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    1. Hockey Hill

      by , 09-06-2024 at 06:35 PM
      Hockey Hill
      Nephew and I occupy some fresh new space. It seems slung onto the side of a victorian frame. Deliveries, non stop, of hockey flyers, tickets, equipment. They become a hill of unwanted hockey slop. Who do the deliverers think lives here?

      Old Friend
      A familiar old field. A very old friend. Walk. Talk. Laugh. Here lies an ease, like the comfortable chorus of some distant childhood hymn. We are grateful, in these golden hours, for reunification. But a familiar storm surges and screams us apart. "See you next lifetime?" inquires old friend. Hands clasp. Shake. Our paths surge apart once again.

      Return to the corner store in which I first worked. Wrapped in a miserable maze of aisles and piles of unpriced produce. One cash register is replaced by three small tablets. Numbers bewilder both the tablets and my tangled mind. Malfunctions all around. Strive to serve the same two customers for two hours straight. They patiently wait. I loath this place.

      Updated 09-06-2024 at 06:51 PM by 101265
