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    Manei on Spirit Science, Shared Dream with a random lady? (LD #167)

    by , 02-09-2015 at 03:08 PM (683 Views)
    I logged on to Dreamviews to see that every DJ entry except for the ones tagged with 'Memorable' Were now gone. There were only the five most recent entries with a 'Memorable' tag on them in my DJ. I also had a bunch of notifications (12 I think).

    I was living on an aircraft carrier. (Actually I think it was like the flying heli-carrier from Avengers.) We were docked just offshore in NYC, and were in the process of leaving. On it were a bunch of people along with their guides, or so I assumed. There were some people with two or three guides there. I think I saw my friend C as well as Dawn.

    I became a little bit lucid and decided to (for some reason) ask Manei what she thought of the Spirit Science videos. (A little context: Yesterday, I made a post on meditation, and in one of the replies, somebody sent me a Spirit Science video. I've actually watched these a lot in the past, and if you're interested I would recommend looking them up. The narrators' voice kinda annoys me though.)

    Anyways she stated that sometimes those videos seem a bit gimmicky to her, but in the end, their interpretation of philosophies and general take on the world are really good.

    The two of us got food from the cafeteria and sat on the edge of the deck carrier together.

    There was much more to this dream but I can't remember it.

    FA'd laying on the sidewalk. I had two blankets on me. I was in my subdivision, next street over from where I live, and it was a dark, cold night. A woman was standing there asking me if I knew where bus number 31 was. She said that it was supposed to be here at 8:10 and it was now 8:30. She was wondering if she had missed it.

    "I don't know... for all I know this is just a bad dream-"

    I looked at the moon in the sky. It was there all right, but it was about ten times bigger than it should have been.
    I looked away and looked back and the moon had been replaced with a multicolored gas planet.

    Actually, I'm pretty sure this is just a dream. Hey, lady, pinch your nose like this *does nose pinch RC* Can you breathe?

    "Oh my gosh! I can!"

    She started to get really excited, like a new lucid dreamer would.

    "This is called lucid dreaming, look it up. And if you get the chance-"

    She disappeared from the dream with a humorous 'pop' sound.

    "-my name is JadeGreen... "

    I grumbled to myself that I didn't get to finish thinking about how that would be a really interesting way to show shared dreaming. I then asked myself if shared dreaming is even really possible. I realized that I don't have a solid answer on either side.

    The dream went semi lucid here. I was trying to avoid these guard/searchlight towers that had appeared around my neighborhood. I thought I could fly but due to poor lucidity and practice as of late, my flying would always cut out a few seconds after I started.
    MasterMind and DawnEye11 like this.

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    1. MasterMind's Avatar
      Haha I am in your head! Long live the annoying voice of Spirit Science
      DawnEye11 likes this.
    2. DawnEye11's Avatar
      XD haha Its funny how you had a FA on the sidewalk. How did you think you got there? Also, the spirit science thing sounds interesting and It would have been cool if the lady was a real person who you made lucid.^^