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    1. What?

      by , 08-26-2024 at 11:51 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Nothing too crazy lately. Jamie's voice seems great, especially early mornings when I wake up and fall back asleep a few times.

      Can't remember every dream.


      Some woman by a playground kept talking to me. She was kind of annoying but she kept saying I was going to have a daughter someday. I was protesting a bit saying that the only person I could ever have a child with seems to have a serious problem with talking to me in person. The woman kept insisting and started sounding convincing.

      Jamie 1

      I'm walking down a street. Jamie is kind of Chibi but not animated, she's walking behind me with a Large Bible open.

      My comments on that: I've no idea if what my dreams are telling me is the truth. If Jamie is a new believer, and if she has long term intentions with me, my advice is to wait before joining a church. I have a lot of problems with modern Churches. Some can cause extra trauma. Or many are hypocrites. Some denominations are cults like: Latter day Saints, seventh day Adventists, and Jehovah's witnesses. Just study on your own and wait until we are together and then we'll figure it out on our own terms.


      I was with my dog and saw a giant Cat approach him. The cat tried to attack my dog but he threw the cat off him when the cat lunged at him.

      Jamie 2

      Dreamed Jamie was at a park. The same woman from my other dream. She kept convincing Jamie that she was going to have a daughter. She brought Jamie to a swing set where a girl not much older than a toddler was sitting on the swing. The woman told Jamie that this will be her daughter. Jamie looked amazed at the girl. There was a weird song playing. Strange.

      I'm very wary of any person in a dream that gives prophecy. Speaking from experience, they rarely come true. The lady never identified herself in dreams. Hearing a song could be a song spell. I'm going to see if Raven can help me look into this....
      Tags: cat, jamie, park
      non-lucid , side notes
    2. Lucid: Winter Wander

      by , 08-26-2024 at 05:45 PM
      No dreams remembered on the morning of the 25th.
      This morning, the 26th

      LUCID: Winter Wander

      Sunbathers scattered across summery sands. Lake, shimmering cliffs and vales of ice. Sprays of mist spew upward from the sheen. Refracted sunlight shifts into ghosts of geometric shapes. No phone. No camera. It is uncaptured.

      Scale rugged ways. Up here the world is chill. Run the ridge of a deep plowed trail. Far below, specks of children play away the day. Thin ice sheet reaches opposite ridge. Run back and forth. Each step a crackle. Scolded. Retreat to ridge. Run with the wild ire of a foal set free.

      Waterfall roars right. To behold it, people stream down iced cliffs. Friend follows their current. I refuse. Run my ridge and reach an uncle's home. His house overflows with children. Help him herd them until the sky grows bruised.

      Where is my cliff crossing friend? Lost? Fallen? Fractured? Dead? Fear. Cousin accompanies into snow and shadow. Dunes stand deep. Slog and seek. Fear spirals. Spirals. Spirals. Peaks. Not even dancing moonbow magic shifts the sorrow. "It's okay. The aliens got him. He's alive out there, somewhere," Cousin reassures. Aliens? Fear? Sorrow?

      A stealthy finger through palm. "OH! We're dreaming." Declaration unacknowledged. Cousin is gone. All are gone. Wander on. Search for other dream-swept souls.
    3. The Falls

      by , 08-26-2024 at 05:36 PM
      Non lucid dreams from August 24th

      The Falls
      Speed a desert highway. Road switches to stream. Nearly drive off a dead-end, a waterfall roaring down into a misty eternity. In the shallows laughs little cousin. Brother, despising any hints of happiness, shoves her. Both fumble to the edge. Cousin dodges. Brother slips. He slides and grips for dear life. All souls see. Not one soul shifts to save him. Mother's sings wasted threats.

      Round Room
      Round rooms sweeten whispers. I dare not speak. Sneak through throngs of artists, poets, and players. Spiral through a sea of bold, bright vitality. Don't want to contaminate them with the dim shallows of my soul. I am found. Cheered to sing until my song silvers with molten full moon grace. This IS my place.
    4. Johann

      by , 08-26-2024 at 01:04 AM
      Man do I miss Dreamviews... warmest greetings to everyone here, old and new! I recently had this high-level LD which featured my good friend, dreaming partner, and virtuoso LDer Dreamer and I was inspired by her recent DJ entry to post one myself!

      This dream took place on August 3rd, 2024.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #3??: Johann (August 3rd, 2024)

      I’m walking through a tunnel underground, and it reminds me of a dream I had earlier where I bumped into a guy, a black man, late 40s dressed in a suit. I see him up ahead and wonder whether my other dream was a premonition! I feel a rush of excitement.

      But then as I’m walking toward him, someone else bumps into him, some other guy in a suit. The man apologizes and they begin conversing. I wander away, feeling a little confused. Was I supposed to be a part of that? I walk up a ramp toward a rickety old elevator, and a young guy signals me from inside. “Hey,” he says, “I think I can help you!”

      I join him in the elevator. He’s a fair skinned guy of about 20 with chin length blond hair. He says his name is Johann, that he’s friends with Dreamer, and can help me figure out what’s going on. He tells me he knows that I’m confused and can help me get it sorted out.

      The elevator takes us into a vast, circular stone chamber, elegantly decorated but dusty and abandoned. A spiral staircase wraps all the way around the sides of this chamber, twisting up to a shaft of light above.

      I start slowly making my way up this staircase but Johann races ahead, sprinting on the wall itself at incredible speeds! I shout something like Good Lord! in disbelief. He pauses about halfway up and looks down at me. I tell him that I’d want to do that in a lucid dream and explain that I’ll be working on a lucid later on when I go to sleep. The thought of lucid dreaming prompts me to reality check, so I nose pinch and breathe right through! This seems crazy so I do it again,
      and now I am LUCID!

      I take off after Johann, trying to wall run, and I am just ok at it, more bouncing along the side like a balloon than moving like parkour, but even amateurish lucid wall running is still lucid wall running! I then start cheating and just run straight up the wall. Johann still beats me by a mile though.

      I emerge in a supermarket, and Dreamer is here! (Johann is gone.) We greet one another with a long, full hug, and afterward I tell her that this dream feels different, really stable, and that I think we have tons of time. So let’s explore the supermarket and try to figure out where we are!

      At first we talk about whether it’s the supermarket from when she and AnotherDreamer visited but we quickly spot lots of differences, so no, this one’s just ours. It’s very long, almost seems too long to walk, and it’s divided into an area with aisles and another area with hand-placed shelves featuring non-grocery goods like antiques. As we’re walking past one display, some part of my dream body catches on a shelf and pulls it down, smashing pottery and making a huge racket. I feel quite lucid and unconcerned about this causing any real harm but do feel a little clumsy.

      We keep wandering aisles and so much of it is canned goods like meaty dog food, things that will be extremely unappealing as a treat or to offer as a snack! Ah good, now we’re in the chocolate aisle! I grab a pack of Reese’s peanut butter cups for myself when I see it, wonder whether
      Dreamer likes these. Are they vegan? I can’t remember! Can’t seem to read the label very well. Ah, here is Hershey’s special dark. I’ll bet these are vegan and I know they’re great! I offer her a pack and she says thanks but she doesn’t like dark chocolate. I am skeptical that this matches waking life but no worries, doesn’t matter!

      Dreamer says that we should go outside to our ride. Out the automatic doors onto a seaside street, the morning misty and cool. There’s a streetcar waiting here and we hop aboard. I talk with Dreamer about the dream so far and about Johann, ask her whether she remembers anyone like that. She says there’s one guy with a fuzzy beard who is maybe a little like that but that he is not very adventurous and quite unfit.

      We talk about the dream itself, about REM, about how long this could go on. I speculate that there might be a 2 hour maximum for a period of REM. Talk about how locked in I feel. The dream is extremely realistic -- I even feel the nervousness of making sure that I'm being interesting and not obsessing about boring subjects to
      Dreamer! There’s even just a tiny bit of detectable anxiousness in her as well, just the slightest amount, like a waking life interaction, something usually absent from dreams.

      She says that the next part up ahead is going to feel dangerous but that we’re perfectly safe. That there’s something that has to be done. A young Corbin Bernsen climbs a short ladder and mounts up on some sort of ballista behind a shield. The streetcar trundles past a hulking old wooden factory labeled The Dog Factory. Corbin Bernsen fires the ballista, spraying the Dog Factory with a scattershot of bolts that collapses the roof! How does this weapon even work?

      I assume that this place was doing something terrible like making dogs into food, and don’t worry about it too much. I also assume it was empty. I can sense a dream plot building up, and as the street car pulls into a dusty, abandoned building with a small group of likable paramilitary rebels out of central casting, I see it continuing here. Everyone looks cool and relatable, clean, relatively young, more like a Hollywood version of scrappy rebels.

      Dreamer has vanished now. As I converse with these rebels I learn that they all consider her to be not the leader but an important senior figure. I talk about how this is all part of a lucid dream that I’m having and that I can teach them lucid powers to help with their cause. I try to teach them parkour and get caught up gushing about how much better Johann is than I am! I show them how to float upward, claiming to be really good at this, but then can’t stop, and float high into some kind of bell tower!

      Jon Lovitz is here and I tell him about lucid dreaming as well. I prepare a little demonstration where I will ask him what he had for breakfast and then make him say “waffles”. But instead, even though I will him to say waffles, instead he says “lunch!” I laugh, tell him this is a great Jon Lovitz reply and that he’s a funny guy. He tells me that he is always happy to help the cause. I move to float away and explore more
      as the dream ends.

      Updated 08-26-2024 at 03:50 AM by 57387

      lucid , memorable