryingMan's DILD course workbook

    1. #501
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      Still recalling dreams in the morning, zero night work and almost zero day work for the summer and a lot of this year in fact. Waking life continues to be jam-packed with new things going on, changes, challenges, and new happy experiences .

      Big dreaming night a week or so ago, very long and vivid semi-lucid dream (or lucid with low awareness). Some very vivid dreams, and some nights with just a few fragments, but almost always something.....
      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    2. #502
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      Hi there frying, nice to see you still around. And nice to see you still goingstrong with dreaming!

    3. #503
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      Hi Hukif! Hey yeah it's been a while . I'm going to try to ramp up my practice again. Recall remains pretty good and steady but lucidity has been fairly far away most nights. I lost my wife last year to an illness which not surprisingly had a drastic affect on my overall mood and mindset. I'm doing pretty well most days now, though. The future looks bright and I'm getting back into dreaming .
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      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    4. #504
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      2 LDs this week -- pretty good considering the year I've been through. I reach for recall on most every waking still, but haven't been DJing. Recall remains generally good and sometimes very detailed. I've started setting stronger intention for lucidity at bedtime and at wakings, and have been doing more RCs during the day, which led to these LDs. Also, having LD goals again has helped.
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      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    5. #505
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      Hi, FM:
      You and I are still in good synchronization. Weird how that is. I had my personal illness and it demolished my LD's big time. Only recently have I been regaining my dream recall (now quite good) and - with limited success - had a couple of short LD's which you know from our PM exchange. Winter is coming fast, and nights have gotten long...so I hope re-affirming my night-time commitment bears fruit.

      Be well, all.
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    6. #506
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      Congratulations - great to hear FM A great winter of dreaming to you both!

    7. #507
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      Another LD woohoo last night. I flew in a beautiful city night-scene, did some barrel rolls, and lost lucidity in a bit and went on to further adventures. Quite vivid, a nice night of dreaming .
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      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    8. #508
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      'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'
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      Sweet! That sounds like a wonderful scene to be lucid in and it is great to hear your are back to churning out lucid dreams.

      After slacking on mindfulness for a while I have been putting more effort back into it, as I knew I should, and seeing some waking benefits.
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    9. #509
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      One or two (two transitions into lucidity) LDs last night where I practiced flying IronMan style -- I highly recommend trying it! I've always been a superman-style flier, but the foot/hand repulsion/rockets offer a high degree of control and some really nice speed! I tried also shooting the hand rockets at DCs but instead all that happened was that little pancakes flew out from my hands and landed on them, I thought this was pretty funny in the dream
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      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    10. #510
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      Brief lucid dream last night, first in a while. I just realized I was dreaming mid-flight. I conjured a lightsabre and tried to get it to be realistic in look sound and feel. Like pretty much always, it felt like I was waving a flashlight around and didn't do any damage to the monster I was fighting. Maybe it's like digital clocks, they just don't work in dreams. I should try a metal sword again and see how it works! Lucidity probably didn't last all that long.

      Also observing a violent massive flood (scrambling to get to high ground in time), running to get out of the rain but other people were already hogging the shelter, and hanging out at a tennis match where the balls were loosely-sew-together balls of fabric, easily deflated. Also planning to right a bike over the bridge to San Francisco in a suit, thinking I'll be all sweaty and wet, and I should wear sporty clothes and keep my suit in a backpack (but it'll still get wet since the backpack would be on my back). Also in childhood home, getting chased by hunter-seekers like in Dune, that looked like transparent pens. A bunch of them, they moved fast and if I tried to catch and throw them away from me they immediately turned back to me and continued pursuit. They caught up to me and hovered around me and I closed my eyes and waited for the explosion, but it didn't come. I tried circling around and over a bed to throw them off the trail, and tried luring them out side and slamming the door shut to trap them outside.
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      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
      FryingMan's Dream Recall Tips -- Awesome Links
      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    11. #511
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      Congrats on the LD. I would definitely try the sword, since maybe it's a schema thing. I hope all is well my friend!

    12. #512
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      After a while of not paying attention (uh oh!) to dreams very much, yesterday I decided to refocus my efforts on continuing the practice. And I got lucid this morning!
      DJ entry LD#239
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      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
      FryingMan's Dream Recall Tips -- Awesome Links
      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    13. #513
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      Egads, about 3 months without a lucid. Waking life priorities are taking their toll. Finally got 8+ hours of sleep last night and had a very vivid/present bunch of dreams but not a hint of lucidity.
      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
      FryingMan's Dream Recall Tips -- Awesome Links
      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    14. #514
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      Quote Originally Posted by FryingMan View Post
      Egads, about 3 months without a lucid. Waking life priorities are taking their toll. Finally got 8+ hours of sleep last night and had a very vivid/present bunch of dreams but not a hint of lucidity.
      Felt the same... dont be distracted by dream characters in waking life from you path.


    15. #515
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      Quote Originally Posted by FryingMan View Post
      Egads, about 3 months without a lucid. Waking life priorities are taking their toll. Finally got 8+ hours of sleep last night and had a very vivid/present bunch of dreams but not a hint of lucidity.
      I see we are both recently getting back on the stuff. Good. I'm here. Let's do it.
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      I'm working with Elliot Gish as my Coach. He's great.

    16. #516
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      Quote Originally Posted by tblanco View Post
      I see we are both recently getting back on the stuff. Good. I'm here. Let's do it.
      Well after the possibly the longest dry spell of my LD career, I finally had another LD . I've been having some lucid moments (2-3) in the last week or so, for example, where I either just know or do a quick RC and realize I'm dreaming, but immediately lose lucidity. But last night I found myself doing nose pinch (don't remember why I did it) with some air escaping. It was one of those frustrating nose pinches where air is not moving entirely freely, but a bit is escaping. So I re-did it, and it was still somewhat ambiguous. So I looked at my hands, and that clinched it: fingers of all different lengths. Woohoo, at long last, fully lucid! I was in my CH (childhood home), a frequent dreaming location, and just walked around for a while, looking at everything, being amazed at the colors and the feeling right before getting lucid of being utterly convinced I was awake at the time.

      The trigger? Probably having a long talk with new friends over dinner about lucid dreaming last week. And increased intention and mindfulness. It does take a while for the dreaming mind to catch up with the waking one, so if you're (re)dedicating yourself, be patient, and keep that intention high, and think about LDing as much as you can during the day!
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      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
      FryingMan's Dream Recall Tips -- Awesome Links
      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    17. #517
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      Big Win! that's inspiring!!! I've been active in rededicating my efforts and seeing you get a win like this is a charge!
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      I'm working with Elliot Gish as my Coach. He's great.

    18. #518
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      I had my first on-purpose LD in a while a couple nights ago! I did MILD after a "bathroom WBTB" and had a nice LD. Not too long, probably less than a minute, but I definitely realized I was dreaming, and confirmed with a nose pinch. Waking or a trip to the void followed, I tried for DEILD and did fall asleep but was non-lucid (on the verge, though). I've been ramping up my daytime awareness, more RCs, more reflection moments and mindfulness. Haven't quite gotten into the ADA/RC (continuous RC) like I'd half-planned, but still considering that for this year.

      DJ entry
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      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
      FryingMan's Dream Recall Tips -- Awesome Links
      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    19. #519
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      Congrats FM! Glad to hear you back at it. If you would like some inspiration to keep the RCs up, check out: https://www.dreamviews.com/attaining...-activity.html You might find a nugget or two. I am having good results with my latest post in the thread but it may be controversial, as I mention there.

    20. #520
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      Quote Originally Posted by fogelbise View Post
      Congrats FM! Glad to hear you back at it. If you would like some inspiration to keep the RCs up, check out: https://www.dreamviews.com/attaining...-activity.html You might find a nugget or two. I am having good results with my latest post in the thread but it may be controversial, as I mention there.
      Hi fogelbise! That is a great post, a lot in it resonates with my own practice and theories on lucid dreaming. I think your "sense of unease" is very similar to what I consider "reflection." My ideas about vivid dreaming, memories, and about any waking moment being a dream are very similar . Great minds.....
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      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    21. #521
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      In what's shaping up to be a pretty dull year dream-wise (not all that many LDs, dream recall well below my usual standards), I had a fairly phenomenal night a couple nights ago. I slept longer than usual, which may have been the impetus. I had many vivid, detailed, present dreams throughout the night, including a fairly early-on solid LD (but short). Yay!
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      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    22. #522
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      Yay! Congrats FM! A solid LD and earlier on, very nice! As well as vivid, detailed, present dreams - big in my book! I hope you find inspiration in your experience there.

    23. #523
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      LDs.....few and far between. But dream recall not so bad. Had some very detailed recall last night and in the last several nights, despite terrible bedtimes (2, 3am, ugh!)
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      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    24. #524
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      Two LDs in two nights, a veritable flood given the year I had last year. The first (two nights ago) was "that's weird!, <rc>, ahh..." and the second was either a start of dream DILD or a WILD where I sort of watched the dream form (but hard to tell). First (#245) was fairly low awareness but decided against sexy time to fly up to the UFOs that got me lucid to see what was inside (a super exclusive day spa it turns out, $5K/day, for a rarefied clientele). Second (#246) I had higher awareness, did a few things for stability ("Clarity!" Rubbed hands?), looked around, high vivid visuals (but a little wobbly/unstable) but decided on sexy time after all (but in the context of the dream). Held on to the dream until lady #2 .

      Not doing a ton for LDing consistently, but am holding moments of raised awareness throughout the day. Did an RC on my evening walk, and probably most importantly, during my mini-WBTB (very reliable at about 5 hrs, I'm drinking a lot of water during the day), setting intention to LD and making it back to sleep despite a brain that is starting to wake and churn through waking life to-dos.
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      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    25. #525
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      Sweet! 2 days in a row points to doing something right. I do think that mini-wbtb can be a good boost. Congratulations FM!

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