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    1. Nada

      by , 07-10-2014 at 01:34 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      July 09, 2014

      No dreams last night D:

      I woke up with a completely blank memory of the night. That doesn't usually happen to me (aside from very occationally when I drink way too much and don't even remember getting in bed, ehehe). I almost always remember dreams right as I wake up, and if, that day, I say "I don't remember any dreams from last night," it usually means that I simply forgot to write them down when I woke up, and didn't think about them enough to remember them as the day wore on.

      But this morning, I specifically remember feeling very, very out of it, because I woke up not remembering anything. I also had my hair-tie on the wrong wrist. Which really worried me, actually. It's usually so routine and automatic that, when I let my hair down, the tie goes on my right wrist. I've never put it on my left wrist before.

      I also could have SWORN my DS was on my bed when I fell asleep, but I found it in the living room this morning... Maybe I was just so sleepy when I brought it out here that I don't remember doing it.
    2. Nutn

      by , 07-10-2014 at 01:16 AM (Lucid Time!)
      I had a fairly long nonlucid dream ready to go but it faded not long after waking up. Just checking in.
      side notes
    3. 3 Short Dreams (10.7.14)

      by , 07-10-2014 at 12:44 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1
      Recorded at 5:30 - 6am

      Im watching a fight between Marcus Brimage and Connor McGregor. Connor wins the fight and Renzo Gracie who is in Connors corner, puts Marcus on his shoulders to celebrate a good fight between the two. Marcus looks different and is now white skinned and struggles to keep his balance.

      We arrive at a house and we are all still together and Marcus is still on Renzo's shoulders.

      Dream 2

      Im walking inside my home towns main shopping centre by myself. I see someone I know in the distance and try say hi and leave it at that. I shake his hand and decide to have a chat instead. I mention about trying to find Daryl.

      Dream 3
      Recorded at 8:45am

      Im with Kayley and her Mum. I notice that one of us has left the door open and probably let the cat outside. We're worried because we're in a new house and the cats haven't been out side since we've moved house. To make matters worse, it was night time and trying to find her would be trouble.

      In the middle of the shed there's a storage closet. I check inside and see that the cat is laying in there. I accidentally leave the garage door open and the cat runs out the front. I'm worried she is going to run away but she comes to a halt across the road. I somehow get her back inside the garage.

      Kayley walks into the garage and I tell Kayley about the situation. She said that the neighbour saw the cat on her lawn moment ago. I told her that the cat was inside the whole time and i had let her out accidentally shortly after finding her.
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