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    Lucid Time!

    Hello, Random Helpful Guide Character...

    by , 09-29-2014 at 11:56 AM (1077 Views)
    There was some nightmare about the military who had shot a kid riding a dirtbike. I didn't want to look at the scene. My friend's parents were involved somehow.
    I am in a classroom, but it feels like I am also in K's house. Everyone is turning in essays but one student just turns in a paper with sharpie written on it that says something like 'I will turn in my essay tomorrow.' Everyone in the class thinks it is funny, even the professor. But he says he is still going to give that student a bad grade.
    The professor then rolls down a screen, and says that we are not doing class and simply having a movie day. The movie: some alien invasion movie where giant human body parts fall to earth. The movie is supposed to be really scary and I 'remember' not liking it. But I have to watch it for a grade, it has something to do with what we are learning in class. I might as well at least try to enjoy it. The professor says we can move anywhere in the room, so I decide to sit on the floor in the back of the room.
    I sit down, and the opening credits roll. They show the alien invasion that happens through a bunch of severed human body parts. Legs, Arms, Hands, Heads, etc. They are all orbiting in a big vortex above earth. The professor asks some question about how this relates to some kind of art or something.
    Then, who I could only assume was Manei entered the dream. After seeing her (my dream guide) for three years, I can sort of sense her energy, so to speak. But her energy felt off. I couldn't pinpoint what. This didn't feel like Manei.
    Regardless, the dream went partially lucid.
    This character said that she too thought the movie was scary and wanted to be with someone. She put her arm around me. Then hugged me.
    While this was happening, I started to feel her energy. A lot of warmth and love. I was actually trying to figure it out. Was I dreaming? Who was this? If this wasn't my regular guide it was somebody who felt very similar. Whoever it was, it was a very good feeling. I wished that she would hold onto me for the entire movie. She fell asleep. Then I started to feel sleepy.
    We then both fell over onto the floor, and the dream went wonky.
    Everything went blue, and I was in a void filled with a blue cloudy energy. I was OOB, of course.
    "Hello. I am p4qRo8y5 (something or other, not Manei). I am here to ask you permission to have spiritual intercourse (sex) with you."
    A blue and white hologram of certain sexy things appears in front of me during this question. It fades afterwards. I feel no need to describe them, I don't feel like using a spoiler tag today. Just let your imagination run wild.
    "What... NO! I don't know who you are!"
    She doesn't seem to care that I said 'no'. I don't even know why I said 'no'. I guess I just thought of the last time I had sex with a dream guide and things got very, very weird.
    Anyways, this character, probably a guide, starts talking very fast. She is partially speaking in a language of thoughts and ideas, rather than spoken words. I've talked to Manei and some other DCs before. It's supposed to be faster than talking.
    This object appears as a hologram in front of me. It was supposed to be some kind of visual aid for what this guide was saying, but it makes no sense to me.
    "...Recently there was a spiritual rise in consciousness that caused many people around you to become more aware and awake. You, to some extent, but not the full extent did this as well ..."
    The waveforms coming from the side of the shape increase. The circles begin to glow in small clusters.
    She carried on about a bunch of other stuff I really couldn't care about. I don't remember anything else of what she said, but she talked for a solid minute at light speed while I looked at the diamond thing.
    "... I am aware you are involved in dreaming, perhaps having some troubles with it. The problem is that you try to resolve everything with logic and reasoning, when in reality the secret to dreaming is creativity and happiness, the exact opposite. Don't feel bad for it, it is the way the human mind and society is structured. Now, tell me winch one of these jokes you find funniest."

    Two jokes are presented to me as what I can only describe as very poorly animated flash movies. In the first movie, a couple of teenagers are sitting around the table. Then, a large anthropomorphic rooster shows up. But it's like not a typical rooster. It has this large cerraded beak and big buggy eyes. He then says "I've got alottt of math homework!", emphasizing the word 'Alot' in a strange way. The scene cuts back to everyone sitting at the table and they all have rooster heads.

    In the second joke a boy is standing by a window. There is a city moving by outside so I can only assume he was in a mobile home. There is an Ipod on a speaker rack, and a girl walks by and turns it on. Rock-Metal instrumentals start playing. The window flies open and a flowerpot flies into the boy's face, then out the window. Some dirt is left on the boys face. "Lisa! What did I tell you about playing metal music in the house?!" The boy has a rooster head when he says this.


    I then remember seeing a view, something like a you tube page with a whole bunch of these 'jokes' playing at once. Many of them have the rooster head involved in some way. One of them has this woman with these very ugly, scary looking lips. Oh god, please don't play that one.
    "Um... Neither of them. Those were not even jokes. Just random visions. ._. "
    I get a dream glitch and go backwards very quickly through the scenes in the dream. I am back at the hologram of sexy things. I am then back in the classroom and the movie is still playing. I am then back outside and the military is stopped and looking at a turned over dirtbike.

    I wake up.

    Upon waking, I would say that the first animation was funnier.

    'The problem is that you try to resolve everything with logic and reasoning, when in reality the secret to dreaming is creativity and happiness, the exact opposite.'

    This is very quote-able. I should make this my signature.
    RedKali and DawnEye11 like this.

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    Updated 10-04-2014 at 05:27 PM by 53527

    lucid , non-lucid


    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      O.o What a creepy/funny dream. I liked the part about the rooster flash videos. I would have found the first one the funniest too. XD
      JadeGreen likes this.
    2. KristaNicole07's Avatar
      Everyone is turning in essays but one student just turns in a paper with sharpie written on it that says something like 'I will turn in my essay tomorrow.'
      XD Great idea. You should try that IWL and see how it turns out.

      The movie: some alien invasion movie where giant human body parts fall to earth. The movie is supposed to be really scary and I 'remember' not liking it. But I have to watch it for a grade, it has something to do with what we are learning in class.
      A common dream theme I used to have was having to watch a gory, scary movie and having no choice, even though I didn't want to. Like, it was on TV and the computer no matter what channel you turned it to or even if you turned the TV off. I hated the feeling these dreams gave me.

      Awesome LD and OOB experience! Sounds like whoever that guide was had a lot of insight for you. That was very deep.
      JadeGreen likes this.
    3. JadeGreen's Avatar
      Oh... you commented on this! I didn't notice. I usually leave a like when I comment on something, and so do you.
      A common dream theme I used to have was having to watch a gory, scary movie and having no choice, even though I didn't want to. Like, it was on TV and the computer no matter what channel you turned it to or even if you turned the TV off. I hated the feeling these dreams gave me.
      When I was a kid, I used to sometimes dream about this man who was like doctor Frankenstein except he lived in the top of a big grain silo (Like those structures you see in country towns by the railroad tracks.) He had all of these racks of different human body parts like severed limbs and different eyeballs hanging by the nerves from racks, and there were puddles of blood everywhere. I have no idea why that dream isn't in the back of my DJ yet.
      The weird part of the dreams was that he was actually a nice man called the who I called the 'Peoplebuilder'. But his workshop still scared the bejeezus out of me.
      KristaNicole07 likes this.
    4. KristaNicole07's Avatar
      O_O creepy! But really cool that he was actually a nice guy.
      JadeGreen likes this.
    5. JadeGreen's Avatar