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    1. View Conversation
      I read one of your older journals and it said something about South Carolina, do you live in SC, because i live in North Carolina and when I get good at lucid dreaming I would like to try to SD with you, and I would like to try it with someone who is in my timezone
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      Hey Raven,

      I've been on Skype again recently. If you get a chance to get on Skype I'd like to talk to you about something exciting. Reading your wall I see you might be having issues with getting on it however...
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      Just saw your latest DJ post! Good to see that you're back to journalling - some of your dreams I've read have been really incredible!
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      Awesome. I'll send you a friend request!
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      Hi Raven. Are you still unable to Skype? I'd really like to chat sometime.
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      Hello Raven, mind if a foxie pays you a visit :3 *hug*
    7. View Conversation
      had a dream wakingnomad introduced me to u in a dream..lol will post my dj bout it soon..lol
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      Hey raven! You should check out the IOSDP and share dreams with us!
    10. View Conversation
      Raven OMG I forgot! You've gotta post the secondary task ASAP!
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    "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
    "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

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    View Raven Knight's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Freddy’s Nightmare

    by Raven Knight on 05-22-2018 at 12:04 AM
    2018, 05-21

    Freddy’s Nightmare

    I am in a bedroom I think of as my own, but it is clearly not my house because it is a second floor room and my home has only one level. I am in there with two friends, one woman and one man. I don’t recognize them. On my computer desk I have pushed the computer equipment to the side and there is a black cauldron sitting on the desk, on a stand over a pie tin filled with burning charcoal briquettes. A strange potion is bubbling inside the cauldron. There is also a lot of smoke rising from the burning charcoal. There is a smoke detector just outside my bedroom door and I am afraid it will go off due to the smoke, so I close the bedroom door and open the window. There is a cool breeze outside and all of the smoke is sucked out the window as if by a vacuum. But there is still too much smoke! The potion is done so I dump some water on the burning coals. I miss with some and it splashes on my power strip which gives out a bright spark so I quickly move it out of the way.

    We have to wait for the potion to cool now. I glance back at the open window and something catches my eye. I look outside and see it is getting dark, but in the dim light I see a man approaching our house along the sidewalk. There’s nothing much that sets him apart from any other pedestrian in this average neighborhood, but he catches my eye. I watch him for a bit more and see he turns and walks up to the house. I tell the others that someone is here. The woman with me says it is too soon! The man asks where he is. I tell them he was walking up to the house but I can’t see him now. I look back outside and now I see a couple little girls drawing on the sidewalk using the light from a streetlamp. I am thinking it’s quite late for such little ones to be outside alone… but then my attention is brought back by a pounding on my bedroom door.

    No one has to open the door, it flies open. In the doorway stands Freddy Krueger from the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. He has a smirk on his face. The woman whispers to me that the potion isn’t ready yet! Freddy is mocking us but then he says he has grown bored and has found new playmates. He holds up a stick of pink sidewalk chalk. He’s going after those little girls? No way! He steps into the room and I grab for his sweater but he steps back and laughs. He is still mocking us but I am ignoring that… I make a second grab when he comes in again but I miss again. He seems to be enjoying the game and gets a bit closer the next time so I grab him. I pull him over directly in front of me and glare at him right in the eye, and I start threatening him. I call him a pathetic piece of shit and I tell him that if he so much as looks at those little girls I will track him down and tear him apart piece by piece!

    Maybe it’s the threat or maybe it’s the look on my face, but he looks a bit worried about that… but my friends in the bedroom with me think I’ve gone mad. The woman asks what I think I’m doing. I am annoyed to be interrupted in my threats to Freddy, so I look over at her with some exasperation and ask what is it? I’m busy threatening this guy! She says that’s a monster who could invade my dreams. I tell her that he would never have the balls to invade my dreams, but if he tries to put his cowardly ass in those girls’ dreams I will be there to make sure it becomes his worst nightmare! Maybe I should just kick his ass so he knows I’m serious… but then I wake up.
    lucid , non-lucid

    The Dark Tower – Blaine is a Pain

    by Raven Knight on 05-16-2018 at 05:05 AM
    2018, 05-15

    The Dark Tower – Blaine is a Pain

    I am in a green meadow near a stream. There is a deer here, she is drinking from the stream. I see there is a monorail track not far away. Then I know what is about to happen. I see the light from Blaine the Mono speeding along the track so I teleport over to the deer and form a shield around us. Blaine speeds past in a blur, stirring up a lot of debris in his wake. The sonic boom that comes after he passes is almost deafening. The deer I am protecting is scared but unharmed so I release her and she runs off. But I’m supposed to be on Blaine! I run parallel to the track and then jump up and fly. I focus energy into it and fly like the characters on Dragonball Z, speeding along the track to catch up with Blaine. I fly right next to Blaine for a bit, matching his speed but unsure of how to get in. I finally figure I should just phase through the wall of Blaine, so I try to focus on that… I manage to phase through the wall and then I make a spectacularly unimpressive crash into what looks like a piano, coming to a stop with a loud BRANG noise.

    My sudden arrival has surprised everyone on the train except for MoSh, who is just looking over at me. Everyone else is wanting to know how I was flying, how was I flying as fast as Blaine, how did I get inside from out there. Blaine says I am rude for coming in uninvited. He also says I am rude for collecting all the toxic gas back in Ludd. I tell him I wasn’t being rude, I was simply solving his riddle… figuring a way to stop the toxic gas and still get on board to be with my friends. I never meant it to be rude. Good riddle, by the way. I was barely able to solve it. Blaine seems to accept my treating the situation as a riddle and is more than happy to take credit and praise for setting the riddle up. So having appeased Blaine for my unexpected arrival the riddling continues.

    Roland is telling riddles one after another, and Blaine is answering each of them instantly, with no hesitation. Susanna and Jake seem to find that very disheartening, but Eddie looks like he has zoned off into another dimension. This appears to have annoyed Susanna, who looks like she’s about to bring Eddie back with an elbow to the ribs but thinks better of it when Roland shakes his head slightly while looking at her. MoSh says he has some riddles he could contribute. I know some, too. I can’t remember specific riddles, just that Roland, MoSh, and I took turns giving out riddles for a while but we weren’t having any luck in stumping Blaine. I am thinking Blaine is cheating with his vast databanks, maybe I should hack in and break the connection and see how many riddles he can solve then… Blaine says we are almost out of time, we are almost to the end of the line.

    But now Eddie seems to be coming back to us and it looks like he is about to crack up laughing. He starts telling his silly joke / riddles, and that is clearly pissing Blaine off. He tells a dead baby joke, I’m not even sure if that really qualifies as a riddle since logic gets nowhere with it… but Blaine takes it as a riddle and refuses to answer. Roland says if Blaine is going to cry off then we win and he has to keep his promise. He gets mad and sounds like he’s having a tantrum more appropriate to a spoiled 3 year old. MoSh adds in a couple nonsensical riddles, and Eddie adds another… and now the only response from Blaine is a bunch of nonsensical sounds, quote fragments, and random words that make no sense at all. My next response is, “Cool… you broke his brain!” The entire system crashes, the lights go out, the engines shut down. But we might still crash. I tell everyone to gather around me and I’ll make a shield to protect us all. I form a force field around us, Roland is apologizing to Eddie, and then we crash. Once we’re stopped an emergency escape hatch in the ceiling pops open. Roland is asking if everyone is ok. I lower the force field but then I wake up.
    non-lucid , lucid

    The Dark Tower – City of Ludd

    by Raven Knight on 05-03-2018 at 12:38 AM
    2018, 05-02

    The Dark Tower – City of Ludd

    I am on a bridge that is high over a river. The bridge is falling apart, there is a large gap where only cables are holding the bridge together. Roland, Susanna, Eddie, and Jake are all there. Jake is holding his billy bumbler Oy and carefully making his way across the gap. Eddie seems to be having more difficulty, he’s afraid of heights. I go over to help him get across. Susanna is doing fine on her Witchblade legs. I tell Eddie his Witchblade will save him if he falls so there is really no need to be afraid. While we are trying to help Eddie a man has arrived at the far end of the bridge. He looks like a leper. The leper calls himself Gasher and says he will use a grenade and take the whole bridge down if Jake doesn’t go with him. There is some arguing but then Jake says he will go with Gasher willingly, Roland says he will come to rescue Jake.

    There is a break here, then I am back in the dream, but this time I actually AM Jake. I am following Gasher down a long narrow alley and he is going a bit too fast for Jake. My arrival caused a bit of a slowdown, and that pisses Gasher off. He stops and moves to strike me right in the face. I catch his arm as he swings and twist it around to pin it behind his back. I growl at him that I am coming with him because I gave my word, but that does not mean I will put up with any of his abusive shit. I twist the arm a bit harder before saying he should try to hit me again if he wants to experience his last days of existence with only one arm. I finally let go and we continue. We reach a sewer access cover and he tells me to move it. I lift the metal disk easily and throw it aside, again displaying that I have more than enough strength to handle Gasher if he gets any ideas. I can see he is having trouble hiding the fear from his eyes.

    Another break, and now I am in a train station and there is a monorail engine on the other side of a locked gate. Roland, Eddie, Susanna, and Jake are all here now. They are punching in a code on the number pad beside the gate and it slides open. The train is talking and says we’d better hurry or the gas will get us. Eddie asks why do that, Susanna says so many will die, but the train just laughs. I tell them I will take care of the gas and maybe restore some semblance of stability to the people remaining here. Everyone does a double take when they see I have appeared from nowhere. Susanna says she never sees me coming, I’m just there. I tell her that happens a lot. They all get into the train, which is Blaine the Mono and Charlie the Choochoo all in one, and the door closes. Blaine tells me I was too slow. I say I didn’t want to get on now, I’ll catch up later. Blaine didn’t seem to know what to say to that.

    As the train leaves the station I take to flight over the city of Ludd. I look down into the streets where a lot of people are in full panic over the noises that came from the speakers earlier. I see a purple gas coming from the sewers running under the city. I focus on the song Blitzkrieg by Metallica and use it to create a vortex that pulls all of the toxic gas into itself, condensing it all into a small ball about the size of a tennis ball. I then focus on the song Full Moonlight from the Devil Hunter Yohko soundtrack and that creates an orb that looks like the moon which hovers over the city and bathes all of Ludd in its silvery light. I see people are no longer panicking, and that is a plus. I won’t get to see if it brings those psychos to their senses and makes them stop killing each other, they never knew that was all for Blaine’s entertainment. Sick Blaine. Now I need to get MoSh and get back onto the train but instead I wake up.
    lucid , non-lucid

    Demon Knocking

    by Raven Knight on 04-26-2018 at 04:07 AM
    2018, 04-25

    Demon Knocking

    I am watching a child with a dog in a forest. The boy approaches a house and peeks in a window. Apparently, he saw something he shouldn’t because he gets really shocked and scared. He runs away from the house with the dog following. Two men come out and give chase. The boy comes to a cliff where he can go no farther. The dog takes a different route, but the boy jumps off the cliff and lands in a lake below. The boy swims to shore and goes into a shop on the edge of the lake. The owner of the shop says the boy can hide there. Shortly later the dog finds its way to the store, and then one of the bad guys arrives. The bad guy gets angry when the store owner says he hasn’t seen the boy. The bad guy smashes a couple things then leaves in a rage.

    The boy says he has to keep moving and goes out the back of the store. He runs into the bad guys in the forest. A man gets in between the boy and the bad guys. The man looks like the angel Jonathan Smith from the Highway to Heaven show. Jonathan tells the bad guys to leave the boy alone. The bad guys aren’t human, they transform into demons. They are saying something but I can’t hear what. Then the demons laugh and both demons disappear along with Jonathan. The boy continues through the forest to a cabin in the woods. He knocks on it and someone inside lets him in. I go to the cabin as well and they let me in when I say I want to make sure the boy is safe.

    Inside the cabin the boy is telling a man and a woman about the demons and he also says Jonathan let the demons take him in exchange for leaving the boy alone, but the boy is certain they will pull some kind of trick and still try to get him. The man and the woman don’t believe him. There is something banging on the door. The boy says the demon is here. The man and woman are hesitant now. The thing banging on the door bangs harder and the entire wall gives way. There is a huge demon face there. I know it can’t enter without permission so I stand my ground and tell it that it is not invited in, and it can not enter. YOU CAN NOT ENTER!

    The demon looks pissed but does not enter the cabin. It retreats through a portal. I follow the demon through the portal into what looks like the town in Silent Hill. There is no sign of the demon. I call to the demon, I call out and say I have come to challenge the demon for Jonathan’s soul. I tell it I know it has to answer such a challenge and it had better show itself now! There is a lot of smoke and then the demon materializes in the street, as tall as the surrounding two story buildings and glaring down at me. I focus on the song Battery by Metallica and call down bolts of white energy lightning on the demon. The demon throws fireballs at me but I deflect them with Whiplash by Metallica. This demon is weak, it never really had a chance. The demon gets mad and then says fine, Jonathan’s soul is too weak to be of any use anyhow. There is a swirl of darkness around me and the next instant I am back in the forest with Jonathan. I think he is about to say something but then I wake up.
    lucid , non-lucid

    The Dark Tower – Jake’s Drawing

    by Raven Knight on 04-03-2018 at 05:28 AM
    2018, 04-02

    The Dark Tower – Jake’s Drawing

    I am in a forest. I am with a couple of other people. I am Arya. I am with two boys, although they look to be a bit older than I think I am. One of them I know as Gendry, the other one goes by unlikely name of Hot Pie. We are traveling through a forest, it is daytime out but underneath all of the trees it is somewhat dark. We seem to be having a disagreement about where we should be going. We finally decide to check on the road and see which way it is going. We have been avoiding the road to try to avoid trouble. We aren’t sure if someone might be after us. As we get closer to the road, we hear the sound of horses on it. We do not want to be seen. I look around and I see what looks like an abandoned house. That should be a good place to hide out. I tell the others that, but they don’t seem to believe me. Hot Pie seems to think he would be better off up a tree. Gendry looks up and decides that isn’t a good plan, so he finally decides to follow me to the house.

    Gendry and I sneak in through a broken door on the back. Gendry wants to know what we should do if the people on the road spot Hot Pie. I am not sure how to respond to that. I tell Gendry that maybe we can find some food left in the house. Gendry goes into what looks like it used to be a kitchen and starts looking through cabinets. I go through a different door and find what looks like once was a living room. I feel something land of my head. I reach up to get it off, and I discovered that it is a mutant tarantula that is about the size of a softball. I don’t get easily freaked out by spiders, but this one seems especially gross. I threw it to the ground in repulsion. I look around and see more of the spiders crawling along the floor and on the ceiling. I turn around and go back the way I came. I don’t know if those spiders might be venomous, so I don’t want to get bit. I go back into the kitchen where Gendry went.

    I have found the kitchen again, but Gendry is nowhere to be seen. I wonder where he could’ve gone? I look around the kitchen and then I go into the next room to see if Gendry continued exploring. I enter and I find a boy, but it is not Gendry. It is a young boy, he looks younger than Gendry. The boy stops short when he sees, and he asks who I am? I am not sure how to answer that. The boy says he hadn’t expected to find anyone else here. When I don’t respond, he says his name is Jake. I blurt out, are you there Jake looking for Roland of Gilead? He says yes, how did I know that? I look at my reflection in a dirty glass case. I am definitely still Arya. I tell Jake that I don’t think I’m really supposed to be here, but I will help if I can. I tell him my name is Arya since I figure he won’t know that name anyhow. We continue looking through the house. Jake is looking for a locked door which he has a key.

    A man enters from another room. He looks familiar, I realize that it is MoSh. He says we don’t want to go into the room he just left, it’s full of venomous snakes. Jake seems quite surprised at the situation, he hadn’t expected to find anyone here and it’s turning into a crowd. We continue down the hall and go through a door at the end of it. That door leads into a very large room. Just this room is larger than the abandoned house I walked into as Arya. It looks like it might be a ball room. There is a somewhat creepy wallpaper on all the walls of elves dancing. They may have been intended to be cute, but they’re really more disturbing. We cross the room to a pair of double doors on the other side. These doors lead to another hallway. At the end of the hall is a door with a bright shiny lock panel on it. Jake is certain that is the door he has the key for.

    As we enter the hallway, there is a loud noise behind us. We all turn around in time to see some kind of monster emerging from the wall. The wall itself seems to of come to life and it is now met a more for sizing into a strange creature. That’s strange creature looks a bit like an evil clown. There is an elf still on its forehead that seems to be actually dancing now. MoSh tells Jake to focus on getting through that door, we can keep the monster back. I wonder if he knows who I am? Apparently he seems to. The monster is now itself across the room on one huge malformed arm. MoSh has a pair guns look like Roland’s from the Dark Tower. I check my possessions and find out I have a sword. I hear Jake drop a curse and turned to look. Jake is now on the floor peering through a crack. I am about to ask what happened, but MoSh and I get distracted right away. The monster is throwing things at us. It is throwing debris in our direction. MoShs guns are firing small explosive rounds. Those are able to knock the flying junk right out of the air.

    A second arm is coming out of the floor right next to me. I turn the sword on it and all of the fingers off. I hazard to look back and I see that Jake talking on one of the boards in the floor then he suddenly stops and switches to the one next to it that Bork comes up easily. Jay reaches through and grabs. Apparently he dropped it. Now that he has the key again, Jake is down the hall and shoves the key into the lock on the door. The door swings open, and on the other side of the door there is only solid ground. MoSh tells me to look out, and I realized I cut hand has reformed and is reaching for me again. I use my sword and once again off all the fingers. I think that is pissing the thing off. I glance back down the hall and I see that the door is open now. Roland is coming through, though he briefly pauses when he sees MoSh and me. He motions to us to come and stay low. Both MoSh and I head down the hall, ducking low. Roland says to let it go now, and it looks like he throws something big and invisible down the hall. I feel the wind it passing over my head and it crashes directly into the monster coming into the hall behind us. Roland helps Jake climb through / up out of the door, then he looks at me but I just levitate through the door. MoSh is close behind me.

    Once we are all out the door slams shut behind us. The door was in the ground, which explains the confusion of direction as I came through. One minute I was floating forward and then I was hovering over the ground at a weird angle… It is also raining quite hard and the entire area is covered in mud. I see there is a circle of stones standing around us that looks like a smaller version of Stonehenge. The door we just came through dissolves into a drawing in the mud which washes out in the rain. But Jake has been brought through safely. Roland looks at MoSh and then at me. He says he hadn’t been expecting Jake to have a friend there… I am thinking of telling him who I am but before I can I see everything getting weird, like a scene in Assassin’s Creed. The scene falls apart and then reforms into the house I had been in with Gendry. Gendry comes through a door and asks where I disappeared to. I tell him I was looking through the house. Gendry says the horse riders have passed by and not noticed any of us, even that idiot Hot Pie perched in his tree. I follow Gendry back outside and then I wake up.
    lucid , non-lucid